Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

WEmera I hope you're feeling better :hugs: :hugs:

Maybe I hope you got more sleep last night!

My car is in the garage, urgh I'm not looking forward to them phoning! Oliver and I took it back and then walked into town and then home. The weather is awful - really cold and it keeps raining / sleeting and its really windy. Oliver decided he didn't want to wear hit hat, mittens or be in his footmuff - the hat and mittens got thrown on the floor and he kicked his way out of the footmuff and broke the zip :dohh: and went completely mad when I put the rain cover on. Needless to say he was cold and crying by the time we got home, we're having a snuggle and watching ITNG now. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Added to that, Steve text from work last night to say they had some stuff kicking off that I can't really post about, but I hardly slept worrying about it and had really odd dreams :dohh: :dohh: I haven't had the full story yet but it sounded pretty scary / dangerous :wacko:

Ahhhhhh, well I'm going to get a cuppa and relax for a bit and try not to think about the garage bill :haha:
Sarah, hope everything is ok :hugs: I have terrible anxiety dreams when I'm worrying about stuff. Oh and Roh is exactly the same as Oliver with his hat etc. I've totally given up on gloves and footmuff these days. I just let him get cold and after a bit pull out a blanket and tuck it round him. He seems to put up with it once he's freezing already! :dohh:

Am at work, on my phone (new one) bit fed up as I fell over yesterday and hurt my knee, its hurting to walk a bit :wacko:

Sort of glad I'm working though as OH is taking Roh for his MMR jab later, kind of nice to miss it, I get way too emotional. I'm glad he's finally having it though.
Emera I think I might have to try that method of letting him get cold and then warming him up :haha: I feel like everyone is looking at me like I'm a bad mum when he's there in the freezing cold with no hat on and I'm wrapped up all warm :haha:

I hope your knee is better soon! Sounds painful! Hope Roh's MMR goes well, I'm sure it will :hugs: Oliver was fine after his :hugs:

No word from the garage yet :wacko:
Do any of the other babies still throw food on the floor all the time? As soon as Oliver has had enough of his food / drink / playing with a toy he throws it on the floor - or with a drink he just tips it upside down :dohh: He's pretty good with a normal cup now - apart from the tipping it up :dohh: I'm not really sure how I'm soposed to deal with it - I tend to just ignore it and clear it up - but he understands so much now that I'm thinking I shoud be telling him off? Any ideas?

Hi all -

Emera - hope mmr jab goes ok - Amy had no effect from hers ... my mum said she was grumpy but to be honest I think that was just her mood that day!!!

Sarah - Amy was throwing things on the floor but I have to tell her off - she has time outs now as well - in my Jo Frost book it says they dont 'understand' the principle of time out until they are two but Amy certainly does. She gets a warning and then sits on the step for 60 seconds if she carries on and for us it really works and it calms the situation so I never raise my voice at her.

Well little miss is currently having a nap - I usually put her down at 11 but we were at baby yoga today so by the time we got back she wanted dinner and then play so I had to put her down late. Is it wrong I need her to have a nap a day just so I have time to do bits around the house or have a cuppa in peace!

Hope everyone is ok - I need to go tidy up ... Dave said we could put the christmas tree up later so I want to make the place tidy!
Maybe: Hope you get some more sleep hon :hugs:

Sarah: Hope you had a lovely holiday :hugs: How is everything going? That's really typical with the car :dohh: hope it gets repaired soon and things get better with Steve's work. Bobby used to throw things on the floor when he was done but he eventually did stop. Now he tries to stand up in his highchair :dohh: Although he will sometimes food for our dog. Naughty Bobby!

Emera: good luck with the MMR we need to get it soon for B as well. Ow about your fall hope you feel better hon :hugs:

We are back in the house as of last night. The house looks lovely and new with the new paint job. Although some of our stuff is piled up on the couch while our new furniture arrives. Bobby's room has been redone and I am so pleased with it. The massive chunky shelves have gone and the cot is now facing the window which has opened up the room. I even managed to fit the rocking chair in there. It just functions now :D
Ergh, the drains backed up at work, so a man come and rodded them, all good, but i ended up having to work an extra hour clearing up the mess (ewww :sick:) so i missed coming home to tell Roh a bedtime story, which i really like to do when i can :( Bummer.

OH says he took the jabs very well. Hoping ti doesn't make him feel too dodgy, it was one of the reasons i delayed it, i figure he's a bit bigger now, so more able to process it etc. We shall see, fingers crossed! :thumbup:

Modo - Must be ace to have stuff sorted in the house and have it all freshly painted :)

H&F - Hell, nothing wrong with needing them to nap!!! I treasure the quiet time when Roh has his nap :dance: I love being able to quickly whip round and clean up / cook dinner / do paperwork etc. These dyas though i must admit i usually have a cuppa, watch Doctors (guilty pleasure :haha:) then doze on the sofa! :thumbup: I'm hoping to keep Roh napping for at least another year, but we'll see what happens :shrug:

Sarah - Roh tips his cup up often, i will tell him not to if he's pouring it on his food, but if he's just pouring it on his empty tray, then i'll let him play with the water for a while. As far as dropping food on the floor he stil does it occassionally, but if i see him going to do it, i ask him if he's finished and wants to say bye bye to the food. Then i hold out my hand or a plate and say if he doesn't want it he should give it to mummy to take away. He seems to quite enjoy transfering his left over food onto another plate just as much as throwing it on the floor, and when he's done i just take the plate away. Think he's getting used to it now, as more often than not he'll hold the food out to me and say "bye bye" now, rather than dropping it :thumbup: My bro and SIL use time outs too, and they seem really effective, although i've decided its not really for us, i can't deny that my neice is a lovely little girl, who is generally really well behaved :thumbup: So its clearly a good system.
I'm trying to follow a more attachment parenting style where we try not to say no to Roh too much, and he doesn't get told off or punished. I just guide him away from inappropriate behaviour (example - if he's trying to rip a book, i'll say "ahh you want to rip things, don't ruin the book though, here lets rip this together" and then i'll get an old magazine and join in with him) He's getting old enough now that he's starting to understand alot more of what i'm saying, so i feel like its working. He stil does things that drive me nuts! :wacko: But i feel bad telling him off when he's just exploring. I just try to get involved and help him discover the boundaries as he's exploring rather than stopping him. :) Its working for us as OH is really behind the approach too, he was disciplined very firmly as a child (so was i) and he resents it and really rebelled against it. I have a feeling Roh is alot like OH, so this seems a good way to go for us :)
Hey all,
Emera, that sounds a brilliant way to teach boundaries, i do try not to say the word 'no' too often and when we have tantrums i let her get on with it for a while (as long as she is safe) and then cuddle her and explain to her why she couldnt have what she wanted etc.
sarah-T has just started throwing her food off her high chair after a long time of giving me the plate when she is done,l so i was wondering if its a developmental thing?
Amy- wooohoo for the weight loss!!! Gives you some room for extra calories over the festive season!!
H&F - hope the tree went up ok and hasnt been pulled down yet?!! We have started the cleaning process ready for ours - i have to spring clean the whole house i.e. pulling out all furniture, cleaning windows etc before ours can go up!
Maybe - i really dont know how you work full time and look after 3 children and a hubby - I cant do it on half that! I hope you have a nice relaxing christmas holiday ahead!!!
Modo-so pleased you are home and pleased with the work, hope the cats behave tonight!!
Everyone else - hi, and sorry i havent written a message to you - I can never remember what is on previous pages, I know i am crap!! please forgive me xxx
Here is Bobby's room so far. We are getting some floating shelves as well and some better blackout blinds. But it's mostly done :happydance:
Yuck his lovey Bunny looks pretty dirty in the pic. I think it's going to be bathtime for Bunny soon :haha:
Hello lovely ladies :wave:

Thank you for all the congratulations posts.

I am going to attempt personals so sorry if I miss anyone.

H&F Hope you and Amy are better now. I hope your Dad is doing ok, i will keep him in my prayers. that's sweet that Amy loves her new friend at toddler group.

Emera- lovely bump picture, that's really cool that your bump looks so similar to your Roh bump. Your work sound awful, hope your last 3 weeks before maternity leave pass very quickly.

Modo- hope your bump is coming along nicely. I bet it is lovely to be back in your own home and own bed again. Does it all look good?

Maybe- it's very satisfying having a good clear out, especially if it's someone else's stuff :lol: Sorry to hear sleep is still a bit of an issue in your house. Can't remember if it was on here or fb but hope you are enjoying your day off.

Amy- yay well done on the weight loss. How is work going for you now?

Sarah- glad you had a fab holiday. Awww how cute about Oliver with his little tree and what a good idea. Hope your car doesn't end up costing too much to fix. I am thinking of getting some of those gloves with the string that goes through their sleeves so even when Oliver pulls them off they will still be there! Hope whatever it is happening at Steve's work gets sorted out quickly.

Mork :wave: hi hope you are well.

Oliver is sound asleep so thought I'd grab a few minutes to reply to you all. He started having daytime naps again when we switched to a duvet and is now excited about going to bed as he chose the duvet covers :lol: We went to soft play this morning and he loves it, it's for under 5s too so he can run around freely without bigger children knocking him over. He has worked out that the gold foil decorations are chocolate and has helped himself to two already! I moved the others up high and he keeps pointing at them and saying 'more, yeah yeah' and nodding his head. :rofl:

As for me well by my dates I will be 5 weeks pg tomorrow and in the past couple of days i have started to feel queasy which is strangely reassuring. Oh and I could sleep and sleep. With Oliver I wanted to eat all the time but at the moment I have no appetite is that normal? Also how on earth can I hide this pg for at least the first 12 weeks? I already have a bloated belly that looks like a baby bump! :shock: It always seems enormous by bedtime.

There does that make up for being so rubbish at posting over the last few months?
Muddles lovely to see you! Did I say congrats? If not then congrats! :haha: I hardly ate for the first twelve weeks with Oliver, every now and then I would fancy something and then I had to have it there and then :haha:

Modo Bobbys room looks great! I bet you are so pleased to be home :)

My car is more poorly than we thought :cry: The parts from the main dealer were over £2k :shock: Luckily our garage have been really good and have found one part for much cheaper, and have said that they will fit the other part if we get it and we've been able to get one for a good price. Still over six hundred quid on parts though, so with fitting on top its going to be a big bill. I could have cried when I found out. I'm just glad we've got the money because I'm not sure what we would have done otherwise. So I'm without a car for a week or so - the parts arrive next Friday so I guess I might get it back the week after. At least I have Steve's car when he's not at work.

Everything is fine again at Steve's work, the basically had some guy causing trouble and saying that a gang of men with guns were going to go and rob them :shock: so they had the police involved etc. They think the guy was just making it up :shock: but it was a bit unnerving when he told me :wacko:

Well Steve is at work this afternoon so Oliver and I are having a quiet day inside - the weather is so awful!!! Hopefully Oliver will let me get some housework done later :haha:
sarah - i'm glad your garage managed to find cheaper parts! regarding the food throwing owen is a nightmare. everything gets chucked on the floor and i am forever sweeping round the high chair! he's not very good with plates and when he has enough chucks the whole plate on the floor. i am hoping that he'll grow out of it especially as he sees his bro and sis eating normally from plates!!!

muddles - maybe it's twins!

modo - bobby's room looks lovely!

mork - how's the pregnancy going at the moment. i will be so glad of the xmas hols, though i dont know how much rest i'll get, prob none! :rofl:

emera - not long til you finish work now is it? i like your attachment parenting style!

h&f - how's your dad doing?

we had a day off today as it's the feast day of the immaculate conception so as a holy day of obligation the schools are closed. it was also voting day. i hadn't a clue who to vote for as i dont like either of the 2 main parties so i voted for the 3rd one which has little hope of getting elected but at least i dont have to vote for the other 2. we have INSET tomorrow so though i have to go to work we have no kids there. just a whole day of being taught how to teach English better!!! well i'd best be off for now as dan is doing overtime at the polling station, he's been at work since 8am and finishes at 10pm and he's picking up a chinese on the way home but i have to phone it through so i'd best go to do that. he has a week off now so i am jealous but then again he has to work nights from 19th-25th december inclusive which is crap for both him, me and the kids really!
Ahhhh Maybe those are rubbish shifts for Dan over Christmas :( We've done really well this year with Steve's shifts - he's off Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and the day after! Thats the most days off he's had over Christmas since I met him nine years ago :haha: He's working New Year but thats fine, I'll only be home with Oliver and I'll probably be asleep in bed by midnight :haha:

I'm glad Oliver isn't the only one throwing food on the floor. Emera we are going for the AP type approach too. We never shout at him, and try to avoid saying no / telling him he's naughty etc. If he does something he shouldn't we remove him / distract him. I'm not overly worried by the food / drink throwing - I was more concerned that other toddlers didn't do it so knowing that they do makes me feel better :haha:

We got an appointment through for his next development check with the Heath Visitor. We haven't seen them for about eight months. Has anyone else been for theres? Any idea what they do / check?
Oh and Maybe, you've made me want Chinese :rofl: Steve is on his way home any day and I'm so tempted to phone him and see if he's eaten at work :rofl:
Sarah - I've no idea if my HV even does another check?! I haven't heard about it anyway. I have to take Roh to be weighed soon just to check he's fully bounced back after his hospital stay. He blatantly has, little chubby thighs! :haha: I guess i can ask them about development checks then. I'm pretty sure it will be all the standard stuff though, just checking their hand eye co-ordination, speech development, walking/running etc. I'd imagine anything unusual would be showing up by now and probably be fairly noticeable to a mother, i expect they have to check though just incase anyone is really not paying attention to their toddlers and misses things? :shrug:

Before Roh was ill my HV asked him to come when he was 1 and at that weigh in said bring him back when he's 2 to be weighed, thats all they do here i think :haha:

I'm feeling sooo ill :( I've caught Roh's cold, but its just manifesting as a seriously sore dry throat and blocked head, ergh horrible. I had my flu jab today too, joy, sure that will help me feel loads better! :dohh: I'm curled up in bed with my knitting and a cup of decaf tea. I'd beg OH to look after me, but he has the same cold, although much worse naturally!! :rofl:
Hi all -

I will reply to everyone properly in a mo but I just needed to blurt something out. My period is late - I havent tested as its only just late ( well the past 3 cycles I have spotted for 4 days before it really started so I dont know when to cal the 'start' if you see what I mean? )

I dont know how to feel if I am ... I am to scared to test incase I am I have had 3 m/cs since Amy.

Sorry for this just feel very lost and confused - I know I need to test and I think I will get one later just terrified of the result!
H&F there is no harm in leaving it a few days before testing that way you will give yourself a bit longer to prepare yourself whatever the outcome. :hugs: If you do get your BFP I hope and pray it's a sticky one. Good luck.

Sarah that sucks your car is going to cost so much, what a rubbish time of year for it to happen too. Glad all is sorted with Steve's work too.

Emera- Hope you are feeling better today and that your H did look after you in the end, despite him having a serious dose of man flu :lol:

Maybe Hope your enjoyed your Chinese and your day off. Normally the mention of it makes me want one but not at the moment. :lol: at the twins comment don't do that to me I have only just got my head around the fact that I am pregnant could you imagine if it turns out to be twins :shock:

I am going out for a meal with my mummy friends tonight and one friend was wanting me to drink (so we could share a bottle of wine) and I had said I would but then I found out about being pg so am going to drive but what can my excuse be for driving instead of drinking?
H&F - There is nothing wrong with leaving it a bit to test, like Muddles said. However, if its bugging you then maybe you should test :hugs: Are you normally really regular? If you do get a positive then i'd get straight to the doctors/MW and demand that your early pregnancy is closely monitored, given your recent history it would only be sensible for them keep a close eye! :hugs:

Muddles - Maybe just say that you are on anti-biotics and can't drink on them so decided to drive? :shrug:

Sarah - Meant o say *gulp* about the cost of your poor poorly car! :shock: Hope you can get everything done :thumbup:

Well, we've had a nice day, i took Roh along to playgroup, despite feeling like death, because its the last one until january now and they were doing a little christmas party :) Roh had a lovely time, and i was so proud of him, he's getting much better behaved with other children :) They had a little snack party with some clementines and sultanas and little christmas biscuits, whilst the mummies had mince pies and chocolates :dance: Then we had christmas music, and the craft today was making christmas collages. None of the other children were really interested in it for more than a couple of minutes. Roh just couldn't get enough and had sooo much fun with the cut out snowmen and glitter etc. :D Only problem was we had to keep washing his hands as he didn't like having everything sticking to his fingers :haha: :dohh: Made a lovely Christmas picture for OH though :cloud9: Then went and did the little bit of christmas shopping i had to get done, which was pretty successful :thumbup: Now i think Roh has finally dosed off, so i'm going to have a nap, i feel terrible!!!

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