H&F - I'm so sorry


for you, i hope you've got someone there

Thinking of you honey xx
Modo -

Its easy enough to forget to do these things, like closing stairgates etc. At least no harm came from it, and the shock will remind you in the future

I was sooo tired this morning, after Roh and i had 6 hours sleep, and i went into the kitchen to get his bottle, and heard a thud and then screaming. I rushed back in, and realised i'd left him playing on the sofa

What a stupid stupid thing to do!!

Of course he'd fallen off, and whilst he wasn't hurt, just a bit upset, i felt like such a bad mum! I hate being tired

so, yeah, easy to do!

Oh, and i totally hear you with our babies all being close to one, its Roh's birthday in 12 days time

How did that happen!?!?

He's having a joint party with my mum, as she is 60 two days before hand
Sarah - I'm really looking forwards to summer with cool looking nappy covers! My SIL is knitting Roh some woolen soakers, and some longies as well, they should look really cute!

And hopefully they'll be really comfy too, and fully breathable, so ideal for when its warmer

Also, i think you might well be right about the teething, i expect thats whats up with Roh. I put him to bed with a dose of nurofen tonight, so fingers crossed that takes the edge off!
Amy - How annoying about the job

I had to practically beg for my current job, i applied 6 times, and when i finally got the interview (think they were bored of my CV

) my boss said they'd been automatically discarding my CV as i was so over qualified for the role. After a long interview i managed to convince them that like Sarah a step down was exactly what i was looking for. Its really hard though
Maybe - Glad your bloods came back ok, what does the thyroid test involve, is it complex?
Well, work went suprisingly well this week. It was really nice getting some help

I managed to leave everything just perfect, and now i'm on holiday until the 12th April


so, there will be nothing for anyone to complain about or stress about. Hopefully it will be just as perfect when i get back, but somehow i highly doubt it

Ah well, such is life, i'm soooo happy to be on holiday
Oh, i have to say, Roh made me giggle soo much today! He has a Quality Streets tin to play with, as he likes banging it with a wooden spoon. Anyway, he was mucking about with it, and the next thing i look over and he's standing on top of it, and really pleased with himself, as he can hit the top of the table more easily (it makes a good noise). I smiled and waved at him, and he made as if to come over to me, but then looked down. He tried lifting one foot up, and then the other, and then back again. Then he leant forwards a bit, then tried moving his feet again, but he couldn't work out how to get down off the tin at all

After a few minutes of this, he just looked at me and shouted at me, as if to say "don't just sit there laughing mother, i'm suck way up here, come and help!!" I couldn't stop laughing for ages

Of course i went and rescued him

Also, i sing along to the radio alot, especially when we are eating (not with my mouth full

) as the radio is in the kitchen. I've noticed that Roh has been shouting alot at mealtimes, and OH was saying that he never really shouts with him. Anyway, i realised yesterday that he's only shouting when i sing. I think he's trying to sing along!

....Well, either that or he wants me to shut up and stop making the awful noise
Right, going to try and make some food, fingers crossed for a good night here, i'd love to sleep in a bed tonight!