Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Wow Sarah that really sucks! I would be furious :growlmad:
After the whole breastmilk-laptop fiasco I am not able to get online as easily or as often as I would like! Serves me right I suppose for breaking the laptop :dohh:

Modo - I love the fathers day outfit Bobbie is wearing in the pic, it is too cute!!!

Sarah - flipping hell!!!! I cannot believe the sling broke, that is so awful and really very scary. I am really glad that Oliver is ok :hugs:

Katie and Amy I am really sorry you OH's have been on such poor form, sending you both hugs.

CG - I personally would prefer a dummy over a thumb as like others have said you can take it away more easily than trying to wean a little one from sucking their thumb. Joni is generally quite a stressy baby and we find a dummy really helps to soothe her - I never thought I would use a dummy but it has been a life saver, where before she would refuse to sleep in between feeds and grizzle and cry for hours on end despite being clean, fed, winded and a good temperature, the dummy keeps her calm and quiet. I am really sorry hear things are strained with your hubby.

On my home front - After hubby's operation on his boy bits 3 and a half weeks ago he is still not recovered. He had another check up at the hospital last week and they discovered multiple pockets of blood and infection around the operation scar :sad1: which is why he is still feeling so bad and the scar is taking so long to heal. Because it is multiple pockets of infection they can;t drain them and have got him on yet another course of antibiotics which will hopefully do the trick. So he is still off work for another couple of weeks - thankfully he is mobile now so he can look after himself now and also pitch in a bit with Joni to give me a break now and then.

Joni is now a total booby monster :mrgreen: she is still happy to take a bottle but would much rather have the booby :thumbsup:

Joni has had a rash on her cheeks this last week which spreak onto and behind her ears - I spoke to the Doctor who seemed to think it was heat rash. But then tonight Joni has been REALLY upset, super hot and sneezing loads so I think she may be poorly :sad1: I am not sure if it is related to the rash or not so I think I will see how tonight goes and if she remains as she was this evening I will definately take her to the docs tomorrow. Aswell as the rash Joni did her first poo today since last Tuesday :shock: Apparently it is normal for some breastfed babies to only poo once a week - it freaked me the heck out as before last tuesday she went a couple of times a day. I have to say though that the poo she did today was mightily impressive :winkwink:

Righto = sorry for not replying to everyone but I am out of time, going to check on my little lady xx
Frufru, you've done so amazingly well with the BFing, you're one determined lady!!
Sarah, I'd be furious too, how scary!! Glad he's okay xxx
sarah!! i am so glad that he's ok!! good luck with mamas and papas.

we went to mw yesterday and izzy is now 7lbs 5ozs!! ha. she gave them quite a shock :)

they suggested expressing. i thought we had to wait four weeks but apparently not. tried her on the bottle first time this morning... total no go!! oh is upset because he thinks he won't even be able to feed her with a bottle and feels useless. i am hoping perseverence will pay off? anyone know? am hoping she will take a dummy soon too as am sure she feeds for comfort a lot rather than hunger...

abz xx
A3my and Katie - sorry to hear you are having problems with your OHs too. A3my I am shocked by his behaviour at the wedding. I cannot believe he just left you like that.

Sarah - OMG about the sling, that is my worry that it suddenly breaks but suppose you can think like that about everything you use. I worry when I carry Che in the moses that the bottom will just fall out! I bought a baby bjorn synergy (only had it a couple of weeks) but so far have found it excellent and very comfy. I think it is more or less the same as the Baby Bjorn Active but made out of different material which is cooler. Mothercare had £20 off the other week taking it to £79.

Katie - don't worry about Daisy being heavy for a sling. As mentioned above I got the Baby Bjorn and Che is nearly 12lb now. My arms are killing from carrying him but the sling is so comfy and the weight is distributed really well. He loves it and will sleep for ages in it and it leaves my hands free to get on with things!

Frufru - you have done such an amazing job with Joni with her feeding! Hope she is feeling better soon. Oh no re your hubby - fingers crossed the antibiotics work and he is back to full health soon.

DH has been a lot better over the last few days and we have been getting on much better. I am not sure everything has been resolved though from his side and I will be very angry if he brings everything up again at a later date rather than trying to resolve it now.

Weather is so stunning at the moment loving being off and getting out and about!!
I am in mamas and papas now, they are trying to say that there is nothing wrong with it. Eh? So the fastener should come off then? Steve is on the phone to head office, I'm soooo mad!
I've heard before that their customer service is awful Sarah, hope they sort it out for you (and also that my pram never breaks!)
Daisy is now 12lbs 2oz :wacko: she's a giant! She's only 57cm :wacko: how funny, my little weeble baby! She's following the 98th percentile so far, so if she keeps going at this rate she'll be out of 0-3 in 6-7 weeks!
The midwife was just here, and i put Daisy in her chair without fastening the vest under her dress for some stupid reason, when I snapped the clips shut on the chair to fasten her in, I caught her skin :cry: she screamed and I burst into tears, how embarassing- I've never done anything like that and I have to go and do it in front of the midwife! I'm the worst mother ever :(
oh katie your not!!!! things like that happen easily dont be beating yourself up!

anyone watching the budget, its not been as bad as i thought... so far...
Oh Katie hun I have done a lot worse honest lol

Harry is now 14lbs 6 OMG but soooo short he looks like he has no legs ha ha

Is sleeping 8pm til 5.30 am so am a happy bunny but my god in the day cant get anything done wants my attention all the time,but sod it he's only little once so I am enjoying him

OMG at the carrier,i would be threatening trading standards,they HAVE to give you a refund or credit note at the least!

I am off to argos in a min to get a cheapie cheap bouncer as H has the Starlight swing but does he like it NAH! Little monkey,willing to try anything...........

Right thats it for me,have been lurking a lot lately but not time to post. For you girls with OH's being prize twats,it gets easier I promise,I am on my 16th year with hubby and believe me there have been times I thought that was it all over BUT it does ease and get better,its one hell of a transition having a baby and even having third has hit us MAJOR,but we are getting there slowley
Lots of Love

:rofl: I'm so glad I never bought a starlite swing, I really really wanted one! But I've only heard that babies hate them :dohh:
I'm watching it jo, def not as bad as I thought, all sounds quite good to me!
i was dreading them cutting child benefit or something, we dont rely on it but its nice for me to have to be able to get out and about without having to ask mark for money plus if they scrapped that id have to get rid of sky! lol i cant do that!! ;) in all seriousness tho it all sounded fine to me, something had to be done with the state we are in at the mo!

harrison likes his fisher price bouncer, it was only £20 and i sit him in after eating so he stays up right, he seems happy enough in there and he does this funny little sound as if he is going "oooOOOOOOOooooooo" which is the sound he makes when he is happy lol. has anyones LO started trying to laugh? its so funny, harrison cant quite do it but he is trying, when he tries he has this croak at the back of his throat lol
Katie - you are not a bad mum, bet the mw has seen far worse

Bexxie - omg 8-530 sleeping?? How the hell did you manage that?? I think my body would go into a coma if I got more than 3 hours sleep in one go!!
I have had quite a few pages to catch up on so sorry if I miss anyone out. Hello to you all and lots of hugs for your babies, just incase I do!

Katie :hugs: he sounds like he is being a total ar*e to you which is the last thing you need having just had a baby. Hope things get better for you. Maybe you could treat yourself to something nice to cheer you up.

Modo is Bobby a long baby? He is cute and I love the little vest he has on. Oliver is really long and is already growing out of his 0-3 month sleepsuits as his back and legs are so long. There is still plenty of room on the arms, round the tummy and even around the legs too they are just getting to short.

Sarah that is really shocking about the carrier as you say poor Oliver could have been tipped out onto the floor and hurt. I would go mental in Mamas and Papas, it doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened.

Marta can't believe you can organise yourself enough to make it to work! That's really cute that Kristan is smiling and happy.

maybebaby spending time on the beach sounds lovely and :lol: about the dummy, maybe Erin thought Owen's dummy looked more appealing. The new pictures you added are cute, love the yawning one, it's such a hard life being a baby.

LC Anywhere the baby sleeps is good! As long as Will sleeps in his bed at night I'm sure it's fine.

malpal nice to see you. I can only imagine how busy you must be as I hardly seem to get time to have a shower/eat/do the housework when Oliver is having a nap.

fluffpuffin your avatar picture is so cute, Isla looks so teeny and cute.

Janny how are things going for you?

Cactus Girl Oliver has been trying to get his thumb in his his mouth since the day he was born and although he is still a bit hit and miss with getting it in his actual mouth when he does he seems to settle quickly. We would have been happy to use a dummy but haven't needed them yet. I think a thumb is easier as you don't need to remember to take them when you go out! :lol:

Abz hi :wave: nice to see you over here. Don't worry about trying to do everything round the house. Just do what you can when you can and take anyone up on their offer to help!

PG hope you had a great sleep!

A3my what an ar*e! Perhaps he needs to be given three kids to get ready as well as himself next time you are going out somewhere then you can sit downstairs shouting at him to 'hurry the f*ck up!' and see how much he likes it and how unhelpful it is. Aww how proud do the girls look of their cute little brother?!

Jolou poor Sophie hope it clears up quickly. Did she enjoy dinner at her friend's house? How is Harrison doing? Which Fisher Price bouncer do you have? We have the friendly first one and although Oliver hated it at first he now quites likes it as he can nosey around which ever room I am in. He does get annoyed if I put the vibrate bit on though as it sends him to sleep much to his annoyance :lol:

Frufru I think I didn't go back far enough on this thread what happened to your laptop? Owww for your hubby poor thing. Glad Joni is doing so well and well done to you with the BF. Could the rash be something you are using on her skin? Oliver had a rash a couple of weeks ago that the health visitor said was heat rash, I wasn't convinced. It seemed to almost clear up then flare up again, it turned out it was the aqeous cream I was putting on him for his dry skin because as soon as I stopped using it his skin cleared up within a couple of days. I now use Waitrose bottom butter.

Bexxie wow that is a great weight and great sleeping at night too.

:hugs: to those of you having trouble with your OH. Perhaps they are jealous that they are no longer the main object of your affections and are finding it hard to share the attention so like children they act the fool so they get attention.

Just got Oliver weighed and he is now 12lb 8oz at almost 8 weeks old! He has increased his night time sleep gradually since he was born and he has fallen into a pattern of:

At some point between 9pm and 11pm- wake up (sleeps in his pram during the day) Feed on one boob, then face and hands washed, nappy change and changed into a babygrow for bed. Feed some more (sometimes other boob or even both boobs).

11pm ish Goes to sleep around and is put into his moses basket.

5am ish wakes up and has a feed on one boob, then nappy change then feeds on the other boob before falling back to sleep (I am usually up with him for around an hour).

9:30-10am- wakes up and is up for the day.

I am loving the routine he has chosen and REALLY hope he keeps it up. The only thing we have done since he was born is put the lights off once he is in his babygrow so he learns when it is dark it's bedtime, and when he is up during the night I use a little night light so he learns it is still nightime until the curtains are opened and it seems to work well. For the first couple of weeks he was waking for a feed around 3am, then he increased it to 4am and now he is sleeping until 5am or there abouts. It's great as it means I have only been needing to get up once in the night since he was born which is actually less than the 4 or 5 times I would be up during the night to go to the toilet during the third trimester :rofl:

We have been invited to go to baby massage. The health visitor phoned and said she was asking 8 mums to come to it and would we like to go. Sounds interesting and it's free which is always a bonus. Starts on Thursday and is for 6 weeks.

Lots of talk of slings. Oliver loves his Close Baby Carrier and sleeps well in it, though if he is awake when he is put in it he is so nosey that he wriggles until his head is out, turns his head out and looks around everywhere. He always seems surprised when he is looking around as he opens his eyes so wide his eyes are like saucers! :lol:

Right enough of an essay from me, sure I have taken up the whole page. Can see where my son gets his love of talking from as he is always making talking noises and smiling now (probably saying 'will you please shut up mummy') :rofl: Need to go and buy Christening invites as we have booked it for the end of July. Not sure what to do afterwards though. Our house is too small to have more than around 5 people here. Any suggestions? We were thinking a local pub with a nice beer garden or something.
hats off muddles for all the replies!!! lol

sophie is ok, i got a prescription for oilatum and another steriod but its an ointment rather than a cream... slightly reluctant to use it tho as the cream version made the whole thing worse. harrison is doing well, he has his 8week check tomorrow and injections, worst possible day for it as its the 1st anniversary of nan passing away tomorrow and i am going to be with my family for most the day then rush home for his appointment at 2pm. im intrigued to see what he weighs after last week, he put on 1/2 a llb in 2 days and he has now upped the amount he feeds to 6oz. harrisons bouncer is the same as yours, he loves the vibrations and it also sends him to sleep but he wont moan if he isnt tired and its on he will just wriggle alot lol.

harrisons little routine at night is to get into his sleepsuit around 7ish after either having a bath or a little wash and a massage (if he is happy enough to have it lol), then its a bottle and he stays wake or just naps till around 9:30ish, at that time i give him another bottle and he is usually down in bed by 11:30pm then doesnt wake till 5:30/6:30am, after that he still naps during the day but at different times. today is a sleep day it seems lol.
OMG I will NEVER shop at mamas and papas again! We were in store for an hour and a half. First they said that it wasn't faulty. It obviously was. When the manager finally came out (after sending two other people who just passed on her messages) she said she would replace it, or sent it for testing, if they found it to be faulty they would refund then. Even when her own staff told her that the one they had on display didn't do what ours did she still wouldn't refund. I asked her how she could stand there and expect me to put my baby in a mamas and papas sling when I had already had one break when he was in it. She had no reply. She was absolutely crap. Steve called head office who said if she could see it was faulty the manager should refund. They called the storre and spoke to her and told them it wasn't faulty! So then they called Steve and he was on the phone for an age, but it seems that they are much more helpful than the manager, and are going to look into it and call back tomorrow. It was soooo frustrating, she was contradicting herself the whole time, i mad!!!

I've also heard bad things about their customer service so fingers crossed me have more success than most!

Well I'm just at the drs waiting for Olivers well baby appointment, we've ventured out on our own while Steve has a nap and its all good so far :)
We survived! Oliver and I had our first proper trip out on our own! We went to the post office, the well baby clinic and then called at boots ans m and s and though I was soooo hot by the time we got home it was fine! Yay! I'm very proud lol!

All was fine at the well baby thing, they don't do much do they? He was weighed, and measured but she didn't even write his measurements etc in his red book, am I soposed to do that? He weighs 11lb 5ozn not bad to say he was 6lb 8oz when he was born!

We also need a cheap bouncer, Oliver has a Graco Sweetpeace that cost me a fortune, he'll sleep in it for about ten mins and he hates the rocking motion. It was soooo expensive too!

I'll hopefully catch up properly later! X
Go Oliver! And go Sarah, well done on your first proper day out on your own! I'm dreading it mostly because I don't drive- I sooo wish I'd bothered learning and kept my car!
Muddles, that was a post of epic proportions :lol: how on earth did you remember all that?! :lol:
Well done Sarah going out on your own! I am restarting driving lessons tomorrow so I will let you all know how that goes :)

What a hot day! I had an appointment with the dermatologist because of my pregnancy rash (yes believe it or not it is still here -- but a much milder form than when I was preggo) and got my steriod pill prescription and creams renewed. The heat has made my rash so much more itchy! The doc recommended that I sleep with no duvet (which I disvovered I should do anyway because of the co-sleeping) and turn on the fans in the house.

Is it ok to have the fan on if Bobby is sleeping in the bed with me? Do you ladies do this too?
Modo I don't have a fan on, I think it would be okay so long as Bobby isn't in the draft. I have Oliver in just a vest with a light sheet when it hot like this. And I have the window wide open.
I always sleep with a fan on Maria, I think it's fine to do? I'm sure I've seen it recommended some places! And good luck with the driving lessons. I'd definitely start again if I had the money just now!

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