Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I ate two big bags of malteasers :blush: I would have just bought one but they were 2 for £2.50 :blush: an obviously both packs needed eating becasue I am starting to be good tomorrow :haha: (I've said that everyday for the entire summer :rofl:)

hahaha amy that is what i say every sunday too :rofl:
ha ha you lot crack me up!!

Amy - I've had a packet and a few more chocolate fingers and three freddo's today (and only did the freddo's because I'm going to be good tomorrow!!!:rofl::rofl:) now drinking wine, honestly I make myself sick lol.

Poor Alex hitting his nose again, bless him, he sounds so cute waving bye :cloud9:

Maybe - I'm impressed, party rings and mars, that's impressive :thumbup:

Mork - I got away with so much when bfing but now I'm really noticing the difference and have piled weight on in the last 3 months.

I have been looking at some old pictures and I really was slim :cry:

Ok tomorrow is a new day and I'm up for shaming myself into sorting my self out x
Am y - So cute about Alex saying bye bye when he's had enough! Roh has just started with it too, except he waves with it, he waved bye bye to every car as it went past on the way home today. He also waved bye bye to OH this morning, after handing him his jacket and work bag, then realised it all meant OH was actually leaving so tried to follow him down the hall sobbing and still waving bye bye :haha: they are so funny! :flower:
owen waves and says 'bye bye' or 'ta ta' to everyone too! he's seriously obsessed with scooters and that's his latest word 'toota' :rofl: and he says 'down' for down and up :haha: and also 'no more' and does a no more hand gesture to go with it when he's had enough food :rofl: he's a cheeky monkey and tries to copy most words and sounds. i'm impressed with him, don't think the others had such an extensive vocabulary at this age.
LC - :hugs: I've done the same lately. comparing photos from now and 3 years ago when I got married I look fatter, older and haggard :dohh: but today for the first time in AAGGGGGEESS I have been good :happydance: the glass of wine I am having now doesnt count :blush: everyone needs one treat a day right :shrug::haha:

emera - aww thats so sweet Roh clicked what it meant when he said bye bye to his daddy :cloud9:

maybe - Owens vocabulary is brilliant :thumbup: Emily (my eldest) didnt utter a word until she was 18 months!

Alex learnt to say Daddy last week, I'm so jealous its just the sweetest thing when he says it :cloud9: he is obsessed with tractor - he says "dackdoor"... tractor before mummy.... nice :winkwink: :haha: we had a family day out today at the Rare Breeds Centre. It was such a good day, Kerry and I got on so well for the first time in months :flower:
Amy I'm so pleased you had a good day, fingers crossed things with Kerry are on an up now :hugs:

I'm another one looking haggard :dohh: I've been trying to make the effort to do something with my hair andd tbh I feel SO much better. I don't wash my hair every day so five mins with the GHDs every other evening and it makes such a difference to how I feel. I always wear makeup but I've been making more effort with moisturisers and things, esp at night, as I'm sure I can see wrinkles, and I have little frown lines that need botox :haha: I've still got my gym membership and I was thinking about seeing if I could just go maybe an hour a week, not that that would do much good :dohh: I haven't been since I got pregnant - so two years!!! :shock: I'd love to tone up. They have those power plate things there, I was thinking about trying them, they look pretty good and a friend of Steve's had amazing results from them.

Wow the babies are all really doing well with their talking!! I feel like Oliver is having some big development spurt or something :haha: He is another one who loves to wave - at anyone or anything. The oddest is probably waving at the bath when he gets out :haha: He waves at it pretty much from getting out until we leave the bathroom, and I have no idea why, because I've never said goodbye to the bath :haha: its very cute though.

Oliver always calls Steve Dada, he says 'mama' but not really to me all the time, we think he actually says 'mama' to say me or mine. He says 'Thomas' with no problem though, so Amy, I got Thomas before Mummy :haha: Today we went to the park and he quacked at the ducks the whole way around, it was sooooo cute!

We went to toddler group today, only to find that it isn't on over the holidays :dohh: so we went to the park onstead, which was lovely. Today was just prefect weather, not too hot, just gorgeous! This afternoon when Steve was up we went shopping for a new kettle (rock and roll!). The last one cost me about seventy quid and lasted five months!!!! And I can't remember where I bought it from to take it back :haha:

Hey all -

just a quick update from me - Amy is trying to chat alot, she says hi, bye, doggie, daddy, duck, juice and a few others but her favourite word is THIS she shouts it all the time and screams it if she really wants something!

Well I am on a mission to find cufflinks today, pick up the mens suits and pay for them, go to the church with Dave to decide if it needs to be cleaned etc, pay a cheque in, decide where to book a hotel for a couple of nights on the way down south. I am desperate to leave for holiday on Monday after the wedding but I really dont think we can afford it and I am doing it last minute, then I need to help Dave do his speech and I am supposed to be meeting a friend for an early dinner! its all getting a bit stressful here but hoping it will all come together by Saturday!

How is everyone? x x x
:hi: Well I finally managed to stop lurking :blush: and do a proper post. I've have spent the last 6-8weeks trying to get used to being back at work and fitting everything I used to do in 7 days into 3.5 instead. I think I may just about be getting there[-o<

Sarahwoo - I am so glad you had a nice holiday. I would love to go to Devon/Cornwall one day.
It sounds like your business is still going great guns :thumbup:
Cor the hippychick hipseat was such a bargain! I am off to a carboot on Sunday and hope I can grab some excellent bargains, not sure I will beat the hippychick seat though.
Powerplate is awesome for toning, if I had access to one I would definately have a go.

Amy - Poor Alex and his nose :hugs:
Joni is getting more and more daring with her efforts to walk unassisted but on Sunday lost her balance when crawling, landed on her face and chipped the corner off of one of her top middle front teeth :cry: Everytime I look at her I want to cry even though I know there was nothing I could have done to have prevented it :sad1:
Bless Alex and his waving goodbye when he wants to go home :aww: When Joni is tired she has started lying down on the floor and stroking her own face :haha:
Yay to a happy day yesterday :) I was really relieved to hear Kerry kept his job, I really hope that you can make nursing work for you.

Emera - I love Roh's running video. I nearly split my sides picturing him sneaking food from someone elses picnic. At least he took clean food, whenever we go to a picnic site Joni will often refuse to eat what we put out and will crawl around the grass looking for titbits left behind from previous picnic :sick: :dohh:
I am so annoyed with your work & cancelling your holiday :gun: WTF :shrug: its not as if it was a last minute request :growlmad: I hope you find a way to still go.
Joni will wave goodbye and hello quite a lot now. She always gets really upset with OH leaves in the morning, but at the same time when she has her dinner about 5pm she starts turning round and looking at the door and saying Daddy over and over about half way through the meal as she knows that is roughly when he comes home most day :cloud9: I am really astounded at how clever all of our babies are :smug:
Yay for a lovely scan picture :cloud9: I am so pleased for you :hugs:

Maybebaby - The new FB pics are lovely :mrgreen: How is Erin coming along with her eating?
I was so pleased to hear that you and Danny have talked and he is aware of how important you and the kids are to him and that he need to up his game with you going back to work :hugs:

Mork - :hugs: I totally know how you feel about leaving T, I felt the same when I had to go back to work. 4 months on and I am still getting used to leaving her at nursery but it feels more comfortable then it did initially.
No-one will ever be as close to her as you are. I have to say though, I think Joni and I are even closer now. She enjoys nursery, I have some grown-up time (and earn the pennies to pay the bills) and I think we both enjoy and look forward to each others company more now on the days we do have together.

L-C - goodness me I don't know how you have managed to survive without a proper kitchen for so long. My kitchen is my sanctuary I can;t imagine not being able to escape in there.

Hope&Faith - wowee I can't believe it is your wedding this week!! How exciting :mrgreen: It sounds like you have a busy day, men just don't seem to realise that when we ask for something to be done and they don't do it on time that it is a real source of stress for us. If its any consolation my hubby can be a real bugger for leaving things until the last minute.
Re stimulating Amy, I always try to sit down and do some reading with Joni a couple of times a day & have some make-believe play with her teaset or with random toys. Joni has decided her new favorite thing is for me to get her box of ballpit balls out and she picks them up one by one and shoves them between the bars into her cot :wacko: crazy baby :winkwink: I borrowed a book from the library called ' The Toddler's Busy Book' which has loads of activities and ideas. Failing that Joni likes to follow me round just watching what I do while I tell her what I'm doing whether thats brushing my hair, cleaning the bath or vacuuming.
You are going to be the most beautiful bride :hugs: I love the new pics on FB of you and Amy on the train, so cute :kiss:

Modo - Ooooooh holiday. Bobby is so much older now, taking him away will be a completely different 'ballgame'. Our trip up to Scotland in March was really difficult and completely put us off the idea of going away ever again. However, Joni is growing up and becoming more adaptable all the time and we are now thinking about having a weekend away later in the year as long as we can find some accomodation to suit our needs for the right price.

You guys made me laugh about colourblindness :lol: We thought my brother might be colourblind for a while when he was little as he used to call red green and green red. Turned out he just learned them the wrong way round :dohh: :rofl:

Joni is a little cracker. Her sleeping really picked up about 6 weeks ago and most nights she will sleep through with only a few murmers until 5am :thumbup: She still has the odd 'off' night, like last night :coffee:, where she will wake screaming blue murder and then want to play for three hours :rolleyes: but generally everyone is getting a little more sleep.

Like you all we have lots of babbling and talking. We have 'keys', 'Daddy', 'Mum-mum', 'duck', 'all gone' accompanied with an action like this :shrug: and 'Uki' the cartoon character from show me show me on cbeebies. She also makes a Mmmm noise for cow's, pants when she see's a dog and recognises monkeys and makes an oooh-ah-ah sound. She does know a lot more words though, quite often she demonstrates she knows what certain words or objects are. The other day she was reading a book with my Mum and Mum pointed out a pear then went and got a pear from the fruit basket to show Joni. Joni then responded by crawling over to her playfood, fished out a pear and gave it to my Mum :mrgreen:

It is a quiet day in our house today. I am somewhat lacking in motivation after Joni's 4 hour midnight party :rolleyes: but I had to stay in today to wait for the gasman anyway as my hot water tank is leaking :nope: Mr gasman is just finishing up so when he's gone I will watch a bit of telly, I would have a sneaky snooze but Joni will wake soon so I think a catnap might do me more harm than good.

:hugs: to you all x
H&F - i'm sure it'll all be fine and you'll have a wonderful wedding :)

amy and sarah - :rofl: what are the boys like! i'm sure they know how to say mam but are just teasing you! owen calls me mum more than mama. my MIL is mama as that's what they say for granny in spain so it's a bit confusing as sometimes he calls me mama and sometimes her!

am feeding owen and then we're off to the fair. we're going to see a circus act and then the kids will go on all the rides. going to cost a small fortune. MIL took d and e on sunday and spent £55 :shock:
Hi everyone :wave: hope you are all well!

Sorry i havent been here in while :( Bobby has been going through a barely napping phase and Bn and I have both been ill which is relly tough.

B is not saying anything yet but he still manages to communicate. He grabs our shoes and brings them to us when he wants to go out :haha: he will bring us a cup if he is thirsty and try and climb into his high chair if he Is hungry. He is very Good at climbing and I am always being told how strong he is.

Tonight he is sleeping with a duvet and pillow or the first time. I can't believe how grown up he is becoming:cloud9:

We tried to buy shoes or him yesterday and today. He refused to walk in them and would just cry. So we think that we are going o wait until he is older and try again.
sarah - I'm the same with moisturising :haha: I have bad lines from my nose to my mouth - my jowl lines :rofl: I'm glad you're feeling better, its funny how much hair can help, my haircut made me feel like a new woman :haha: I miss the gym too, I've been running in the evenings. I finally managed 5K again but now the evenings are drawing in its dark by the time I can run and I am too scared to run in the dark :wacko: glad you had a lovely time at the park and that Oliver liked the ducks. Alex says "ahhh" to all animals and birds :haha: Hope you found a cool kettle x

ahhh Alex awake, brb
where was I!

H&F - I was in kookoo land the week before my wedding :hugs: I'm sure it will all come together and you'll have an amazing day :hugs:

frufru - wow :thumbup: for your amazing catchup! lovely to hear from you :hugs::hugs: Poor Joni cracking her tooth, I still want to cry every time I look at Alex's nose :cry: so I completely empathise :hugs: fantastic news about Joni's sleeping :happydance: except for the 4 hr midnight party :sleep:

maybe - awww your children are so lucky! I think there was a fair in a town near me recently but we missed it :dohh: have fun :hugs:

modo - lovely to hear from you too :hugs: I hope you're feeling better :flower: Alex hated shoes for ages, at least its summer so Bobby can toddle round on grass outside OK. Will he wear socks? x

Boring day here thanks to the rain and having to get my car exhaust replaced. Hopeing we can get out tomorrow as its the one day in the week without rain forecast!
Thanks Amy. Yes he does wear socks :) hope your car is better!
modo - hope you and ben are better.

i have awful wrinkles. i told dan that with my first pay check i am going to buy some skincare products. can anyone reccomend any? i have used clarins, clinique and shishedo in the past.
Sorry Maybe, i can't help with skincare products as i don't use any at all :blush: I wash my face with soap and water, and occasionally rub a little olive oil on my face before bed if it feels a bit dry. I don't wear make up though so i suppose i have less cleansing to do? :shrug: I don't really have wrinkles yet though, which constantly amazes me! I check every day! I reckon they will all sneak up at once, and i'll suddenly look 10 years older! :haha:

Argh i swear work is trying to kill me! :growlmad: I'm very annoyed, and have just sent an absolutely fuming email to my boss. I'm being ridiculously overworked, with no support. I'd threaten to walk out, but i can't afford to be leaving this job at this point, i'd screw up my maternity pay i think, plus who's going to employ me whilst i'm pregnant? Ergh, crap situation! I've told them i'll be taking some legal advice over the situation though, and their lack of action in resolving it. I really feel like they are working me to a point where its starting to get dangerous for my health! Hopefully it should kick them into actually carrying out their promises.

Meh, rubbish, i'm going to collapse into bed!

Gosh emera, so sorry to hear you are having such a bad time re work :( loads of hugs to you xx

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