Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

hey all am shattered. played at a carol concert tonight. it was lovely to play as i dont get to often and i really miss it. had a glass of mulled wine afterwards :wine: mmm. so tired so will catch up tomorrow. end of term is tomorrow :yipee: so hopefully i'll be on here more often :)

modo - hope you're out of hospital now

emera - yey to starting mat leave :D

sarah - hope your car is fixed soon! that's so good oliver can recognise numbers. owen counts to ten with us but gets mixed up somewhere between 6 and 8 still :haha:
Hi Maybe! The carols sound great - and the mulled wine! :haha: Clever Owen!!

Do you teach phonics in Gib? Oliver likes to look at letters and I point out that its a or b or what ever but I know they teach reading with phonics now and I have no idea what that's all about :blush: :haha: Should I just go ahead with the 'normal' a,b, c?

I've had a really frustrating day :hissy: Steve had a parcel been delivered so I had to wait in for it and it didn't arrive until about half four, so it was too late by then to get stuff done. I really need to pay some cheques in and post some letters! Plus Steve is working 11pm - 8am tonight so he slept all day, so Oliver and I had to be quiet so I couldn't get any big jobs done. Steve got up while I was cooking tea but had a headache so he fell asleep again until about 9pm :shock: So I feel like I had a really unproductive day :( I did get my accounts ready for my sister to look over (she's an accountant - very handy lol!) which is good and I wrote out a mini business plan for next year which is also good, but its not much for a whole day :dohh:

Oh, and to top things off, only one of Steve's parcels arrived and they should have sent two. So the second one arrives tomorrow, so I have to wait in tomorrow too :hissy: :hissy: Apparently the courier updates the tracking with a delivery time in the morning so hopefully I'll at least know if its morning or afternoon. I think if Oliver and I can't get out tomorrow we might go crazy :dohh:

Ahhhh, hopefully tomorrow will be better. Last week I was feeling all festive and organised and I think I peaked too early :haha:
sarah - phonics is the best way to go as that is the way kids are taught to read. start with letter sounds rather than letter names. hope you get to go out tomorrow!!!
Thanks Maybe! I think I'd better get a book and teach myself first, haha!
Glad you are home Modo :hugs:

Yay i'm officially on Mat leave :dance:

I'm super dooper grumpy though!!! FIL is here until friday (arrived yesterday) and i could cheerfully throttle him already. Would also help if OH didn't turn into a useless waste of space the second his Dad is here too :dohh: Grrr, have cooked them dinner (complaints that there were vegetables and that the steaks were too small) and shut myself in the bedroom with some microwave mac and cheese as they served themselves my portion of dinner too.... I got home at 7.30pm from work, and Roh was still up, hadn't had a bath or his milk and was still wearing his pjs from this morning when i got him up!!! FFS! :gun:

annnd breathe.....
Oh Emera,
YAY for mat leave :)
But omg boo to fil-he sounds like a nightmare! I hope something makes him decide to go home early!!!!
Sarah-boo to car expenses :( I am so glad for you that you are not being taken for a mug by the garage-can you report them to someone for false work - watchdog? On a happier note - have you found cushions for your new chair yet???
Modo - I hope that you are relaxing now that you are home (as much as is poss with a toddler) xx
Maybe - Yay for the end of term :) It'll be nice to have you around a bit more :)
H&F-Hows it going hon? You feeling ok? x
Everyone else, hi! :)
Me, well im still feeling sick and the tiredness is bad this week (maybe due to T getting up at 5am for some reason!), only a week till my scan :) I thought i was prepared for christmas but have just found out i need to buy an extra present for someone i thought we had agreed not to buy for one another - grrrrrrrr!!!! (sorry thats not the christmas spirit is it??!!! I am finding myself really angry this pregnancy for some reason (last time i was just tearful!!!)
Hi all -

Sorry for being missing - when I was pregnant with Amy I had the worst morning sickness and I was praying I wouldnt get it this time ... I havent actually been sick yet but feel so run down and ill already. I forgot how hard work first tri was.

Anyway sorry for moaning - I will attempt to catch up with everyone over the next couple of days!

Hope everyone is ok. x x x
hi all! owen still up so will post later! why won't he sleep?! it's 10pm here :dohh:
asleep at last!

emera - hope that you enjoy your maternity leave :D :grr: to fil!

h&f - hope you dont get severe sickness again!

mork - :grr: to having to buy more presents. i think i will have to buy my cousin's girlfriends something in case they turn up on boxing day at my parents! really cant afford it!

had a really good time out with my workmates. we finished school at midday and then went for lunch and drinks. i had to go back early as my mum wanted to get off and dan is on nights so had so sleep but i had a few drinks and a dance :) next year i'll hopefully be able to stay out longer!
Emera: :growlmad: to our fil's unhelpfulness. Sounds really annoying :hugs:

Maybe: glad you enjoyed the carol concert and Owen finally went o sleep.

H&F: first tri is very tough ESP with a toddler :hugs:

Our washing machine has broken down and the new one is not coming till the 29th :cry: so we took our mountin of laundry to my moms flat. I managed one load this afternoon but w are going back Tom morning to do the rest.
H&F: first tri is very tough ESP with a toddler :hugs:

I second that, and looks like 3rd tri is pretty challenging with a toddler too. Doesn't help that my BP is so high, and i have a horrible feeling i'm getting SPD its soooo hurty!
sarah - they teach phonics in Kent x sorry about the garage :( x

emera - I would have been FFSaking!!! :hugs: yay for maternity leave though! whoop whoop x take it easy Mrs xxx

H&F - hope you feel a bit better soon, its a good sign hormone wise though :thumbup:

Modo - glad you are feeling better and out of hospital :flower: what a pain your washing machine is broken :(

maybe - woohoo for christmas break :happydance:

Mork - so this time you are a feisty mummy to be :winkwink: hope you feel better and manage to sort the extra present in time x

I've had a fun week at work, feeling very festive! Last day tomorrow :happydance::happydance:
Awwwww your ladies who are expecting, I hope you all feel better soon :hugs: :hugs: You are all making me feel sooooooo not broody :haha:

Emera :grr: to your OH and FIL!!! I can't believe they ate your food! How flippin rude!!! I hope his stay gets easier or goes really quick :haha: YAY for mat leave though!!!!

Mork I still haven't found my cushion :haha: and I still need to take a photo for you of the chair :haha:

Maybe yay for a night out! I think I need a night out :haha: Oliver has night when he won't go to sleep until late too, for no reason that I can work out :shrug:

I had quite a productive day today :happydance: I got quite a few things ticked off my list :thumbup: I also had a good chat with the chap who's looking after my car. He's managed to get a good price for the part I need and was really good. I think its the others who are rubbish :haha: I said I'd think about it and speak to my dad and Steve, I'm going to let him sort it out. I asked him how much it was so far and it was much less than I thought, he's been really fair with the labour costs, so I'm feeling happier about that. Its still going to be well over a grand but at least then its done.

My sister is coming up for lunch tomorrow which will be really nice :) She's up from London for Crimbo with her hubby. I'm really looking forward to it :) Except my kitchen is a mess - due to the dresser not been quite finished. There is bottles of booze everywhere but we don't even really drink so I don't know what to do with it all :dohh:
Sarah - yay for your productive day! I was hoping to be productive with wrapping this evening but my tinker daughters wont sleep :dohh: sounds promising about your car. Hope you have a lovely time tomorrow with your sister :flower:
Sarah - So glad your car is being looked after and they aren't trying to fleece you! :hugs:

Amy - I plan to take it VERY easy for a little while :lol:

I'm finally feeling excited about Christmas :) Roh is loving the Christmas tree and has had tons of fun taking all the baubles off it repeatedly. Today he started trying to put them back on again finally, he keeps saying "more" then picking one up and shoving it on a branch. Only trouble is he wants to put them all back on the same branch, so now we have a bare tree except 2 branches that have about 15 baubles rammed on them :rofl:
H&F I feel for you as I am feeling sick all day long, though like you haven't actually been sick. Hope it passes for you soon.

Emera OMG I would have been so annoyed about the moaning FIL, your H doing nothing and Roh still being in his pjs! Yay for maternity leave. :lol: at Roh putting all the baubles on one branch and at him opening all the presents again for you. Did he look all proud of himself with his achievements?

Modo glad you are out of hospital. Hope you are doing ok. I would hate not having a washing machine for that long. At least you can do some at your Mum's.

Mork :hugs: The run up to Christmas is stressful enough then to throw in a bunch of pregnancy hormones on top it's no wonder you are feeling angry. I am sure it will pass once Christmas is out of the way. Hope you manage to find a present.

Sarah Yay for your productive day. Have a lovely time with your sister tomorrow. I'd offer to help you out with the wine as I love a glass or three but obviously can't at the moment. :lol: Clever Oliver counting. I know you weren't asking me but it was phonics that I taught too. The Jolly Phonics stuff is quite good as it has a little action for each sounds and little ones always seem to love it. For instance 'A' you do an action like ants crawling on you as you say 'a a a a '

Maybe Mmmmm mulled wine. Glad you had a good night out. Yay for being on holidays now. Clever Owen counting. I keep laughing when I think of the dinosaur in your Christmas crib. :lol:

As for us we had a lovely day out on a train with Santa today. Oliver was so excited and by the time we got back he was totally hyper and was being a little monkey (he gets a bit naughty and very stroppy when he is tired).

He also gets excited every time someone knocks on the door as he thinks it's a delivery man/the postman with cards or parcels for him. I am just waiting for him to call the postman 'Pat' one day :lol: Yesterday he ran to the door and I opened it and when he saw it was my Mum and not someone bearing gifts/cards he shook his head and pushed the door closed again! :lol:

Each morning he comes into our room and the first thing he does is go to his advent calendar and start searching for 'choc' He does say (and sign) please which is cute.
Muddles - Roh was very, very proud of the "fixing" the presents, he just beamed a huge smile and a look that said "Mummy, i have taken off all that funny paper so you can get to all your stuff again, aren't i sooo helpful?" :rofl: As for the baubles, we clap and cheer if he puts one back, to try and encourage him to keep them on the tree, and say "oh dear, uh oh" when he takes them off and drops them. He's getting there, bless him :haha:

Love the fb vids of Oliver by the way, the Santa train looks ace! Oliver is sooooo sweet!!! :cloud9: Chuckled at him shutting the door to your Mum! :lol:
:lol: I can imagine the proud look on his face once he finished unwrapping them all and I can imagine the look on your face when you found him! That's a good idea with the baubles. We have been saying 'poke poke' when he goes to the tree not 'pull' and that works most of the time then he remembers that there are chocolates higher up and starts asking for 'choc'.

Thanks the Santa train was brilliant, he went to bed clutching the teddy that Santa gave him and as still saying choo choo at bedtime. At least my Mum laughed too at him shutting the door, little monkey that he is because she laughed and pretended to be angry he will most likely try to do it again next time she comes round.
tired and pissed off :grr: hope you are all ok. am going to lie on the sofa now. will post tomorrow when i am in a better mood. dont want to bore you with my rantings :haha: :hugs: to all xxx

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