Amy I hope today went well

I hope you have some fun things planned with Alex tomorrow

Has Kerry finished now too?

for you too, I hope the results were better than you expected

to you aswell you poor thing - I don't know how you do it! I really, really hope that you get some sleep tonight
Well Oliver was sick as I was putting him to bed so I'm not sure if he's a bit poorly . . . he's still got a little cough lingering from his cold and he was coughing like mad and then was really, really sick

He doesn't seem to have a fever though I keep popping up to check on him. He had two really long naps today too - 10am - 11.30am and then 3.30pm - 5pm (when I woke him up!). So I think maybe he is a little under the weather, hopefully he'll be feeling better in the morning.
I fell asleep again during Oliver's morning nap

but got quite a bit done this afternoon. I still need to find space for all Oliver's new toys etc! But I did get quite a few little annoying jobs done so that feels good
On the downside, I had to place an order for some fabric (to make some chair cover bows) and I found out that my fabric wholesaler has gone into administration

I have a wedding in three weeks who wants a particular shade of purple satin which I now can't get my hands on

I have ordered some samples from other suppliers so I'm hoping that one of them will be close-ish so that I can send the bride the sample when I tell her I can't get the original fabric - I don't want to tell her and not have a replacement to send her right away, if you know what I mean? Argh so thats a bit annoying, and I now really need a new fabric wholesaler

Luckily it's only for the satin bows that I make myself, so only have a couple of brides who will have to find a new colour.
I hope everyone is well . . .
lots of love
Sarah xx