Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Ah will post later have a very poorly boy with sickness and the runs, pampers are great but not even begining to hold back these poonami's.

Lots of love, hope you all have a good day xxx
L-C - oh no hope he is feeling alot better soon.

I am in shock period is late and just tested BFP - I really dont know what to think. Everyone is going to kill me we arent supposed to TTC until after the wedding and so many other things ... oh no I am just an emotional wreck.
Oh my goodness HandF!! Congratulations! How many weeks do you think you are? What did Dave say?

L-C I hope Will is feeling better soon! It sounds a bit like what Oliver had, does he have a fever too?
Sarah - Dave is out at work, have tried ringing him but no answer. Am probably only 5 ish weeks, I cant stop crying I think my head is really messed up - everyone has said no matter what happens dont get pregnant before the wedding. So sorry for this girls I just dont know who to turn to. Right Amy is asleep so I am going for a nice soak in the bath.
Wow H&F that's a shocker, congratulations!!

Sarah no fever, just lots of poo x
L-C that's good that he doesn't have a fever :hugs: good luck with the poops :haha:

HandF take no notice of what everyone says about not getting pregnant before the wedding - you would be amazed at how many weddings I've organised where the bride gets pregnant while we're planning and it really isn't a bad thing - in fact it requires very few changes and honestly isn't anything to worry about! What time is Dave home from work? Just don't worry, things will work out! :hugs:
H&F - Congratulations, and don't panic, everything will be fine! :hugs: What everyone else has said is true, its less complicated than you think :hugs:

L-C - :hugs: Poor poorly baby :( And poor you, Roh had a tummy bug thing, and it was just a nightmare :sick: Not so helpful that i had it at the same time, life was just gross for a few days!

We've been to the zoo today :) Roh screamed all the way there and all the way home, but had a lovely time when we were actually there :rolleyes: He especially loved the aquarium area, and was either trying to grab the fish, or waving at them :haha:
OH showed me this last night, i couldn't resist sharing....its adorable :haha:
h&f - congrats!!! 2 of my close friends got married whilst pregnant. dont think of what others say its what you want that matters!!! your 2 will be a few months closer together than dylan and erin. they grow up really close. of course they fight but they love each other dearly & always think of each other. i cant even buy a chocolate for one of them without them wanting to get one for the other one :cloud9:

lc - hope will is better soon :hugs:

emera - i love the zoo! i'm a big kid at heart :haha:

we went to the new playground and it's fab with different age appropriate sections. there are still sea views but there is a section of rocks which prevent you getting too close to the sea. then we went shopping and came home and i made chicken stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon with roast potatoes and tomatoes and then chilled out watching tangled and eating m&ms :blush: now kids are in bath and am supervising whilst writing from my phone - multitasking :thumbup:
H&F how did you get on with Dave, I firmly believe things happen for the right reasons, it'll be fine!!

Emera the zoo sounds great, we are going for our first, 1st Birthday party in a couple of weeks, I can't wait. That video is so cute, although when the baby is frightened it's feels odd. I'm ashamed to say I have a similar video, where my feet almost caused Will to fall over backwards, he jumped so much in fright when I wiggled my toes. Strange boy x

Maybe your dinner sounds lush, I'm jealous, we are having jacket potatoes :-(

We will is in bed, he hada big red cheek from teething, is shattered as he has not slept this afternoon and we have had the biggest poonami here this afternoon. It's so smelly and seems to seep through everything. I have done all his washing and ironing up until this morning so I am ready to go through another mountain of clean things tonight.

There have been climpses of his normal self today but he has been very clingy with me, which in some ways is lovely but he'll crawl over crying and then have about a milli second cuddle, get down and then so the same, he just doesn't know what he wants.

He has learnt how to turmn on the tap in the bath and thinks it's hysterical, it's very cute, but he ends up with a really deep slippery bath, he did some underwater swimming tonight, which he was not very impressed with!
L-C - Hope Will is feeling better soon :hugs:, i had to actually throw a few babygrows away from when Roh was ill, nothing i tried got the stains out :wacko: Very cute about Will turning on the taps, i seriously hope Roh doesn't work that one out anytime soon! Roh has been soooo clingy with me too, i think its mostly teething, and then he's been sneezing for the last 2 days, it doesn't bode well, pretty sure there is a cold coming on. Boooo!

Oh, and i know what you mean about the video, but, when you think, his mum is only blowing her nose, its such a fantastic reaction! Roh tends to laugh the hardest when something scares him first, i made him jump dropping a hardback book on the floor the other day (it made quite a noise on the wooden floor) and then he giggled, and started pointing at the book, which usually means do it again, so i did, and he looked all shocked and then giggled away. Its in our nature to like slightly scary things, otherwise rollercoasters wouldn't exist :winkwink:

Maybe - I'm quite jealous of your dinner too, it sounds delicious! I'm a bit low on food, so its the old fall back of fishfingers, oven chips and peas from the freezer. I quite like the excuse to eat easy to prepare junky food though, so hey ;)

Took me 15 minutes to find my computer mouse earlier, i couldn't understand where it was, turned out it was in the bottom of Roh's toy box :dohh: Such a little hoarder :haha:
H&F I hope Dave took the news well! :thumbup: As the others say, these things happen for a reason - you'll be fine!!

L-C I keep Oliver well away from the taps :haha: He did manage to take his jeans off today though :wacko: He was sat playing with some toys, then he was wriggling about, and the next minute he was waving his jeans above his head :haha:

Maybe I'm glad you're feeling a bit better! The playground sounds great! I'm jealous of your tea too, like Emera we need to do a food shop. We had Omlette's, we always have eggs thanks to the Mother Cluckers :haha:

I had a meeting with a bride today which went really, really well, so thats another booking :thumbup: I met her at the hotel, which was one I haven't been to before and it was just GORGEOUS! It was a really nice drive up there too, so it was fab :) Steve got up too early this morning (at the same time as Oliver and I :dohh:) and by 10am he was such a moody sod that if he hadn't gone back to bed, Oliver and I were going to go out without him. He is utterly horrible when he's tired. If he was like that all the time I would absolutely seriously not be with him - he's just evil and so nasty :nope: He had a few hours and then he was fine :dohh:
Hi everyone :wave:

I have had two small glasses of wine and feel pretty drunk :rofl:

Sorry I have been rubbish again I am going to read back over the past few pages and catch up with you all.
Hi everyone :wave:

I have had two small glasses of wine and feel pretty drunk :rofl:

Sorry I have been rubbish again I am going to read back over the past few pages and catch up with you all.

:haha: I have to say I'm exactly the same these days :blush: A complete lightweight :haha:
Hey all -

Dave took the news well but after what happened a few months ago with the m/c we are being very cautious. Hope everyone is ok, we have been out all day I am shattered and feel like I have really hurt my shoulder so am off to bed.

Catch up soon, x
h&f - glad dave was ok about the news. hopefully things will be ok with your little bean this time. i understand being cautious though. i was 6 months pregnant with dylan before i dared to buy anything as i had 2 mc before getting pregnant with him!

muddles - glad you enjoyed your tipple :)

emera - bless roh learning how to turn on the tap! owen keeps trying to grab it but i dont put his bath seat near enough :rofl:

lc - how is will?

sarah - :grr: for men and foul moods! i should be super nasty with the lack of sleep i get. last night was abismal (sp?) i really need to sort it out :dohh:

amy - are you ok hun? hows the interview prep going?

this week is a busy one. tomorrow is my dad's 80th bday. on thursday i have to go to see the head of the school i want to apply to, then i have dylan's open day and after that i have to take erin to a party. on friday i have my friend's surprise baby shower (i had 3 babies and never had one!!!) this is her second baby due 15may. apart from that have a mountain of housework and also bits and bobs to do in town. phew! tired already!!! :rofl: catch you all later :hugs:

Well I was up a lot in the night but no poonamis.........until this morning, he was hungry and ate loads of dry cherios and then another one. Had to bath him, it went everywhere poor thing!

H&F glad Dave took it well xxxx

Muddles, that sounds like fun! hope you had a good evening.

Sarah, yay to another client and boo to moody husbands x

Maybe sorry you had another shite night, hope your busy week goes smoothly.


L-C I really hope those nappies improve for you soon! :sick:

Maybe Are you hoping to start sleep training soon? I don't know how you function on soooo little sleep!!!! :coffee:

H&F Great news that Dave took it so well! Take care of yourself and try to put you feet up when you can!

We're off to B&Q again shortly to order everything we need to do the garden . . . . we've finally agreed on a design etc so now 'we' (ie Steve :haha:) just need to get everything and do it! Hopefully he'll be able to get quite a bit done this week, I can't wait for it to be finished!!

I hope you all have a good day! x
Sarah - Enjoy B&Q! OH has been telling me he's going to do the garden for about 4 years now :dohh: I bought him some gardening gloves for his birthday, so lets hope he takes the hint :haha: I really want to be able to use the garden this summer!

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