Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Emera bless you and your cleaning, I go through stages like that, but when I was pregnant I was terrible - I would rather clean than sleep :haha:

Amy have a lovely weekend!!!

Oh, Amy I forgot to say, after you had said that Alex waves to people when he's ready to leave places, Oliver started doing the same - but only in the bath :rofl: When he's had enough, he starts waving at the taps :haha:

He spent all day today saying 'Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas . . . ' you get the picture :haha: He was just saying it to himself the whole time :haha: I think we watch too much 'Two and a half men' too, I have an awful habit of putting it on when there is nothing else on (its ALWAYS on :haha:) and now when Oliver hears the theme tune he sings along to it :dohh: :haha:
sarah - :rofl: waving to the taps :haha: ahh this age is just brilliant, I love it! Alex says words repeatedly when he's just learnt them. Today it was my Dad, the calls call him Bebore - it was meant to be Grandpop but EMily couldnt say it as a baby so it morphed into Bebore which stuck. Alex learnt to say it today and walked round all day calling for him, then called Kerry bebore :haha: My mum thinks its a great name for my dad as she says he is such a bore :dohh::haha: (he's not really )

Aiming to tie in the journey tomorrow with Alex's nap, I know the rest of the time he will just shout and get cross and I'll have to sit in the back reading to him trying not to vomit while Kerry drives :dohh:
Amy I absolutely LOVE this age!!! He seems so happy and content and everything is SO exciting :haha: He does this little thing when he gets excited where he clenches his fists and tenses is body up for a second, I googled to make sure its normal :haha: but its so cute! I think you're right about the new word thing, he's been saying Thomas for about a week, its his first 'non standard' word.

As Oliver gets older he's just getting more and more wonderful, even though I have always thought he was the most wonderful anything or one could possibly be. He's such a delight. I just adore everything about him, I'm still completely and utterly besotted. I read a blog today about a lady who's three year old self weaned from breastfeeding and it made me cry - just thinking about it and it has me with tears in my eyes. I think about him growing up and not needing his mummy so much and I feel like I will miss him so much :cry:
sarah - i agree this age is lovely. i'm not looking forward to the teenage years tho :wacko:

amy - hope your trip is good! :)

h&f - happy wedding day! hope it's as wonderful as you deserve :hugs:

emera - i really need to be more on top of the cleaning. i clean up though and the kids mess it up before the day is over though :(

modo - hope you are better!

well MIL found a last minute offer up the coast and took dylan with her (cant remember if i posted about this yesterday). we're going to go tomorrow and stay for one night in the sister hotel. we thought about going today but it was quite expensive. it's costing over 170 euros for just 1 night! so i've got to pack for that now!

danny built erin's new bed which finally arrived 2months late so i have made her bed and tidied up her room a bit. she's at my mums so she'll have a nice surprise when she sees it as it is a raised bed with a tent under it. i put disney princess stickers on the wall above her bed too.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

My sister and BIL came up today, they live in ondon so we don't see them a lot, it was so nice. My sister and I didnt get on great when we were younger, but we do now, and I wish they lived closer really. I think when Oliver is a little older I'll take him to stay with them more often :)

Other than that its been a pretty 'normal' day, Oliver and I popped into town this morning for a few things, then just pottered at home since the weather wasnt great. Its our wedding anniversary tomorrow (4 years :shock:) but Steve is working until 8am and then back on at 8pm, so we're not doing anything special. We're not doing pressies either since we've just bought the new TV etc :haha: Oliver and I will still have a nice day though :)

Right, I am just doing some website stuff and then I'm off to bed - I've got a horrible headache so I'm hoping for a good night :haha:
Sarah - Oliver sounds so lovely :cloud9: I'm hoping that when Roh grows up and doesn't need me so much anymore that i'll get used to it, as i'm hoping it will be gradual. And then there is the times he'll be ill or upset and want hugs again, and i'll be there waiting! Maybe Oliver will end up being one of those men who's still living at home when he's 40, then you'll probably be trying to boot him out! :haha: I'm pretty sure i'd kick Roh out by then :haha:

Maybe and Amy - Enjoy your weekends away :)

Everyone else - I can't remember sorry, have some :hugs:

Nice to have my mum here, its been fine, not too stressful. Her dog rolled in some horrible poo when we were out for a walk though! :sick: We wanted to go to the village and get smoothies, but had to come right home as the dog was sooo disgusting! My mum had to give her a bath. Then naturally i spent ages scrubbing the bathroom AGAIN!! :dohh: Other than that, its been a nice day, Roh has learnt to do high fives today, very cute! :) He's enjoyed playing with my mum :) I've also worked out that the word i thought he was using for banana (and a few other things) is not actually banana at all. My mum handed him a piece and kept saying "ta" as she gave it to him. He kept shaking his head and saying this word, and then taking the banana. Anyway, i heard her say ta, and told her he won't understand that as we always say thankyou, not ta. Then she handed him a piece of banana, and said thankyou, and he just smiled and said "dagu"! I'm really proud of him saying thankyou! :cloud9: I feel a bit bad that i didn't realise what he was saying before now he's been saying it for a few weeks, i thought it was just for things he wanted, which is mostly bananas! :haha:

I agree with the rest of you, i love this age! Roh is soo adorable and fun, and its amazing with all the new things he's picking up all the time :) The only downside is we tend to have more tears now aswell, as he's getting quite willful, and gets really annoyed with me if i take things off him or say no to him! He doesn't have a tantrum or anything, just stands there and cries in the most devastated way, like the world just ended. I always ask him if he wants a cuddle after a few seconds, and hold my arms out. Sometimes he refuses and backs into a corner for a good cry. Bless him!

Right really tired! Got my bro and SIL, neice and nephew coming tomorrow, so with mum and dog and Roh too, and OH at work, its going to be total chaos! :D Can't wait for teeny baby cuddles again though! :happydance:
Emera lol, I'll have def kicked him out by the time he's 40, and bought myself a horse and / or a dog :haha: Not a dog that rolls in poo tthough! :sick: :haha:

Awww how cute that Roh says thankyou!!! Awwwwwww! Oliver says 'ta' when you give him things but we always say thankyou and not ta, so I don't really understand that one :dohh: :haha:

Right, well I guess we'll get up now! Steve is still at work on his late shift so Oliver and I get to stay in bed for a while when we wake up which is nice :) I can see trouble ahead though, Steve has recently given his friend a job and he gave him a lift in last night, his friend smokes and if Steve has let him smoke in the car I am going to be SO pissed off. I absolutely loath people smoking in cars, its just horrid, it stinks, and I don't want that small all over Olivers car seat, so I'll have to wash the covers etc :grr: I really hope he hasn't let him but I'm pretty sure he will have :(
Oh and Oliver does the 'end of the world' cry too, his little face crumples and he sobs. I do the same and offet cuddles. Its hard not to laugh when its about something tiny though, like I won't let him eat a fluffy raisin off the floor :haha:
Hah, Sarah, yeah Roh usually does that cry when i'm doing really unfair stuff, like not letting him eat something mysterious and clearly very old off the floor, or tell him not to grab the dog's face, or chew a power cable, mean and cruel stuff like that! :haha: He was trying to grab a handful of laundry powder the other day, i had to say no sadly, there were tears! :haha: Love your holiday pics by the way, looks like you had a fab time! You really should make Steve take more pictures though i was starting to wonder if you'd gone with them or not! :winkwink:

H&F - From the one piccy i saw on fb, you looked totally amazing yesterday!! I need more pictures!!! :) Congratulations to you! :hugs:

Well, i'm sat here being very naughty! My mum left a teeny tiny bit of wine behind, so i have about 1/4 of a glass of wine with sparkling water here! :happydance: Ooooh its lovely :blush: Its the first drink i've had since i found out i was pregnant, and i figured i'm pretty much out of 1st Tri now, so it should be ok to have a teensy bit! I need it, today has been mental! So lovely to see my neice and nephew and bro and SIL :) My neice was really pleased to see Roh and dragged him off to play :cloud9: So cute! I have been feeling all smug though as my nephew was being grumpy and my SIL was getting a bit fed up, i offered to take him for a bit, which i think she was really glad about! Anyway, gave him a good winding and then some good old tuneless humming and swaying from side to side, he went right off to sleep! :smug: He's so sweet :D I forgot what funny noises they make at that age :haha:

Its been a lovely weekend, but now everyone's gone, and Roh is asleep and the house tidy, yay :D Nice to have some peace and quiet!
Emera you're soooo right about the photos - the ones of me and Oliver I took myself :blush: I think Steve has some on his phone. We really, really need to get some of the three of us, I don't think we have any!!!

Well they hadn't smoked in the car :happydance: and Steve wrote really lovely stuff in my anniversary card, and also bought a card to us from Oliver :cloud9: Oliver and I had the normal sunday trip to the car boot sale and came home with more thomas the tank engines, some brand new wellys that match Olivers winter rain coat, a travel bed rail thing which is new and will be soooo useful if we stay in a hotel or something, or even at my parents, a lovely GAP body warmer for me, some 'that's not my' books which were 10p each, and a couple of other bits, and I spend about 15 quid :haha:
Oohhhh its quiet in here today! I hope you have all had a great bank holiday!

We had a quiet morning, playing with trains and bricks! Then this afternoon my parents came up, and then we went to Sainsburys.

Steve has had a bit of a lucky weekend! Long story short, he put some bets on the Formula 1, which is really unusual for him but the odds were good or something (he'd been talking to someone at work :haha:) Well with the bets he got some free bonus bets, which he put on the football. The F1 bets all lost, but the football ones won! He predicted the half time score on the Manchester United game yesterday, and then he chose the winners from six games, and won both bets! He won over a grand :shock: I still can't quiet believe it! He keeps saying 'if there's anything you want just say', but all I could think of was that I needed some more foundation :haha:

So at Sainsburys they had 25% off all the clothes, so I bought everything else I needed for Oliver's winter wardrobe. I'd already bought some Jasper Conran things in the January sales, and some stuff from GAP, and a raincoat and wellys etc, but it was great just to get everything else, and for a great price too! I think the TU stuff is great quality :thumbup: I also got him some stuff for next summer, because they had lovely shorts and t shirts all half price, and then with another 25% off too! So I think he maybe just needs a pair of slippers for winter as our floors get pretty chilly. I always buy him too many clothes though . . . . he has four winter coats :blush:

hello! just a quickie from me, I am in the throws of post holiday washing :)

H&F - Congratulations!!!! you looked so lovely, a beautiful elegant bride :cloud9: I love that you are smiling and look soooo happy in all the photos and Amy looks gorgeous too :flower:

sarah - your holiday pics are fab!! I have the same issue - I have to take any photos of me with the children as Kerry doesnt take pics - you look lovely though, your hair looks like its really grown! you're amazing being so organised with Oliver's winter wardrobe! I've got 3 outfits for Alex I got in the mothercare sale but thats all. I need to get sorted as Autumn seems to have hit early! I know what you mean about dreading the day our babies dont need us as much :cry: Kerry keeps saying I should stop BF but I'm not stopping until Alex wants to and I'll be so sad when he does!

emera - my nursery taught Alex ta and I hate it when he says it :blush: I'm not a snob or anything, I just prefer thankyou! thats so sweet Roh has learnt it :thumbup::winkwink: we also have a little mr independance that has an end of the world cry, his bottom lip sticks RIGHT out and then the tears start :dohh: I really feel for him, it must be so frustrating not being able to communicate what he wants :cloud9: glad you enjoyed the practise for baby 2 settling :winkwink: good to know you've still got it :winkwink: :haha:

maybe - erin's bed sounds brilliant!! and I bet she'll love the disney stickers too!!

modo - augh!! so annoying!!! :hissy: :hugs:

well we had such a nice weekend. I was a bit worried as Kerry;s mum also went and her daughter is literally spoilt rotten (i.e. she is rotten!) but it was all grand. we all went on Kerry's brother's jet ski - I hated it!! but Alex had a little wetsuit on and looked so cute and he loved the sea!! The trip up was hell, 5 hours with Alex seriously not happy for 4 of them but trip home was 3.5hrs and Alex slept for 2! bliss. He wouldnt go to bed tonight though, he only went to sleep an hour ago :dohh: bless :hugs: to all xxxxx
Really quick hello to everyone :wave:

I am going to try a proper catch up later, so apologies for my utterly egocentric post :blush:

Joni looks to be cutting a canine or two. She woke Sunday night 2 hours after bedtime with a raging fever which rarely dropped below 39.5 all Sunday night and yesterday despite regular calpol and ibuprofen :sad1: She spent all day yesterday laying down in a nest of cushions on the floor watching telly or having cuddles and refused all food. I really hate it when she is that bad. My doctor friend popped over for a cuppa in the morning and was really shocked at how poorly Joni was as I have described what she is like when she teethes really badly but you kind of need to see it to believe it.

Anyways, last night was a bit better and whilst very warm still this morning Joni is quite perky compared to yesterday :thumbup:

I am on a mission to buy some fabric scissors & some material this morning. I finally got a little refresher lesson on my pre-loved sewing machine and need some practice making some things before I start manufacturing Christmas presents. Joni and I are going to take the scenic route to the fabric shop via the river where we will hopefully see some ducks so Joni can practise shouting 'duckie!' . We only say duck to her but she seems to have added the 'ie' herself. I am sure that she actually says lots more words then we give her credit for, but like Roh and his thank you, we just haven't figured out what she is saying yet. Every third word at the moment is 'Ah-key' and I haven't a clue what it means :shrug: :dohh:

Have a lovely day all.

Joni says 'k vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Modo - how are you feeling now hun, all better? I hope Bobby has got on ok with his duvet and pillow, has it helped with his naps at all? Joni has got a pillow in her cot for the first time tonight, we did consider a duvet but she is such a wriggler we decided she is better to stay in a sleeping bag. I was really naughty and sprung for merino sleeping bags a couple of months ago :blush:

Amy - well done on your 5km runs :thumbup: that is just awesome. I am glad the weather was kind to you on the weekend while you were up in this neck of the woods. I've never been to Eccles on Sea but we often walk along the beach at Sea Palling and Waxham which are only a couple of miles down the coast.
'Bebore' :rofl:

Maybebaby - my skincare routine these days is really shocking :blush: I use the body shop aloe vera day and night moisturisers. They are really mild but very nourishing, I use them on Joni if she has dry skin and hubby uses it too :haha:
The new moped looks really cute - is that the colour you're getting? I only ask as I love it. I often think that if hubby and I ever needed more than one car that I would like to see if we could get by with a car and a moped/bike. Sorry completely pointless wondering there :haha:
Did you enjoy the night away, and was Erin excited about her new room?

Emera - I am so sorry that work are being super poopers :sad1: I hope you get some cooperation from them off the back of your meeting :hugs:
Boo to scary mould. I'm also glad to know it is not just me that cleans bath toys too ;)
As for being willful, Joni has got will by the truckload. The other day I had to carry her out of nursery under my arm like a sack of spuds whilst she kicked and screamed as she wanted to stay there and play in the garden, it was so embarrassing.

:wave: Bexxie

:wedding: CONGRATULATIONS Mrs H&F :wedding: I hope you had a magical day. Your pics on FB are lovely, you looked stunning :)

L-C - :yipee: for the kitchen. I hope you have got everything put away now.

Sarah - Yay for your wedding anniversary :) How cute that Steve got you a card from Oliver :kiss:
I know its sad but I am really quite jealous of your outside tap :winkwink: I usually have to cart can after can of water from my kitchen and up the garden to water all my veggies, but then this summer has been so flipping wet I have not had to water for more than 2 months :rolleyes:
I am glad that Joni is not the only one of our babies to say a characters name. Joni say 'Uki' which is the yellow bee-like' character from show me show me. When she wants to watch show me show me she says ' whoah whoah, whoah whoah Uki'.
Sounds like you got some good bargains at the car boot. I went to one up the road from us on Sunday and picked up a load of ELC puzzles for 50p each, a pop up pets toy for £1 and a really cool beadmaze/abacus/tic tac toe wooden toy thingy-ma-bob for a couple of quid :thumbup: A bit of milton and they were as good as new :)
I so love this age too. In the last week Joni has started being super-affectionate and actively come up to cuddle and kiss me :cloud9:

I keep thinking that I need to get a move on with Joni's autumn and winter wardrobe. As Joni is not yet walking and everywhere is wet all Joni's trousers and leggings have muddy knees that just won't scrub/wash off :rolleyes: I am trying to put off buying new trousers etc until she is walking so they don't all end up with permanently grubby knees.

Well we did not see any ducks on our walk today but I found 2 books in Oxfam about ducks, both with sounds effects :mrgreen: Joni was so chuffed and played with them all the way home. My new scissors are great and I have put them to use already cutting out fleecy backing for some corner bibs - 7 down only another 200 to go! I also bought some nice funky fabric to make a pillow case for Joni - I know I have plenty of plain cases in the cupboard but I thought she might like a colourful one, plus I need something easy to make to practise with my sewing machine :winkwink: :haha:

Joni went all day without a nap today :shock: quite how she made it to bedtime without a complete meltdown I don't know :shrug: Hopefully she will be so tired she'll sleep all night long! Speaking of sleep I think I shall retire to bed and cut out a few more fleecy triangle before I snuggle down.

Nanight all :hugs:
My poor little man :( He fell over today and really hurt himself, he hit his head right on his eyebrow/the top of his eye socket on the edge of a stool :( He started screaming right away and just knelt there then put his hands over his face. I picked him up and realised there was blood coming out from under his hand, but couldn't see where it was coming from or how bad it was as he wouldn't move his hands! Argh, it was a scary few seconds! Once he moved his hands i could see that he'd cut along his eyebrow, its not too deep or anything, but it scared the hell out of me for a while when i couldn't see what he'd done! It seemed like LOADS of blood, but it stopped bleeding quite fast. I think cuts on the head tend to bleed alot? After about 20 minutes he settled down, and we had cuddles for a while, then i gave him some fruit smoothie and some biscuits and he seemed ok. I was a bit worried about concussion as it was a real bang, but i think he's fine. Likely to have a black eye though i think. Poor baby, it must have really hurt, what a painful spot to bang yourself :(

Ergh, with that and a busy day at work, i'm knackered, off to bed. Sorry for not replying to things, i'll try to catch up better tomorrow! :hugs: to you all!
emera - poor little Roh :hugs::hugs::hugs: that must have been really scary! yes head wounds do bleed a lot and I bet it did hurt him. I can empathise what with all Alex's bumps :dohh: he threw himself onto the edge of the kitchen cupboard today and has an egg bump :dohh: I hope Roh is OK tonight :hugs:

frufru - we were at Sea Palling on Sunday :winkwink: its great there! Kerry's brother has a jetski and the girls had a brilliant time. Alex had joined in with the wetsuit wearing and was running in and out of the sea too :cloud9: getting back into sewing sounds fab, I'd love to be good at that! I'm amazed Joni went without a nap! She must have been completely pooped!

I had a hectic day today :sleep: also finally found out my shifts for my first two weeks at work, I'm starting on Sept 12th and absolutely dreading it :cry: urgh, its going to be hell!

Hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
hi all on my phone just popping in so will reply later if i get a chance! first day back at work tomorrow!!!eek!
good luck for tomorrow maybe - will be thinking of you xxxxx

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