Do not go out there, it was awful in town today! I did make things alot harder for myself though as i went to buy the computer game OH wants (which amazon failed to deliver even though i ordered it at the end of november!

) anyway the shop had the games stickered at the wrong price, and no other pricing information in the store. I ended up having a full on Christmas stress hormonal hissy fit in the shop

, as they refused to honour their advertised price (they were trying to charge me £40 when it said £30 on the box, bear in mind it was £24 from amazon, so WTF £40?!?) anyway, i went a bit nuts

That sort of thing really annoys me though, and i'm pretty sure they have a legal obligation to honour the lower price advertised. The spotty teenaged git kept telling me it was human error so they didn't have to honour it. He also refused to get his manager, what the heck?! I took his name and the head office address and threw the dvd box at him and stormed out of the shop shouting about being ripped off

Hormones and last minute shopping are clearly a bad mix!

Anyway, was a silly thing to do because none of the other stores in that bit of town (closer to me) had the bloody game in stock, so i ended up wasting 1 hour looking, and then another 30 minutes going all the way to the other end of town to another branch of the first store to buy the game for £40 anyway, as it was the only place stocking it, and i was too embarrassed to go back to the first store!

What a muppet!
Ah well, job done anyway, and there is a lovely mlkshake place at the far end of town, so Roh and I had a fancy milkshake and i had a freshly made doughnut to calm me down
Just running up some cushion covers this evening as OH told me on the phone about 30 mins ago that he hasn't bought his mum anything

He's working all day tomorrow and no WAY am i going out again, so i'm spending an hour or so saving his arse!