H&F - Big

sounds like you are having such a rough time

Enjoy your takeaway, sit back and relax a bit, and forget about things for a while
Maybe - Seriously

you must be the most patient person in the world! Hopefully this was just an exception rather than back to his old ways, i really hope it was just a slip and things carry on improving for the two of you

Hope Erin and Owen aren't suffering too badly
Muddles - What a clever boy you have

sounds like Oliver is doing really well

Roh's new thing is shuffling along on his knees whilst kneeling, or often doing sort of kneeling bunny hops when he gets excited
Sarah - How is the garden coming on? Hope the weather was ok there today, it was a bit more overcast here today, but its been lovely all week
Well i finally had a nice day today, i've been feeling soooo stressed all week with this whole work thing

Anyway, OH had a big long chat with his head chef, and it turns out that the second chef, who is the one who's been making him change everything around was just acting on his own, and hadn't talked with the head chef about it

So, short story is, the second chef is in trouble, as he's upset alot of other people over the week too, not just us. OHs shifts are still changed, but they aren't getting mucked about anymore, so i should be able to offer my work the consistancy they need. Ideally i want to keep my job until i can move over to doing something new, i'd hate to have to go onto benefits if i have a choice
I had such a lovely day with Roh today, we played all day

Well, except when he was napping, and i watched the Formula 1, love it, i'm so glad the season started again

Totally a random thing for me to like, i'm so eco, and thrifty, and it has to be the most stupidly expensive and wasteful sport in the world!! Brilliant to watch though
Saying i had a nice day....i just got interrupted from writing this by a call from work, saying that they failed to put my stock order in, so i won't have any ingredients to cook with tomorrow


I really hope the world decides to let me have an easier time with work at some point!?!

at least this isn't my fault!