Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Mork - glad you had a lovely day for T's birthday, hope you have a lovely party tomorrow :hugs:

sarah - she changed her mind back :shock: haha, well I'm glad it all worked out and that you discovered your amazing washine machine's super powers :haha:

maybe - thats so nice your new boss is starting to get you involved already :thumbup: how cute that Owen says brrrrrmmmm :cloud9:

modo - oh my gosh, I cant believe they backed out of letting you work from home :grr: the masters sounds like a great idea :)

H&F - I hope you're ok xxx

Go frufru - four glasses :rofl: I hope joni sleeps through for you - you party animal :happydance:

Well I went back on the childrens ward today for my nursing course :shock: I nearly did a runner, I hated it and it wasnt even busy! I'm really not sure I can do this :cry: there are still no jobs for scientists though so I have no choice :(

on a positive note Alex walks loads now :cloud9: I'm sad in a way becasue he is definately more a toddler than a baby but its so sweet when he does it my heart just bursts. He totters all about the house :cloud9:

hope you all have a lovely weekend :hugs:
frufru - i love :wine: too :haha: though with Owen's rubbish sleep i don't dare indulge!!! i hope Joni let you sleep!

amy - i'm sure you'll be fine once you get into it. a new job is always daunting, let alone a career change :hugs:

sarah - hope your weddings go well :D

h&f - well done with the weight loss. how is your dad doing hun?

well danny got in from his night shift at 8am instead of 6am. he went to bed and is adamant that he's getting up at midday so we can do something. we were going to go for lunch and to the beach but it has been raining :( it's warm though, already 24 degrees at 9am. i hate it when it rains and there's nothing to do. it's really difficult to entertain 3 kids without the playground or other outside activity :dohh: we may brave a department store in spain and buy some nice food for tonight and let the kids have a look in the toy section.
FruFru I hope Joni gave you a good night! I would be pretty sloshed on four glasses of wine :haha: I'm such a lightweight these days!

Amy wow about Alex's walking! How cool! Oliver would still rather crawl - we get a couple of steps now and then but he's sooner crawl :dohh:

I think Oliver is more of a toddler than a baby now, even though he's not toddling properly :haha:

Amy I'm sorry you didn't enjoy youir day on the childrens ward :hugs: What was it that you didn't like? Do you think when you are 'based' there and you know the other staff and procedures etc etc that it will be better? :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe you made me want cake :haha:

We had such a bad bedtime yesterday :dohh: Oliver missed his afternoon nap - which he has done a few times and been tired but okay by tea time - but not yesterday! By 5pm he was SO tired, he hardly ate any tea and was really tearful. So I took him up for his bath and he was sat in the bathroom absolutely clinging to my neck and sobbing :cry: so I ended up skipping his bath and just giving him a quick sponge down. I got him to bed and he was asleep withing 20 mins but then half an hour later he woke up and was wide awake again! So from 6.20 until 8.20 I was trying to get him to sleep, until I just gave up and brought him back downstairs! An hour later I tried bed again and finally he slept, and from there he slept through until about 7.30am :thumbup: He is SO not missing his nap today :haha:

Well I have my first wedding of the weekend today, but not until this afternoon as its just an evening reception. Then two tomorrow, and one on Monday, but I'm feeling quite calm about it because - I think - everything is ready! :happydance:

Right - time for breakfast!

Maybe I hope you have a good day! Steve does that when he's been working sometimes, its really sweet but he's such a grumpy sod when he's tired that I'd sooner he slept :rofl:
Maybe: I think I will study full time but I am considering volunteering for different charities to get an idea of what cause I would like to work for. Your nutella cake sounds so yummy! Owen is so clever :D Well done! Bobby has stood up a few times but no walking yet.

H&F: Thanks for the support hon :hugs: Glad things are going well for you and Dave :hugs: I am sorry you are feeling depressed hon. My advice is to stay here and keep telling us how you feel. It did help me get over Bobby's birth :)

Frufru: Thanks hon :hugs: I want to make sure that the next job I get will lead somewhere so I feel this whole thing is a blessing really. That's so cute that Joni roared like a tiger when reading her book :cloud9: Sounds like you had a great time on the trampoline :thumbup: Great to hear all is well in Frufruland :rofl:

Amy: I hope everything works out with the nursing course :hugs: That's so lovely that Alex is walking :cloud9:

Thanks everyone for the support about work. I needed the kick up the butt to leave and I finally got it. I don't get paid enough to travel to Essex and put Bobby in nursery. So decision made :lol: I think a master's will help me get on the right path which is management. I feel bad for the charity TBH because they are never going to get a good Fundraiser on what they were paying me :(
Modo that's great that you have made a decision :hugs: :hugs: These things happen for a reason! Some times you have to take a leap of faith and just go for it! Thatys what I did - it has its moments when I think what have I done?!?! But really, I know I've done the right thing. And if it doesn't work out, well I will just get another job! You only live once :thumbup:
sarah - you are so organised!

modo - i don't mind if owen takes longer to walk properly as it makes him seem more of a baby if he's crawling rather than toddling :rofl:

danny got up and then went back to bed! we may go for a late lunch at 2.30pm though. we shall see!
Amy - Cor, its sounds like Alex is really coming along with his walking. I totally know what you mean about your heart nearly bursting when you look at them sometimes. The night before last Joni ended up in our bed with us around 4am. When my alarm went off and Joni woke up and realised where she was she was so excited and pleased to see us :cloud9:
I am sure you will be fine with the nursing. I think the way you felt was completely understandable and normal :hugs:

Maybebaby - I hope you managed to do something nice today.

Sarah - I know what you mean about missing naps making dinner and bedtimes impossible. I hope naptimes worked better today. Is Oliver still napping on you or in his cot now?
Good to hear the first wedding went well :thumbup:

Modo - I am glad that you are making a positive change following your works' change of heart about working from home.

I really enjoyed my :wine: last night. Since I have had Joni I have not really enjoyed wine, or any alcoholic drink really :shrug: Plus then there has been the fact that Joni's sleeping is so erratic that I often just would not dare to have a drink. My 4 glasses of wine were spread over about 5 hours and interspersed with orange squash so I was not too tiddly when I went to bed. Sadly Joni did not sleep through :rolleyes: she woke at 1.30 and I put her back down around 2.30 and she was up at 6. So all in all a pretty decent night. She had a great nap today(11.30-2) and was pooped again by 6! Must have been all the exciting playing I did with her today :winkwink: We did lots of rough and tumble cuddling/tickling, lots of singing, we went to the library and got new books :mrgreen: While Joni napped I finished glossing the woodwork in the kitchen and put the final coat of emulsion on the walls. So that is all the painting done, thank goodness, until I get the front door fitted. It has been a lovely day but I am very tired nowso going to turn in. Sleep tight all xx
FruFru phew, it makes me tired just to think about all that DIY!! :haha: I love that you enjoyed your wine, I'm like you and I haven't really enjoyed a drink since August 2009 :haha: I did have a couple of G and T's when we went out the other week and felt a little tipsy but I was completely sober by the time we picked Oliver up from his nanan and grandpas :haha:

Todays naps were a little better thanks for asking :) If I can get him in his cot (ie if Steve hasn't been on nights) he naps great, but I have got no where with napping in his own room. I think its too light, so I think we'll get some blackout blinds and try again. I really think he's moving towards one nap, I tried to put him down at 10 today which is his normal time but got absolutely no where, at 11.30 he h
ad a great nap of almost two hours. So I think that's the way its going. He had a quick snooze in the car this afternoon, so maybe one main nap with the odd power nap :haha:

Today's wedding went great! Mum and Dad looked after Oliver, they took him shopping and bought him most of ELC :haha: He was really good and didn't cry at all which I was so pleased about :) So they all had a great time! Steve helped me out with the wedding and it was great, the room looked gorgeous when it was all done and the bride loved it :) Steve took some pics so hopefully I'll get those online tomorrow :) Tonight I've been getting everything in order for tomorrow - I have another wedding to do in the morning and then the church for Mondays wedding - phew! I so hope they go well!!!!!

Right well I'm off to sleep now, sweet dreams!

Helllooo! :hi:

Well, we are finally back from holiday. It was lovely, but extremely tiring for me, and i'm actually quite glad to be home for a rest :haha: Just about to post a holiday album on FB i think.

My PC blew up (as in bang and sparks coming out of it blew up :shock: ) before we went away, so OH has said i can have a laptop :happydance: :happydance:

Anyway, hopefully catch up tomorrow, just spent an hour reading up to catch up here.

:hugs: to you all, i missed everyone!! :hugs:
sarah - glad the wedding went well :D

emera - :yipee: for the laptop! glad you had a good holiday :)i'llhave a peek at your photos when i'm on the laptop and not on my phone
Frufru: Sounds like you and Joni had a great play session! I am going to start taking Bobby to the library as well because there are a lot of things going on for there for kids under 5. Your DIY seems to be going reall well :thumbup: I am also the same with drinking haven't been drunk since July 09 in preparation for TTC in August 09. Now I never seem to get the chance. I have a beer with DH here and there but I haven't had much of anything else :lol: Glad you enjoyed your wine :wine:

Sarah: Glad Oliver's naps were better yesterday and hope they continue to be better today :) Bobby started having better naps when we put up some black muslin on his window :) Glad the wedding yesterday went well! Hope the others are just as great :happydance:

Emera: Where did you go? Glad you had a good time :happydance: Boo to the PC blowing up but yay for the new laptop :happydance: Just wondering how did it go with using cloth on holiday? I haven't done it yet as the last time we went we were usi ng disposables. I know you have used cloth from day 1.
Emera your holiday pics look great! Roh is so cute :) Woo hoo for a new laptop! Steve wants one too . . . . but to be fair the one he uses was mine and it is pretty old and slow :haha:

Right - time for breakfast and then more 'work' :haha: I find it a bit cheeky calling what I do 'work' because its really pretty easy and fun, and I get to take Oliver with me :thumbup: Its great :happydance:
sarah - i'm so glad you have such a wonderful job! :happydance:

emera - lovely pics!

why am i the one who has to get up with the kids, feed them, dress them, put suncream on them, sort out the beach bag and packed lunch whilst he lies in bed. doesnt he ever feel guilty about not helping out? :shrug: and to top it off he got drunk last night and was really horrid :growlmad: it's ok for him to have snide digs at me but if i try to mention anything about him he just goes off on one :grr: ok rant over! hopefully he'll get up in an ok mood and we'll have a decent day.
Got friends coming for lunch, just a quicky...

Modo - Using cloth on holiday was fine really, we had rented a 5 star barn conversion, and it had a washer dryer. My SIL uses cloth too, so we just put all the nappies from the 2 kids in when we went to bed each night and sorted it out in the morning :thumbup: Just got slightly confusing as we have the same fleece liner material, so those got a bit muddled up :haha:
I will reply to all your posts later-but for now I must ask does anyone else's baby cry and cry for no apparent reason other than they want to be held by you? I am at the end of my tether :(
Mork Bobby does this. He wants DH to hold him and walk around. It can be really exhausting!

Maybe: I don't know but it isn't fair :(

Emera: I really wish I knew some one else who uses cloth. Lucky you! The pics are lovely :) I wanted to go there until I figured out where the Lake District is as we don't think Bobby will behave in the car for 5 hours :lol: i meant ti tell you that I LOVED the video of Roh walking on his knees to the nappy bucket :lol: Bobby is also so intrigued by it and I really don't get the fascination :lol:
Emera - sparks and all :shock: Yay for the laptop :thumbup: So glad you had a lovely holiday, the pictures on fb are just super :) I thought you had been quiet on here, the holiday wou;ld explain it :winkwink: I hope Roh goes back to his usual wake-up time for you asap.

Sarah - fab news about the wedding and Oliver's naps. A blackout blind is definately worth a try if he is used to napping in a really dim/dark room already. Joni is pretty much a one nap a day girl now. Generally she gets up somewhere between 6-7.30 and will go down for her nap approx 5 hours after she got up, so around 11-12.30. She usually naps for about 2 hours and I will wake her after 2 and a hlaf hours as I find if I let her nap longer it eats into her night time sleep.

Modo - Yeah the library is just such a great place to take Joni whatever the weather. They have all the board books in big boxes on the floor which Joni can sit or stand next to and look through them. They also have one of those bead maze tables. We pop in to play there even when we don't need to borrow or return books :haha: Our library does a baby singing group once a week too. Oh and in the kiddie section they have a few shelves with all the baby advice books for the Mums :thumbup: I got a really nice one out the other day which was all about how to encourage emotional development in children from birth to four.
I LOVE Bobby's new football strip :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - Sorry Danny was horrible :hugs: I hope you did get your decent day. Maybe one day you should just lay in bed until Danny gets up, if he has a go tell him it is his turn to get up with the kids.

Mork - Joni will have odd days like that. They tend to be either because she is teething really badly or she is unwell. Those days are really really tough though. When they come along I find a walk outside can distract Joni, failing that I cuddle up with her on the sofa and watch lots and lots of cbeebies :blush:

Joni has been totally awesome today. You know when you just have one of those days :mrgreen: I think it probably helps that she slept 7-4.30 last night then from about 5-7.20 which must be a record for her! Her teething has eased up over the last week but she is still waking at night and we think it might be because she gets cold in the early hours :-k Last night we put a warmer sleeping bag on her which saw her wake at 4.30 instead of 1.30. So tonight we have turned the oil filled radiator on in her room in the hope that makes a difference. We'll see.

Joni has tried to stand unsupported a few times today which was exciting and scary all at the same time :wacko: Oh and she has obviously made the connection that laughing is what you do when something is funny and she has started laughing on purpose when either hubby or I laugh at something. It is so flipping cute! Hubby found some giant balloons with elastic bands on them so you can bounce them in poundland today. It took Joni a few minutes to figure out that when she held the elastic band and waved her hand about that the balloon would bounce back and forth too. When she realised how to do it she started going 'oooooooh, ooooooooh, oooooooh' with the excitement and wonder. Best of all was we managed to get it on video :smug:

Righto I am about to lose power in the netbook so time to sign off. Sleep tight everyone x
sarah - we've had a couple of days where Alex missed his nap and it ended up like that! nightmare. I'm also finding that if he naps late - like after 3pm then trying to get him to go to sleep takes hours! Its a fine balance this napping business :haha: well done for being so organised :thumbup: its so lovely to hear how much you enjoy your work, I'm so pleased it all worked out for you :hugs:

modo - well done for making the decision :hugs: I bet you feel so much better now you have a clear focus for the future :hugs: they should have been more flexible, dont feel bad about it :hugs:

frufru - wow you are a busy lady at the moment! thats so cute of Joni :cloud9: what a sweetie :) loved the fb clip :kiss:

emera - your holiday pics were amazing, what a gorgeous place! I do understand about the exhaustion :haha: looks like you had a great time, nice to have you back though :hugs:

maybe - :grr: to danny for being lazy - shed night for him! I hope you had a lovely day in the end :hugs:

Mork - Alex has days like that :hugs: he gets really clingy and whingey. My mum calls it him being "one degree under" ! I think its teething as drool literally pours out of his mouth some days. sending big :hugs::hugs: I know its draining xxx

well I was on the ward again today. It felt a bit better. The reason I am so unhappy is its a hard job, its stressful and mentally draining and i think nurses are really underpaid for what they do, especially now that they have to be degree trained. I am taking a 10K pay cut to be a nurse and thats getting to me as I will be working horrid hours and having to drive an hour to get to work. I basically wont see the children 3 days a week as I will be out of the house 6am till 9pm :( I feel like I'll be a part time mum. Kerry wont even think about me working part time and really we cant afford it with the massive pay drop for me so I just have to get on with it. I'm so grateful to have a job but its bittersweet for those reasons :(

There's a 5 yr old anorexic on the ward at the moment. its so sad, her mum had no support from her health visitor and BF her for 18 months exclusively! then when she tried to introduce food the problems started. No-one seems to have advised her it was wrong. she's only 10kg and she;s weeny and it makes me sad that she cant comprehend the effect she will have on her future :( thats the thing with nursing, I feel like I need to offload every night but Kerry gets bored of it! ahh well.

lots of love to you all xxx

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