Emera I'm sorry you're feeling stressed - I'm sure I speak for us all when I say if it would help you to share then please do
Sorry I haven't been on much, my netbook's virus protection expired and I need Steve to put me some new stuff on it. I've been using Steve's sparkly new macbook but I can't remember my bnb password to log in on there

so i'm only getting on on my phone
Just the normal stuff going on here, trying to get organised for Christmas and things

Our new Laura Ashley arm chair is been delivered on Thursday and I am stupidly excited about it

We've wanted one for ages and ordered this one about two months ago. I've been looking for suitable cushions

and trying to decide where its going to go. Oooohhhhh I can't wait to see it!
I think I've finished my Christmas shopping now

so I just have everything to wrap up. Steve is off for three days now so we'll hopefully get a spot of DIY and things done and the pressies wrapped. Tomorrow we're all getting our hair cut - a little family trip to the hair dressers
Sorry for not going back through the posts, love to you all
