H&F - you are looking amazing! you dont look big at all.I loved Amy's birthday pics
Maybe - glad Owen had a lovely birthday - I also loved his birthday pics on fb
Lc - Will is so cute, handsome and grown up looking

sorry to hear you are so busy at work. Will's birthday cake looks delicious
Jolou - soooo fab to hear from you!! Harrison is another gorgeous boy - didnt we all do well! I'm glad Harrison enjoyed the mum and toddler group - I dont think it matters you waited a year - I never took my girls to any and they turned out fine! How frustrating about your house, hopefully you'll get a few more viewings now summer is coming!
Muddles - wow moving!!! how exciting! are you changing location?oliver sounds so cute with his smart-trike
Sarah - yey to Oliver joining the smart-trike gang

I'm glad he likes his megablocks too
you're all doing great with the weightloss! I put on 7 lbs going back to work so I am hoping to shift that again. I have no willpower at all though so I really admire how you have stuck to it
we had a lovely day today, Alex woke at 5am

I am soooo tired. We gave him his presents and he is another smart-trike lover

he also loves his sandpit - well chucking sand about

then i had to take him to nursery

as I had an interview for a nurse position. This afternoon we went out for a walk with the trike to the part - Alex is really into the swings at the moment, he giggles and giggles when I push him
I had some good news today, I was offered the nursing post I was interviewed for last week. Its great to have a job lined up but I much preferred the place I went to today, they were so warm and friendly whereas the other place was cold... I dont know the etticate (sp) for telling one place you want to wait to accept a job becasue you are waiting to hear about one you prefer