Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Sarah - Bless you being so lovely to your Bride. I can't believe she would change her mind with the wedding so close!
Bless Oliver and his jabs. Joni still has not had hers :blush: I have made the appointment a couple of times but had to keep cancelling it as she is poorly by the time the appointment comes around :dohh:

Amy - Congratulations on two job offers. That is such fantastic news. I am so sorry Kerry was such a prize plonker about the casino night, but pleased to hear apologised and came back bearing gifts.
Boo for lost posts :grr: I now write mine in the wordpad and then copy them over when I'm ready - too nerdy for my own good :haha:
:wohoo: for Alex's steps.

Maybebaby - Yay for the netbook pro :mrgreen: Boo for the sucky nights :(
Sleep over chit-chat wins hands down any day :winkwink:
Does Owen seem to be responding to not being shush patted better now? If I try to pat or stroke Joni when she is trying to fall asleep she swats my hand away and yells :haha: I think it distracts her.

Mork - Have a lovely time with your little lady tomorrow. Hopefully the sun will shine for you :)
Boo about the highchair. Joni rolled off the futon/bed when she was smaller and I felt dreadful. Pretty much everyone I know has said a similar thing has happened with their little one. I think sometimes we just don't expect them to be able to do something and then they go and surprise us :dohh:

H&F - Up at 4.30 and screaming all day :nope: Sadly I have seen a few days like that myself :wacko: usually down to teething. I got some stronger strength chamomilla from the homeopath to use instead of the Nelsons teething granules to see if that helps at all.
4 more days until dress fitting eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!! How exciting :mrgreen: You look super-slim in your latest FB pics.

Modo - Happy Belated birthday to Bobby. I am glad you all had such a lovely day :hugs:

Katie - Happy belated birthday to Daisy. I hope she enjoyed the zoo :D

I have a busy day planned tomorrow. Hubby is going to take Joni to nursery and pick her up so I can have the whole day at home. My plan of action is to put the final coat of emulsion on the hallway, sand the doorframe in the kitchen, wash down the kitchen walls and ceiling ready to paint, gloss the skirting boards and doorframes in the hall and hopefully get one coat of emulsion on the kitchen walls and ceiling. I'll let you know how badly I've overestimated my DIY ability and timescales tomorrow :haha:

Well for once hubby has come to bed early and without me prompting him how late it is. Trust him to do it when I brought the netbook to bed :dohh: I better finish up and snuggle down and try to catch some :sleep: Night night all :hugs:
Amy its always scarey starting a new job but you're lovely, you are going to be great :hugs: :hugs: its quite a drive for you, will you get a new car at some point do you think? I soooooo would recommend a Saab if you are on the motorway a lot - so nice to drive, and SO safe and reliable :thumbup: I had a diesel and got great milage too and you can pick the older ones up so cheap! If I drove on the motorway all the time I'd want another Saab :)

Yay for Alex taking more steps!

FruFru wow you do have a busy day planned! I was thinking the other day how productive I am when I have even a minute of baby free time. A whole day I think I'd totally wear myself out :haha:

Maybe hope you have a good night!!!!

My bride changed her mind back again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: it was between shades of blue so not a huge change but I was glad when she changed it back, it saved me a job :haha: So I was able to go back to been all ready for the Saturday wedding, and I'm all ready for the Monday one, its just the two on Sunday I'm still working on. I spent my evening today gathering everything together and ironing bows. Literally from putting Oliver down I had a quick tidy up and then I was busy 'working' - I haven't sat down once! But I still got to watch The Apprentice so I'm happy lol! Its hard work but I'm still enjoying it :)

I have the BnB addiction too :haha: I'd go insane if it wasn't for you ladies!!

Right well I'd better go to sleep, I'm in bed posting on my phone and I don't think Oliver is impressed :haha:
afternoon girls! i was going to post in peace but owen woke up so let's see how far i get :haha: i went to the school i'm starting at in september for a couple of hour as they had history day (teachers and children dress up in the period dress of the era they're studying) i'm knackered now as after that i met up with my friend and we went to collect Erin and her son from nursery and then went to mcdonalds for icecream. i really should go to morissons for stuff for danny's bday cake as it's his bday tomorrow but i am honestly soooooo knackered, i don't know what's wrong with me today. i'm going to have a :coffee: and see if that perks me up. dylan is at rugby but erin is badgering me to take her to the park so maybe i'll take her for half an hour and then go to morissons as they are beside each other.
Hope the coffee perks you up Maybe! How was the school? Are you doing anything nice for Danny's birthday?

I'll hopefully pop on again later - Oliver is fast asleep already so I have an early start on my work! Another ironing marathon for me tonight!

sarah i have tons of :iron: to do. i did about an hour last night and haven't even made a dent in it :blush: i have let it get to epic proportions :blush: for danny's bday we're going to have tea round here, i'm going to bake a cake tomorrow and my parents and his will come over. he has an exam 2-5 so we'll have tea then. then he has to work 10pm-6am :dohh: he says we'll do something on saturday, that he'll sleep til midday and then get up. i won't believe it til i see it though :haha: oh and the school was ok thanks for asking. i'm going to go and help out at sports day the week after next. the head is nice, trying to get me integrated a bit before i actually start.
Glad you had a nice day maybe!
Sarah - just keep those £ signs in mind when doing all that ironing!!
We had a lovely day - we went to the zoo and then had a small tea party at home in practice for her party with her friends on saturday!!!
So, is she still a baby or a toddler now??????
Sarah - It sounds like you are so organised with your bookings :thumbup: Iam gladthe bride changed her mind again before you had got the iron out again! I so could not do your job, after all ironing is againstmy religion :winkwink: :haha:
Bless Oliver being asleep before 7pm. Joni had a busy day at nursery, she hardly ate and spent the whole day either playing or shouting at the top of her lungs :rofl:

Maybebaby - Oooooh what cake do you think you will make Danny?
I am glad you had a nice time at the school, it sounds like the Head is very welcoming :thumbup:

Mork - Yay for a happy day :mrgreen: Our nearest zoo is a couple of hours away so I have not taken Joni yet as she is not the most patient passenger. How did your little one like it?

Well my DIY efforts today were a success :mrgreen: I sanded the woodwork in the kitchen, washed the kitchen woodwork and walls, put the final coat on the walls in the hall, glossed the three doors and skirting boards in the hall, primed and undercoated the kitchen woodwork and painted the kitchen walls and ceiling. Phew, ready for :sleep: now

Joni was really excited to see me when hubby brought her home, she literally jumped out of her buggy into my arms when I unstrapped her :cloud9: Hubby had called me on their way home to say she had not eaten much all day so I could gauge what and how much to make her for dinner. I was really shocked as she ate massive helpings of pasta and ratatouille followed by rice pudding, 2/3 of a banana and still went on to sink 7oz of milk at bedtime :shock:

Oh and my door did turn up eventually. I am not quite sure when it changed, but apparantly 3.34pm is what Wickes' courier consider a morning delivery :rolleyes: I shall have to fire off an email to Wickes to have a moan and ask for a refund of the £5 I paid for a morning delivery.

Righto, going to turn in. Night all xx
Glad you had a nice day maybe!
Sarah - just keep those £ signs in mind when doing all that ironing!!
We had a lovely day - we went to the zoo and then had a small tea party at home in practice for her party with her friends on saturday!!!
So, is she still a baby or a toddler now??????

i was wondering the same thing. i prefer to think baby, especially as i am probably not going to have any more, so i want him to stay a baby as long as possible! glad you had a lovely day :D
grr wrote a post and lost it :grr: and owen wants out the high chair. will post later

frufru - i'm making a nutella cake from my nigella book. glad joni is eating so well :thumbup:
FruFru I would be soooo mad about the door!!! Defo email a rant and get your delivery fee refunded!! I was starting to get annoyed the other day as my Ocado shop was an hour late :shock: It was only my second delivery and I was starting to regret taking out the delivery pass for a year :dohh: However when the driver arrived he was rather frazzled and it turned out that the original driver had been in a bump, and this guy had had to go and rescue him and all the shopping :dohh: He seemed to think that customer services had called me, which they hadn't and I do think they should have, but never mind.

Well I made a rather amazing discovery last night! :haha: I bought some new chair covers a while ago, and this is my first weekend of using them. They are easy iron and quite heavy weight so any small creases apparently drop out quickly. So i was thinking as I was ironing them that they would steam really well, and then remembered that I have an easy iron setting on the dryer - its only 10 mins and it basically warms the stuff up so its easier to iron. Well I popped some covers in and set it going, 10 mins later I took them out an they were all completely crease free!!!!!!! :happydance: so I don't need to iron them at all!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! So instead of been up until 12 ironing I had a lovely leasurely night getting all fabric for the stairs that I'm dressing sorted out and then I was in bed for half ten :haha:
yey for the super drier setting sarah :yipee: anything that means less :iron: is truly amazing :haha:
Hi every :wave:

My work has gone back on their working from home (they claim they never def said yes) so I am trying to figure out what to do.

I am thinking of doing a Masters Degree in Charity Management. What do you girls think? I really don't want to take the train to Essex everyday :( So this might be ideal :mrgreen:
Amy: Congrats on the job offers :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Fantastic news :hugs: :hugs: Your plan def sounds really good for the better career prospects. I can't believe Alex is starting to walk!!! That's really amazing!

Mork: Like everyone said you are not a bad mom :hugs: These things do happen! I am sure you will have a lovely party tomorrow :mrgreen:

Sarah: The boosters made Bobby cry too :cry: We got them done on Monday and it was really sad seeing his like that. I am dreading getting the MMR :( We will be doing that one in the next few months I think :( He woke up the next morning at 5am starving (he scream when he saw his cup) and drank very quickly. I changed his diaper and put him back in bed and he slept till 8am! Sound like your business is doing really well :D

Frufru: Sounds like Joni's naos are fantastic! Sorry to hear that you have all been so ill :( I am also going to try and come on here more often. I really do miss it :(

We went to our first session at Gymboree and it was really good! I am so pleased I found a playgroup that takes place during his naps. He has been so clingy with me and his Dad that I really hope this helps him explore more. He made a little friend as well and they were so cute together :D
Modo thats so bad that your work have gone back on their word :( How rubbish! When are you due to go back? Are you thinking about studying rather than going back at all? :hugs:
Yeah ( I can't believe they did it :( I think I am going study to improve my work opportunities when I finish.
My last post made no sense! I blame Bobby who was trying to climb me while making his hhhmmmmm hhhmmmmm sound while I was trying to type it.

I meant I would like to return to university to complete a Masters Degree in Charity Management with the hope that it will help me advance within the Third Sector.

Much better :lol:
modo - i think that's a great idea. would you still work on the side or study full time? Oh by the way the breadcrumbs are still in my cupboard :blush: i will definately get to the post office this week coming!!!

well my nutella cake went down a treat with my in laws and parents :thumbup: everyone has gone now and dan has gone off to work and the kids are in bed. i have a splitting headache so am hoping that the kids stay asleep so i can have some peace and quiet!
oh and Owen's new trick is when you say to him 'what does the motorbike do?' he replies 'brrrrm' :cloud9: he's coming out with new tricks so often now and growing so fast! no real steps (apart from the ones dan claims he did when i threw the rubbish last week) he stands up but just throws himself at you instead of walking carefully :rofl:
Hey all -

How is everyone today. I am really sorry for not replying to everyone indivdually I wrote a huge post and my computer lost it all and I really havent got the patience to write it again at the moment!

Sarah - your buisness sounds like its going brilliantly - I am thinking about starting an idea up but its a huge investment and to be honest we cant really afford it at the moment.

modo - How annoying about your work I would be so fuming and wouldnt want to go back to working there. Studying sounds like an ace idea though - I would love to but I really think we are going to try for baby number two after the wedding and I really couldnt face studying and being pregnant again! (saying that we may not try for another baby for a couple of years as I love having Amy all to myself at the moment!)

Anyways as for me ... I am in a huge stress and struggling a little with depression at the moment so I am really sorry for not being on as much as usual but I really dont want to bring anyone down. With everything with dad, the wedding, trying to plan a honeymoon etc its all a bit stressful! On the plus side I am only 6.5lbs off a healthy bmi and 4 weeks until my weigh in also 3 months until we get married!

Right now Amy is asleep I am off to tidy up and find something for pudding!
Maybebaby - Oh the nutella cake :p oh my nom nom nom :mrgreen:
Owen's motorbike response is so cute :lol: Joni was reading her 'Thats not my Tiger' library book the other day and I could have sworn that as she turned the pages she was shouting 'Raaa raa raa' :haha:

Sarah - Maybe you could call ocado and say how dissapointed you were that you've paid for an annual delivery pass and that their second ever delivery was late and see if you can tap them up for a voucher or free stuff. Don't ask, don't get :winkwink: I operated that principle with work and a holiday request and have managed to bag myself the 2 weeks over Christmas off :thumbup:
How awesome about the chair covers :happydance: I just love it when a plan comes together :smug:

Modo - Boo, boo, boo, blooming boo!!!! Sucky work :sad1: A Masters would certainly add to your skills, I suppose it comes down to whether you want to go back to studying or not, and what gives you the most time with Bobby. :hugs: I hope you work something out :hugs:
Yay for gymboree :thumbup: Joni loves being social with other babies and toddlers. This week we popped round to see a friend who has a big trampoline. We got on with the babies (they have a massive safety net all around so its completely safe) and Joni's little friend kept crawling around her while she was sitting down and making her bounce up and down which made her giggle like crazy :lol: It was soooooo cute!

H&F - I really, really hate it when you lose a big post :grr:
With all you have got and have had going on its only normal for you to be feeling down :hugs: I think all of us would agree that you can post anytime if you need to have a chat :hugs2: With everything with my sister, hubby's operations, redundancy and generally being completely overwhelmed as a new parent in the last year, I honestly don't think I would have coped without the friendship, kindness and support from you all. I know we all only get to interact virtually but I feel like I chat to you all in person while I post and read your updates.
Wowee 3 months until your wedding :shock: where did the time go!!?!?!?! Oh yeah probably to the same place as 'how did Joni get to be 1 so flipping fast !?!?!?!?' :haha:

Well another productive decorating day in frufru-land. I had thought I might do a wee bit more painting this afternoon but have instead opted to have a glass of wine, and by glass of wine I mean 4 glasses of wine :rofl: Please, please, please Joni if there was a night to sleep through please let it be this one [-o<

I forgot how much I love :wine: :haha: Nanight all xx

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