Modo - how are you feeling now hun, all better? I hope Bobby has got on ok with his duvet and pillow, has it helped with his naps at all? Joni has got a pillow in her cot for the first time tonight, we did consider a duvet but she is such a wriggler we decided she is better to stay in a sleeping bag. I was really naughty and sprung for merino sleeping bags a couple of months ago
Amy - well done on your 5km runs

that is just awesome. I am glad the weather was kind to you on the weekend while you were up in this neck of the woods. I've never been to Eccles on Sea but we often walk along the beach at Sea Palling and Waxham which are only a couple of miles down the coast.
Maybebaby - my skincare routine these days is really shocking

I use the body shop aloe vera day and night moisturisers. They are really mild but very nourishing, I use them on Joni if she has dry skin and hubby uses it too

The new moped looks really cute - is that the colour you're getting? I only ask as I love it. I often think that if hubby and I ever needed more than one car that I would like to see if we could get by with a car and a moped/bike. Sorry completely pointless wondering there

Did you enjoy the night away, and was Erin excited about her new room?
Emera - I am so sorry that work are being super poopers

I hope you get some cooperation from them off the back of your meeting

Boo to scary mould. I'm also glad to know it is not just me that cleans bath toys too

As for being willful, Joni has got will by the truckload. The other day I had to carry her out of nursery under my arm like a sack of spuds whilst she kicked and screamed as she wanted to stay there and play in the garden, it was so embarrassing.
:wave: Bexxie


I hope you had a magical day. Your pics on FB are lovely, you looked stunning
L-C -

for the kitchen. I hope you have got everything put away now.
Sarah - Yay for your wedding anniversary

How cute that Steve got you a card from Oliver

I know its sad but I am really quite jealous of your outside tap

I usually have to cart can after can of water from my kitchen and up the garden to water all my veggies, but then this summer has been so flipping wet I have not had to water for more than 2 months

I am glad that Joni is not the only one of our babies to say a characters name. Joni say 'Uki' which is the yellow bee-like' character from show me show me. When she wants to watch show me show me she says ' whoah whoah, whoah whoah Uki'.
Sounds like you got some good bargains at the car boot. I went to one up the road from us on Sunday and picked up a load of ELC puzzles for 50p each, a pop up pets toy for £1 and a really cool beadmaze/abacus/tic tac toe wooden toy thingy-ma-bob for a couple of quid

A bit of milton and they were as good as new

I so love this age too. In the last week Joni has started being super-affectionate and actively come up to cuddle and kiss me
I keep thinking that I need to get a move on with Joni's autumn and winter wardrobe. As Joni is not yet walking and everywhere is wet all Joni's trousers and leggings have muddy knees that just won't scrub/wash off

I am trying to put off buying new trousers etc until she is walking so they don't all end up with permanently grubby knees.
Well we did not see any ducks on our walk today but I found 2 books in Oxfam about ducks, both with sounds effects

Joni was so chuffed and played with them all the way home. My new scissors are great and I have put them to use already cutting out fleecy backing for some corner bibs - 7 down only another 200 to go! I also bought some nice funky fabric to make a pillow case for Joni - I know I have plenty of plain cases in the cupboard but I thought she might like a colourful one, plus I need something easy to make to practise with my sewing machine
Joni went all day without a nap today

quite how she made it to bedtime without a complete meltdown I don't know

Hopefully she will be so tired she'll sleep all night long! Speaking of sleep I think I shall retire to bed and cut out a few more fleecy triangle before I snuggle down.
Nanight all