Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Mork :hugs: We have days like that now and then too - usually Oliver is teething, tired or feeling unwell. If I can I forget everything else I hoped to do that day and have a snuggly day. It is super draining though :wacko:

Maybe: I'm sorry that Danny was horrible to you - I agree with Amy - he's in the shed tonight! I hope you had a good day :hugs:

Emera you holiday looks so lovely! How did you go on with Roh and the change in routine etc? We are going to Cornwall for two weeks in August and I'm starting to wonder what I'm letting myself in for . . . . :haha: How was the drive?

Amy its crazy that you have to take such a huge paycut, but that you are doing such an important and responsible job :hugs: It sucks that you will miss the kids too BUT just remember that it isn't forever :hugs: Has Kerry found a new job yet? Oh, and if you need to offload - ever - you know where I am. I always found if I'd had a stressy day at work I had to tell someone about it - and Steve always got fed up of me talking about weddings or banking :haha: Really though I mean it, if you want to PM me on here or facebook, or I will give you my email, or my mobile, you know where I am any time you need to offload :hugs: :shock: at the five year old, how sad! And how awful that the mum had so little support / advice :nope: I read once (on here I think) about a mum who had given her children normal milk instead of breastmilk or formula :shock: All her kids had been sickly and tiny and had all kinds of issues, but it was only on the third baby that someone discovered that she'd been bottle feeding cows milk because she thought formula was a money making con :shock: I'm kind of stunned that things like that slip thought the net . . . but then I see SO little of my HV, maybe I shouldn't be stunned.

Today went pretty well :thumbup: This mornings wedding was great, the room looked amazing, I was SO pleased. And my non iron magic covers looked wonderful :happydance: This afternnoon I had the church of tomorrows wedding to sort, which was 160 chair covers and dressing the stairs :wacko: It went well, but I just have to pop back in the morning to finish off, which I was kind of hoping to avoid, but never mind. They were doing rehersals and things at the same time and I just need half an hour or so to finish things off, so we'll just call in there on the way to the reception venue. Phew! So an early start tomorrow - I feel kind of bad for my mum too, because they have a half hour drive to get here and she's been helping with weddings all weekend so she hasn't had a 'day off' as such. Dad's retired so he has days off all the time :haha: having said that, Mum mainly just looks after Oliver, and she loves doing that :)

Oliver was cute today - he loves crawling around huge hotel function rooms :haha: He loved the church too - it's a chinese church so not a 'normal' church building, more like a huge old house. They were singing loads of hyms and things and he loved it! When they did the rehersals, everytime everyone left he cried :rofl:
Thanks so much sarah :hugs::flower::hugs:
I know what you mean about the HV - when I had the girls my HV used to come round every other week almost until they were 6 months - we got so much more support and advice, I can kind of see how these children slip through the net - cows milk!! :shock: its so easy to blame the parents too but I do think health professionals need to take some resposibility for these children.
wow - 160 chair covers! and stairs :shock: its great for you that people have these big weddings :haha: will you have photos to post? I love seeing them! Thats so cute about Oliver crawling around wedding venues :kiss:
How exciting that you are off on hols to Cornwall in August! We went there when Emily was 4 months old and loved it. Lots of nice walks and beautiful beaches. Thats quite a drive down for you isnt it!! I think it took us 6 hrs from here. the children and I are off to Lincoln on Thursday for a long weekend. My mum has treated us and she is driving us up there. cant wait to get away, my parents used to have a house in Lincoln and we had lots of little holidays there - we all love it :happydance:
oooooo! just had an exciting text - my friend had her 2nd baby today, a little boy :cloud9: he was due the same day Alex was due so the little monkey is 13 days late! :cloud9:
Gosh I have droned on, nighty night xxx
amy :hugs: hang in there hun! you are right nurses are really underpaid but your work is invaluable. :shock: at a 5 year old being anorexic. 10kg is less that owen weighs :wacko: PM me if you ever want to offload. men are useless. i work in a bad catchment area (and the one i'm going to be working at is even worse) but Dan was the same when i tried to offload. i don't really bother any more.

frufru - what a cute video of joni on fb! danny bought owen a big ladybird windmill thingy and he loves it though god knows where we're going to put it as we have no garden or balcony :haha:

sarah - glad your wedding went well and hope the one today goes well too! :D :shock: at the cow's milk instead of formula/bm! then again like you said i hardly ever see the HV. with Dylan and Erin i used to go every week to see HV get them weighed but with Owen they haven't wanted to know. Even my friend who just had a baby 3 weeks ago who weighed under 6lbs has been told not go go til she's 2 months old :wacko: and she is worried about bf, even though LO has put on almost 1lb in a week. they told her that as LO was feeding often she shoud top up :saywhat: it's normal at that age to feed every 2hrs. and it's not all the time. she does go 4hrs without a feed at some points in the day. i can't believe they told her to top up!

well in the end we had a lovely day at the beach. we ate on a chiringuito (beach bar) and then went to the beach. the water was lovely so even i had a dip. only MIL didn't venture in (and Owen) we went with MIL FIL and SIL. we left super late though. we didnt leave Marbella til 8.30 so it was 10.30/11pm when we finally got the kids in bed! then Dan and I got an Indian take away :munch: so much for the diet :blush: i haven't lost any weight in 2 months but i haven't put on any and i'm less than a kg away from my target weight. i've reached the point of i can't be bothered!

the weather is lovely again but as per Danny's in bed. he's working 4-midnight so there's no reason why he couldnt get up to do something considering it's a bank holiday :shrug: i give up!
Hey all,
Such a lot to catch up on!
I hope you have all had a nice day.
Sarah - so pleased the weddings are going well, hope todays followed suit!
Maybe - grrr at dh, but yay for a lovely day on the beach!
Amy - hugs xxxx (Sarah has very wise words in that things are only for today - it can all change tomorrow and hopefully for the better)
Modo - Bobby is so gorgeous :)
H&F - Hi, hope your week has been ok.
Muddles and anyone else I have missed - hi! (sorry but I am still suffering with baby brain and so I forget one page to the next!)
mork - i meant to say that yes Owen cries to be held all the time. it's frustrating. I was trying to sort out Erin's wardrobe earlier and he was crying as i was doing that and not picking him up :dohh:

we went to the beach again today. SIL came with me as i am not too confident with taking the 3 of them on my own and all the necessary gear too! oh well off to do some :iron: now
Thanks hon, and to everyone else who reassured me that it is normal!!!! :) xx
Amy - I totally know what you mean about having to offload at the end of a shift. Even in my mundane banking role I always need to have a rant at the end of the day before I can relax properly. Hubby and I refer to it as venting :lol:
:shock: at the little girlonly being 10kg and refusing food :nope: You wonder how no-one (health professionals/family/friends) never noticed she was not weaning her LO and never questioned it :shrug: Thinking back, I knew about the importance of weaning and rough timescales at 14 when I started babysitting for my neighbour. It just beggars belief that things like this can happen, so so sad :sad1:
Yay for your holiday :happydance:

Sarah - Yay to fab weddings :yipee: Well done lady, I am so pleased that all your hard work is paying off. Bless Oliver and having fun at the church :haha:

Maybebaby - I am glad that you had a nice time yesterday, albeit a late one! I am usually in bed with the lights of by 10.30 :blush: so I would have been dead on my feet by the time you got home. I honestly don't know where you get your energy from!!
You have done so well with your weight loss :hugs: Perhaps, if you have managed to maintain your current weight for a couple of months without too much trouble this might be the weight/size your body wants to be just now.
Yay for the beach today :)

Mork - :hi: I hope your little lady was feeling a little better today :hugs:

Joni has gone back to teething like a fiend today. Drool, snot, red cheeks, slight fever - the whole sh-bang (is that even a real word written down?!) Poor wee thing. She was eating dinner tonight and caught her gum where her eye-tooth is coming through with a spoon. Oh my goodness, she did the crying where for the first 10-20 seconds there is no sound followed by proper sobbing and tears :cry:

I have made fritatta and super sweet sugar free fruity muffins from the BLW cookbook today. Joni tried a little of the fritatta at lunch but was not overly keen, there is plenty left over so I'll offer it again at lunch tomorrow I think. The muffins are alright bearing in mind the only sugar in them is from fruit, thought I have to say I think they would taste better with some sugar-tastic cream cheese frosting :rofl: Joni did not get to try the muffin on account of her spoon attacking her gums so she has that to look forward to tomorrow :winkwink:

I have my younger niece coming over tomorrow as her Dad is working and she's on half term. The three of us had such fun last week, I am really looking forward to it.

Well I better sign off and try to catch some :sleep: before Miss Joni has me up. Night all :hugs:

Well my crazy wedding weekend is over and everything went really well!! :happydance: :happydance: I'm pretty tired tonight though, I've had a couple of hours of 'working' and now I'm going to put my feet up for a bit. Over the weekend we've dressed 401 chairs, two stair cases and a top table :haha:

I just added some photos on Facebook from todays weddings, (on my business page) but I'll add a few more on here too (sorry to bore you all :haha:)

The first photos are from the church, the stairs going up to the hall, she wanted it quite simple and I was quite pleased with how it turned out - I find stairs soooo hard to dress :dohh: This is the top of the stairs, they kind of wind down, so there were a lot of them :haha: Then the next pic is the main room at the church, it was such an ugly room and the chairs were those horrible plastic things. They also crammed 160 into a room that would have been better with about 100, which is why we didnt go for bows, they would have just looked too much. I was quite pleased with the bows on the aisle though, they were my idea :haha: Then the third pic is the reception venue when we arrived - its a really lovely venue, such a gorgeous room. The fourth is the 'after' pic, I was pretty pleased with myself :blush: I think it looks stunning :thumbup:

So I now have a LOT of washing :haha: But I'm really pleased with how things went, though we were busy it wasn't rushed, which is always nice :thumbup:

Sorry to bore you all, thats my work offload, I think we should all do it :thumbup:

Maybe I'm jealous of your weather and the beach - it has been pretty overcast here today and raining :dohh: I get SO frustrated when people are given such crap 'advice' about breastfeeding - people are SO fast to say 'top up' when its normally just not needed!!! I'd love to do some volunteer work as a breastfeeding advisor at some point, maybe when Oliver starts school.

Mork I hope the crying has been better today :hugs:

Amy I love Lincoln, I looked at the Uni there but went to Leeds instead in the end. How often do you get up here? It's only an hour or so from me, we will have to meet up next time!! Padstow (where we are staying - well we're in a little village a few miles away from Padstow itself) is about 8 hours on a good run :shock: We are going to have lots of stops I think, I really hope that Oliver sleeps for a lot of it (though that will mess the night up :dohh:). To be honest I would have liked to have gone somewhere closer - maybe Dorset - but Steve really loves Cornwall and think's it'll be fine . . . I' sure it will . . . fingers crossed :wacko:

Right, well I think I might have an early night! I'm tired out, I think tomorrow Oliver and I are going to have a lazy day in the house playing with toys and drinking tea :haha:



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Awwww FruFru poor Joni and the tooth vs spoon incident! Ouch! Your cooking has inspired me, I might do a spot of baking tomorrow :thumbup:

Oh, and I SOOOOO had to vent after a shift in banking!!! I would always come home and say to Steve 'So I shouldn't tell you this but . . . . . . ' and I think after a while he wished I kept to the rules :haha:
sarah - the pics are fab! you are a clever lady :thumbup:

frufru - owen's been drooling the last 2 days. do you know if it is ok to wet the amber necklace (i'm sure i read not to) then again i put it round owen's foot one night, it fell off into his babygro and went through the wash :rofl: wondering if it may affect it's magical powers :shrug:

have just ordered some dresses and leggings from new look online. i ordered the dresses in a size 10 and the leggings in a 12. hoping i havent ordered too small a size :wacko:
I am so cross with my useless laptop - I wrote a lovely long reply to you all and it wiped it again!!!!! :grr: :growlmad:

so apologies for my short replies for 2nd time round :dohh:

mork thanks hun :hugs: how was T today? was she still clingy? xx

maybe - your day at the beach sounds fab, especially finished off with takeaway :munch: Danny is an idiot for not getting up and missing out on another great day with you all :hugs:

sarah - wow, the wedding looks amazing and I love hearing about it as its so different to anything I have done - its not boring at all! We used to go to Lincoln 3-4 times a year but this is the first time we've been for a couple of years. I'm sure we'll be up there again though and I will definately let you know so we can meet up :happydance::happydance: that would be soooo exciting!! :happydance: I'm sure the drive to cornwall will be fine!

frufru - I bet you need to offload working with the public! You've inspired me to bake too :winkwink: hope you have a lovely day with your neice xx

Well thanks again ladies for all your support over my job depression! I am feeling a lot more positive. :hugs::hugs: you're all great listeners and give such great advice :hugs:

I'm off to a funeral tomorrow - it was my great uncle and we werent close but i want to pay my respects. He was my Nanny's brother - I was sooooo close to my Nanny and she died 11 years ago of cancer while I was on holiday and i missed her funeral so in my head i will be thinking of her too xxx
Sarah - The wedding looks amazing! :thumbup: I love Padstow so much, my FIL lives really close by, such a nice area! When Roh is a bit older and can cope with visiting such a baby-unfriendly house (he keeps saying come and stay, but we have no travel cot, and he thinks Roh can just have the bed in another room :dohh: ) then we'll be there as often as possible! I'm sure Oliver will cope ok with the long journey. It took us about 6.5 hours to get to the lake district from here. Roh only slept for 40 minutes of the whole journey :shock: We stopped basically every 2 hours. I just made sure i had lots of his favourite books and toys, and produced them one by one. I also had lots of his favourite snacks. On the way home he was a bit more of a handful, and was a bit whiney. I managed to keep him quite for ages with 2 bags of mini gingerbread men :haha: I just walked them over the seat to him, mking them say hello etc. then he'd grab them and bite there heads off and laugh! :rofl: Anyway, i was a bit worried about the journey, but it was fine really :thumbup:

Mork - I meant to say, Roh can be really clingy too. He's a very chilled out little man, and rarely cries without good reason, but he will make his stress noise (whining, not crying, iykwim?) and also do little fake cries if i don't pick him up when he wants me to. And generally if i don't pick him up, he'll either sit there and cry after a while, or he'll grab hold of my leg, so i can't do whatever i was trying to get done anyway :dohh:

Amy - Glad you are feeling more positive about your job, not that I've been so helpful :blush: but glad everyone here has helped you feel a bit better :hugs: OH and i always offload our days at work on eachother, its kind of a given. Cheffing can be very high pressure, and not so much now, but when we were both doing serious restaurant work, we both really needed the relief of just pouring it all out. :thumbup:

FruFru - Poor Joni with her teething, Roh's done that before, i felt sooo sorry for him at the time :hugs: Ahhh, that crying, hah, i say Roh doesn't cry alot, and its just as well, because whenever he does cry, he does it properly. He's a right drama queen just like his Dad :haha: I do feel a bit guilty, as sometimes (if i know its not because he's hurt himself, then i get upset too) i find it quite funny :blush: Its that " aaaha, aaha, aaaha..................................WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" It seems that the length of the pause is the indication of how serious it is! :haha: Poor Roh and his heartless Mummy! :haha: Those muffins sound yummy though!

Maybe - I think amber is fine to be washed :thumbup:

Well, we had a lovely Sunday lunch with my friends, i did a proper Chicken roast, and then chocolate brownie and ice cream. Yum! I've also agreed to look after there little girl on Fridays, she's a May baby too :) Only problem is she cries if someone takes a toy off her, and Roh LOVES to take toys off people :wacko: Also, Roh cries if she could be fun! :D

Damn, Roh went to sleep quick, and now OH is back to use his pc :( Hope my laptop arrives soon! :happydance:

Enjoy your evenings ladies! :hugs:

Oh, and sorry if i missed anyone x
Hey all,
Amy - was thinking of you today x
Modo - Hope you feel better soon x
Emera - it is so reassuring to know other babies/toddlers (i still struggle with what she is!) do the same things. The clinginess is ssooohard when you are not sure why they are like it and so difficult to deal with when you have stuff to do, but it really does help knowing that it is normal! So with you looking after your friends lo, does that mean you are now childminding??? Should be interesting to see how her and Roh get on with the toys!!! :)
Maybe and Sarahwoo - you are both quiet today-up to anything exciting?
We have had a good day today as dh has been off so the parenting has been shared!!!Oh and my dd finally doubled her birth weight!!! :)
modo - oh no! poor you? hope you feel better soon :hugs:

emera - I can imagine cheffing is high pressure at times! yum yum your Sunday lunch sounds delicious! Sounds like it could be fun when you have the little girl on Fridays :haha: hopefully it will help her get used to having toys taken away :winkwink: I appreciated what you said to sarah about your journey on hols - when we go to Lincoln on Thurs it will be about 4 hours and I know Alex will probably winge but I think stopping every couple of hours is a good idea :thumbup:

have a lovely evening all xx
jinx mork - thanks hun :hugs: the funeral was a lovely service, very moving.
congrats to T for doubling her birthweight! :happydance:
Hey all -

Sorry for not replying properly I am on mission tidy up the house - Amy refused to go to bed till 11pm last night and we were out all day and the house is a tip so I am going to run round and tidy up. So nervous about weight watchers tomorrow, I havent been very good this week but so desperate to get to goal in the next 4 weeks! Also I have positive news about my dad - all the other tests were clear and therefore he is starting chemo in the next couple of weeks and hopefully after a couple of rounds of chemo he will have surgery to remove the tumour and fingers crossed will get the all clear saying that it is a huge operation but fingers crossed he is strong enough to do it.

Really sorry need to wash up hopefully catch up properly later. x x x
h&f - glad there's a good prognosis for your dad!

mork - no nothing exciting! just busy to-ing and fro-ing, though i did buy a new bikini on the way :haha: how much does T weigh now?

emera - friday could be a fun day of toy stealing :rofl:

amy hope you're ok hun!

modo - get well soon :hugs:
Anew bikini sounds exciting to me - I dont get out much lol!!!!!!
T now weighs 19lbs 3ozs!!! How about your babies girls? xx

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