Yay for the Macbook Pro Maybe!! Sorry you've been feeling ill, but YAY for Owens sleeping

I really hope this is the start of some decent sleep for you!!
Modo the photos are great - Bobby is just so sweet!!
Amy I hope you're okay
I have three weddings this weekend and I've been soooo busy trying to get everything ready . . . and I think it's going to be like this all week! So far I'm organised and on target though

I just need to send some emails now and then I think I'll call it a day, though I have a million other things I could do with doing
We took the playpen down today, and the lounge seems to be about twice as big

Oliver didn't realy use it any more, well he would go in there but mainly just to swing on the gate

and he didn't like having the gate shut (because then it doesn't swing

) so I didn't really see the point in having it up. I kind of worry that I haven't got anywhere I can just pop him down for a minute and know he's safe but then I don't think I've done that for ages anyway, so I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing.
Oh, and Oliver took some more steps today, trying to get to his trike
And finally for my 'Oliver Tales' for today, I made him cry

He was sat with me on the sofa and he grabbed my arm and bit it really hard - it REALLY hurt and left big teeth marks! So I said ouch, and then just calmly picked him up and put him on the floor. he was sat there looking up at me and I said 'No' to him and shook my head and he burst into tears! Then it turned into a bit of a tantrum, he crawled of shouting / crying so I left him for a minute and then picked him up and we had a cuddle and he stopped crying. Was that the right thing to do? I felt awful
Well I guess I'd better go and send my emails, lots of love to you all! xx