Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Modo - When Roh gets a nappy rash (seems like he gets them more now OH is looking after him part of the time, hmmm...) I soak the fleece liners in his nappy in chamomile tea and then pop them in wet, very soothing. Also, in his overnight nappy, i put a wet chamomile teabag next to where the rash is worst. Doing that they've always cleared up within a couple of days, even when they've been really bad :thumbup:
Hey emera, out of interest-as I am thinking about possibly childminding, what do I need? I have an nvq3 ccyp - I know i need paediatric first aid....... I am booked on the intro session in a couple of weeks!! X
modo - i use sudocrem for nappy rash. i like emeras camomile suggestion too,never heard of that!

emera - go for the childminding :thumbup: sounds like a fab idea!
Emera: I agree with Maybe! Childminding sounds great :happydance: yes you would have to spend some money to fix up your place to make it pass the regulations but it sounds like the pros really outweigh the cons! Thank you for the camomile's tea tip :thumbup: will def try it :thumbup:

Maybe: Thanks for the advice I have been using sudocreme but I have to be super careful with it as it damages the absorbency of cloth nappies. I have to cover the nappies with a liner so the cream does come in contact with it. I have been putting loads on his butt during his nudey naps :haha:
i went to see the school that has the new music job has come out it and i liked it. there are 3 other teachers who were in the same year as me at school and i know quite well. it's a small school so the staff are quite close knit and there's a good vibe. the catchment area means that there will be behavioural issues as there are lots of social cases. i will definately apply though :thumbup:

modo - hope bobby's rash is better :hugs:

Sorry I haven't been around, been SO busy what with the garden and everything, and I was in bed for 10pm last night :haha:

HandF I hope you are okay :hugs:

Emera child minding sounds perfect! You should definitely go for it! How perfect for Roh!! Any parents with a similar parenting style (ie quite natural, cloth nappies, BLW etc) would absolutely LOVE you! if I was using a childminder I would want someone like you :hugs:

Mork Yay for you child minding too! How has the sleeping been lately?

Maybe the school sounds good! Good luck!!

Amy :kiss: Hope you are well :hugs:

FruFru I doubt you'll be on but I hope you are having a wonderful time in Scotland!! I'm so jealous!!

Everything is good here - the garden looks absolutely shocking but its at that messy ground work stage. I can't wait for it to be finished! I'm soooooo excited!!! Steve has been working really hard on it, bless him! There is stilll a LOT to do too.

Naptime hasn't gone too well today :dohh: Nap number two yesterday only lasted about ten minutes, today he slept in the car for about an hour this morning and then absolutely refused to go to sleep this afternoon! He finally had half an hour at 5pm when my mum managed to get him to sleep, so it was enough that he enjoyed his tea and was still tired out at bed time. Tomorrow we have baby signing 10-11 so I'll try for a nap when we get home and see how that goes :)
Evening all,
Modo - have you tried the lansinoh for the nappy rash? It works within 24 hours in my experience.
Maybe - the job sounds like a good challenge, fingers crossed for you.
Sarahwoo - sounds like we are in a similar boat re naps - she has been a nightmare since yesterday afternoon when she missed her 4pm nap - woke every 1.5 hours through the night and only had half hour all day today! We have a long car journey tomorrow so am hoping that will lull her off so she can catch up - shame I wont be able to as well!!!! Hope Oliverwoo gets his sleep sorted soon too!
Thanks Mork! Luckily he slept well last night and so far tonight . . . those waking every hour or so nights are AWFUL! I can only cope with one of those every now and again :haha: How Maybe does it night after night I will never know!
sarah i only manage to do it coz i cosleep! lol! and dannys on the sofa :haha: i think he's enjoying nights coz he gets to sleep in the bed when he gets in from night shift :rofl: hope nap time goes better tomorrow.

mork - fingers crossed for a better night tonight!

i am applying for an extension to my maternity leave til september :happydance: the head at the school today said if i got the job he'd prefer me to start in september anyway :thumbup:

we're on to the 3rd night waking already :dohh: also think erin has chickenpox :nope: she has a blister spot on her back. theres been 19 cases in her nursery since last week :wacko: typical as if you remember i thought dylan was getting it last week. now i bet all 3 will catch it :dohh:
Thanks mork - oo I see you are in Kent too! When do you go back to work? you're very lucky with her sleep. Alex went to sleep at 7pm and I've already been up there 4 times :( - backtrack! I read on and you had a rubbish night last night, hope tonight is better. I hope childminding works out for you too! :flower:

sarah - wow! what brilliant napping! and I love the image of steve with his little wheelbarrow :haha: I'd join your syndicate :)

Modo - great news your work have accepted your 4 day week plan. hopefully the 3 hr round trip wont be too bad once a week :hugs: glad your cat is ok xx

emera - wow thats fab you've got the childminding to fall back on! :thumbup:! sounds like a great option to me! x

maybe - wow thats fantastic you can stay off until sept and the other job sounds positive :thumbup: if it is chicken pox then at least it will be done and dusted. I was at uni when the girls got it and they couldnt go to nursery for two weeks after the first spots blistered :dohh:

H&F - thinking of you and Amy, hope you are ok xx

well the interview was a weird one. in the end I wore some Oasis black trousers I got years ago and an old shirt from poo look (new look :haha:). I felt more comfortable and it means I can take the (90 suit back. I'm so glad I did that, the interview was only 1/2 hour. It was all a bit odd and its a massive drop in salary if i get it so I'm really not sure I'd take it. I've got a return to practice nursing course lined up and i think thats the option i will end up going with. I did get a free day off work today though and it was glorious. I picked Alex up from nursery really early and we had lunch in the garden and then i set up a playmat for him and we basked in the sun. I love summer!! Bring on the sun :happydance: we also took Lyra for a walk in the sun.

tonight Kerry and I finished the first coat of paint in the dining room, he's fallen asleep on the settee. I should wake him really his tea is going cold :haha:

I'm having a real dilema, we are due to go to Lincoln today to see family. We were going to leave at Will's first nap, so hopefully he'd sleep for most of the journey.

We his poonami's haven't completely recoved and we had another seapage in the night and another lose one this morning.

For those who have had S&D is this normal, how long did it take for normal poo's to resume??

He is teething this week and on top of that has a cough and a cold, so he's not right.

I thought I would try and speak to a Dr this morning and see what they think, but that would delay us leaving and then the journey would be a nightmare, if the Dr wants to see him we would have to cancel.
L-C Oliver was about a week and a bit before his poops went normal again :hugs:

Emera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Amy it sounds like you had a lovely day in the sun!!! I can't wait for our garden (if its still a garden since it has no grass :haha:) to be finished so we can play out!!!!
LC - hope that will's poos get better. you could always line the car seat with disposable bed mats.

sarah - how's the garden going?

amy - when do you find out about the interview result?

emera - poo to :witch: hopefully next month you will get a :bfp: are you using opk?

well i think it is safe to say erin definately has chickenpox, though she's not got many spots they are blistering. could be a few weeks of this :dohh: she seems fine, which is good as i have my friend's baby shower later and really want to go to that! mil is coming to look after the kids.
I have a question ladies I have noticed that Bobby's ehem, balls (:haha:) looks redder. They are usually a beige colour and now they look more reddy/pink. Is that normal? They don't seem to hurt him.


Maybe: the school sounds great :thumbup: Good luck hon :hugs: Bobby's rash is gone now :happydance:

Sarah: Good luck with the garden! I hope Oliver naps better today :hugs:

Mork: Thanks for the suggestion! Will try it next time :)

Maybe: Yay for extending maternity leave :happydance: Sorry to hear about Erin's chickenpox :hugs:

Amy: Thanks hon :hugs: Good luck with the upcoming course. Sounds like you had a day off yesterday :happydance:

Emera: So sorry hon :hugs: I really really hope you get the bfp next month :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

LC: Good luck and I hope you get to go!
modo - i'm not sure about his balls. maybe the skin is slightly irritated but not bothering him. i'd put on a bit of sudocrem and if it's still the same on monday if you are still worried then take him to the doctors. glad the rash has gone.

poor erin has chickenpox in her lady bits :( they are bothering her the most and also she's got some on her scalp that itch her :( apart from that she has some on her body but not many. she's slightly subdued but not too bad. owen is not well, not sure what it is but he's not eating (though he is having boobie) and he's been clingy. i went to my friend's baby shower but had to leave before she opened pressies as mil called me as owen was so clingy and not letting her put him down :dohh: oh well that is the way it goes with kids i guess! i did get to have some lovely cake though :munch::munch: mmm! bang goes the diet though as i had quite a bit :blush:
Maybe - Poor Erin with the chicken pox :hugs: its so horrible, i had it pretty young, but i remember what its like. Hope Owen is ok, do you think he could be coming down with it too? :hugs: Oh, and i'm not using a kit i'm just charting, as although my cycle can be seriously irregular, at the moment it seems to be pretty standard, from 23-28 days, so we are just having lots of :sex: at around the appropriate times :blush: I'm hoping that will be enough, but if not i'll start testing, its just kind of expensive.

Modo - Bobby's man bits could just be a different colour with the last of the soreness from the nappy rash? Things to look out for are swelling and discomfort, i'm sure its not serious, but i guess if it gets worse check with the doctor :hugs:

L-C - Last time Roh had d&v it took about 10 days for his poo to get totally back to normal.

Amy -Sounds like you are really enjoying the sun :thumbup: So are we, i've been taking Roh to the park everyday, and yesterday i had a day off with OH for the first time this month, so we made a picnic and went to the park, it was sooo lovely :cloud9: Roh is getting very muddy knees every day though! OH gave him a shoulder ride to and from the park, as he loves it up there :haha: on the way back i commented about Roh's trousers being muddy, and OH just said "yep, like a proper little boy!" and looked all proud :cloud9:

Well, the :witch: is being cruel, she's rubbing it in i swear, this is a real stinker of a period, i feel horrible! I'm soooo moody and emotional too, i don't usually get pmt this severe, its one of the things that made me think i might possibly be pregnant. Grrr :growlmad: evil hormones! Explains why i've felt sooo stressed all week though. I wish it would calm down a bit though, i'm really struggling to enjoy anything, i've had a day with Roh, which i miss soo much when i'm working, but i've found myself feeling really irritable all day, and sort of waiting for bed time. So now i feel guilty too :(

We went to a new playgroup this morning. There is one that is literally right next door to my house, and it seemed stupid not to go and check it out. The people who run it are lovely, and were really welcoming and friendly, but the other mums, well not a single one of them even looked at me, let alone talked to me :shrug: Its a huge space though, and they have lots of toys, and a craft session for the over 2s. Its a 0-4 group, but there seemed to be predominantly 18 months to 3year olds there, and a couple of newborns. I have to say i didn't enjoy it very much, and i'm not sure Roh really did, as everytime he found something he wanted to play with, an older kid would walk over and snatch it off him. A couple of the older children were also pretty mean to him, one really nastily told him to "get off and go away", because he was holding on to the side of the rocking horse this boy was on. And another boy just came up to him, pushed him over and walked off :( I know toddlers are rowdy and energetic, but if that was Roh doing that to a younger child, i would take him aside, and tell him it wasn't good behaviour. But i don't think the mums were even watching, they were all over having coffee and chatting. Ah well. Likely i'll go again, and just stick to the baby area until Roh is a bit bigger and can stick up for himself more. One of the ladies who runs it has a 10 month old, and him and Roh were all smiley and interested in eachother, so it might be worth going so they can play together, plus she is really nice :)

We've also rearranged our lounge and moved the computer table and all our files etc. in to the bedroom (god knows where we will put a new baby if one ever comes along, but anyway :haha: ) There is loads of space in the lounge now, its great! Roh can really spread out, and as he starts walking, he'll actually have a bit of room now :) Plus its one of the first steps towards getting the house more ready for childminding, we only really have to sort the dining room out now ("only" might be underplaying it, its crammed to the ceiling pretty much :shock:) and then its just a case of a few DIY jobs and applying for a grant for some childrens furniture, like some small chairs and tables etc. and we should be ready for our first assessment :thumbup: I still don't think we will be ready for a couple of months, but its all good progress. I plan to get the garden assessed at a later date, as there is alot to do there to make it child safe, as there are some quite steep steps to get up to it, and we might even need to have them rebuilt before it would be cleared for use. Anyway, thing i'm going to stick a load of photos on facebook ;)

emera - well done on being so proactive about the childminding :thumbup: about the toddler group i think it is crappy that some mums let their kids be horrid to younger ones. erin can be a bit of a bulldozer but i make sure she is well aware that it is not behaviour to be tolerated. she pushed a younger child aside in her rush to get to a pink plate at a party :dohh: i made her apologise and sit down and calm down. i know she didnt mean to be mean to the child she was just making a beeline for what she wanted but i want her to realise there are other people sharing the space around her!!! i never used OPK. we just :sex: once every 2-3 days to ensure there were always :spermy: lurking :rofl:
emera - grrr to the unfair witch :growlmad: that playgroup sounds very unfriendly all round! We are loving the sun and Alex also has grubby knees :haha:

modo - i would agree with maybe and try sudocrem etc :hugs:

maybe - ouch poor Erin! I find out about the job next week :wacko:

LC - did you get to Lincoln? :flower:

sarah - how is your garden coming along? :hugs:

we had another glorious lazy day in the garden. I love these days! x

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