Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Phew, i'm knackered! Basically have spent all afternoon and evening slaving in the kitchen or running about making drinks, sorting cake, mince pies etc. Only just sat down. MIL and her mum are soo demanding! Made dinner, and then OH was like, "oh, can we have a cheeseboard?" so washed everything up and got a cheeseboard sorted with fruit, chutneys, biscuits etc. Then MIL was like, "oh, could we have a pot of coffee?" Ok, sure, i'll just whip that up, brew filter coffee, warm the milk, get out the proper coffee cups, cos MIL bought them so we wouldn't serve her coffee in a mug anymore (:dohh:) and then sort out a plate of after dinner chocolates. So MIL, OH and his Gran sit and have a lovely chat round the table whilst i wash up from dinner (which i spent half the afternoon cooking) and then i have to wash up everything from 2 more courses too. They all go to the lounge to watch Great Expectations, and i finally come through and sit down, then MIL is like, "oh, could i have some iced water?"....Gaah, let me sit down for 2 seconds people! I'm clearly the hostess with the mostess :haha:, but come on, i'm 30 weeks pregnant and i've been standing up since 2.30pm and none of you are offering to help me at all in any way! Phew, sooo tired! Think it would have been easier if i could have drunk the wine i got them, eaten the cheese i got them and then drunk the coffee i got them, but i couldn't :rolleyes: Ah well, OH has taken them off to their hotel now, so i'm free to put my feet up / fall into bed and go right to sleep :sleep:

I was just getting excited that that was the last of the visitors, but then remembered my brother is coming over tomorrow to drop off all the baby stuff :dohh: Ah well, at least he's no trouble as long as there is a bottle of cola in the house. Better go buy some tomorrow :haha:

Ok, night ! :hugs:
Merry Christmas Amy! I hope you had a lovely time :hugs:

Emera OMG I can't believe they didn't offer to help!!! Blimey I think I would have been tempted to present them will a bill :haha: That really is so rude to have you running around so much . . . . they should have been insisting on you resting!

Oliver and I had a PJ day today, we got half dressed :haha: but we mainly just played and made a mess :haha: I tried to keep tidying up but I gave up in the end and just tidied up when he'd gone to bed :rofl:

It sounds really windy and wet outside, I'm glad I'm nice and cosy inside!
Emera - I am shocked nobody even offered to help you!!!

Sarah - I love lazy days :) pity about the constant tidying.

Have been up an hour with Owen and everyone else is sleeping. 7am is a lie in for me so guess I shouldnt complain! Not sure what we'll do today. Dan working 2-10pm so fun and games for me at bedtime again!!!
Thanks ladies, don't worry OH had a bit of an ear bashing when he got back from dropping them at the hotel! :haha: He's usually pretty good with helping me, but i think he just got wrapped up in chatting, and sometimes i think he forgets i'm quite pregnant now, as i'm so much more active than i was last time. I pointed out that i wasn't more active by choice! :haha: Anyway, i'm anticipating some sort of sorry present when he gets home from work, he was very sheepish! :rofl:
Glad your OH apologized Emera. I was quite shocked by your post :shock:
Hello all -

really sorry for not posting over christmas ... hope you all had a brill time. We had a lovely christmas and boxing day but I not feeling very well with this pregnancy ( a good sign its all progressing well! ) but making me feel rubbish.

but i thought I would update and I had a scan today and I am measuring 7 + 4 which is brilliant I am so happy!

Hope everyone is ok and hopefully I will catch up properly soon! x x x
H&F that's great news, so pleased for you! :hugs: Sorry you aren't feeling amazing, but like you said thats a good sign really. Glad you had a good Christmas :)

Modo - Hope you are feeling better by now?

Everyone else hope you are all having a good time :hugs:

Thought i'd post you all a bump picture, as i got asked if it was twins again today :dohh: People look appalled when i say i've got 9 weeks to go :haha:

So this is a few days ago at 30+3 weeks:
Congrats h&f, but sorry you are feeling rubbish :( xx
Emera-I think that's a lovely bump :) have you got everything ready and decided on names? It seems to have gone so quickly!
Sarahwoo-pj day sounds lovely, I may have one of those tomorrow or Monday!
maybe-hope you are enjoying your holiday from work. X
Everyone else hi-sorry I haven't replied to you all this time.
Had my scan Wednesday and all is good-measured just over 12 weeks-such a shock seeing baby in there-although I knew it I don't think I'd had time to digest it fully!!! I am SO excited but very scared about the birth.
If I don't get on before-a happy new year to you all and to your babies!!! Xxx
H&F: Great news :D

Emera: Your bump is gorgeous! I ignore silly people :growlmad:

Mork: Congratulations for 12 weeks :hugs: Happy New Year :D
Haha, Modo i ignore silly people too, it just makes me laugh though, i want to ask them "well, what size exactly should i be at this point?" you know if i had a neat little bump they'd just be saying "oh, you're due so soon, you look tiny?" or something else dumb :haha:

Mork - Glad the scan went all fine :thumbup:

My brother dropped off all the baby stuff yesterday, so technically we have everything we need, but have alot of clearing out to do before i'd say we are ready. I couldn't even get a moses basket in the bedroom right now if i tried, let alone anything else, so there is some work to do! :haha: I think we are all decided on names, although i'm still not totally happy with it, not sure why. OH is being a bit of a pain about discussing it though, again not sure why, he just doesn't seem to care very much about picking a name :shrug:
Emera that's one gorgeous bump!! Steve was the same re names before Oliver arrived. I tried to discuss it but he just never really got into the conversation :dohh: By thw time I'd gone through labour I don't think he felt he could say no to my favourite and told the midwifes we'd named him Oliver :)

I'll be back shortly I hope, I'm having a housework evening! I took the Christmas decs down so it only felt right to have a good clean :haha:
Mork that's great your scan went well congratulations for passing that magical 12 week point. I know what you mean as I'm still expecting to go to mine and they scan me and say 'so who told you you were pregnant then there's nothing there?' :lol:

H&F :happydance: that's great news that you got good news at your scan, so pleased for you.

Sarah I am like you soon as christmas and boxing day are past i want to tidy away all the Christmas things (apart from the sweets of course! ha ha). have you got your car back yet? Hope you enjoyed your PJ day.

Hi A3my and Modo hope you both had a good Christmas.

Emera How rude that people ask if it's twins. Don't you wish you could think of some witty reply? Your bump looks lovely, just like a third trimester bump should look! Did you get a good sorry present?

Maybe wow your Christmas presents were fab!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Oliver was totally hyper all the time for about a week (ever since we went on the Santa train).

He had calmed down again and was back to normal then we went to Ikea today to look at 'big boy beds' and he had a total melt down when it was time to leave the children's are as he wanted 'more more' (accompanied by him signing more). All these kids there playing with the toys and in and out of the tunnels and all Oliver wanted to do was go from bed to bed and lie in them all with the duvet pulled up :lol: Let's hope he is as excited when we have built the bed and he has to actually sleep in it! All of a sudden he just looks to big for his cot.
Thanks Muddles, thats exactly what i expected them to say to me!!! lol!! Do you have a scan date yet?
Oooh a big boy bed! Is that a toddler bed or an actual single bed? we are debating at the moment what to do for T as she has a cot bed, but it seems a bit silly to buy another when in just over 2 years we will need another bed anyway!
No i am still waiting for my letter to come through so i can have my first midwife appointment then i guess i will get a scan date. Will chase it if i still havent heard anything by the end of next week. I did get a pack of notes from the doctor.

Its a toddler bed and is quite a bit bigger than his cot. Its from the Kritter series at Ikea,the one in pine with a little cat and what i think is a dog carved out of the headboard. I think if we had had a cot bed then we would have used that until he was bigger.
Emera: People can be such jerks and speak without thinking. Asking if you are carrying twins is just rude :growlmad: But I do agree with you that's funny that they are such "experts" on bump sizes :haha: Ask for their bumpology qualifications next time!

Sarah: Good luck with your housework. I am itching for the Christmas tree to go as Bobby has rediscovered the ornaments and keeps taking them down.

Muddles: I would chase them up about your mw appointment just in case. I kept trying to call my hospital but no one ever picked up the phone. It wasn't until I showed up at the hospital that I found out that although they had my details, I wasn't actually booked in. I am just outside their catchment area but my local hospital was full. Eventually they booked me in at 11 weeks and I was scanned at 13 weeks. How did Oliver like his bed?
Morning everyone!

I was doing housework until about 11pm last night :shock: Still, it needed doing and its so much easier to just get stuck in and do it when Oliver is in bed. I'm making good progress through the laundry too but I'm going to have lots of ironing to do - I might be the worlds most boring person and do it tonight :haha: What a way to spend new years eve :rofl:

I think Oliver is going to miss the Christmas things . . . he loved seeing all the trees and his favourite words have been tree, bauble and star :haha:

Maybe I honestly couldn't keep my Crimbo stuff up until Jan 6th!! I have left the wreath on the door outside as it looks lovely (and doesn't get in my way) but thats it :haha:

Muddles I hope Oliver likes his new bed!

What are everyones plans for tonight? Steve is working as he had Christmas off, so I'll just be home with Oliver. I'm planning on doing the ironing and watching 'The Kings Speech' and then going to bed :haha: I'm quite happy with that though :thumbup: Rock and Roll eh!!!

Right well I guess Oliver and I should get dressed. We might have a walk to Marks and Spencers and buy something nice for lunch and tea :)
I can pretty much guarantee that I will be in bed before 12pm :dohh: Other than that not sure. Nothing interesting anyway. I am doing housework now while Bobby is in a good mood. My new washing machine is here and I am 3/4 of the way through a strip wash (cleaning cloth nappies -- no actual stripping on my part :rofl:) and I am so glad to have Bobby back in his cloth nappies. Then it a huge catch up on a mountain of laundry but I should be done by the evening.
Modo funnily enough when i got up this morning my appointment had letter arrived. I will be just over 10 weeks when I have it, so am going to phone on Monday to see if I need to arrange my scan as I think i will go insane if I have to wait past 12 weeks to see there actually is a baby in there! Bet you are pleased to have your washing machine!

We are waiting until tomorrow to build and try out the bed as Oliver always goes to sleep better for me than for my H and I am working tonight (waitressing). I have visions of being woken up around 3am to the sounds of 'yeah yeah yeah' whilst waving around a book he wants me to read or by him dumping my sunggly blanket on me and saying what I assume is 'snuggly, snuggly' as the rhythm is the same way I say it but the words he says aren't quite right. At least my H is the one that oliver likes to 'back' (smack) to wake up :lol:

This is the bed, though the guard rail isn't very high so thinking we will get one of the guards that look a bit like travel cot sides from Argos or Mothercare:

Happy New Year to you all, let's hope 2012 is a great year for us all!
Well I'm having a massive clear out today! Roh is being "helpful" :haha: it doesn't look like I'll be finished anytime soon, so that's my plan for the night, clearing out! :D OH is at work until after midnight tonight so when I get fed up of clearing I might have anicew bath and a glass of alcoholfree mulled wine :thumbup: Got some serious nesting drive going on here! :haha:

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