Maybe get yourself off to bed - I would do exactly the same
Amy awwww bless Kerry! If Steve and I fell out and he did something like that I think I might die od shock

YAY for the job! Well done! When do you start?
HandF are you going to be joining the self employed club?
Happy Birthday Daisy!!!!!
Mork I hope you are well, not all that much fun stuff going on here either
I'm sure I had more to say but I'm on my phone so its really hard to look back!
Well Oliver had his vaccinations today

I was dreading it, and Steve had said he might not come so that made it even worse

in the end he did get up (he worked last night) and come along thank goodness. So it was three injections, two boosters and the mmr, and omg he cried and cried, I felt like the worst mummy in the world

within about five mins though he was fine, and then he was great for the rest of the day. I gave him calpol before bed and he has a slight temp - only very slight - but he seems a little more unsettled than normal so I decided to come to bed early.
I'm looking forward to my crazy wedding weekend been over

I had everything ready to go for my Saturday wedding and the bride text today to see if she could change the colour of her bows. I could have said no but she's lovely and I'm daft, so I said yes. So that's another 100 organza bows to iron

I've had a bit of a night off from all the prep tonight and got some other stuff done, so back to it all tomorrow!