Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

i seem to mainly do one side and then occasionally both when i'm trying to do a superfeed. but izzy falls asleep on the boob so trying to keep her awake long enough to get enough into her is difficult... and then she wakes up still hungry 20 minutes later...

my left boob has started leaking whenever i feed from my right one though, which is bloody irritating!!

trying to decide whether to go out today or not. it's daddy's day so am leaving it up to daddy, but he can't make a decision either, ha.

she is way too tiny for her 'from birth' pushchair so we had to go and buy her a sling which to be honest she is a bit small for but safe in. and thomas doesn't feel safe carrying her in it as she face plants into his chest, but she has comfy cushions when mummy is carrying her :) so if we go anywhere i will be carrying her and my pelvis is still a bit dodgy. might go to the abbey down the road for a wander i suppose but izzy will be out for the count as soon as she's in the sling so not sure whether it's worth it for her benefit... ha.

abz xx
owen likes his sling too. he's having a feed from my boob that was about to explode. i find that when i feed from one boob the other leaks every time. thank god for breast pads! going to head to the beach when owen finishes his feed.

abz - how much does izzy weigh?
At my Mom's house right now and she is trying to get Bobby to sleep. He is her first grandchild so Bobby gets a lot of attention from his Taita (granny in Arabic). DH and I are probably going to the movies tonight while my Mom watches him.

My breastmilk dried up on Friday. I guess I am surprised that I don't feel sad about it. I am trying to think of it in a pragmatic way that gave Bobby all the BM I had and now its gone so there isn't much I can do.

Nice to hear from you abz :hugs:
Mine still isn't gone modo, although it never properly came in iykwim? Weird!
It's nice to hear from you abz! I wanted to go out for fathers day but Vinny got called into work :( although Daisy hasn't been herself all day, she's just cried constantly so I'm quite glad we didn't go out :lol:
hey guys. i only know what she weighs in kilograms. might have to go on a google converter. just a mo... she was 6lb 3oz when she was born and when she was weighed last monday it appears she was 6lb 12ish. ha. so she's gaining fast.

today, instead of trying to sleep when she does me and OH have been playing on the computers. we decided not to go out and to get takeaway. seems a silly thing to do today really but i suppose it's a return to a vegetative day we would have had before. she's been sleeping pretty well today. but she does during the day. it's the night she stays awake through!! ha. aargh. anyone know when their sleep patterns start to flip the right way around?

abz xx
abz - with sleep patterns who knows :haha: it is supposed to be at 6wks that they begin to distinguish between night and day.............supposedly! my kids have not been good at that! izzy is teeny compared to owen. he was 11lbs5oz on thursday!

katie - hope daisy is back to her normal self soon.

modo - you cant beat yourself up about bf. you did your best! enjoy your night out at the movies. the last time OH and i went to the cinema was to take dylan to see coraline!

going to collect an indian takeaway now. dylan and erin in bed and hopefully owen will let us eat in relative peace!
Hmm, I've been quite lucky with Daisy's sleep, she hardly sleeps during the day and goes 10-4.30ish and 6-9 most nights, although we do have the odd exception. 6-9 she's usually in with me now though :blush: I don't know whether it's anything I've done or if she just got it the right way around somehow? I started a bit of a bath/bottle/cuddles and then bed routine straight away, but pretty sure she's too young for that to make much difference!
am going to attempt the bath saga again just now... hopefully i will eventually get the hang of us bathing together without the bathroom floor being covered in water...

abz xx
mmmmmmmm just finished eating indian takeaway - was yum! now owen is eating!

katie - owen sleeps in my bed all night most nights!!!

janny - things are good here. how about you?
Abz you're a braver woman than me! Daisy is far too wriggly to attempt a bath with her :lol:
Hey Abz, good to see you in here! Oliver loves his sling too, I took him out in mine today and he was a little angel bless him, and he looks so cute!

Maybebaby I hate superfil boobies, it hurts!!! Looks good though lol! I had a really full boob todayn I expressed just to get rid of the discomfort and got 4oz in about five mins, I was rather proud :) oh, and I'll get those bags posted tomorrow or Tuesdy :)

Katie what a shame Vinny had to work, does it drive you mad? Steves job is so demanding and I know it comes with the job - and its why he gets paid well etc, and I should be grateful beccause it means that I can take a year off with Oliver and then work part time etc, but it still annoys me sometimes and then I feel bad.

Well we are off to bed now, I am soooo tired today. We've had our bath (Oliver hates bath time, but he's okay getting in with me lol!) And Oliver is nice and sleepy, gosh I could do with a good sleep!

Evening ladies!!

Only popped on for 5 mins to catch up.. hubby is back from his brother's stag wknd so I am now getting time off for good behaviour and going to bed!!

Chloe loves bath time... she is happy either in with one of us or on her own although she does wriggle around a lot!!

Right off to catch lots and lots of :sleep:
Oh PG are you having a night off?! I am soo jealous!
Daisy loves the bath too, she cries when I take her out. I'm scared to have her in with me though, how do you get in and out? I'm really really clumsy :blush: I'm thinking about keeping her in the washing machine because she loves shiny things too :dohh:
Sarah, it drives me insane! And his boss is just a prick, he needs putting down IMO. :lol: he hasn't paid him for 2 weeks because the stock has been out, but he knows full well the staff are theives and won't let him sack them :shrug: it does my head in, they employ him to manage the place so why won't they let him get on with it..?! Grr. Okay, rant over :lol:
I can't sleep, my brain won't switch off because I keep thinking about Daisy having a cannula put in (in September :dohh:). I'm petrified, they put mine in wrong when I was in labour so it bled everywhere and bruised dead bad, then they put the dressing on too tight and my hand swelled up, I caught it on a door frame and nearly fainted from the pain, and when they used it for my transfusions it kept leaking and blocking up :( and it hurt, because they left the one that was in wrong in rather than doing a new one it was agony by the time I begged then to take it out 72 hours later!
This is a post of epic length, so I'm going to try and get some sleep now.. Good luck tonight ladies, hope you all get some good sleep :)
He said he doesn't love me anymore and i think he actually meant it this time.. He always says it to try and upset me, but this time was different.
katie - i dont know what ti say :hugs: how awful to say that if it's just to hurt you :hugs: hope things straighten out :hugs:
i would say it is pretty normal to worry about daisy having a cannula, especially after the bad experience you have had. i am sure that the staff are trained well in putting cannulas in babies though so hopefully it will not be too traumatic for you and daisy.

owen did an enormous puke today, all over my freshly clean floor and my shoes and dressing gown!!! poor little mite, it came out of his nose too! he seems happy now though and is siting quietly in his swing for now whilst i have a cup of tea and get ready to start the day! have some stuff to do in town but just feel like flopping, the sleepless nights are really starting to get to me. my mum is having the two older kids this afternoon so i think i shall try to get some rest if owen naps.
OMG Katie what a horrible thing for him to say :hugs: I am so sorry to hear this :hugs:
What's his problem :growlmad:
Girls Bobby has not done a poo in over 24 hours and I am really worried. Has this happened to any of you before with your LOs? Please let me know!

I am going to take him to see the Dr today if he doesn't poo soon :(
yep modo. owen didnt poo one day and then the next day he did a massive one. if he seems in discomfort you can try 1 part freshly squeezed orange juice to 3 parts of water and that should help. or cammomile tea.
He said he doesn't love me anymore and i think he actually meant it this time.. He always says it to try and upset me, but this time was different.

:hugs: so sorry Katie. I'm sure he didnt mean it. He should know what a lucky man he is to have you and Daisy xxx

Well my g!t hubby and I went to our best friends wedding on Sunday. he was screaming at me to hurry the f**k up when I was trying to get ready and Alex got hysterical with it, it was awful and got me really upset. He then drove off and left me to get there myself. I got there just in time but the heavens opened and I couldnt get the pram out and sorted by myself. I phoned him but he refused to come and help. By the time I got to the church it was too late to go in and so I watched through the door with Alex, who had got in a total tizz again. We went to the reception but it was all running really late. I knew I had to leave in time to get the girls from my mums, get home and get them to bed becasue they had to be up at 6.30am to get a train to a Brownie Guide day out. Kerry refused to leave though. I had to BF Alex in the car and he just slammed the door on me after telling me to piss off and left to go and get pissed with his mates. I stayed at my mums. He never even bothered to call/text to check we were OK. I'm contemplating leaving.

wow that was long sorry for the rant. happy days. at least the sun is out today xx

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