Sarah - Think they'll test for colour blindness if a child starts exhibiting the classic symptoms (upside down trees being one of them

) FIL is colourblind, really really badly! He always asks me what colour my clothes are

Typically things like "thats a nice top, is it red?" "Erm no Bob its blue..." I think the most common one is the red / green blindness, but he has trouble with yellow/blue too, it seems weird to me, everything must just look sepia toned or something?
Always a funny story about OH's great uncle though, who was painting a room for OH's great gran in the 70s. She had chosen dark green (70s

) and he nearly finished, but ran out of paint, so went in the garage and found another tin the same colour. When his Mum got home she went totally mental when she saw the room. All dark green, but then with some bits gone over and filled in with dark red!

Its how they found out he was colour blind

Its all through OHs family, so i wonder if Roh could be? Not sure, is it one of those things passed on through the maternal side?
Well, went and had Roh's jabs done this morning, i say jabs, it turned out to be jab... I'm really confused. I said i wanted to have the MMR seperately, then got a bit of a lecture about why it was totally safe to have all 3 injections together. I felt really pressured actually, which i wasn't very happy about. Anyway, then for some unknown reason, she only gave him the one injection, and didn't give him the menengitis one? I don't really get why not? So now when i go for the MMR, he's got to have that one too... grr. thats not really what i wanted. I didn't realise until after that she'd not done both the boosters, as she went on so much about the importance of having them that i got muddled and thought they'd put it all into one.
I'm feeling kind of annoyed though, because it really should be my choice what they put in his system when, its not like i was saying i wasn't planning to vaccinate him or anything. Meh, whole thing pisses me off. Anyway, Roh was very brave and didn't cry much

We went to the zoo afterwards and had a good giggle at the meerkats and the monkeys