Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

my hv has been 3 times since i had harrison and she is coming again on thursday but with sophie (i lived somewhere else) the HV came 2 times to the house then after that it was all at the dr surgery.
MaybeBaby it sounds like you have everything very in control!! Have things with your OH been going well?

CG I'm glad its not only me who can't always remember how many night feeds I've done! Quite a few times in the morning I really can't remember what times I've woken up etc, but if I'm not tired I know its been a good night :)

Jolou I'm so pleased things went well for you today :) I've just started using the cold water steraliser too and its going well so far! Oliver has the odd bottle but its also really handy for my expressing stuff etc, its much quicker than messing about with the microwave.

My HV came out to see me once, and gave me four / five appointments for weighing and immunisations, and thats it. I can call them if I need them I guess. We don't have a drop in well baby clinic which is a shame, you have to have an appointment.

Today has been a good day here! We went down to see my mum at work as planned, Oliver slept all the way there (an hours drive or so). I knew mum wanted to show him off - hes her first grandchild and she is very, very proud lol!! So I'd dressed him all nice in cute cream dungarees and a little top, he looked gorgeous! So the first office we went in (its a big medical centre) one of the ladys was holding him and he filled his nappy - typical! I took him into the baby room to change him and OMG, it was the messiest nappy ever - it was right up his back and had gone all over his cute little outfit!!! We got him all cleaned up and I had a spare vest and babygrow so we popped that on him and he continued his little tour :) Well we then went up to my parents house for lunch and he filled his nappy again - and AGAIN it was everywhere - all over his babygrow and vest! He's never done this before so I only had one change of clothes! Mum had a few things but they were all in big sizes, the only thing she had that would fit were some things which a friend had passed on for me from her baby . . . in case we had a girl!!! So poor Oliver has spent the afternoon as his alter-ego Olivia, dressed in a very cute pink vest and pink and lilac babygrow!! Steves face was a picture but it was better than the poor baby been naked :rolf:

I think the super messy nappies are probably due to my antibiotics, the Dr said it might make his poo more runny - we didnt think that was possible but it looks like it was!!

On a different note, while we had Oliver naked in the baby room I weighed him - he now weighs 10lb 11oz!!!!! He's only 5 1/2 weeks old and was only 6lb 8oz when he was born!!!!! Chunky little monkey :)
Thats a fab weight for oliver I just laughed out loud at the outfit dilemia so funny...H has worn his sisters old sleepsuits and they had pink bunnies on but I put it on for sentimental reasons I am so sad ha ha
Hey Ladies! I haven't been on in a while.....

I am beginning to get fusterated! My LO ALWAYS wants to be in my arms! He will fall asleep in my arms during the day and when I go to put him down he wakes up crying within 5 minutes, I will pick him up and he will go back to sleep, I will put him down he will wake up...OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! I can't get anything done :( He is still sleeping only 2-3 hours at a time at night. And now that he is going to be 6 weeks all he wants to do is EAT EAT EAT! Is his eating normal he is eating between 4-6oz every two hours or 2 oz every hour in a half.....its been 6 years since I've had a baby so I am not sure if this is normal.
On a happier note, I got weighed the other day and I am 7 pounds lighter than before I got pregnant! I gained 15 pounds when I was pregnant and I lost 22 pounds after the baby!!!

Dylan gained 3 pounds 3 oz his first month.
Phew, Ive just caught up properly on pages and pages :)

gorgeous pics of all the babies, I still cant get photos to upload :(

Jolou - hope you're feeling better, glad Harrison's testicle dropped :thumbup:

Katie - hope Daisy's appt went ok :hugs:

Sarah - I thought Oliver looked big, see you are a great bfeeder! :thumbup: I cant wait to have Alex weighed again - I dont see my HV till July :( I've only seen her once too. As for the explosive nappies, Alex did that in the night - all up the back, what a mess :dohh: I'm sure Oliver looked bootiful in pink and lilac :haha:

babyhope - Dylan sounds like Alex. He'll tolerate having a kick on his playmat for about 10 mins but then cries until I pick him up and he seems to want to feed all day when he's awake. I bought a baby carrier today but its miles too big for him, my back is killing from carrying him all day.

Well after wasting £10 on a photo booth I finally got Alex's passport pics done at a photographers today. It was a complete fiasco trying to do it myself xx
Just a quick one from me, I'll read today's posts in the morning when I get on!
Daisy's appointment was ok- could have been better. She's essentially got 3 kidneys, as the duplex ureters mean that the right kidney has formed, and functions, as two seperate parts. Unfortunately the top half hasn't formed properly and is smaller and less developed than you'd expect. Because of that, there's a good chance it's refluxing, or causing other problems like constantly leaking urine, which is something I suspect because she's always wet, and when I change her I often wonder if she's leaking a little bit. If that is the case, she'll need the top part remover. If not, there's a good chance she'll need an operation to reposition the ureters on her bladder.
We're going back in 6 or so weeks for more scans and to arrange gamma testing and a dye test. If she was bigger they'd do it straight away, but the consultant said they really want her out of the newborn stage before they put her through anything like that. I think this is going to be very long and drawn out! My poor baby, I wish I could have it all for her!
Right, I've forgotten everything I just read :blush:
Lots of sympathy to the ladies suffering with babies who don't like sleep :hugs: touch wood, Daisy has been ok tonight, hoping she goes back down after this feed- she's started squeaking in her sleep but waiting until she actually wakes up rather than waking her!
Jo I'm glad everything went okay with Harrison :wohoo:
There was def more I wanted to say but I can't remember it!
Is Daisy still the biggest? :dohh: I don't think she realises it's not quite normal to grow at this rate :lol:
I wonder how h&f and Amy are getting on!
:rofl: at Oliver becoming Olivia for the afternoon! That's so funny :lol:
Morning All! Hope you all had a good night :)

Babyhope well done loosing all that weight - lucky you!! I still have about half a stone to go . . . . I got my pre-preg jeans out the other day and they look tiny, I doubt I'll ever be a size 8 again :cry: I would normally just go on a diet but with breastfeeding I don't think I can, I think I'll just eat super healthy and see how that goes - I am eating way too many sweeties at the moment!!! I hope to be able to get to the gym again soon too. How is everyone else doing with their weight?

On the subject of Dylan wanting to be held all the time, Oliver is a bit like this but he is getting much better. I have a sling for when he wont settle and I need to do stuff - its a god send and I would 100% recommend it! Oliver will sleep for ages in his sling and sleeps through me hoovering and everything! He does nap on his own too but he sleeps for longer in my arms, and I have to make sure he's very asleep before I put him down. I cant help with the milk Q I'm afraid, I have no idea about formula amounts!

Well Oliver was a very good boy last night :) We have co-slept since he was born, we never planned to but it just worked out best for us and when I had made sure it was safe I felt so much better having him close. For the past few weeks though he's been taking up more room and I was wondering how I would ever get him to have an earlier bedtime, without me. He still hates his moses basket and the cot we bought is a cotbed and its massive! Anyway, I was telling my mum and she ended up confessing that she had bought a cot for when Oliver was at their house, its a normal cot size so we have borrowed it :) We took the side off so its like a co-sleeping cot now, right at the side of our bed, it looks so cute!! I took Oliver to sleep just after 10pm and he slept until 2.45am! Yay! I had such a lovely sleep too, ahhhh it was fab, and Steve and I could have a cuddle (thats all though - Steves not that lucky!!!). Oliver took a bit longer to settle than normal after he had woken up and been fed, but I really expected that. He doesn't cry, he just makes lots of noise and wriggles about. I admit I did get him into our bed at 5am and we had a cuddle for an hour, but its great!! Its like he's in his own little cot but also co-sleeping, lovely :happydance: The best of both worlds. I think tonight I'll try him in a growbag and see if he likes it . . . hes always kicking his blanket off!

I really should have taken a photo of Oliver in his girlie babygrown, that would have been a great one for when he's older :) He did look cute though. Its a lovely sleepsuit too, I'd put him in it again but I think Steve would have something to say lol! The vest said on it 'beautiful baby girl' so I think we'll give that a miss :haha:

RIght, well Oliver is fast sleep in my arms now so I'm going to TRY to put him down and go and get some breakfast!!

Oh, and Katie, big hugs to you and Daisy :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I can't imagine what it must be like to be in your situation, but stay positive - shes in great hands, and getting so much love from her mummy - and everyone else - will make it so much easier for her. Long term should she be okay?

katie - i'm sorry that daisy will prob need an op but i guess it's for the best :hugs: my friend's baby had open heart surgery at just a few days old and is now 2 months old and you wouldnt be able to tell he'd gone through that. babies are so resilient!

sarah - explosive poos! lol! i have had a few of them!!! owen didnt poo yesterday so am expecting one today! typical as we're going out. have at least 2 spare outfits in the bag! just in case! oh and things with OH are better at the moment, thanks for asking. i only pray that they stay this way.

taking owen to the baby clinic to be weighed tomorrow. am excited to see how much he's put on, quite a lot i reckon as he's outgrowing even his 0-3 sleepsuits at the moment as he seems to be so long! after that he only gets weighed when he has his vaccines i think. with dylan and erin you could take them every week if you wanted, which was good. i have my postnatal check at 8wks and owen sees the pediatrician at 8wks too.

am meeting my friend for lunch today and we are meeting one of the girls from b&b for the 1st time as she has recently moved to gib with her gibraltarian husband to bring up her daughter here.
Long term, Daisy will be okay, as long as she's careful with drinking and stuff when she's older :dohh: and even after they've 'fixed' her kidney in whatever way is the best, she'll still be more prone to kidney infections which is what causes kidney damage.
Sarah, I'd love to co sleep but Vinny smokes so it's a no! I have her with me when he's not here though :lol:
maybebaby, I don't think Daisy will be long in 0-3 either, she seems to be growing at super speed. It's strange, I'm only 5'5" and all the women in Vinnys family are 5'2" or less, same on my Dad's side, and everyone except my Mum and my sister really! My mum's 5'11 and my sister is 5'9, suspect Daisy might take after them!
Oh and the weight thing- I'm SO far off what I was pre pregnancy. I don't weigh myself, but clothes wise, I think I'm about a 12, I used to be an 8 :( I'm cutting down for a couple of weeks, then doing celebrity slim for 2-3 weeks, then going onto slimming world! Although I don't know why I'm bothering, with the stretchmarks on my legs I'm never going to be able to wear nice clothes again :lol:
it's good news that daisy will be ok long term!

i hate the sight of my belly, with 3 kids brought into the world i dont think it will ever be the same. as for my boobs, after this round of bf i dont think that they'll be very nice either! i have no stretchmarks on my bellt but it is flabby. i have never been a size 8 tho! a size 12 will do me fine, but a 10 even better. i weighed 67.7kg yesterday. i was 63.5kg before getting pregnant but i was a bit 2 fat 4 my liking then. i want 2 get back down 2 58-59kg but it's going 2 b a struggle. i cant diet as am bf but i should be eating more healthily as now i'm just shovelling rubbish in me all the time! my aim is 2 look decent in a bikini by next summer, there's no way that will happen this summer so have just resigned myself to the fact and bought a tankini instead!
Haha, I doubt I'll ever wear a bikini again, it seems a downside of having a baby at 20 is the stretchmarks! I really think that you're more likely to get them if you're younger iykwim? :lol:
btw, I meant to say, have a lovely day today :kiss: I'd love to get out somewhere but top nervous to go on my own and noone to play with cos they're all in work or in bed hungover :lol:
aww! it seems daunting at 1st going out on your own but once u do it once u will find it's not so bad! go somewhere close by at 1st or just 4 a walk!

i think owen is tryin 2 eat and poo at same time! lol! am typing this one handed with my left hand and its taking ages!!!

how r things with vinny?
Morning ladies!

I feel like I am struggling to get on here at the mo :(

Chloe has had a virus and has been really under the weather with it. The GP advised me to bf on demand because the virus was likely to make her thirsty and I feel like I have been constantly feeding her for the last few days :wacko: Her sleep has been disturbed too so I feel like a zombie at the mo!

On the plus side, she is now on the mend so hopefully my boobs can have a rest!!

Katie... sorry to hear about Daisy but it sounds as if she is getting the best medical care :hugs:

Right, I am off to express... I am finally off to the hairdressers today for a couple of hours so I need to leave milk for Chloe!!! :)
morning all!

me is feeling very :( today , silly hormones

how is everyone??

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