Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)


Mork I'm so glad you found us again!! I'm really glad you started posting too :thumbup: And I'm glad you like hearing my work rants - Steve is very grateful :haha: I think he thought he escaped all the wedding stuff when we got married in Vegas but little did he know he'd actually have it for years and years :rofl:

Amy I'm glad you had such a fab time in Lincoln!! You should come to Bramham next year, the kids would love it!! I think we might go for the full weekend and camp! You should come!!!! And I think you did the right thing re asking for a higher wage. If you don't ask you don't get! ad even if they say no, it shows that you mean business, IYKWIM. I think you did the right thing, and I hope they say Yes :hugs:

H&F I hope the inlaws didnt stay long!!

Janny I hope Jared has a great Birthday!!

I sorted my bride out!!! I went to the wholesaler and they had some new stock in, the ones I bought are nicer than the original ones I wanted and were a good price too. Phew! I have spent the evening getting the covers ready, ! need 60 and I've done 20, so if I can do the same tomorrow night and Wednesday, I get a couple of nights 'off' :haha: I have to sew the covers before I iron them, its not complicated but just a pain getting the machine out etc. I always feel torn when I have my wedding stuff to do but also housework, but when the wedding stuff is done I can do everything else.

We had our first 'Walkers and Explorers' today and it was great! There were lots of babies and I was glad that I knew a couple of mums (who 'graduated' with us from baby group). Oliver loved it - they have loads of messy play things etc set up, its a lot of fun :) I also signed up for a six week course which starts tomorrow, it's a cooking course :haha: It's two hours every Tuesday morning and they provide a creche for the babies, so I though a) I'm not a great cook and it would be good for me to learn some new stuff and b) it will be good for Oliver to have a couple of hours without me, and he gets to play with some other kids. Its free too, and I feel like I should really support these things. There is another course which starts on Wednesday for five weeks and if Oliver enjoys creche tomorrow I might sign up for that too, it's 'Fun with Phonics' so its all about how children learn to read and stuff. I know it's a bit early but I figure that it's all useful info. So that would mean we have 'stuff' on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for five weeks, phew!!

Right - I'm off to bed! I'm sorry to all the people I've forgotten to say hello etc to, I'm sure I had lots more to say, esp after not posting properly over the weekend . . . I'm crap :haha:

Night night all and lots of love xx
Oh Emera you poor thing!!! :hugs: :hugs: Oh how awful, thank goodness you are okay!! Bless Roh trying to wake you by bopping you on the head, bless him! I'm glad you got a hug tonight, he will be SO excited to see you in the morning!

Can your OH stay home with you for a couple of days until you are feeling 100% again? It is scarey been ill when you have a baby to look after but please don't dwell on the 'what ifs', it will only upset you, and Roh is fine so don't let it get you upset honey :hugs: And you have nothing to feel guilty about!! You can't help been ill! And personally I think that as mums, we have something in us which would protect our babies even if we didnt actually know that we were doing it, if you know what I mean.

I hope you get a lovely nights sleep and I'm sure you'll feel so much brighter in the morning after some sleep in your own bed, with lots of Roh cuddles to look forward to in the morning :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Okay, so I've been lurking for a bit, getting the feel of the chatter :winkwink: before just jumping in. So, I thought maybe I should introduce me and my LO better to start.

I'm Nichole, 21, working mother, separated from DH (we're working on it) and pregnant with #2. I am fortunate to have all of my immediate family close by, so DD (Saharrah) is not in daycare, she stays with family while my husband and I are at work.

Saharrah is 13 months and a tiny terror, lol. She's quite big for her age (she's always been big! 8lbs 6oz, 21.5 inches long at birth) and she's just starting walking this past month and a half. She eats anything put in front of her and says a few words: mama, kitty, "get it", dada (rare), hi, and she loves to wave, at people, and bark at dogs.

She sleeps thru the night, except to wake up for a drink from her sippy. She was breastfed for 3 months and somehow I just ran out of milk :shrug:, so we put her on the bottle from there until she turned one. She's been teething off and on for a while now. She doesn't usually get too bad, but a tad more clingy. She's got 6 or 7 teeth now. It's hard to keep track because she won't let me look at them.

Okay, I think that's the gist of our story here :D
Hi everyone, I have been offline for a bit as DH has started redoing our kitchen and has had to sort out the electrics, so the computer has been disconnected. We now have a laptop wahoo should make things easier.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: for Emera, that could have happened to any of us hun, you are the best mummy to Roh, the main thing is that you and he are both safe and you are on the mend :hugs::hugs:

Amy good for you asking for more money, I hope they agree. Goodluck on the ward xx

Sarah all of your wedding pics look amazing, really glad it's all going well!

Modo - hope Bobby's teeth come through quick and give him a break, it's horrible isn't it.

Nichole - nice to meet you x

Will be back on later to do a proper post, :hugs: to everyone, Will is demanding my attention, so going to have to cut this one short xx

Crikey I'm so behind!

Will is just gorgeous, he's walking quite a bit now and has done about 3 metre, but tend to just do a few steps. He is into everything but has developed such a character.

He had a plastic trailer for his birthday and loves sitting in it and looks adorable. Yesterday he went and fell out of it, it's only two inches from the floor but his face hit the handle and he cut his cheek and knocked his teeth, which bled. I was mortified!!!

Then to top it off he had his jabs, luckily DH came with us and realised how horrendous it is, I could have been physically sick!
no time top post as in the middle of diy/painting/clearing frenzy! will post tonight!

emera :hugs:
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I'm feeling a little bit better today, i was so upset last night, i just hated being in hospital and away from my little family :cry: At least physically i feel back to normal now though and i really wanted to eat breakfast this morning, which is a great sign :thumbup: The downside is that Roh has a cold :( The up side of that is that i cancelled his jabs, that he was meant to go for today :happydance: I wouldn't have gone anyway after the few days i've had, but at least i had a proper excuse! Unfortunately i can feel that i'm getting the cold too, i guess my immune system took a bit of a battering, so i'm not that suprised. At least a cold will just be annoying, not terrifying :thumbup: It has made Roh extra cuddley though, which makes up for the rivers of snot :sick: I sent OH of to work today, as i'm feeling ok, and we really can't afford to have both of us off work (neither of us get paid for sick days unfortunately) if its not totally necessary.

Nichole - Hi there! :hi: Nice to meet you, Saharrah sounds lovely, i think its so sweet that she barks at dogs! :flower:

Sarah - Those courses sound great! And free too?! I will have to have a look and see if there is anything like that round here.

L-C - Good to see you back! Will sounds like a gorgeous handful! :haha: Poor him falling out of his trailer :( Roh is always falling since he started climbing! He still has a big bruise on the side of his head from what was a massive egg, although luckily his split lip is healed, so i can almost take him out the house again without risking a visit from social services :haha: He climbed onto his little chair, which he loves, and then overbalanced, fell off and the chair toppled over and somehow managed to land on top of him, not sure how, but it hit him over the head, hence the huge bump and split lip :dohh: Boys, what can you do? :shrug:

Modo - I how the teething calms down soon! :hugs:

Amy - I hope everything goes ok with your request for a salary review :hugs: with all your experience, you do deserve a bit more than basic i'd say ;)

H&F - Hope you managed to shift the inlaws? :hugs:

Mork - Yay for finding the thread again! :happydance:

Right Roh is stirring for his extra nap he seemed to want, i better go sort of some lunch, sorry if i missed anyone!

Emera I'm so glad you are starting to feel better :hugs: :hugs: The last time I thought I was getting a cold I ate LOADS if garlic and it just went away!

LC the vaccinations are horrid aren't they? I felt so shakey and awful when we came out, I had to sit with a coffee and calm my nerves!

Maybe it sounds like you are super busy! Hope you have a good day! How are you finding Google Chrome?

My cooking course went great this morning! Oliver was SO good in creche! They went outside and we could see them playing, he spent ages looking at the trees and walking about with a little walker, or been pushed around on a bike. He was so good! I really enjoyed the cooking, we made vegetable chilli which was so easy but tasted great - Oliver loved it! We also made chapattis and riatha, they are soooo spelt wrong :haha: Apparently we should have been making curry but the lady bought the wrong stuff :haha: it was great though! I am sure I could make it at home :) So all in all a successful morning :thumbup: I decided not to sign up for the Wednesday course though, I think two mornings out are enough for now :haha:
At last! I have been trying to write a proper post for the last few days and everything has been against me. Last night I actually went to bed at 9.30, had the netbook on and was half way through posting when Joni woke up in a right old state and ended up snuggled up with us in our bed by 10.30 and my post was unsaved and lost when the netbook got turned off :sad1: But here we are, another day and Joni has just gone for a nap so I have made a coffee and put posting at the top of my to-do list even ahead of showering :winkwink:

Sarahwoo - I am so happy that you had such a lovely time at Braham :D
Bummer about not being able to get the flowers your bride wanted, but YAY for the replacements :happydance: Despite me and my secret, no frills budget wedding I love hearing about your job :mrgreen: :rofl:
Hopefully Steve is feeling better and you and Oliver have escaped the nasty tummy big unscathed! Yay for Walkers & Explorers, I am soooo jealous of all those cool groups you get to go to :winkwink:

Maybebaby - £60 for a bra and bikini :shock: Is that the going rate these days for swimwear and bra's? The ones I got the other day are DKNY which I found nicely priced in TK Maxx :thumbup: I love them :happydance: The ones I have been wearing were bought in 2007 :shock: so its safe to say they were past their best anyway even without the fact my size has changed a bit after pregnancy and BF.
Have you tried your macbook with Chrome yet? Hopefully it will sort the internet connection issues for you. Hubby upgraded the RAM in our netbook this week as it has been running sooooooo slow. The RAM helped with internet speed on some sites but not all of them :confused: It was your post about changing browser that gave me the idea to check our browser. I saw we were still using explorer 8 and when I downloaded explorer 9 the slower sites have all speeded up so thank you :hugs:
I love Love LOVE Erin's pics and video - so cute :kiss: she looked so grown up but so still so little all at the same time.
Good luck with DIY today.

Modo - Any sign of Bobby's canines yet? Teething seems to have eased off for Joni at the mo and she has yet another virus instead which is manifesting as a cold and eye infection :( I love the pic's of Bobby at playgroup on FB today. He looks like he is getting stuck right in there with the other kids :thumbup:
:rofl: that you have a similar name for the desperate housewhores :haha:

Emera - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs2: :hugs: Good grief :nope: you poor poor lady :hugs: It's times like these that I really wish we had the ability to hug in person and be there to help each other out. I can only imagine how scary that must have been. Take it easy, don't rush your recovery :hugs:
Yay for a good day with Roh's little friend. Great news that the Doc's have got things movinng so quickly with tests for you. I hope you get the results you want :hugs:
Joni has not had her jabs yet either. She has just been so under the weather with teething and viruses I just don't think its right to subject her immune system to more stress :nope: I hope you have plenty of snuggles with Roh today :hugs:

Jannywanny - Have a lovely birthday celebration for Jared next week :hugs:

H&F - I hope the in-laws visit was ok :hugs:

Amy - :happydance: yay for your lovely time away :flower: Did the girls enjoy the trip?
I hope today goes ok :hugs:

Mork - yay for finding the thread again :) I always thought I would go for a childminder for Joni's childcare. Then as she has grown she is such a sociable baby and loves playgroups etc and I just felt that nursery was the right environment for her. However, I am not ruling out the possibility of using a childminder in the future either instead of, or alongside nursery, providing I can find the right person.

:hi: Nichole. Lovely to hear a bit about you and your little family :) I am 33, a working mother, wife and part-time crazy person :winkwink: Joni is also 13 months. She was born 6 weeks premature so was only 5lb 9oz at birth, but you would never know looking at her now as she has caught right up :thumbup: Joni is crawling and cruising just now and does not really say any proper deciperable words but you only have to listen to all the sounds and tones she uses when she babbles to know that she is talking, but just in her own language :winkwink:

Joni has occasionally taunted us with demonstrating she can sleep through the night but usually hubby and I consider 3-4 hours broken kip as average, 4-5 hours broken kip as a 'good' night and 6 hours broken or unbroken kip as totally awesome. We have had 2 and half months of back-to-back teething and viruses along with a lot of new developmental skills which we think is the cause of the night wakings, but who knows for sure :wacko:

Joni's has a fondness for breadsticks, blueberries, bathtime and reading books. She has a wicked sense of humour and the most beautiful beaming gappy-toothed grin I have ever seen :cloud9:

L-C - :wave: :hugs: So good to hear from you :mrgreen: I thought the other day that I bet that Will was walking by now :)
Boo for falling out of the trailer and jabs in the same day :sad1: I hope Will is feeling better today. I hope you are ok and work is going alright. How is your freddo addiction these days :winkwink: I always think of you when I see them now :dohh:

Ahhhhh a proper post, thats better :mrgreen:

Well I am psyching myself up for work on Thursday, but if Joni's eye infection has not cleared up by then I won't be going as nursery can't take her if the infection is still hanging around. Our nights with Joni are still pretty crappy which is a real bummer with me having to go back to work but I guess I shall just have to roll with it!

Oh I have been meaning to ask you all what your babes sleep in. JOni is sleeping in PJ's and a sleeping bag at the moment. She is quite a mobile baby when she sleep and rolls around all over the place so we have used the bags as she would just roll out of covers/blankets. The thing is quite often when she wakes at night now she is standing up in her cot but can't get down at the sleeping bag is restricting her movement. I wonder if perhaps now is the time to swap to a duvet/blankets, but then I worry that she will just wake even more because she rolls out of the covers and gets cold :-k

I think Joni and I are going a little stir-crazy this week as we have had no company or social outings on account of her gammy eyes. I might take her to the library or something this afternoon just to get us out of the house.

Have a lovely afternoon all :hugs:
OMG Emera :hugs: So glad you are feeling better! That sounded so horrible and scary :hugs:

Sarah: Wow those courses sound great :thumbup: We done to you and Oliver :happydance:

Nichole: Sahara sounds adorable :D

Maybe: loved the video and photos. Erin is adorable :mrgreen:

We have been taking Bobby to different playgroups and activities the past two weeks and he has started to really get into them :D It makes life so much easier and he is entertained! Plus he is pretty tired come nap time so it's a great bonus.

Today we went to playgroup at our local salvation army and it was great. Bobby sat in my lap for most of the singing but when the crates of toys came out in the last part he had a lot of fun rooting through and finding toys to play with. I did have a bit of dilemma with what to say to the older kids who took some of the toys he was playing with? Should I have said something? Bobby didn't seem to care :shrug: What do you girls do?

Hope you all have a good day! We are going to my Mom's this afternoon which I am sort of dreading.

Take care :hugs:
Frufru: We must have crossed posts :haha: No sign of the toothies yet but lots of insane dribbling. Hope Joni's eye infection gets better :hugs:
Hey all, hope to catch up properly later but just wanted to say that T had her jabs today which was heartbreaking - she screamed the surgery down even before the needle came out :( (she seems fine now though!) xx
mork :hugs: owen had his today and was the same.

frufru - hope that joni's sleep gets better quick. i am so fed up of broken sleep as i feel i spend my days running around like a blue arsed fly and then don't even get to switch off at nights :dohh:

emera - glad you are better!

sarah - the cooking course sounds fab! we dont get anything like that here!

modo - hope the teeth show soon. owen is dribbling more again. i popped on the amber necklace and it seems to be better. he's got a cold though so at night especially has a really stuffy nose.

well the kids rooms are almost ready, just putting the rooms back together. i may not get a chance to come on again later, we shall see. i am pleased with the colours and how they have turned out. there's so much mess to sort out though! :dohh:

i havent had a chance to even download google chrome for the macbook. i only use it at night as i dont like having it on with the kids around as i don't trust them not to drop something on it :haha: hence i have not had a chance to use it coz of all the clearing i have been doing. last night it was 10pm before i got the pork roast sorted and cooked :blush: i forgot we had to eat as the kids were fed and in bed already :rofl:

Frufru hope you managed to get out today and that Joni recovers from her bugs very soon. Will is in pj's and still in a bag for the same reason, he moves sooooo much I can't imagine him ever being in a bed with covers. :dohh:

My freddo addiction peaked.....again!!! so I've gone cold turkey two!!! :blush:

Work is going well, although lots has changed and everyone seems to be on a downer, except me as I feel refreshed from the job, but not the politics - nothing has changed there. Was really disappointed as they aggreed my flexible working pattern as monday, tues and weds off and have suddenly changed it for the week between christmas and new year!! to do nights mon to thurs, I'm so angry, although I could probably do it, I feel like it's a principle thing and if I let them they will do it all the time. Has made the past couple of weeks quite uncomfortable - I hate confrontation (which is weird, only when it's about me though!).

Maybe - is the sleep not improving at all?? I LOVED the video of Erin she is absolutely adorable!! I hope you're day has calmed down and you managed to get a cuppa :hugs:

Modo - :dust: tooth fairy dust to hope they hurry up! Hope your afternoon with your parents was ok x

:hugs: You poor thing you really do need a pick me up, least Roh had a breather from the jabs for a bit longer, love him for being all cuddly with you x

We have had a good day, Will slept and I snuck out to the garage to go on the bike thingy, then got my haircut and Will was very good.

We went to a toddler group today, which was nice, although Will kept trying to sit on another little girl, it was very cute. He does lean on you (in an affectionate way) and I think that's what he was trying to do. He has come home and tried to do it to the dog, reversing half the room first of course. Unfortunately the dog had a sense of humour failure over it :dohh: and has put the willies up me about having them together again.

Will had the screaming ab dabs tonight over the shampoo bottle and was inconsolable so I thought bedtime was going to be very painful, but nope he went down ok. He's really teething and so I'm not hopeful of a good night so I won't be long behind him.

This laptop is going to get me into trouble lol can't stay off it!!

Sarah - I hope you are on track with the chair covers.
ooooh Sarah the cooking course sounds brilliant, a recipe for vegetable chilli mmmmmmm

Maybe - I really don't know how you still manage to cook such impressive meals on so little sleep, we have oven chips if I'm slightly tired!

Mork - glad T calmed down and is ok now, I was so surprised when they said they could have raised glands and a rash for up to three weeks.
Hey girls, thanks for the tips re the rash and glands - they had said maybe there would be some spots next week, but that was all!!! LC how was Will - did he suffer at all?
Maybe, i wish Owen would settle down for you, T at present isnt too bad - she sleeps 7-11, 11.15-3 and then is awake every hour until 7am!!! Much better than it was though! I am trying to omit the 3am by not feeding her - we are on night 4 tonight. How has he been so far since his jabs?
Sarah-the courses sound fab, we have done a few through our local childrens centre and have had a brilliant time on each and made new friends - would highly recommend them! If you get any good recipes, please share!!!
Oh talking of recipes, I never did get the annabel karmel book - would it be of any use to me now do you think?
Hi to everyone else, hope you have had good days xx
Hey ladies!

I'm just watching 'Poor Kids', OMG, I can't believe people live like that!! :shock: Gosh you know I sometimes think I don't know I'm born, I'm so lucky. We don't have a big house or loads of money but wow, I really should be so grateful for what we have!! We want for nothing really, those kids have nothing :nope:

Mork did you do BLW with T? Oliver just really has everything we have now, I still use my BLW cookbook because I like the meals myself :haha: but other than that I just cook normal stuff but without salt etc etc. Hopefully my course is going to give me some more meals / ideas / confidence. I always thought I was a hopeless cook but I was like Nigella compared to some of the other ladies there today :haha:

L-C Oliver always has tantrums over wierd stuff too :haha: He loved empty bottles, strange boy :haha: How are things with Will and the dog, do you find they are generally okay together? Oliver loves dogs but I'm reluctant to let him close to even my mums dog until he understands not to pull fur / ears / tails etc :dohh: Oliver is pretty mean to our cat, so I don't trust him to be nice to a dog :haha:

Well I had planned to get all Saturday's wedding prep done tomorrow night, but i decided to spread it out a bit so that I can get some other stuff done as well. So tonight I just did a load of sewing and then got a whole load of non wedding related stuff done, which makes me feel better as I hate seeing all the jobs build up :dohh: I still have more that I could do with doing, but I might be able to get some of it done tomorrow (with Oliver's help no doubt :haha:)

Right, I'd better go and answer my emails, love to you all!! xx :kiss:
I'm still watching 'Poor Kids' . . . no one else is probably watching it but there is a lovely little boy and his mum walked out on the family on his second Birthday . . . . how on earth can a mum walk out on her babies?!?!?!?!?! He gets bullied because he has to wear his sisters shirts for school because they can't afford new ones :cry: I wish I could buy him some shirts :cry:
Nicole, it was such a sad programme, I cried :cry: One of the children lives in Bradford, which is literally about 25 minutes away from here. I'm sure there are children living like that closer to here too, but seeing it like that just brings it right home. I bet I throw away more food in a week than those families buy :cry: I can't imagine how awful it must be knowing your baby has gone to bed hungry because you can't afford food :cry:
Mork, Will hasn't been too bad at all a little grumpy yesterday, but he is definitely teething as well, so can't really tell which is which if you know what I mean. Will's slep settled down loads when I refused all night time feeds (about 7 or 8 weeks ago), I just offered water and within a week, he would gumble but I didn't have to go in, now more often than not he goes through. We have the annabel karmel book, it's good but depends on how much you cook from scratch, if you do that anyway I'm not sure it would be any good, I tend to feed Will what we have but minus the salt.

Sarah the dog thing is so much better, but Will is far too interested in him and he just wants to be left alone. I'm much more relaxed but would never ever leave them alone he's just too big and clumsey. Glad you are on track with your wedding prep!

That programme sounds shocking but is so much more common than you think, I've come across some horrendous things in my time x

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