Amy - I hope things go well at the fracture clinic, glad the doc took you seriously! I'm feeling sooo fat, i can't believe i haven't gained any actual weight yet, because i feel like a balloon! I can't hold my tummy in anymore, well i can but it doesn't help, so i have a big wobbley belly that i can't suck in

I went and bought some really loose plus size tops the other day, they are like tents, but pretty material, so they cover everything and make me feel better, who cares what they actually look like!
Maybe - I love the fb piccies!

The beach ones make me very jealous!
Argh, OH cooked him and Roh some rice today that had been in the fridge for ages and i'd forgotten to throw away, really hoping they don't get sick, i'll feel awful
Can't believe i cancelled Roh's jabs for the erm 4th (possibly 5th) time today

I am just not willing to take him unless he's totally healthy, and he's still all chesty from last weeks cold. I've booked him in again for the 15th. I've decided to delay the MMR though until after christmas, i think its all too much at once, and so i want them alot more spread out. I want him to get his boosters though, its like he knows its coming and gets ill just before
I've got my dating scan booked for the 15th too! It really seems an age away. I'm in that silly phase, where even though i have symptoms, i'm still fully expecting there to be nothing there at the scan and they'll tell me i'm mental!