Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

I'm scared to have the window open in case a fox gets in :blush: I don't know why it would, I've never seen a fox in my life...
Katie our house is three story at the front so a fox would have to try really, really hard to get in! And be bloomin good at climbing!

I've seen lots of foxes at my parents but they live right out in the sticks, I've never seen one here. We did see one in Bristol when we stayed there, right outside our city centre hotel, just trotting down the street! It was about 6am and it wasn't bothered by us at all.
My brother reckons he saw one a few weeks ago, I think he's just trying to wind me up though :dohh: 14 year old boys are fun fun fun.. And you'll have one in 14 years muaha xxx
Haha! I kind of have one already, well my stepson is 15 now but to be honest he's really good. I think 14 year old boys with their sisters is another matter :)

Well another achivement for today, after much thought o worked out a way to bath Oliver on my own, with me also in the bath as he hates it any other way. And it worked really well! Its not really a bath for me - I jusyt get wet lol, but Oliver was fab! I only put a bit of water in, say 10cm, and he sat on my knee and fed while I washed him. Getting in and out was much easier than I expected, I had everything ready so just popped him on his mat and picked him up when I'd got in, and then popped him back on while I got out. Easy! And he didn't cry at all, the little superstar. Yay!
I live in SW London and we have had some foxes eat the garbage left outside so I know they around. Our bedroom is on the second floor so I think it should be ok.

Thanks for the replies about the fan. Bobby gets cold very easily believe it or not! He is sleeping right now in a grobag. If I take him out of it he will cry.
Hello lovely ladies!

Thanks for all your supportive comments about my arse of a hubby :) Feels very nice to be understood. Bexxie we've been together for 14 years, I know what you mean about the ups and downs! I hate how they think its all forgotten the next day, I'm still waiting for flowers and chocolates :haha:

erm, I had loads of replies in my head! come on brain!

Sarah so sorry about the mama's and papa's fiasco. how infruriating :hugs::hugs:

modo - they had fans on in hospital where Alex was born so I'm sure its fine! Its overheating thats the worry, which reminds me I keep meaning to get one of those room thermometers. I read you can get them free.

Katie - bless Daisy! Alex is 57cm too but he's a skinny lad. he needs to chunk up a bit :haha: hope things are better with you and Vinny?? :hugs:

Jolou - poor Sophie with her psoriasis :hugs:

We definately have foxes around, they go though my bin at night. We live in a rural village and have fields in front and behind. I'm too scared to have the window wide open at night :D we have it open a crack.

well my lovely parents took me out for lunch today. I had duck fajitas which were delicious but very bad for my spare flabby tyre! xx
Modo my sister lives in London and they have a fox that regularly visits their garden, I never realised that there were so many urban foxes.

Amy OMG at duck fajitas! They sound sooooo nice! I really need to stop eating so much rubbish, I hjave all my good stuff, I just top it off with lots of crap!
:lol: aw, Im worried that my hv will tell me Daisys fat- that's if she ever materialises :dohh: I'm sure by 4 weeks I should of at least heard from her? D is on less than the first percentile for length, the 98th for weight and off the chart for her head.. No wonder I got soo many stitches... Bless her, the little fatty.
Foxes really scare me after that thing in London. Although if one was to get in my garden I'd be pretty impressed- all 3 sides are other peoples gardens!
Sarah I want to get a bath with Daisy, she loves her bath, it's cute! She's getting really wriggly now and splashes everywhere though, it scares me a bit!
Oh I love fajitas! We've got the most amazing Mexican restaurant about 15 minutes walk away, it's definitely my favourite restaurant.. No good for my diet though :( taquitos are my favourite food ever.. Now I really want to go!
I'm contemplating getting a waitressing job again. I hate it, but it's quite easy money- if there's one thing I'm good at, it's talking to people, and I def don't have the body for promotions any more! I know my mum would have the baby a couple of nights a week, i don't know.. I wouldn't start looking for a month or two anyway so there's time to think about it!
I don't half go on about nothing.. I'm going back to bed!
Katie Oliver is still very wary of the bath, its like he's on the verge of crying the whole time lol! So he just sits on my knee. Luckily he's such a boobie monster as soon as he sees dinner he wants some, so that distracts him while I get him clean lol! I'm hoping that by the time he's splashing about he'll be okay on his own, I wouldn't bath him on my own wirth me in the bath too if he was really wriggly.

You've made me want Mexican now!!!! I LOVE Mexicvan food, when we went to Vegas that's all I wanted to eAt, they do it sooooo well over there!

The health visitors around here are a bit crap tbh, the one I saw yesterday didn't seem to have a clue!
She just seemed really busy and rushed. Yet they call me all the bloomin time to ask if he's still brerastfed! Apparently its for the stats, I'm thinking about saying no just to stop em calling!!
hi all! i was soooooooo ill yesterday i didnt even have the energy to post! :haha: i woke up in the night to feed owen and thought i was going to throw up. then istarted having stomach cramps and in te morning i had diahroea (no idea how to spell it :blush: ). the worst thing was i had to go to school for dylan's open day feeling like crap. then after i took dylan to mcd's, my mum met me there with erin and she told me to go home (we live just across the road from mcd's) so i did and i spent the rest of the day on the sofa with aches and pain in my body and a headache as well as the awful stomach cramps. my mil came round and took dylan and erin for a few hrs so i just had to deal with owen. so we just lay on the sofa and he fed and slept and i slept. feel much better today thank god. must've been one of these 24hr bugs, not helped by sleepless nights!!! anyway enough moaning.

supposed to be meeting some friends today and there's a really bad levanter cloud on the rock so although it's not cold it's not sunny! every time we arrange to meet the weather seems to be crappy :dohh: here's a pic of what i mean of the levanter cloud. it just sticks to the top of the rock so gibraltar is cloudy and the surrounding area is sunny!


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sarah - i cant believe what happened to you with the sling! i am fuming for you. i can highly recommend the baby bjorn active carrier. i had 2 others with dylan and i ended up getting the baby bjorn one with erin and am using it with owen as it is good. he's heavy but the weight is well distributed. we evenclimbed to the top of the rock the weekend b4 last and i carried him all the way and that was a 3hr trip with only one 10-15min stop for a drink.
Yes the fajitas were yum but my scales laughed at me this morning :D

maybe sorry you feel crummy. thats interesting about the cloud! its boiling here for once!

Emily has a piano exam today, she's really nervous x
MaybeBaby that cloud is soooo wierd!!!! I bet its annoying too when everywhere else is sunny :wacko: Hope you're feeling 100% again soon, I dread been ill now!

I think we'll definetly get one of the Baby Bjorn range slings. We only went for the M&P's Morph because Steve saw it and liked it - he hadn't really liked the idea of a sling before that so since he liked that one, we went for it. He has looked at the Baby Bjorns now and likes the look of them, so I think we'll have a trip to Mothercare at some point to see them 'in person'. We're waiting for M&P's customer services to call us back today so fingers crossed that they do.

Oh, also Maybe I posted your milk bags yesterday. Gave me a good giggle, I took them to the post office and the chap behind the counter was been super helpful and said he'd fill in the customs form for me - he asked me what was in the parcel and his face was a picture lol! I ended up saying 'Just put bags' lol! I did make a point of saying that they were empty :haha:

Oliver didn't sleep too well last night, the night before he only woke once but he made up for it last night! From about 2am he was asleep but wriggling and making funny noises, like he needs a good fart or poo! So he slept but I didn't because he was so damn noisy!! He's asleep again now though in his Sweetpeace, so I've been able to get dressed and put some make up on and stuff. My breastfeeding support group are having a picnic in the park later on for Breastfeeding Awareness week, they phoned up to invite us along but I think its going to be too warm. It would be lovely to have a walk down but I really need to keep Oliver cool. He's got quite bad milk spots and they get so much worse in the warm, so I think we'll stay home with the air con. We're getting some fencing delivered today too so i guess I should be here to make sure they put it in the right place! I cant wait to get the garden sorted :)

Katie I am soooo not even thinking about going back to work yet lol! Having said that I do some self employed work which I'd like to pick up a bit again in a month or so. Not much, just enough to keep my hand in, keep my brain ticking over and a bit of extra cash is always welcome! Waitressing is always a good skill to have, I really enjoyed it when I did it - hard work though!

A3my Steve always completely forgets about stuff he says when he's annoyed too - like if he ignores it it means he didn't say it. I think he's embarassed tbh when he realises what he's said. I don't forget though, I'm not sure men realise that.

Jolou Oliver keeps trying to giggle now too, it is very funny! He makes the cutest noises!!! And those smiles . . . ahhhhh they are so fab!

Muddles - well done for the mega post!!! My Oliver also seems long, apparently he's right for his weight but he's on 0-3 sleepsuits and there is no way they are going to fit for much longer! He is outgrowing his clothes so quickly! And nappies too, I have about 10 packs of size one left and they are just too small now. I've been trying to use them up but I put him in a size 2 yesterday and it was much better. The size 2's only say up to 13lb though so I think I'll just use the size 2's I have and then buy size 3's. I really never expected him to be so big when he was so small when he was born!!!

Well Oliver is still asleep in the sweetpeace, I haven't got it switched on but when he stirs is movement makes it swing really gentle and he goes back to sleep! Its great! Lets hope he keeps it up . . . maybe the damn thing will be worth its money after all!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely day!

The lady from Mamas and Papas customer care just called Steve and guess what? They are refunding! She is sending us some packaging etc to send the sling back for testing. Why the stupid store manager couldn't just do that yesterday I really don't know. Grrrr!! Spineless cow!!! At least we get our money back though.
Daisy never even had size 1 nappies, I just got the Pampers New Baby ones and they're size 2.. She's about out of them though so I'm going to have to buy size 3s :( I hate it that she's getting bigger, it's kind of sad thinking I might never have a newborn again!
Have you had Oliver measured Sarah? He must be getting really long if he's getting big in 0-3.. And like you say, he was so teeny when he was born! :cloud9:
my friends bringing her new baby round later, she's 2 weeks old today but only 4lbs 4oz cos she was 7 weeks prem.. I can't wait to meet her!
Maybebaby, that cloud is weird!!
Oh that's fab news that they're refunding you- so they should, slings def shouldn't come undone of their own accord!
Fantastic Sarah!!! I can't believe they couldn't just do that yesterday and the store managers attitude is just terrible. I am going to think twice before buying anything other than baby clothes from M & P.

Bobby was really good last night! He woke up at round 1.30am for his feed and we went back to bed at 2am. He then slept till around 5.20am for his next bottle which he finished at 6 and at this point DH woke up and watched and I slept in till 10! I feel pretty rested for once :)

Bobby has been in Huggies size 2 diapers for about 2 weeks now as the pampers size 1's just kept leaking.

that cloud does look very strange! I am sorry your meet up might not happen :(
Katie he got measured yesterday but he was crying and I didn't see the measurement, and the HV didn't write it in my red book, so I have no idea how long he is :( I might try measuring him myself later. Or I might ask them to update my red book when he has his injections next week. He is long though lol! Normal little outfits fit him fine - even some of his bigger newborn stuff fits him if its tops / trousers but sleepsuits are a different story lol! Having said that I put him in a romper today, it looked a little big so I thought it would be 0-3, but it was 3-6. It looks a bit roomy but not silly. I just dont get the sizes - they are sooooo different!!!! But to think I brought him home in the tiny baby stuff lol!

Modo yay for Bobby sleeping!!! I feel sooooo much better when I've had some sleep. I find I'm fine for a week or so with my 'normal' disturbed sleep but then when I get tired I feel terrible - so Steve takes Oliver in the morning and I sleep in. Then I feel normal again :)

Well I hope I'm not jinxing myself here but for the past few days Oliver has slept really well in his Sweetpeace . . . . he falls asleep on me and then I just pop him in there. He would sleep for about ten mins before but now he'll go for an hour or more, its great! Today I've been able to get dressed, do my make up, do my hair, have lunch, have a tidy around and supervise the fence delivery - its great! I was thinking about taking the pram out for a walk, but hes so sound asleep I don't want to disturb him!

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