Sarahwoo - Wow the wedding photo's are absolutely lovely

What a difference the chair covers make, I would have never thought the plastic chairs in the church could have been made to look so different!
I am glad you have been able to have a load back day with Oliver after your busy weekend.
As for venting about banking, hubby works for the group too so I am never breaching confidentiality as long as I vent in private

at Oliver waking himself up with a fart

that is classic
Maybebaby - There seems to be mixed opinions about getting amber necklaces wet, but I sometimes have to wet Joni's to give it a bit of a clean. I do also take it off and leave it to sit in direct sunlight every so often which I find does seem to boost its effectiveness.
Have your lovely new clothes arrived yet? Wow 10 & 12 they are teeny tiny sizes! I had been hoping to get back into my old work trousers before going back to work. I can get into them but I personally consider them to tight to wear so I am going to relent and buy a cheap pair of black ones from matalan tomorrow. I only need to wear formal attire on Wednesday evenings and Thursdays as Friday is always a charity dressdown day and we are also allowed to dress down on Saturdays too as we are not in customer facing roles

Yay for Danny committing to painting

What colours are you going for? My kitchen is now a very exciting shade of pure white

I just wanted the awful terracotta colour (that looked more like salmon pink gone

) gone after putting up with it for
Amy - wishing you a safe trip to Lincoln and a lovely time while you are there. I hope Emily is feeling a bit better for the journey.
Cor that is a long trip for your training course. I am glad they teach in a way that keeps you awake
Modo - Boo to feeling poorly

I hope you are feeling a bit better now

Joni has picked up quite a few bugs from her singing group and now nursery, according to her nursery key worker it is common for them to catch a lot of different things when they are introduced to new groups of kids but it should taper off after a while as they build up immunity..... allegedly.
Emera - Yay for the fab holiday

The mental picture of Roh devouring all the gingerbread men one by one really made me giggle

I remember buying a bag of jelly babies after a particularly nasty break-up as a teenager, calling them all 'Kristian' and finding very inventive ways for them all to find their demise

Joni sometimes throws little frustration tantrums where she lays down and lifts her bum up and down so she appears to be humping the floor

I often have to turn away or leave the room and have a little snigger so she doesn't see me laughing at her, bad Mama

I hope the babysitting goes well tomorrow

Oh no about the dragon

Is it super-glue-able? Joni has a really low windowsill in her room and can now stand up against it to look out the window so I have had to move all her kitsch 1980's Natwest piggy banks to new 'out-of-reach' locations.
Thinking of your today
Mork -

yay for mini-mork doubling her birthweight

If she is 19lb 3oz now she must have been a really good weight when she was born. Joni was a titch at 5lb9oz and was 20lb when she was weighed before her birthday. Like Roh she has caught up really well considering she was so early and her weight gain is now starting to taper off a bit like it should.
H&F - That is really positive news about your Dad

I hope you were pleasantly suprised at WW.
Wow 11pm for bedtime

Joni goes to bed on time but then just gets up for 3-4 hours in the middle of the night when we parents need to be sleeping

We have tried earlier and later bedtimes to no avail, it is just this blooming teething upsetting her.

at me inspiring some of you to bake

As it happens my cooking enthusiasm has come along just as Joni has gone back to fiendishly bad teething and she is refusing anything new

Ah well hubby and I are making our way through the muffins and I enjoyed the frittata.
Well after Joni's tought day she had another rough night

She starting sobbing in her sleep at 12 so I snuggled with her on the sofa and she went back to sleep until about 2.30 when her temperature had gone up to 39.9

I woke hubby and got him to break out the pink stuff while I stripped her PJ's off. We gave her a calpol and calprofen which really helped to bring her temp down a bit. She went back to sleep around 3-4ish waking at 4.30, 5.30, 6.30 and getting up at 7.30. Last night I was really quite concerned that her temp was so high and was questioning whether it could really be down to teething and was wondering whether to keep her home from nursery today and take her to the doctors. Then this morning her temp was gone, she was all smiles and giggles at 7.30 and ate a good breaskfast so I have packed her off to nursery. So far I have not been able to sleep so have mooched around the house in my trackies, watched last nights 'desperate housewhores' (as my husband like to call it

) and I am now thinking I might actually be ready to do a few chores.
Well, have a lovely day everyone