Maybe - Poor Erin with the chicken pox

its so horrible, i had it pretty young, but i remember what its like. Hope Owen is ok, do you think he could be coming down with it too?

Oh, and i'm not using a kit i'm just charting, as although my cycle can be seriously irregular, at the moment it seems to be pretty standard, from 23-28 days, so we are just having lots of

at around the appropriate times

I'm hoping that will be enough, but if not i'll start testing, its just kind of expensive.
Modo - Bobby's man bits could just be a different colour with the last of the soreness from the nappy rash? Things to look out for are swelling and discomfort, i'm sure its not serious, but i guess if it gets worse check with the doctor
L-C - Last time Roh had d&v it took about 10 days for his poo to get totally back to normal.
Amy -Sounds like you are really enjoying the sun

So are we, i've been taking Roh to the park everyday, and yesterday i had a day off with OH for the first time this month, so we made a picnic and went to the park, it was sooo lovely

Roh is getting very muddy knees every day though! OH gave him a shoulder ride to and from the park, as he loves it up there

on the way back i commented about Roh's trousers being muddy, and OH just said "yep, like a proper little boy!" and looked all proud
Well, the

is being cruel, she's rubbing it in i swear, this is a real stinker of a period, i feel horrible! I'm soooo moody and emotional too, i don't usually get pmt this severe, its one of the things that made me think i might possibly be pregnant. Grrr

evil hormones! Explains why i've felt sooo stressed all week though. I wish it would calm down a bit though, i'm really struggling to enjoy anything, i've had a day with Roh, which i miss soo much when i'm working, but i've found myself feeling really irritable all day, and sort of waiting for bed time. So now i feel guilty too
We went to a new playgroup this morning. There is one that is literally right next door to my house, and it seemed stupid not to go and check it out. The people who run it are lovely, and were really welcoming and friendly, but the other mums, well not a single one of them even looked at me, let alone talked to me

Its a huge space though, and they have lots of toys, and a craft session for the over 2s. Its a 0-4 group, but there seemed to be predominantly 18 months to 3year olds there, and a couple of newborns. I have to say i didn't enjoy it very much, and i'm not sure Roh really did, as everytime he found something he wanted to play with, an older kid would walk over and snatch it off him. A couple of the older children were also pretty mean to him, one really nastily told him to "get off and go away", because he was holding on to the side of the rocking horse this boy was on. And another boy just came up to him, pushed him over and walked off

I know toddlers are rowdy and energetic, but if that was Roh doing that to a younger child, i would take him aside, and tell him it wasn't good behaviour. But i don't think the mums were even watching, they were all over having coffee and chatting. Ah well. Likely i'll go again, and just stick to the baby area until Roh is a bit bigger and can stick up for himself more. One of the ladies who runs it has a 10 month old, and him and Roh were all smiley and interested in eachother, so it might be worth going so they can play together, plus she is really nice
We've also rearranged our lounge and moved the computer table and all our files etc. in to the bedroom (god knows where we will put a new baby if one ever comes along, but anyway

) There is loads of space in the lounge now, its great! Roh can really spread out, and as he starts walking, he'll actually have a bit of room now

Plus its one of the first steps towards getting the house more ready for childminding, we only really have to sort the dining room out now ("only" might be underplaying it, its crammed to the ceiling pretty much

) and then its just a case of a few DIY jobs and applying for a grant for some childrens furniture, like some small chairs and tables etc. and we should be ready for our first assessment

I still don't think we will be ready for a couple of months, but its all good progress. I plan to get the garden assessed at a later date, as there is alot to do there to make it child safe, as there are some quite steep steps to get up to it, and we might even need to have them rebuilt before it would be cleared for use. Anyway, thing i'm going to stick a load of photos on facebook