oh my gosh
H&F I cant believe Dave said such a cruel thing. i think its lovely you are pregnant again and i really hope this one sticks for you. I got lots of implantation cramps at 5 weeks so hopfully its that. I think you are doing the right thing taking a breather from him but do make sure he gets out if this is how he is going to behave. None of my children were planned and kerry reacted very badly each time

they dont realise how much the things they say stick with you. I know he is shocked and worried but he should be supporting you, as someone else said it takes two to make a baby and i know you didnt want to TTC until after the wedding. Huge hugs

I'll be thinking of you.
LC poor poopy will, hope thats the last of it
oh dear I am really sorry I have forgotten everything else I was going to say

I love how the babies are all getting really cheeky, I love this age. Alex is into putting things in odd places too, he's put so many of my things through the gaps in the bed onto the floor
I did an impulse shop and bought the first suit I saw in Next - tried it on, felt really uncomfortable and looked like a tw@t but couldnt face trying on anymore so I bought it. I havent really done any interview prep. Kerry and are i not getting on at all either

I can safely say he was an ABSOLUTE W@NKER this morning - just typing that i feel refreshed.
Emily has been dumped by her boyfriend and is heartbroken. He ran up to her this morning when she was with her friends and shouted Emily you are dumped in front of everyone. he then emailed her to say he might change his mind if she begged him!!

!!!! what a little bugger!!
