Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

owen weighed about 24lbs at 8months and hasnt been weighed since. his check is next week so we'll see then!
H&F: I am glad your Dad got a positive prognosis :hugs:
Amy: I hope work is getting better hon. I was so sad to read about the anorexic 5 year old :( :hugs:
Sarah: I love your chair covers, they really transformed that room. Gorgeous!
Maybe: Bobby weighs roughly 24 lbs now (I carry him on the scales and subtract my weight). I say roughly because I haven't taken him to the HV's since he was 4 months old as I found ours to be patronizing :growlmad:

I am starting to feel almost human again. Hopefully should be normal again soon. I blame the playgroup :haha: This is the second time I have been ill since I have had Bobby and the first time I got the bug from my Dad. I am still going to take him there though. I am just grateful that Bobby doesn't seem to be ill.

Just a quick one from me . . .

Modo I hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

H&F I'm so pleased that your dad has had some good news :hugs:

Amy you'd better get planning your next trip to Lincoln NOW :haha:

Emera I laugh at Oliver when he cries sometimes too, not when he's hurt himself of anything, but if he's having a tantrum I sometimes can't help myself :dohh: He REALLY cries / screams now when he's having a little tantrum, and throws himself backwards or tries to hit me. Little monkey, I guess it only gets worse before it gets better too!!

I'm so pleased you all liked my wedding photos :)

We had a nice 'Oliver' day yesterday - lots of playing and doing Oliver things. It was loely weather so e played out in the garden quite a bit :thumbup:

Oh, and I mentioned to Steve yesterday that it's Bramham horse trials this weekend (just up the A1 from us) and he said well I'm off on Saturday so if its not too expensive why don't we go :shock: :shock: I had a look at it's fourty five quid for the three off us to go in for the cross country day, and we can take a picnic so we won't need to buy food and things. So presuming the weather is good on Saturday we're going to go! I'm so excited :haha:

Right, well Oliver and I are off to Ikea now . . . they sell little gerberas and I need some for a wedding, but when I looked on the website the other day they weren't on there . . . . so I'm hoping they still have them, if not I'll have to find somewhere else to buy them from :dohh: And I need 75 so they need to have a few in :haha:

I hope everyone has good day!

wrote a reply and lost it :grr: am having a clearing day as danny is painting the kids rooms next week so i have to get things sorted! having a break now though :haha:

sarah - your wedding pics on fb are fab! happy gerbera hunting!

modo - glad you're feeling more human!
H&F - thats great you've had some positive news about your Dad :hugs: good luck with WW!

maybe - I keep losing replies :grr: thats great Danny is going to paint their rooms! Have you let them choose colours?? :winkwink:

modo - thats great news you are feeling better - have you had the stomach bug thats going around? my girls have had/got it and I am praying Alex doesnt get it. I'm so glad Bobby is ok so far - fingers crossed he stays well :hugs:

Mork - I think Alex weighed 22lbs last week if I remember rightly! I dont get out much either :haha::winkwink:

sarah - wow the horse trials/picnic day sounds fab - lucky you :hugs: you'll have a lovely family day out together :thumbup: hope you had a successful shopping trip to Ikea!

Well I was in Romford for my course today so 3 hours in the car on such a lovely day :growlmad: Today we covered Basic Life support which was interesting and the lecture was really interactive which helps me stay awake! we're off in the morning, I am pretty much packed but the girls are in bed so I cant do anymore now. Emily has been sick all day so i am praying she'll be better for tomorrow! We're just watching The apprentice. Have a lovely weekend all and I look forward to catching up with you all when I get back :hugs: :hugs: xxx
Amy I hope you have a great weekend!!! Fingers crossed that Emily is fine tomorrow :hugs:

Maybe yay for getting the rooms painted! Did you get the mould sorted out?

My trip to Ikea was fun but I didn't get my gerberas :dohh: They had them, but I'm sure they used to be 29p each, and now they are 59p!!! I can get bigger ones at the wholesaler for 72p so I just bought some random other bits, like you do at Ikea :haha: Oliver and I had a nice time wondering around though, I might do it again if we are bored one day :haha:

It's been a fairly quiet / normal day apart from that, and not much planned for tomorrow. Maybe a walk if the weather is nice :)

I hope everyone else had a good day!

blimey sarah that is a bit of a price hike!!! glad you had a good time though! did you by any chance see any nice toy boxes? We need to get T a bigger one and were thinking of taking a trip to IKEA to maybe pick one up! x

I too had suffered post loss tonight :dohh: and am now too tired to go again so will pop by again tomorrow.

Joni is teething like a fiend again. Last night she went down at about 7.45 then was up 11-11.45 and then again 1.30-4.30 before getting up for the day at 7.30 with an all up the back poo :wacko: SHe has been really clingy all day and sobbing on and off all the time. Poor wee thing :sad1: She has her amber necklace and I am giving her chamomilla and the usual calpol/calprofen but she is still really suffering :nope: Boo teeth BOO!!!

I hope you all have good nights x
Mork I know!! I couldn't quiet believe it myself - but I double checked the name etc and it was right :dohh: I am absolutely sure they only used to be 29p.

I didn't look at toy boxes but I should have because we could really do with a new one too :dohh: Oh well, maybe I'll go back next week and have a look :haha:

FruFru BOO for teething, Oliver seems to be teething too though I can't see anything coming through. He's definetly a bit more tearful than normal though.
I can't sleep :( I'm nervous about what the doctor will say in the morning, i've got to go in to discuss treatment and more tests and see if i can get to ovulating again. I'm scared :wacko:

Oh and Mork i think Roh weighed 22lb at 12 months, roughly, maybe it was 21lb, i'm not sure, i know he's gaining pretty slowly now though. Seeing as he was 5lb 10oz at birth i'm really proud of him for catching up so well, there isn't a spare pinch of fat on him, he's all muscle and sooo strong :shock:

Today Roh figured out how to climb on the sofa, and therefore on the window sill, he got hold of one of my dragons and snapped part of a wing off :dohh: Going to have to relocate them to the top of the bookcase for a while it seems.

Ergh guess i'll go back to trying to sleep!

Emera wow at Roh's climbing!!! Oliver is a while off been able to get onto the sofa I think. I've been trying to show him to get down from it backwards rather than dive off head first, and yesterday he turned himself around and got down properly :thumbup: Little things make me so proud :haha:

I hope all goes well at the Dr's :hugs: :hugs: I'm sure they will get you ov'ing again soon! Let us know how it goes, thinking of you :hugs:

Last night Oliver woke up when Steve got home and was a wet so I had to do a full change :dohh: it was so funny though, I gave him some milk to settle him back down and he fell asleep really quickly, I popped him down and about a minute later he did a HUGE fart and then started laughing! He was literally rolling about laughing, little monkey! He'd been fast asleep so I can only think that he woke himself up! Steve was a very proud Daddy :haha: :rofl:
Sarahwoo - Wow the wedding photo's are absolutely lovely :mrgreen: What a difference the chair covers make, I would have never thought the plastic chairs in the church could have been made to look so different!
I am glad you have been able to have a load back day with Oliver after your busy weekend.
As for venting about banking, hubby works for the group too so I am never breaching confidentiality as long as I vent in private :winkwink:
:rofl: at Oliver waking himself up with a fart :haha: that is classic :mrgreen:

Maybebaby - There seems to be mixed opinions about getting amber necklaces wet, but I sometimes have to wet Joni's to give it a bit of a clean. I do also take it off and leave it to sit in direct sunlight every so often which I find does seem to boost its effectiveness.
Have your lovely new clothes arrived yet? Wow 10 & 12 they are teeny tiny sizes! I had been hoping to get back into my old work trousers before going back to work. I can get into them but I personally consider them to tight to wear so I am going to relent and buy a cheap pair of black ones from matalan tomorrow. I only need to wear formal attire on Wednesday evenings and Thursdays as Friday is always a charity dressdown day and we are also allowed to dress down on Saturdays too as we are not in customer facing roles :thumbup:
Yay for Danny committing to painting :thumbup: What colours are you going for? My kitchen is now a very exciting shade of pure white :haha: I just wanted the awful terracotta colour (that looked more like salmon pink gone :sick:) gone after putting up with it for 5 YEARS!

Amy - wishing you a safe trip to Lincoln and a lovely time while you are there. I hope Emily is feeling a bit better for the journey.
Cor that is a long trip for your training course. I am glad they teach in a way that keeps you awake :winkwink:

Modo - Boo to feeling poorly :sad1: I hope you are feeling a bit better now :hugs: Joni has picked up quite a few bugs from her singing group and now nursery, according to her nursery key worker it is common for them to catch a lot of different things when they are introduced to new groups of kids but it should taper off after a while as they build up immunity..... allegedly.

Emera - Yay for the fab holiday :happydance: The mental picture of Roh devouring all the gingerbread men one by one really made me giggle :rofl: I remember buying a bag of jelly babies after a particularly nasty break-up as a teenager, calling them all 'Kristian' and finding very inventive ways for them all to find their demise :devil:
Joni sometimes throws little frustration tantrums where she lays down and lifts her bum up and down so she appears to be humping the floor :rofl: I often have to turn away or leave the room and have a little snigger so she doesn't see me laughing at her, bad Mama :blush:
I hope the babysitting goes well tomorrow :)
Oh no about the dragon :sad1: Is it super-glue-able? Joni has a really low windowsill in her room and can now stand up against it to look out the window so I have had to move all her kitsch 1980's Natwest piggy banks to new 'out-of-reach' locations.
Thinking of your today :hugs:

Mork - :happydance: yay for mini-mork doubling her birthweight :thumbup: If she is 19lb 3oz now she must have been a really good weight when she was born. Joni was a titch at 5lb9oz and was 20lb when she was weighed before her birthday. Like Roh she has caught up really well considering she was so early and her weight gain is now starting to taper off a bit like it should.

H&F - That is really positive news about your Dad :hugs: I hope you were pleasantly suprised at WW.
Wow 11pm for bedtime :shock: Joni goes to bed on time but then just gets up for 3-4 hours in the middle of the night when we parents need to be sleeping :dohh: We have tried earlier and later bedtimes to no avail, it is just this blooming teething upsetting her.

:lol: at me inspiring some of you to bake :haha: As it happens my cooking enthusiasm has come along just as Joni has gone back to fiendishly bad teething and she is refusing anything new :rolleyes: :dohh: Ah well hubby and I are making our way through the muffins and I enjoyed the frittata.

Well after Joni's tought day she had another rough night :nope: She starting sobbing in her sleep at 12 so I snuggled with her on the sofa and she went back to sleep until about 2.30 when her temperature had gone up to 39.9 :shock: I woke hubby and got him to break out the pink stuff while I stripped her PJ's off. We gave her a calpol and calprofen which really helped to bring her temp down a bit. She went back to sleep around 3-4ish waking at 4.30, 5.30, 6.30 and getting up at 7.30. Last night I was really quite concerned that her temp was so high and was questioning whether it could really be down to teething and was wondering whether to keep her home from nursery today and take her to the doctors. Then this morning her temp was gone, she was all smiles and giggles at 7.30 and ate a good breaskfast so I have packed her off to nursery. So far I have not been able to sleep so have mooched around the house in my trackies, watched last nights 'desperate housewhores' (as my husband like to call it :rolleyes:) and I am now thinking I might actually be ready to do a few chores.

Well, have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Hey ladies! I *just* found this thread and my DD was born April 2010. Got room for another momma in here???
Hey Nichole! Welcome! Of yours we have room for another Momma! I see you have another baby on the way too - congratulations!

Phew its been HOT today! Oliver and I went shopping but came home pretty quick as it was just too warm! This evening its just so hot and sticky, I'll be getting the air con out if this keeps up! Phew! I'm hoping it cools down a bit before Saturday or it might be a bit warm to take Oliver to Bramham for the day :dohh:

We did have a funny incident while we were out though. Oliver was having a drink of water from a bottle with a sports top - which he does all the time - but he got a bit over excited and squeezed the bottle really hard :shock: Bless him it was like a fountain in his face - he was absolutely drenched! Luckily I had some spare clothes with me, I had to strip him down to his nappy in the middle of town and then dress him again :dohh: Bless him, it was kinda funny though :haha:

FruFru I hope Joni has a better night tonight! Its awful when they cry in their sleep, Oliver does it too, really huge sobs :cry: It's nearly always teething, calpol / neurofen usually does the trick :thumbup:
nichole - :wave: hi! there's always room for one more :hugs:

sarah - :rofl: at oliver's fart :haha:

frufru - hope joni is better

amy - have a lovely weekend

mork - how is T sleeping these days?

modo - are you completely recovered?

Dylan's room is going to be green and Erin's pink. we let them choose the colour but not the shade :haha:

i need to take my macbook in as it has crashed when on the internet a few times :growlmad: not what i expected for over £1100! Danny of course took great pleasure in pointing out i should've followed his advice and spent £300 on a netbook like his :dohh:
just booked to go away next weekend up the coast to Benalmadena for 3 nights :happydance:
Hey all, hope you have had a good day.
Emera - hope you got on ok at the Dr's today x
Sarahwoo-lol re the fart!!!!! :)
Frufru - yay for painted kitchen! T was big when she was born - 9lbs6ozs!! Joni was a dot in comparison!! Is she any better?
Nichole - hi! :)
Maybe - T is sleeping a little better thanks (probably jinxed it now), only waking about 4 times a night, how about Owen? Any joy on getting your macbook sorted out? As if its not annoying enough - D has to be annoying too!!! Yay for you going away - is that just you, you and D or all of you??
I am wondering if any of you uk girls would be willing to share - I am thinking about childcare for T once I am back at work and dont know whether to use a nursery or childminder and what the price difference is! Any experiences/info anyone can share would be most gratefully received xxx
:wave: Nichole. The more the merrier! C'mon in :mrgreen:

Sarah - I hope it is not too hot for you to go to Braham tomorrow. Joni and I are off for a birthday picnic for one of my friends. I think I will take Joni's suntent with us to pitch up so we have some portableshade :thumbup:
Bless Oliver and the water :lol: Joni sometimes soaks herself with her water as she like to gum the spout :dohh:

Maybebaby - I like your style letting the kids choose the colour but not the shade :thumbup: Blooming netbook, have you had any joy getting it fixed? Hubby ordered new RAM for our netbook and it is like a new machine :mrgreen: Granted it is not as fast as our desktop, but the internet no longer freezes while I am scrolling down pages that have allegedly already loaded up.
Hooray for the weekend break. Are you all going or is it just a romantic break for two?

Mork - How funny that you called Joni a dot, when she was born I would call her my dinky dot :cloud9:
On the childcare front, I chose to send Joni to nursery as I felt she would really enjoy the social aspect of the nursery environment. All the nurserys where we are charge more-or-less the same fee which is around £40-45 for a full days care. Joni attends 2 full days a week which equates to a monthly bill of roughly 380 squids :wacko: I feel really happy about the nursery where Joni goes and Joni really seems to have a super time there.

Well Joni is still teething but her temperature seems to have calmed down a bit. Last night was another crappy one with hubby and I not actually getting to sleep until about 2-3am. In the end Hubby slept in our bed with Joni and I had the sofa. I can honestly say that I got more sleep on a daily basis when she was a newborn and I was expressing for an hour at a time every three hours! Once more..... C'MON TEETH!

Joni has been at nursery the last two days. As of next Thursday I am back at work so I have been a busy bee this week trying to get as many little jobs done as I can. Today I gave myself off and went into the city and had a massage, popped in on a friend for a natter and bought myself some new bra's :) Lovely.

Righto, time to turn in. Night all :hugs:

FruFru YAY for a day off! It sounds like a lovely day too, ahhhh I think I might need to book a massage :haha: I need to buy some new bras too . . . goodness knows what size I am these days though :dohh: I hope you get a better nights sleep and that Joni's teeth improve soon!!

Maybe I hope you get the Macbook sorted!! I would be soooo annoyed, esp with Danny doing the whole 'I told you so' crap :grr:

Mork I have no advice re childcare I'm afraid, I'm completely clueless with these things :dohh: When are you due back at work?

Emera I hope all went well at the Dr's :hugs:

I think we're just about ready for Bramham tomorrow :happydance: I have a picnic all ready and I have hopefully though of everything we need to take. I think it's going to be packed, with the weather been so good, but I hope we have a fab day. I'm not sure how much Steve is looking forward to it but we went to the Horse of the Year Show a few years ago and he seemed to enjoy it :haha:

Well I have some emails I need to reply to, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


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