Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

sarah - hope the internet is fixed soon! glad you treated yourself :thumbup: and glad i'm not the only one who has spent a lot on makeup recently :rofl:

emera - hope you're enjoying your holiday :D

h&f - :hugs::hug::hugs:

amy - hope you're ok, as you've not been on here yesterday!

well it looks like it's going to be another hot day today. yesterday it was hot enough for shorts and tshirt in the playground :wacko: (but we weren't wearing that!) there's no shade there which is really stupid as it's going to get much hotter in may/june/july/august! i was thinking of maybe taking the kids there for a picnic after picking dylan up from school (he's only in til 12 today) but only if i can get my cousin Gina to come with me as the playground is split into age appropriate areas so they'll all want to be in different areas :dohh: which is pretty difficult, if not impossible, and is only going to get worse as owen gets more mobile.

ok well i've had my whizz on here whilst i had my brekkie so best get on with some bits of housework and laundry! needs must :haha: have a great day girls xxx
H & F make sure you get some counselling (individual and couples) - you've been through so much and you deserve to take care of yourself & be taken care of. :hug:

Still no luck with the internet here :grr: so I'm on my phone again.

Maybe I hope you had a fun day!

HandF insomnimama is right - it might be worth looking into councilling babe, you've been through so much lately :hugs:

Baby club was fun today, we made cards for nanans for mothersday :) I gave Olivers to mum this afternoon and she loved it even though it was just some scribbles :haha: I guess she'll have to get used to those! :rofl: All us mummies at baby club were also given a little bunch of daffodils 'from the babies' which I thought was just too sweet!!! We have baby signing tomorrow, tbh Oliver is waaaay to easily distracted, I really don't think he'll pick any signs up, but its fun to go and have a natter and a cuppa :haha:

Hope you are all well!

oh H&F I am so so sorry :hugs: I'm glad Dave is being supportive :hugs: thinking of you :flower:

maybe - glad your bloods came back ok :thumbup: good news erin is on the mend too! :hugs:

modo - eeeek! we need eyes in the backs of our heads these days :hugs: you're right, where has the time gone! :wacko:

emera - :rofl: that did make me chuckle, bless Roh standing on the tin :rofl: I was SOOOO frustrated at the reason for not getting the job. I will apply again if another one comes up and I would say that I wouldnt have applied if I thought I'd get bored :grr:

sarah - my skin has suddenly gone to pot. i'd love to know how to use makeup properly! I just put mascara on so I look a bit less tired. I never wear foundation because I worry about looking orange or having a two-tone face :rofl: I'm useless at being girly! i'm glad you had a nice time being pampered. :hugs: are you feeling better about you and Steve now? :hugs: that must be so frustrating about your internet when you have your business to run!

I didnt get on yesterday because we had Emily's party as she is (gulp) 11 on saturday! she had a roller disco which was so much fun, then we did a party tea and games. we were all late to bed after she'd opened all her presents. She looked so grown up :cloud9: she'd had her hair plaited so it was all crinkly, I am biased but i thought she looked so lovely, I felt all proud.

I've eaten enough to sink a ship the last couple of days :blush:
amy - glad that emily had a nice party! they grow up soooooo quick don't they :wacko:

sarah - sounds like fun at baby group :D nice to get mother's day presents!!! danny forgot mother's day last year and i am betting this year will be no different :dohh: and my mum is off for a long weekend in London with my sis so she wont be here for mother's day.

we had a lovely day yesterday :thumbup: i braved the playground on my own with the 3 kids! dylan found a couple of friends from school there so he was happy :D we stayed for 2 1/2 hrs and i got sunburnt :wacko: thankfully i'd put suncream on the kids. then we went home and chilled for a while. then my fil came to take dylan to rugbytots and erin owen and i went to town and got icecream and i went to Oasis and bought the dress i liked last week and a pair of sunglasses. i met my cousin and we went for a drink and in the piazza in town some a-level performance studies were putting on a show and erin loved it and stayed riveted to the spot watching it :haha: then we took her to burger king as a treat and then home. then i proceeded to finish off dinner for when danny got home and then did laundry and then a pile of ironing til midnight before going to bed. phew long day!

today my mum and sis are off to london so we may wander down to the airport to see them off. then danny finishes work at 2 so maybe we'll do something after that when we pick dylan up from school at 3.15.

well owen has slept slightly better the last 4 or 5 nights. he woke 5 times last night (though was awake about 45 between 3.45 and 4.30am) so an imrovement on 10-20 times. i'm still waitning for danny to get me the cot :dohh:

oh well on with the day. take care girls :D xxx

:hugs::hugs::hugs: for H&F, hope you are ok, glad Dave is being supportive!!

Sarah booooo to no internet, sounds like the garden is coming on. Hope you get your car sorted! Flowers already, that's good start them young!

Amy, 11 crikey I can't imagine Will being 11 years old, the party sounded fun :happydance: roller disco, brings back memories!

Maybe I love the sound of your park, the photo's look fab. I love looking at your photo's it makes me want to go on holiday. Sounds like Owen's sleeping is getting there, I dope it continues to improve and you finally get the cot.

I love Roh and the quality streets tin story Emera, that's so cute.

Will finally seems to be over the d and v, luckily, he is teething so badly, one has popped through but I'm sure the back ones are shifting and giving him problems. I now have an absolute stinker of a cold and feel rough.

Will had his first settling in session at nursery on tuesday and dropping him off went well. I snuck in to see him to collect him after an hour and he was sat in a chair cyring :cry:. I'm not too bothered as he has been like that with me and he was shattered, so I think it was a combination of things really. Unfortunately just as he calmed down he clashed heads with a little girl and that was it, so we left quite swiftly after. They said he had done well though and had only had a few short cries. He has another today, two hours this time :wacko:. I have made dinner for all of us tonight so I think I will sit with a magazine, I can't remember the last time I did that.

I can't believe it's April!!!! I'm back to work next Thursday, which I'm now dreading as they have been really strict with shifts and so made me feel pretty unsettled. I'm also gutted about leaving Will for such long days, but I guess it has to be done.

I relented this week and bought Will some cruising shoes, they are soooo cute! They make him look so grown up!

Will is now able to walk with his walker and it's quite controlled, until he crashes and then he has a bit of a paddy! :haha:

I am so stuck on losing weight, I tried on my old work trousers and they fit, well kind of :haha::haha: I'm hoping once I see myself in them on a daily basis, I'll be shamed into shifting the rest.

I know I have missed people but :hugs::hugs: to all of you xxxx
lc - when do you start work? hope you feel better soon! owen can walk with his walker but is not as stable as will sounds! the walker moves too fast for his little legs when it's on the tiles and our rug isnt that big :haha:

i've got a major diet block this week. have stuffed my face with all things bad and am starving all the time :blush: have just eaten a baguette and am still hungry! the mini twisters are also calling me from the freezer :blush:

owen still hasnt had a nap and its 1.30pm! he's awful! he and erin are watching hercules whilst i finish eating my lunch in the kitchen!
I start on Thursday!! gutted, I have just dropped Will off and he didn't even whimper which makes me feel much better. Only 2 hours today, so many things to do, don't know where to start. I now have a huge slab of chocolate and a magazine, so sod the jobs!

Will has suddenly mastered the walker it's weird! He loves it he just giggles and runs behind it.....
Just a quick hi from me :wave:

Hope you are all doing well :hugs:

Sarah: Sorry to hear you are still having internet problems still.

Maybe: Enjoy the weather! Sounds like you had a nice day :) I can't believe Danny hasn't got you the cot yet :gowlmad:

Amy: Sounds like Emily had a lovely party! I can't imagine Bobby 11 years old either :shock:

LC: Good luck with work!
modo i keep meaning to say i havent forgotten about the breadcrumbs, i just haven't been to the shop in spain yet!
Hey all - Just wanted to say hello and that I am trying to keep up with you all just havent really felt up to posting. Hope your all ok. x x x
maybe - I love your pics on fb, I'm like LC, it makes me want to go on holiday! Glad to hear Owen is sleeping better, Alex had a better night last night. I cant imagine him ever sleeping through though! x

LC - boo to going back to work coming round for you :hugs: I know its a cliche (sp) but it honestly does get easier being at work and not being with them. I still think about Alex all the time but it's not as hard as it was. He's very happy at nursery now, they took some photos of him the other day and he seems to have a lovely time there. Good news the d and v has passed, he'll probably get cold after cold at nursery though :dohh: Alex has the snots permanently :haha: Alex has also mastered his walker in the last week or so and is so proud of himself when he walks with it :cloud9:

modo - when are you back to work, its sometime in April isnt it? Will Bobby go to nursery? :flower:

H&F - hope you are ok :flower:

I had lunch at my mums today which was a nice treat. Holly and I made a chocolate butterfly cake for Emily tonight, Holly was high on sugar thanks to "testing" the mix and licking out the bowls. I feel sick now too as I did the same :rofl: :sick:
Amy I LOVE licking the bowl :rofl: When I was at Uni we once made a cake just to eat the mixture :sick: It put me off for years :rofl: :rofl: It's so good the Alex loves nursery now :hugs: My new make up is fab - its by 'Bare Minerals' and its amazing! Its sooooo natural and really, really easy to apply (plus the girl on the counter showed me everything). Its lovely and my skin seems better already. I'm so pleased with it! You can buy it online a bit cheaper, but I thought it was worth paying a little bit more in Debenhams to get the little lesson and make sure I got the right colour etc. Its fab stuff :thumbup:

L-C I'm glad Will is feeling better :hugs: Boo to going back to work!!

Modo :shock: at Bobby and the stairs!! They get up to trouble so quickly now don't they?!

H&F I hope you are okay honey :hugs:

I'm going to post this before my internet dies and then do another post if it lets me :rofl:
sarah - I felt sick reading that :rofl: its funny I always dreamt of doing just that when I was younger and made cakes with my mum but licking the bowl has ruined my stomach enough :haha:

saturday night TV is so crap!
Well you might feel sick but now I want cake mixture :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

My luck has run out with the internet, I got a few hours (with lots of faffing about turning things on and off etc) but it won't let me back on now. At least I got my emails answered.

Well the good news is, my car is booked in at the garage for next wednesday :happydance: About flippin time too! Now let's just hope they can find out what's wrong, and that it won't cost me an absolute fortune :dohh:

We did a spot of shopping today, I had to buy organza for a wedding I've got coming up. I have to make some overlays for the tables. So while we were in Wakefield we had a wonder and a coffee. I also bought a BabaSling, it was only ten quid in TKMaxx! Its orange and rather lovely! I know Oliver is a bit big for wearing now, but you can kind of sit them at your hip with a babasling. When we go to babyclub, the car park is about a five minute walk from the centre, and Oliver is getting soooo heavy, so I'd been thinking about getting a babasling, so when I saw this one for a tenner I was sooooo pleased!!!!

Oliver had a little go in a Cosy Coupe car today too (a test drive :haha:) and loved it so much that we had to take the roof off to get him out because he wouldn't let go! :rofl: :rofl: Mum and Dad are going to buy him one for his birthday, to play outside when its all finished :happydance:

Oh, I have a quick question about schools too. Steve and I were talking today, we'd really like Oliver to go private (the schools around here just really aren't great). I really want him to go from age four, or possibly three for a day or so in nursery. I think we've found where we want him to go. Its co-ed until age 7, and then splits off into a boys school and a girls school. I've sent off for info, but do you think its too early to be putting his name down etc? I don't really know where to start :dohh: Did any of you go to girls schools? How did you find it? I really want this for Oliver, I'm soooo not happy with the local schools. The only decent schools are the ones Steves son went to / goes to, but both are catholic and I just don't agree with all that in education. I can't believe I'm getting stressed about schools already :haha:
saturday night TV is so crap!

:rofl: Brilliant!

TV is crap in general in my opinion, although i do like masterchef, naturally, and also i have a crush on prof. Brian Cox, so watch his stuff :thumbup:

Sarah - I went to private schools from the age of 5, co-ed up to 11, and then a girls school from 11-16. I was boarding full time the whole time (yes, from the age of 5 :shock:) Its really not too early to be putting Oliver's name down, scary as that is. Do alot of research though. The co-ed prep school i was at was fantastic, and even though i was bullied a bit (i was chubby :haha:) i predominantly have very positive memories, and certainly a good education. The girls school really wasn't a great experience for me. I don't know if it was the fact that it was single sex (although realistically whoever thinks that 45 15 year old girls living together is a good idea needs their heads examined) or just that being a teenager was hard for me, or other things that happened in my life or what, but i hated the time i was there. Anyway, that was my experience. Girls and boys are quite different, so i'll ask my brother what he thought of his school when i speak to him (he went to a boys private school).

Oliver in the little car made me giggle :haha: And i have a hip carrying sling too, its very handy for short walks :thumbup: I also still use my carrier, front or back, depending on Roh's mood, and we go for longer walks, i figure its good exercise :)

I've now officially lost 10kg since January :happydance: Only 20kg more to do, hoping to get there by Christmas, assuming i don't get another bump by then :haha: Really proud of myself though :D
Wow Emera that's some serious weight loss!!!! Well done!!!!

Thankyou soooo much for that info re schools :hugs: My mums boss send their girls to the girls side of things, but from age seven, so they won't have experience of any of the boys or co-ed side. I think maybe we'll go for a look around and a chat and just see what we think. Everything I've read sound great though.

Gosh I can't imagine boarding from age five!!!! Wow!!! And I would have hated that at high school too. I just think that boys are so easily distracted by girls at that age. And girls I guess, haha! But then I don't want him to grow up not knowing how to talk to girls, though is it just silly to think like that? I presume your brother talks to girls okay?! :haha:

I had a HUGE crush on one of the older boys at high school, my friend and I found out his timetable so that we could adjust our route between classrooms so we'd walk past him :blush: :rofl: it was the highlight of our day, and we kept a log of how many times we'd seen him in a day :rofl: :rofl: School would have been so boring without him! But then again, we might have got more work done had we not been 'route planning' :rofl:
Sarah - :rofl: I had my crushes at school too, well, before i was at the all girls one anyway :haha: There was only one male teacher under the age of 50 (i'm guessing he was about 25) and we never got taught anything in his classes, as some of the (more forwards) girls used to just spend the whole of every class flirting with him, poor guy, i never knew anyone could blush so consistantly, he was permenantly beetroot. He only lasted a year there and then he left :haha:

I had no problem with the boarding so young, i was very rarely homesick, and had lots of fun! :) In fact i was much less happy about it when i was more like 14+, i think because i wanted my independance and privacy by then. My mum hated it though, and apparently used to cry for a couple of days after they dropped me off at the airport. I didn't even go home at the weekends, and i stayed with my grandparents in half terms so they only saw me in the holidays (we lived abroard when i was little). It made the holidays really special times though, and we'd always do lots of outings etc. and we'd get lots of treats :thumbup:

And yes, my brother appears to be pretty we adjusted, he's always had alot of female friends and had lots of girlfriends before he met my SIL (who bizarrely i went to school with, but he didn't meet her through me, she was like 5 years below me) he's soon to be a dad for the second time, so i don't think being at an all boys school did him any damage :thumbup: Saying that though, i did here alot of stories about the things they used to get up to at school. Like stealing things from the chemistry labs, and then using the tech workshops to make pipe bombs :argh:

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