Hey ladies!
Hopefully I'll get chance for a proper catch up now
H&F Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!!
Modo I'm glad you're all feeling better, been ill is just horrid

How are things with the work situation? I know you can't say much, but I hope its not too stressfull

Re shoes, Oliver hated shoes too, but he wanted to walk all the time too. We ended up buying him some cute little velcro sandals from Clarks which he LOVES! When he wants to go out he brings them to me
Maybe I have no idea at all about Scooters, but yours looks cute! Are you looking forward to going back to work? Is Owen going to Nursery? I hope you opened the wine, you deserve it!

It might be a good morning for Danny to give you a sleep in tomorrow, since there will just be Owen . . . you should suggest it
L-C YAY for the kitchen!
Bexxie Hi!
Emera I really hope things get better at work

It annoys me so much when employers are so shit, esp when I know how much Steve does for his staff

He has to bend over backwards to accomodate people, and to play it by the book, its just so wrong that some companies just take the piss
I've been so busy lately

We're doing loads of decorating so I feel like I'm constantly clearing up after that, on top of everything else, plus I'm trying to work on my website, sort all my stock out, keep Oliver occupied, do all the normal housekeeping, phew! Plus we got an outside tap fitted today so I had to organise the plumber etc. But its all good

I think whats really made a difference is that Oliver has been going to sleep much later than normal, so I've not had my evenings to get stuff done. The other day he wouldn't go to sleep until midnight! I've been working to get him back into something of a routine, and he was alseep for 7.30pm, which was lovely! I even managed to get the ironing done
Right, well I'd better get on and have an hour of website stuff before bed. I think my sister is going to come up and see us tomorrow which will be nice, they are at my parents for the weekend. I really need to go into town too to buy a few things, inlcluding a card for Steve as its our wedding anniversary on Sunday