Hi ladies!
Thanks for all the hugs

We are still feeling crappy all round here. Roh's chest infection doesn't seem to be improving as fast as i'd like, but i'll keep plugging away with the anti-biotics, and hopefully it will get better eventually.

My main worry is he's not been eating at all, and although he's drinking water, and having his milk (but he won't take extra) he's refusing all but the odd mouthful of food. I wouldn't normally worry, but its been a week nearly since he's eaten, and he's looking thin, and drawn

The doctor was saying not to worry, and i guess i shouldn't, as i know he'll start making up for it once he's better, but still, i can't help worrying
I'm feeling rubbish too, as is OH, we've both totally lost our voices, and we can only whisper! I feel a bit like i have an infection, not just a cold, so it might be another trip to the doctors tomorrow, as i suspect OH and i need some anti-biotics too. My mum was meant to be visiting today, but she cancelled because of the bad weather, and also as i think she'd rather not have another cold!

I totally understand her reasons, but still, would have been nice to have some company. Ah well, i've bought all my lottery tickets for next week, karma better stump up!!!
Think i'll have a nap now Roh is asleep!
Oh, i meant to say, Amy, apparently walking barefoot is the best way for toddlers to build up foot and ankle strength, and make it less likely they'll suffer from twists and sprains in later childhood. It is also better for their balance development. I don't have any shoes for Roh yet, and i won't bother i think until he's actually walking good distances, and wants to walk on the street etc. I'm hoping that by then he'll understand why he needs to wear them, and at least keep them on when we are walking outside

Not that he's ever going to walk, maybe i should get him some knee pads
Sarah - Glad the wedding went ok, hope you and Oliver are feeling better?