Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Happy birthday owen! Hope you have a fabulous party xx
Hi all -

Sorry I have been missing for a couple of days - we have been realy busy. I am not entirely sire doing what but I dont seem to have had any time to get on the computer! Amy had a wonnderful birthday and got loads of pressies. Ithink her favourite is the fairy tent she got which is about four times the size I thought it was and it takes up half the lounge,but she loves it. She also got some beautiful pressies off her friends some lovely clothes that are 18 - 24 months and look huge I keep forgetting she is going to grow into them! We had a forever friends cake and some cupcakes so I dont think weight watchers will go to well tomorrow and I still feel like I look huge.

Today we are having a day together at home - I am trying to get Amy into a new routine with one nap during the day rather than two and I am sorting out all her clothes and putting all the small ones up in the loft in vacuum bags!

Happy Birthday Owen - Hope you all have a brilliant day today and a lovely party.

Sarah - if you need a chat or rant you know where I am!

Amy - I really hope you get a job soon and try to enjoy your time with Alex while you can.

Right I need to go and finish sorting through Amy's clothes, out the next load of washing on and do the washing up all before lunch! Hope everyone is having a lovely day. x x x
Happy Birthday Owen :cake:

Love the pictures of an unimpressed Oliver and an unimpressed Roh too. :lol:

The dress is lovely Emera. Well done.

Sarah Oliver mainly babbles a lot with lots of different noises. His favourite one seems to be to make an 'ooooo' mouth and say 'wow ooo wow ooo....' He does say 'Mumma' to me and 'ad' or 'dadda' to my H. His first proper word was 'tickle' though :rofl: He says 'ticko ticko ticko' and then looks at you and waits for you to tickle him or he waves his feet around for you to tickle them. He also shakes his head vigorously if you say 'no' to him, and grins and carries on doing it anyway! I then move him away from whatever it is and say 'don't touch' and do the sign for it too.

Glad Amy had a lovely birthday H&F. I am sure you haven't done as badly as you think on your WW this week, the odd blip here and there wont make much difference. Re the clothes I think I was a little keen to pack away the 9-12 as Oliver seems to have gone all skinny as I keep finding him with no trousers on, or with them working their way down his legs :lol:

Mork hope you get nice weather for the party.

Amy Hope you get a job soon. Thought I had missed Alex's birthday but I haven't have I? Hope the party was good, even if it was cramped.

I am meant to be packing (we are moving house this weekend :happydance: ) and I am supposed to be doing exam marking but I am finding it hard to get the time to do it. Oliver keeps unpacking things as I pack them, and this morning I turned my back for a second to get more stuff out of the hall cupboard and he had clearly been so desperate to reach one of my makeup brushes that he was practically upside down with most of his body in the box. :lol: He is quite helpful when I want to tape them up though as he loves to close anything that is open so in this situation that skill is useful. Ha ha.

Oliver still keeps sobbing and I mean really sobbing if he sees his trike and isn't allowed to go on it, and also does it if he hasn't been on it for long (the only times he hasn't cried when we have taken him off it is when he has been on it for at least 30mins). So cute, there are realy tears and everything and he desperately tries to get back on it again.

I am also a bit sad to say that I breastfed Oliver for the last time on Saturday at bedtime :cry: Since he started sleeping through he hasn't been all that interested and seemed to be feeding more out of habit than need. I am pleased that he cut right down to just one feed and appeared to show me he was finished with breastfeeding. The past two nights have been ok, he has had his bath then a beaker of toddler milk (he has a little bit, then a cuddle, then a little bit more and repeats this so it's like he is bf but from a cup) and then when he starts sucking his thumb I put him in his cot like normal and he (usually) goes to sleep.
Hi all! I cant even remember the last time i posted on here! i cant even think where to start catching up eeek!

Hope your all well!

Harrison is doing great, if not a little clingy lol. We rarely get a bad night (but if we do i dont stop hearing about it form mark as if it happens every night lol) he sleeps from around 6:30/7pm till around 6 the next morning but it does have to be pitch black for it to happen. I am trying to get him walking now, he is strong enough and will zoom around the furniture, its just getting him to be brave enough to let go!

He had his first haircut yesterday curtsey of me lol it was getting far too long and unable to do anything with it.

We had a lovely day for his birthday too, big family bbq which was nice. His main present was this smart trike thing from my mum (we bought mostly clothes and shoes since i knew he would get toys from everyone else!) and he loved it, i took him the following week to pick Sophie up from school on it and he went mad every time i stopped!

As for me personally, still waiting for the house to sell! its been on the market since january and we have only had 1 person look around, its getting very frustrating and we are extremely tight on space, harrison is still in our room cos of it which i dont think is helping with how clingy is to me, he really needs his own room, we have to creep around to get into bed as he is such a light sleeper, we are practically banished out of the room till its our bedtime... its really getting to me lol.

Here is a more up to date photo of harrison from a week ago, it was his first time taking a paddle in the sea water lol.


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oh and sarah as for talking, harrison mainly says mamma, hiya or da or when he is eating something he likes its "mmm ni" for mm nice lol i think i heard him saying hide this morning (his fave game with sophie is hide and seek) when he was hiding from me not 100% sure tho! other than that its alot of babble of letters (he is rather talkative in his own little language) he knows the meaning of some words tho which is good like me telling him no when he does things he shouldnt (then laughs at me the tinker) and seems to know the word biscuit.... as soon as i say "do you want a biscuit?" he goes right to where i keep them lol (he just loves those heinz baby biscottis)
Happy Birthday to Amy and Owen today, I hope you both had great days :thumbup:

emera -that dress is amazing, you are so talented. I'm sure your business idea will be a great success. I love that Roh sssshed you, that's is so cute. Not sure about biting but I get the impression its something they all go through!

Sarah - how grown up of Oliver eating with a spoon and fork, already he has better eating habits than my FIL :haha: Oliver looks gorgeous in the photo!!

maybe - how is the sleep training?? Hope all the sardines have a nice time :winkwink:

Amy & Insomnimama - wishing you lots of job hunting :dust:

Amy - catepillar cake sounds amazing have you got any photos?

H&F - I hope Amy had a lovely birthday

Well last week Will was being very fussy with his last feed and it all came to a head on Wednesday when he bit me really hard and then was messing around to feed (he had only been taking from one side for a couple of weeks) so that was my last bf :cry::happydance: we almost made it to a year! He really had had enough and so it was the right time for both of us really, he's not looked back at all and is now glugging milk from a cup :happydance:

I really don't want to leave him but the fact that I could is quite liberating.

Will was 1 on Friday, we had a very small family get together on Saturday, where we did lunch it was lovely and he was spoilt rotten. Muddles I borrowed :winkwink: your cake design, but chickened out of the one shape and so he had a round one. I was very chuffed with myself though :blush:

Work is good but I seem to be so much busier, and so little time to do anything for me really. I was supposed to do 6 out of 7 days this week, but have taken one off so I'm not away from Will for more than two in a row.

Well everyone seems to be overtaking Will in the walking front, but suddenly this weekend he has taken 4-5 steps from one person to another so I could be on the horizon........

Well I hope you are all well and :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you all!


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Maybe I hope Owen had a great day!! Happy Birthday Owen!! :cake:

H&F I'm so pleased that Amy had such a great Birthday! I have half sorted out Oliver's clothes, I have packed three more boxes away for the loft but I think I can still fill another two, and so much of it he never wore or wore once. :blush:

Muddles Oliverwoo does the head shaking too, and he also knows 'no' - if I say 'no' to him he either cries or looks at me, smiles, and keeps on doing whatever he was doing :dohh: You did so well with breastfeeding :hugs: I hope Oliver and I will get to a point where he looses interest, at the moment he is still completely boobie obsessed :haha: I want him to want to stop or loose interest rather than me stop him, if you know what I mean? I hope you're move goes well! Are you moving far?

Amy the cake does sound amazing, I'd love to see a pic!!

Jolou how lovely to see you!!!!! Harrison is just gorgeous!! Oliver is quite clingly too, though if Steve picks him up he clings to him like a little monkey, I think it's partly because he knows that daddy isn't always there . . . whereas mummy is always a scream away :haha: How frustrating about your house!! I dread that, because when I decide I want something I have absolutely no patience!! When we thought about moving before we looked at a new build where the bulider buys your house off you, I think if our house didn't sell quickly we'd do that because we are both sooo impatient :haha:

L-C I could pretty much repeat what I wrote to Muddles re the breastfeeding :hugs: It really sounds like it was best for both of you :hugs: The cake looks fantastic!!! Wow - well done!! A belated Happy Birthday to Will and YAY for the first steps!!

I have just done three hours of ironing :shock: :wacko: I have been naughty and let it build up so I just had to get stuck in and get on with it. We all have WAY too many clothes, I'm going to have a bit sort out before I put this lot away.

We have had a nice day, I woke up still pretty annoyed with the thing I wrote my rant about last night (its a really long story but basically Steve's friend pissed me right off :grr:) but then Oliver and I had a nice morning and when he had his nap instead of doing lots of housework like I normally do, I sat and read my book. Getting lost in another world and someone elses troubles made me feel SO much better! (I'm reading the latest book in the Sookie Stackhouse / True Blood series, so its not really hard reading :haha:) When Steve got up we popped to the skip with some rubbish from the garden and then he washed my car for me :thumbup: I had a little word about his friend, I don't think Steve knew if I was serious or not, but he was super nice to me all day so I think he felt a)pretty bad and b) really releaved that I just said what had pissed me off but wasn't off with him, if you know what I mean. Steve worked early today but Oliver and I had a really yummy tea of jacket potatoes with cheese and coleslaw, and strawberries and icecream. YUM! Oliver absolutely LOVED it and ate loads, again insisting that he would only eat from a fork and that he had to be the one holding it :thumbup: He did so well though and there was SO much less mess than normal!

Right well I'd better go and get some emails sent and enquiries dealt with before bed! Love to you all! xx
thanks for your birthday wishes for Owen girls! we had a good time (albeit a bit squashed :haha: ) i was going to put photos on fb now but realised that dan has taken the card reader for my camera to work with him :dohh: we played party games and had lots of cake and the kids were on a sugar high :haha: it was nice though! :D Owen didnt go to sleep til 10.20pm and then had the worst night ever :dohh: maybe he was overtired from all the excitement. i let him come to bed with us. probably not my best idea but hey i was tired and i didnt want to let him cry on his birthday :blush::haha: oh well i'd best go off and clear up the rest of the stuff that i couldnt face doing at 10.30 last night :haha:
Maybe I hope the cleaning went okay! I would have done the same with the sleeping :haha: Fingers crossed for a better night tonight!!

We've had a nice day, Oliver qot quite a bit of money for his birthday so we took him shopping :haha: After reading how the other May babies love their Smart Trikes we took him to Toys R Us and let him test drive a few :haha: He loved them so we went to Argos and bought one as he had vouchers. We bought some Mega Blocks too and he has spend most of the afternoon throwing them about like a crazy thing!

I hope everyone else had a good day!

aw glad oliver likes his mega blocks, we bought harrison a big bag of them for his birthday too! he seems to love destroying anything i build tho... harrison has a thing for wheels, anything with a wheel on and he marks a car noise lol.

i took harrison to his first mother and baby group today, i know im awful for taking a year to do it but my reasoning is i did the exact same with sophie and she is fairly sane?? lol He loved it, he was so worn out he slept for 2 hours from half 11 till half one, it may have even been longer. His sleeping in the day is never great, he usually goes down around 10ish for an hour and then thats it till his bedtime, unless i win and he has 30 minutes before i get sophie from school. How are all your babies with napping in the day? i think i prefer one big long one like today! it was lovely having a full 2 hours of me time.

I am now enjoying my ritual wednesday glass of red wine whilst watching greys anatomy! im tempted to have another to help with the cold i feel coming on lol
Jolou Oliver is the same as Harrison and hates to see anything 'built' :haha:

Oliver tends to nap for 1-2 hours in a morning (normally from about 10am), and then again in the afternoon (at about 3pm). His afternoon nap tends to be shorter. I have to admit that I love nap time, I tend to grab a shower or do some housework - or even just sit with a cuppa!
i should do housework and have every intention to during nap time but all i seem to do is have a brew and slowly polish around the front room.. or tidy away some of toys lol
LC Well done on bf so long and ouch for the biting! I don't remember saying happy birthday to Will so i will say it now Happy Birthday Will :cake: Your cake looked nice.

Sarah I never imagined that Oliver would self wean as he was such a milk monster but he did wean himself and now he gets so excited when he sees his milk cup, and this from a baby who would never have a bottle. We are moving about 3 miles away from where we live now :lol: We have a one bed place so are moving to a 2 bed one, but the bedrooms are big so any other children we have could easily share a bedroom.

Jolou lovely pictures, Harrison looks really cute and lovely to hear from you too. Are you on fb? Oliver sleeps for around 1.5-2 hours, usually around 11:30.

Maybe Glad Owen had a good birthday, the pictures on fb are really nice. Looks like you managed to fit everyone in your appartment too!
Hey all -

Hope you are all ok.

Amy was napping twice a day but now she seems to have changed her own routine to just one nap at around 11 ish for about 1.5 hours.

Lost another 2lbs at weight watchers last night so only 8.5lbs to go until my first target weight and 5 more weigh ins till my dress fitting!

How is everyone getting on - really sorry for not replying to everyone individually my head really isnt with it today!

x x x
have to rush out now so will reply properly later just wanted to say


It seems harrisons napping is about the same as everyone else's then! Sophie rarely napped during the day as we were always out so her naps were whilst travelling lol.

Muddles i am on facebook, just search joanne skinner, dont think there are many when u do the search, i have these bright pink glowing headband things on from when we went to haven a few weeks ago.

H&F how are you finding the new propoints? I do weight watchers too and i seem to do better with propoints, although i have only lost around 34llb since last June, i cant seem to focus for longer than 2 weeks at a time, then when i do something happens which sets me off track, for example a couple of weeks ago i had this awful tummy thing that lasted for 2 weeks! i couldn't keep any food in, the weight loss was great tho lol 9 llb in 2 weeks ha although it went back on as soon as i started to even drink again. I am back to focusing on it now since summer is coming up and we have a naming ceremony to go to in june, 2 of our friends both had little girls in the last few months so they doing it jointly (they were brother and sister). Plus i dont want to have to suddenly panic when mark finally allows us to pick a wedding date lol he wont let us at the mo because he thinks we should wait to do that once we have a new house, only problem is i keep seeing wedding dresses i want to try on!

I finally have an appointment through for harrisons injections, it seems to be a bit late tho, 13th june, usually the HV does them bang on the right week but oh well.

I think yesterday has caught up with harrison as he is already napping and has been for half an hour! its really unlike him to go at this time but if he needs it he needs it. They say they grow when they sleep.. maybe i shouldnt let him sleep longer he is already a giant!

Jo - I am enjoying (not sure if enjoying is the word!) weight watchers. I have lost 58.5lbs since September and I am about 8.5lbs off a healthy BMI. I want to lose more weight after this goal I think as I still look really big but I wanted to be at a healthy weight for my wedding and ideally before my dress fitting on the 27th of June! So I really need to stay on track especially for the next 5 weeks. I really struggle with eating out - especially when I get vouchers through from pizza hut and I work out its 5pp per slice.

Right I really need to go do the washing up before Amy wakes up from her nap ready for lunch!
wow u have done great! i think what has demotivated me is knowing how much i had lost by this point after having sophie, i had gotten to my 4stone mark by the time she was 1, this time around its no where near it! oh well i know they say its harder as you get older but sheesh lol

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