L-C - Hope Will is feeling better soon

, i had to actually throw a few babygrows away from when Roh was ill, nothing i tried got the stains out

Very cute about Will turning on the taps, i seriously hope Roh doesn't work that one out anytime soon! Roh has been soooo clingy with me too, i think its mostly teething, and then he's been sneezing for the last 2 days, it doesn't bode well, pretty sure there is a cold coming on. Boooo!
Oh, and i know what you mean about the video, but, when you think, his mum is only blowing her nose, its such a fantastic reaction! Roh tends to laugh the hardest when something scares him first, i made him jump dropping a hardback book on the floor the other day (it made quite a noise on the wooden floor) and then he giggled, and started pointing at the book, which usually means do it again, so i did, and he looked all shocked and then giggled away. Its in our nature to like slightly scary things, otherwise rollercoasters wouldn't exist
Maybe - I'm quite jealous of your dinner too, it sounds delicious! I'm a bit low on food, so its the old fall back of fishfingers, oven chips and peas from the freezer. I quite like the excuse to eat easy to prepare junky food though, so hey
Took me 15 minutes to find my computer mouse earlier, i couldn't understand where it was, turned out it was in the bottom of Roh's toy box

Such a little hoarder