Emera - sparks and all

Yay for the laptop

So glad you had a lovely holiday, the pictures on fb are just super

I thought you had been quiet on here, the holiday wou;ld explain it

I hope Roh goes back to his usual wake-up time for you asap.
Sarah - fab news about the wedding and Oliver's naps. A blackout blind is definately worth a try if he is used to napping in a really dim/dark room already. Joni is pretty much a one nap a day girl now. Generally she gets up somewhere between 6-7.30 and will go down for her nap approx 5 hours after she got up, so around 11-12.30. She usually naps for about 2 hours and I will wake her after 2 and a hlaf hours as I find if I let her nap longer it eats into her night time sleep.
Modo - Yeah the library is just such a great place to take Joni whatever the weather. They have all the board books in big boxes on the floor which Joni can sit or stand next to and look through them. They also have one of those bead maze tables. We pop in to play there even when we don't need to borrow or return books

Our library does a baby singing group once a week too. Oh and in the kiddie section they have a few shelves with all the baby advice books for the Mums

I got a really nice one out the other day which was all about how to encourage emotional development in children from birth to four.
I LOVE Bobby's new football strip
Maybebaby - Sorry Danny was horrible

I hope you did get your decent day. Maybe one day you should just lay in bed until Danny gets up, if he has a go tell him it is his turn to get up with the kids.
Mork - Joni will have odd days like that. They tend to be either because she is teething really badly or she is unwell. Those days are really really tough though. When they come along I find a walk outside can distract Joni, failing that I cuddle up with her on the sofa and watch lots and lots of cbeebies
Joni has been totally awesome today. You know when you just have one of those days

I think it probably helps that she slept 7-4.30 last night then from about 5-7.20 which must be a record for her! Her teething has eased up over the last week but she is still waking at night and we think it might be because she gets cold in the early hours

Last night we put a warmer sleeping bag on her which saw her wake at 4.30 instead of 1.30. So tonight we have turned the oil filled radiator on in her room in the hope that makes a difference. We'll see.
Joni has tried to stand unsupported a few times today which was exciting and scary all at the same time

Oh and she has obviously made the connection that laughing is what you do when something is funny and she has started laughing on purpose when either hubby or I laugh at something. It is so flipping cute! Hubby found some giant balloons with elastic bands on them so you can bounce them in poundland today. It took Joni a few minutes to figure out that when she held the elastic band and waved her hand about that the balloon would bounce back and forth too. When she realised how to do it she started going 'oooooooh, ooooooooh, oooooooh' with the excitement and wonder. Best of all was we managed to get it on video
Righto I am about to lose power in the netbook so time to sign off. Sleep tight everyone x