Amy - I hope the training is going ok and is not taking over your time too much

I hav only been back at work one week for half the hours I will be doing and already feel like there are not enough hours in the day. I suspect I am just going to have to get myself organised and be more economical with my time which is really going to hurt
Sarah - It sounds like you and Oliver have been really unwell

Good to hear you are both on the mend now though. All credit to you for getting your wedding sorted whilst being poorly
Your poor rug!!!!!

at having a newborn again with Oliver's breastfeeding, his increased intake of BM has probably contributed to your weight loss too I would have thought.
Interesting about the calpol/ibuprofen info. Generally I try to keep to calpol, but do sometimes cycle the paracetamol/ibuprofen every 2 hours if she seems to be particularly in need. We don't usually give them both at once but in the last couple of months she's run a temp close to 40 on a few occasions and have found that the only way to bring it down was to give both of the them together with stripping off her clothes. Funnily enough my Dr friend was the one that suggested giving both together
Going out for strawberries and ending up with fish and chips is not one I have heard before

I have a strawberry bed in the garden and picked a big bowl yesterday which Joni and I had in a smoothie with breakfast this morning

for Oliver's walking. Joni will get up to stand against any vertical surface or raised platform now and has figured out how to get into the kitchen cupboards

so the importance of getting my child locks on is now paramount!
Emera - Cor what a run of luck

Any update as to when your ceiling and bed will be sorted out by the landlord for the flat upstairs? I am glad that you and your little family are all slowly making a recovery. Thanks for the info about feet/shoes, Joni is still only cruising at the moment and I am too tight to buy shoes until she is properly walking

with it being summer the barefoot argument stands even stronger as far as I am concerned.
5kg lost

flipping heck, thats nearly a stone
What a lovely day out you had with Roh. Joni and I were both going a bit stir-crazy after staying home from groups and our usual friends last week while she was poorly and we have made up for it this week with lots of activities before my work days.
Modo - The pottery cafe sounds great. There is one here but it is right on the other side of the city and I am just not able to fit it in around our groups and work this week

Joni did pick hubby a lovely card though and I think we will let him lie in and make him a fry-up or take him for lunch on the day. I was also going to buy him a back neck and shoulder massage at one of the spa's close by.
I am so pleased that you and Bobby are getting so much out of the playgroup. I took Joni to the group at the school round the corner from us on Monday and she had a lovely time. At £1.50 for the use of a lovely safe room for her to roam around in playing with lots of lovely toys and other kiddies I consider it an absolute bargain!
I meant to watch the Choosing to Die programme and then promptly forgot it was on

It is a subject close to my heart what with my sister's situation, and also my Dad's partner of 20+ years has Huntingdon's Disease. Dad writes at least 2-3 letters a week to various hospitals, doctors and politicians on the subject of euthanasia as his partner watched her Mother suffer from the disease and she does not wish to put herself or her loved ones through that.

woowoo for Bobby's steps.
Mork - I hope T is feeling better

Joni has still not had her 12mth jabs and I have just had the reminder through for the next lot

I will have to book a new appointment and hope and pray Joni manages to stay weel enough to have them!
H&F - I have a Babyweavers buggy from Kiddicare. It has a big hood, average basket bearing in mind it's a buggy, comes with a lovely fleecy cosy toes for winter and the seat reclines back for naps on the move. We have had it since Joni was about 5 months old and it gets used every day and is still going strong.
Maybebaby - I am sooooooo glad you had a lovely time away, you certainly deserve it!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry that your MIL made a fuss though, hopefully if you go back it can be just you, Dan and the kids. The pic's are great.
Nichole - Saharrah sounds so cute

It is amazing how some days they seem to pull new and amazing skills out of seemingly nowhere
L-C - I hope you are feeling better now and have managed to work your magic on work about your hours.
Phew, sorry about the mega post there, sorry if I have missed anyone and sorry if I have thanked some posts but not others, I promise it is not intentional!
Joni's eye is now much better, thank you all for the well wishes. The irritation from the eye infection ended up with Joni rubbing her eye so much she burst a blood vessel in her eye and then the blood vessel itself got all pussy and infected

All better now though.
Thats Joni awake so out of time for now.

to you all xx