Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

muddles - she had a v gorgeous baby girl! 5lbs13oz! i will try to watch that program on iplayer when i get a chance!

well we had tea for my sil bday here in my flat. i made the cake and it was yummy if i do say so myself :haha:

owen was a nightmare to settle as he was soooooo overtired and refused to nap this afternoon as mil fil and sil were here! he's woken once already so i'm anticipating another bad night. i bf him last night at 5am as he wouldnt settle but then i put him back in his cot. he slept in 1&1/2hr stints from midnight til 7.30.
Thanks for the cake idea Muddles - that looks so effective!
Emera - how is Roh today? That must have been scary when he had the reaction - was it the tuna?
Maybe - I hope owen gives you a break tonight, I was also feeding at 5am today so you were in good company (not that that helps when you are tired and fed up!), hugs xx
sarahwoo - that school sounds so lovely!
Frufru - hope you have had some time to catch up
LC and H&F - good luck with the cake plans!
Well, we had our 11 month review yesterday and I was one proud mummy - she is hitting all her milestones and more :)
mork - we should swap mobile nos and send each other sympathy texts at stupid o'clock :rofl: so glad your LO is doing so well :cloud9: owen has his 12 month review at 13 months :dohh: typical gibraltar way of doing things!!!! he's not been weighed since 8 months!
LOL we should then we could chat away whilst the rest of the world sleeps!!! ha ha ha!!!
My baby has only been weighed every month because she has an obsessive mother that has to complete the monthly weight in her baby book!!!! lol!!! I will stop when she reaches 12 months!!!!
Just a quick one from me - I'm having a 'catch up' night and trying to get on top of my paperwork. Needless to say I haven't even eaten tea yet :dohh: and I still have a million things to do. At least after tonight I should be able to tick some things off my list :haha:
i'm so disheartened. i lost count after 10 wakings and then at 5.50am he decided it'd be a good time to wake so spent last hour listening to him scream, putting him back down when he stood up and shush/pat. i'd understand that waking time if he went to bed at 6pm but he doesn't til 8pm. i think he is sleeping but i have to get up and get started on packed lunches etc :dohh: i feel like cr@p :( sorry for the self indulgent post :flower:
Awww hugs maybe. I too was up 1-5am with a little girl who wanted to stand up, attack the cat and laugh cause she thought it was funny! I did think about turning my phone on to see if you were about for a chat!!! Can you get a nap today at all? X x x
mork - unfortunately no cat nap time for me :(

janny - hi :wave: i'm ok though not getting much quality sleep :dohh: how's things with you?

owen's wheelybug arrived at last :dance::happydance::yipee::wohoo: it's teeny and cute!
Hi all, just wondered if any of you give your babies vitamins and if so what ones? Hv has told me I need to? Thankyou x
Mork - I give Roh Abidec, which is the one the HV recommended to me. I forget some days, but he has some most days. I figured it can't do him any harm :thumbup:

Thanks for asking about Roh, he's fine now. It was just a reaction to the tuna i'm certain. I ate some of it later on, and it made my lips tingle a bit. OH thinks it might have been that the tin was maybe damaged, which can cause ferric poisoning, but we aren't sure :shrug: I'm going to not give him tuna for a few weeks and then cautiously try again, to see if it was just a dodgy tin, or if he does actually have an intolerance.

Well, today, Roh walked most the way across the park holding onto my and OH's hands :happydance: I'm very proud of him :cloud9: Its the first time he's walked holding our hands at all, and then once he'd started he just kept going :D Also today, he pointed at OH and said "daddy" very clearly! He then pointed at me and said "daddy" and then at his toy cow, and at a muslin, so i'm not convinced it means all that much :rofl: We were quite excited though :) All in all he's had a busy day with doing new things, which i guess might explain why we had a 2 hour battle of wills at bedtime, which inevitably ended up with lots of screaming when the overtiredness kicked in :dohh:

I've got to get up early and go have some blood tests in the morning, and then hopefully i'll be back in time to go to playgroup, as we haven't been for a couple of months now! Think i'll head to bed :sleep:

i am traumatised, disgusted and upset all in one. this story is horrid. fell asleep on sofa and woke at 12. went to toilet&decidef to clean it& opened cupboard where bleach,towels, boiler&general stuff is&there was a huge cockroach crawling up the washing machine. i woke dan to help me&he went ballistic saying he had to work tomorrow (yeah at 2 in afternoon!)'so i wasnt going to rest til i got it so spent last hour shaking towels out 1 by 1 til it crawled out! :sick: i sprayed it and the spray wasnt doing anything and i was screaming at danny to help and he wouldnt come :nope: owen woke and started screaming&i was trying to drown it in spray but eventually had to throw a copy of motjer and baby on it&stamp on it. its still there as i had to rush to tend to owen so i now have to go and clear and clean! :sick: i am shaking all over!
ok cleaned the aftermath :sick: you know what he said when i asked for help? 'why couldnt you just stay asleep on the sofa?' :shock::growlmad: yeah coz it wouldve been best just not to know there was a disgusting cockroach in our flat :sick::sick: i'm too traumatised to sleep now :nope: and still shaking :cry: i keep imagining them crawling everywhere :cry:
Urgh Maybe you poor thing :hugs: :hugs: I wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing it was there either. I'm sorry Danny didn't help :( I hope your night got better :hugs:

Emera clever Roh!!! Oliver says 'Dadda' and 'Mama', but like Roh they tend to be a bit overused :haha: Its is cute though and he uses them 'properly' more than not. He also shouts 'Ki' at out cat (Kitty) and at random dogs we see when we're out :rofl: He's just started doing the holding hands walking thing too, but he doesn't go far :haha:

Well two mornings of been woken at eight by the alarn seem to have taken their toll on Oliver today, he woke at seven but still seemed tired so I fed him and he went back to sleep until half past nine! I slept too, it was lovely!
Mork - you can pick up some really nice second hand sleeping bags on ebay for not much money. If you would prefer new TK Maxx is worth a look, just watch out for the length of of the non-branded sizes as we always needed to buy the size up for Joni on account of her being quite tall.
I bought some abidec to give Joni but I did not realise the variety I picked up was lemon flavoured and really sharp. Whenever I try to give it to her it makes her gag and retch and if I stir it into food she still won't take it :dohh: I have bought some haliborange vitamin liquid instead which we need to give a go. I think the moral of my story is look at the flavour of what you're buying!

Amy - a family BBQ for Alex's bd sounds just lovely. The workmans bench sounds super cute. I am going to get Joni a toy kitchen with some of her birthday money. She has finally decided she doesnt like her jumperoo anymore so I have room for the kitchen now :thumbup:
Up and down steps :wacko: We live in a flat so not something we have to worry about for a while yet.
BITTY :grr: that would really hack me off. BF as long as you both want.

Sarah - Boo to colds and sickness, I hope you are feeling a wee bit better. I think making the only one layer of the present cake is an option, either that or make half the quantity and just make the layers smaller.
We bought Joni some Waybuloo PJ's, a suntent for the garden and a funny looking alien shaped cushion she took a liking to while we were in B&Q a couple of weeks ago. All in all I think we spent £40.
Which crayola beginnings did you get for Oliver? There are pens, crayons and allsorts on amazon :wacko:

Maybebaby - YAY for the the wheelybug? I shall keep my fingers crossed for fine weather for Owen's birthday. I am well excited as we are forecast rain for the weekend. It has been bone dry and super-hot here for 3-4 weeks and my garden is in dire need of a big drink. If we don't get a decent rain here soon I think I can kiss goodbye to any of my own homegrown veg this year :sad1:
You're totally right about water bottles :lol: Joni loves em :dohh: oh and tissue paper :haha:
Oh my, poor Owen :hugs: is his winky a bit better now?
I am so sorry Owen's sleep is improving so slowly. I don't know what to suggest other than to keep going for now. I feel your pain on the sleep deprivation though :hugs:
cockroaches :sick: bleurghhhhhh, I would not have been able to sleep until it was caught either. How mean of Danny not to help :(

L-C - early mornings suck, though I have to say if Joni sleeps through until 5-5.30 I can manage as she will play in her cot until 6 when I will go and fetch her.

Muddles - yay for Oliver's milk and sleeping :happydance:
Fastfood babies :nope: I had not seen it and I am not sure I can bring myself to watch it. How can people do that to their children :shrug: It is just another form of child abuse in my mind :nope:

Emera - Blooming tuna :growlmad: I am glad that Roh was ok in the end, that must have been so scary :hugs:
10am :shock: cor blimey! As for the toys, I often take Joni to our local surestart centre and some of the playgroups here so Joni gets to play with different toys without us having to buy them. I also make sure I don't buy similar toys to those at her friends houses or nursery - I am so tight :blush: And like Amy said there are charity shops too, I managed to get some ELC building blocks and a xylopiano for £5 the other day rather than the £30 they retail for brand new :thumbup: I careful clean and wipe over with milton and they are ready to rock!

H&F - you can always bake the cakes ahead of time and freeze them. Then the day before get them out in the morning to defrost and ice the cake in the evening so its ready for the next day. I hope your gas situation is all sorted out now.

Well poor Joni has gone from tummy upset on the weekend straight to teething :rolleyes: She really suffered with her last tooth and these next ones seem to be giving her a lot of grief too. We were already having a mare with her night sleeping with her waking for 1-3 hours around 12-1am wanting to get up and play. Now with her teething she has almost stopped eating solid food so is waking countless times through the night with teething pain and to ask for milk because she is hungry :dohh: Remember how I mentioned Joni only takes around 4-7oz of milk a day - between 6.45pm and 4.30am last night she drank 14oz!!!!!!!! :shock: Last night hubby came down with the tummy bug that Joni had on the weekend so when I was not up with Joni I was up with him :rolleyes: I wish I could make up on missed sleep in the day when Joni naps but I just find it so hard to sleep in the day. I went to bed at 7.40 last night and still on managed around 4 hours sleep. BLAH. Sorry for the whinge, I just needed to get it off my chest so I can be bright. bubbly and sympathetic to my poorly husband :winkwink:

So I finally opened a savings account for Joni yesterday and have called and requested the pack for her child trust fund account too. I even managed to get my married name with a couple of companies too. I am just off into the city to see CAB about my sisters financial affairs then I will pop to the bank to pay in Joni's birthday money.

This is the first week of Joni having two days at nursery. SHe has a great time yesterday and did not act up with teethy grumps for them at all. She obviously saves up all the grumping and crying for me :haha:

See you all later xx
frufru - sorry you're having crappy sleep :hugs: sorry to hear that your DH is ill. men are worse patients than kids :dohh: hope joni isn't teething for too long!!!

sarah - :yipee: for the lie in!!!

well i am off to do some cleaning before going to meet some friends for a drink so the kids can play. need to pick dylan from school at 3.15 so best get cracking!!! will post later.
Hi :wave:

Oh no Maybe that's horrible. Cockroaches are bad enough when you see them outside never mind inside, and you can even squish them like you would a spider because of the risk of the cockroach spreading eggs everywhere :sick: Can't believe Danny didn't care!

Emera Glad Roh is over his reaction to the tuna. Clever Roh walking so well and for saying daddy. We get dada and mammmm though not always too us. Oliver has just started saying what sounds very like tickle, tickle and then he waves his feet around for us to tickle. I think it could be his first word though I need someone who isn't me or my H to hear him say it, as I don't know if it is just us thinking that :lol: I guess we tickle him too much.

Mork I don't give vitamins as such but do choose cereals (like Shreddies, Cherios, Rice Crispies...) that have vitamins and iron in them and he has just started having toddler milk which has added vitamins and iron too. I would hope that from the milk (bf at bed time and toddler milk in the morning) and all the different food he eats would be enough. He has never been sick or had upset tummy so assume he is ok but maybe I should give him one just incase.

Frufru sorry to hear Joni and H have been ill, hope you don't get it. Hope you get more sleep tonight. Glad nursery is going well for her. Sounds like you have been busy.

Sarah Yay for your lie in. Thanks for the egg, it's very tasty!
Maybe - Yuck, cockroach! I don't think it would have freaked me out too much actually, i guess because when we lived in the middle east when i was little, there were between 20-100 every morning on the walls in the hall, my mum just made us stay in our bedrooms whilst she sprayed the hall so that the spray would dissapate, and then she swept them all up :shrug: I'm not a massive fan of bugs, but i think i'd have just put a glass over it and made Danny deal with it in the morning :haha:

Mork - I meant to say to you, that if you give fortified cereal then you don't really need to give vitamins. I don't use main brand cereals, i only use organic ones, and none of them are fortified. Roh has porridge with mashed banana every morning, and i just stir the abidec into it :thumbup: It doesn't seem to taste too strong over the banana. If i give Roh toast, which i do occassionally for variety, then i tend to give him a banana smoothie too, so he still gets the milk (and banana, i don't think he'd be happy without his morning banana fix!) so i mix it in with that.

The banana smoothies have also inadvertantly led to us managing to get rid of the bottle :happydance: Roh hasn't had a bottle for 3 days now, as he's really taken to drinking through a straw! I think he's just hoping that it will be a smoothie, but he doesn't seem to worried when its just milk and drinks a decent amount :)

FruFru - Boo to the lack of sleep! :hugs: Hope you manage to get some sleep soon! :sleep: Hope your DH mans up and kicks the tummy bug :winkwink: Glad Joni is enjoying nursery :thumbup: typical she saves her grumpy for you though :rolleyes: Hope everything goes well at the CAB :hugs:

Sarah - Yay for the lie in! :happydance:

Muddles - Its so cute that Oliver says tickles :D I'm sure thats what he's saying, you and you OH are the most likely to be able to understand him, as you know him best. Words don't have to be well formed to be words, especially when they are used appropriately. If he's saying something that sounds like tickle and then waing his feet about then its a word, as he's connected the sound with the action :thumbup: Its the same as Roh always saying "Da" and waving when i say hello, in his mind, da obviously means hello, so its a word ;)

Well, we've had a nice day, went to playgroup, which Roh enjoyed, then out to lunch with some of the other mums, which i enjoyed. Whilst i was in town, i popped into poundland, i spent £6, and got a little cleaning set with a dustpan, mini broom and a sponge, Roh really enjoyed helping me clean the floor after his dinner :haha: I also got 90 plastic balls, and blew up the small paddling pool that MIL bought for us, and then chucked the balls in. It wasn't really enough balls to cover the bottom of the pool, but Roh had an absolute blast after his nap when he found it in the living room :haha: He went mad :D He also seems to think i want to eat the balls, as he spent alot of the time trying to ram them into my mouth whilst giggling :shrug:

Also discovered why his sleep has been a bit off, and likely when he had a funny tummy last week.... i braved feeling the inside of his mouth, and we have a molar! :shock:

Right, got to go carry on making this dress for my friend's little girl's birthday present!

WOW a molar!!! :)
Emera you have so many good ideas - thankyou for the suggestion!
I'm sorry to everyone else - but i have a sieve head tonight and have forgotten everything else - apart from cockroach-yikes!!!!
Hope you all have a good nights sleep (especially maybe!) and a lovely weekend xxxx
PS Heard from work today - the minimum they will let me do is 18.5 hous :(
Evening ladies!

Just a quick one from me, I hope you are all well :hugs:

I'm not having a good evening :cry: I can't really talk about it, but I'm just not up to posting properly. Will hopefully catch up soon :hugs: I think I'm going to go to bed :cry: xx

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