H&F - Big
Amy - Hope you are ok
Maybe - Sounds like the teething is making things worse for you, i hope it passes and you can get back to the improvement you started to see with the sleeping
Mork - What you said could easily be true, I know that every time Roh learns to do anything significant thats new, we have a few days of terrible sleep. Mix those patches in with teething, a bit of seperation anxiety, maybe some wind, illnesses, and then just having a bad night etc. and its a wonder any of us ever get a good nights sleep

Saying that i know i'm lucky with Roh, although i've worked quite hard to make bedtimes go well, he's still a good sleeper on top of that. I know when we get a run of bad sleep here i really feel for those of you who never get a good night
Sarah - Wow, i'd no way feel ok with putting Roh in a proper bed yet, even with a safety bar he'd be out and down the hall in no time!

My neice has just gone in a grown up bed, and she's 2 next month, that seems to be the standard age. I think if you really felt that you wanted to then you could get Oliver going down in a regular cot, and putting him in there awake and letting him settle. Likely he'd start dropping the wakings before long too, as i suspect that if you weren't there he wouldn't bother. It would probably only take a few tricky nights before he settled into it.
Saying that i get the impression that you're not quite ready to do that yet

You always sound like you love having Oliver there with you when you talk about it, so, yeah, if you're not ready, then don't do it!

I'm totally in agreement that as you are the one who'd have to implement any change, then you should be the one to decide when it happens
About the concert, hmmm, if you'd really like to go, then its a month away, you've got time for Steve (and Oliver) to get some bedtimes/ naptimes with Daddy practice before then, i know it took a while for Roh to get used to OH putting him to bed, but these days he's just fine

It really depends on how secure Oliver feels with Steve. If Steve is able to settle Oliver when he's upset then they should be ok together. Again, its one of those things, because you're always the person who's done bedtimes, you think no one else can, they can though, just that it will take a few efforts before Oliver gets used to the idea
Well, we had a lovely day at the Aquarium today, Roh got really excited about all the fishies! Or "aaasshhee" as he calls them

I'm just starting to plan packing for our holiday, which we leave for next friday

It should be really nice, we are going to a lovely cottage in the Lake District for a week

Its my first holiday for about 4 years i think!
We have a first birthday party for Roh's favourite girlfriend on Saturday, hope the weather is nice for it, fingers crossed!
On the down side i booked Roh in for his immunisations

I've been really putting it off, and was tempted not to do it at all, but decided it was probably better if he had them, so its booked for 6th June, after our holiday, he'll be 14 months by then nearly, talk about delaying it

Ergh, it was bad enough when he was little though, now at this age, when he can look at me with proper betrayed eyes, i'm not sure if i'm going to cope

I've also got to go back to the doctors as my test results threw up possible PCOS and it also looks like i'm not ovulating at all


Ah well, hopefully there will be something they can do about it.
Anyway, i really hope you are all well, and sending some strength to those of you having stressful times at the moment.

all round x