Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

sarah - bless you I know the feeling, you almost wonder if the holiday is worth the stress! but it means you appreciate the chill out time more once you get there :winkwink:

maybe - hope you got hold of argos in the end!

we had fish and chips for tea - I feel all greasey :haha:
sarah - erin has disney princess ones and dylan has toy story 3. also got them lampshades to match and erin a tiny glitter lamp which lights up for 2mins in different colours when you shake it. it all arrived pretty quickly. will definately use the website again :thumbup: only downside was over £17 postage :wacko:
Mmmmmmmm chips and pizza!!!! You girls have made me all hungry!!!!
Sarah-hope you have a fab holiday xx
ugh! cockroach in erin's room when i went to check on her. it scuttled under the fitted wardrobe :sick: so i emptied half a can of roach spray and waited til it came out and smashed it with my slipper. am traumatised! :sick: i know that it's 'normal' as we are in a hot climate and we're on the ground floor but we have nets in our windows to keep out pests (though the kids sometimes knock them out of place so we have to be vigilant). ugh i'm never going to sleep tonight. plus the house reeks of the spray! gross!
it's midnight and i'm still freaked out! wish danny wasnt working nights :( on a positive things with us are much better :)
Maybe: Ugh! One thing I don't miss about living in hot countries is the cockroaches :sick: I used to kill the with my slipper as a child but I am still so grossed out by them :sick: Glad things are better with Danny :hugs:

Sarah: I am not so good :( Work stuff :( Thanks for asking though :hugs: Bobby is doing very well :mrgreen: He is very confident walking now. Although yesterday he had a meltdown at Nandos :( I think it was a combo of teething and tiredness. How is Oliver doing?

Amy: I hope Alex's nose is ok :( I personally would just go to A&E and if you are worried you should just go :hugs:
maybe - :sick: poor you!!

i feel sick with worry - the swelling has gone down on Alex's nose and its definately broken :cry: called NHS direct to see if i should go to A&E and they said to wait until Monday to see GP :cry:
Amy oh no! Poor Alex! Does it still hurt him? Poor baby, and poor mummy :hugs:

Modo :hugs: We are great thankyou :hugs: I hope the work stuff gets sorted soon, it sounds very stressfull :hugs:

Maybe urgh, I hate bugs!!

Well touch wood, but so far all is going well and we are about an hour away now :) The weddings were both great, everything fitted in the car and I haven't remembered anything we've forgotten yet :haha: Oliver has been great on the journey, he played for the first five hours and slept for the last two or so. We've had quite a few stops so its taking a while but its been pretty good and we've had no traffic a all which is a miracle :haha:

Well I will try to pop on when I can and keep up with you all, there is no way I can last twelve days without coming on here :haha:

Love to you all :hugs:
Glad the journey thus far has gone well-where are you heading? (must have missed it somewhere)!
Amy-poor Alex :( and hugs for you
Maybe-hope that you managed to sleep after the cockroach incident
Modo-hope work stuff gets sorted and that they are quicker than mine in doing so!!
Hey to everyone else-on my phone so have to be brief.
sarah - hope you have a fantabulous holiday :) :happydance:

Mork - hope all is good with you???

Alex had a clingy day and just wanted to BF - I dont know if its his nose?? I gave him neurofen just in case. Another afternoon at the beach for us - the girls were playing on the cannoe's as the sea was like a mill pond.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
sarah - glad the trip is going well! :)

modo - glad bobby is doing so well with his walking :)

amy - poor alex :( i'd just go to a&e and refuse to leave :hugs:

i dont know what has happpend but i am in roach hell. there was a dead one in the hall when i went to bed and then one in the living room when dan got in at 6am and then one in the kitchen today :sick::cry: we've never had so many. i am wondering if they hitched a ride in on my package from the post office or whether they came from the hotel last weekend. am so grossed out. danny says as i have sprayed the whole house they must have all died but am so freaked especially as am on my own with the kids as he's on nights :cry: the only consolation is that they are the bid outdoor ones and not the little house ones which means that they are from the outside and not breeding in the flat :sick: am so scared to go to sleep or even move from the sofa in case there is another one. bought 2 more cans of spray and sprayed the place before going to the beach earlier.
Amy- interesting you say about Alex being clingy as T has been like that today and has only wanted to bf - not eaten much else at all. I have been worrying about it and even tried to give her some cows milk to drink to fill her up tonight - which she refused and asked for more breast milk! I wondered if it was teeth?
Maybe-I am having palpitations for you at the thought of the cockroaches :( Do you have a pet?My cats usually warn me of any bugs and then run away when i tell them to eat them!!!!
Still same old with me - no decisions made as yet STILL!!!! ha ha ha!! I seriously never used to be this rubbish!!!! Maybe, just maybe i will get that bfp soon huh?!
good luck with the quest for the bfp mork!!! we dont have any pets! 3 kids is enough :haha:
Sorry about Alex's nose, Amy. Poor guy. Glad things are going better (if roachier) at home, Maybe. And good luck with the :bfp: Mork!

In my neck of the woods, things are finally coming together. I got a maternity leave replacement (9 months) at a good job in my field with decent pay, and looks like OH may be able to do a part time evening shift at his current workplace which would actually bring us up to a workable income with room for debt repayment and savings and an emergency fund. :) So fingers crossed OH's workplace will go for it :)
Insomnimama - That's really good news, i'm glad things are finally looking up! Keeping fingers crossed that your OH's work are accommodating so that everything can come together!

Amy - Poor little Alex :( Big :hugs: to both of you!

Maybe - I'm glad Danny decided to talk with you so you can work together over things, makes life alot easier :thumbup: Eek to the roaches! Hopefully they'll go away if they aren't the house ones!

Sarah - Hope you arrived and settled in ok, have a fab holiday! :)

Mork - sending :dust: for a :bfp: for you really soon! :hugs:

H&F - Hope you are doing ok hun! :hugs: Are you having tests to investigate what's going on? I'm thinking of you x

Phew, well, had a lovely week with my friend's staying, although its really nice to have the house back to normal and to have had a quiet day today, i'm exhausted! We did lots of lovely things though, and we've all had fun, Roh had a blast as my friend and her boyfriend were super with him, and after the first 2 days he was running to give them cuddles each morning :) Cute!

I'm feeling not great really, i'm having some problems with water retention, and my hands and ankles are swelling up most days. Think i'll have to see the docs. Sigh.
maybe - urgh poor you!!! i'm in ant hell but thats just in the garden! hope you dont have any creeping about in the night :sick:

Mork - is your hubby any good at helping out with decision making?? oh and :dust:

insomnimama - fab news things are coming together :thumbup: I really hope your DH's workplace goes for it :hugs:

emera - oh dear, does sound like you should see a doc :hugs: have you had a midwife appt yet? look after you :flower:

well Alex had a raging temperature overnight. he may be brewing chicken pox as Gabriel has just got over it and was at my house the week before the spots came out :dohh: I'm getting a doc appt for him tomorrow to get him referred to an ENT specialist about his bent nose :( hope everyone else is ok x
amy - i hope it's not chickenpox! that said i guess it's better to get it over with. owen has one bad scar on his face where erin ripped a pox off but as your other 2 are older hopefully you wont have that problem. how's his nose?

insomnimama - glad things are looking up for you on the work front :happydance:

mork - hope T sleeps a bit at least for you!!! are you still doing night bf? i cut them out this week.

emera - glad you had a good week with your friends. hope the doctor can sort you out and you're feeling better soon :hugs:

h&f - hope you're ok hun :hugs:

sarah - hope you're having a good time in cornwall! :D

frufru and LC - hope you are both OK as havent heard from you lately :hugs:

modo - i am on a quest to post you those breadcrumbs this week :blush: about 4 months late....... :blush: i'm so crap

well today was lovely. i played with the band i have played in for years but have not had a chance to coz of the kids. they were short of a flute player and asked me so MIL had owen and mum had Dylan and erin. then dan and i went for lunch. it was nice to go out just the 2 of us. then we went to the beach and met MIL with owen and erin came too (dylan wanted to stay with my mum as he hurt his toe) then dan and i cuddled up on the sofa a while tonight. it was nice. now he's snoring and i have just settled owen again. i gave him some nurofen as he was calm and then going stiff and crying and repeating the cycle so there was some pain involved somewhere. hoping to go to bed now and get a bit of :sleep:
maybe - sounds like you had a great day :hugs: kerry and I never snuggle up on the sofa or have 'us time' - I bet it makes a big difference :hugs: hope Owen is OK!

Thanks for asking :hugs:, Alex's nose is definately broken and i am worried I may have a fight on my hands to get it sorted. I've done loads of research and it should have been re-assessed at 4-5 days (but that was the weekend :() and re-fixed by 7 days - which is Tuesday :( my GP was clueless about it. I get worried they think I have munchousens - by -proxy (sp) - that mental disorder where you get obsessed with thinking your child is ill and needs medical intervention but I would rather he had surgery now to fix it than grow up and have it develop into worse problems. I've read that mild fractures as a child develop into serious problems in adulthood as the nose grows and matures :( plus I dont want him to be teased for his boxers nose :cry: its got me so stressed out :cry:

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