Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Just popping on quickly as my H is about to kick me off the computer.

LC :happydance: for team pink. That is rubbish about your washing machine and oven, hope they are both fixed now. Hope you can also get some relief from the thrush.

Emera that's some serious nesting you have going on there! You are making me tired reading about it! :lol: Hope Roh is feeling better and your baby is having an active day today.

Modo do you have a feeling either way about the sex of your baby?

H&F I hope you start feeling better very soon. It is supposedly a sign of a good strong pregnancy, not that that will make you feel any less sick! :hugs:

Mork I hope you are feeling better too. Pregnancy sickness/nausea really sucks. Was saying to my H that he has no idea how bad it is, I told him to imagine he had the worst hangover he has ever had and then imagine waking up and feeling like that all day every day for weeks on end. :lol: It's funny though as he now seems to be going out of his way to do nice things and help a bit more when he is home from work.

insomnimama It's a nice feeling taking all the decorations down, and making your house all tidy again isn't it?

sarah hope you are well.

maybe I started waitressing there a year after graduating as a way to pay off my student loan a bit quicker and still do shifts here and there 8 years later! I really like the woman who has been my boss since I started there so anytime she asks if I can work I always say yes. Oooh Monsoon have lovely stuff, you know it's good quality too. Sounds like you had a lovely day.

As for us well day 3 of operation toddler bed is starting to go well. The first time we put him in it he stood up and was leaning over the headboard trying to make himself fall out! :shock: So we decided against bed guards and have just put two pillows on each side so he has a soft landing if he does fall out.

I think its safe to assume that I do not own one of those toddlers who wait nicely in bed for mummy to come and get them :lol: I felt like Supernanny and I am not joking he must have been returned to bed well over 100 times the first three times we used the bed (day nap Sun, night time Sun and day nap Mon) but last night he only got up 7 times before staying in bed and asking for a cuddle, one get up at lunch time today before asking for a cuddle and he just asked for a cuddle when I put him in bed tonight and didn't get up at all! :happydance: When he wakes he gets down from his bed and you hear his feet running across the floor. So far he likes to wake my H by shouting 'smack' and smacking him then he comes to me and say 'hi' and gives me my big snuggly blanket thing so I can give him a cuddle. H is not impressed with his wake up call. :lol:
Muddles, we have a toddler bed for Roh, i'm dreading using it, but i really need to do it sooner rather than later as i need him sorted with it before the new baby comes. Thing is that with him, i have a feeling he won't come looking for us right away, he'll just start mucking about with things in his room first, so i've got some stuff i need to sort in there before its wise to try it! :haha:
Hey everyone!

I'm loving the toddler bed stories - I'm seriously thinking about moving Oliver into his over the winter. It would be a pretty huge move since he's coslept since day 1 but I think its getting to the point where he's waking up because I'm there. He wakes maybe twice a night which doesnt bother me in the slightest, but I think it might be best to make the move into his own bed and room soon. In the summer my evenings are packed with work stuff so I really need to do it over the winter. We would need to make a lot of changes in his room first and I find the whole thing a bit scarey but I know I have to so it sometime. Yesterday I'd pretty much sold myself on doing it soon, and then today I can hear the weather blowing a gale outside and raining like crazy and I want him in my bed for snuggles :dohh: :haha:

I really feel for all you ladies with morning sickness, it really was horrid with Oliver, it must be so much worse with a toddler to look after too :hugs:
You toddler bed mummies are really brave! Dylan moved to a bed just after he turned 2. It was a full size bed though so he looked teeny! Erin was about 2 1/2 I think or maybe even slightly older. Both times the reason for the move was the new baby. I think I may keep Owen in his cot til next winter and move him to his bed then. It will be a bottom bunk. We need to get it. It will go under Dylan's existing bed and can be put on at any time but will take a couple of months to order.
I thought I made a post here but now I can't find it :cry:

Maybe: Good luck with the overnight no nappy training :hugs:

LC: we have had to buy some clothes for the baby as we gave away some of Bobby's but we are not getting much else. We did need to get a small cotbed from ebay for 30 pounds to use as a co-sleeper but that's because Bobby's cot bed is huge and would never fit our room. Sorry to hear about the thrush :( I can relate because I got it bad in my teens and early 20's it was only when I started dating Ben and became sexually active that I stopped getting it, so I don't know what to suggest :hugs:

H&F: M/S is really horrible :( The only thing that helped was to eat some crackers every hour. I kept some by my bed and ate one everytime I woke up. It did help keep the dizziness at bay. Hopefully it will be over soon :hugs:

Muddles: Well done with the toddler bed progress! I don't know when I will move Bobby but I think I will wait another year. Bobby still doesn't say anything so I think we want to wait until he is older and we can explain it to him.

Sarah: Good luck with moving Oliver hon :hugs:
Hi gosh I'm dreading putting Will into his own bed, he moves around so much and the cot and his grobag are quite good at keeping him there! I need to sort it so it doesn't coincide with the new baby. Not sure whether to buy another cot, so they both have a cot bed and so we can convert Will's and keep him it it. Buy a toddler bed that will probably only last a couple of years or go straight to a single urghhhh decisions!! Although we don't have masses of stuff to buy, we do need a chest of drawers and wardrobe for the baby's room and then curtains, and bedding for Will as the baby will have what he is currently using. Decisions, decisions..............

The washing machine is fixed hurrah and not stopped since lol. Oven part comes tomorrow, so I have cleaned the oven ready - better bloody work!

Modo - the thrush thing is weird, have narrowed so much down, like fruit juices, shower gel, sex (bit of a difficult one!). Sometimes it's good an other times it's bad, used to get me down but now I'm used to it now. Just seems to be bad at the moment, the only thing that shifts it is the internal cream that they don't prescirbe, so it's expensive at £10 a throw.

We have been to the beach today, it was very blowy but nice!!
Lc: glad you had a nice time at the beach. I hope the thrush goes away hon :hugs: I am glad you are managing to deal with it but that is so annoying how they won't per scribe you the cream :(
Muddles: sorry just saw your question! I have no idea if baby is a girl or boy. It would be nice to have one of both but I can totally imagine having a little brother for Bobby. I would love it :D
Modo, I totally know what you mean about loving to have a little brother for Bobby, its funny I thought I'd really want one of each, but when they said this was a girl part of me thought "aww shame". Saying that I think its easier for boys. My friends little girl was quite put out that the new baby wasn't a little sister for her to play with! Also she was a little older, around 3 I think, so a bit more able to understand what's going on. Roh occassionally points at my tummy and says baby, but other than that shows no real interest. Even though I'm quite big now, in fact he avoids my bump these days, probably because I keep having to tell him off for stamping on it. :haha:
Bobby has no idea about the baby yet. I try and point at my tummy and say "baby" but he doesn't get it either. I think that won't happen till the baby is born!
Hah I know. What you mean Modo, although not sure Roh will be that interested when the baby comes, he loves pictures of babies and says baby at them but has no interest in my nephew at all, even when I was holding him he was totally disinterested and didn't even try to look at him :haha: I guess once the new baby is laughing and crawling etc he'll be a bit older and take an interest though :)
Oliver is always saying 'baby' and pointing at me for some reason - and I'm soooooo not pregnant :rofl: It got me some very odd looks over Christmas and no doubt started the family jungle drums beating :haha: We don't know why he does it, but he seems to call me baby rather than mummy :rofl:

Ahhhh I'm bored today! Steve is working at about 6 but didn't get to bed until 10 so won't be up until he needs to be for work, and the weather is so awful I don't want to walk anywhere. I'm trying to think of somewhere I could take Oliver in the car just for a change of scenery. We might end up somewhere really exciting like Sainsburys :haha:
:rofl: at Oliver calling you Baby :haha: It makes me think of the movie Dirty Dancing :lol:

Have fun whatever you end up doing. We went to Sainsburys yesterday and it was a nightmare :dohh: Bobby refuses to sit in the cart to Ben had to chase after him while I did the shopping. Going grocery shopping is always a two person job for us.
:rofl: :rofl: at Dirty Dancing :rofl: :rofl:

Well Oliver and I went to Debenhams and then to Sainsburys - they are next to each other. I bought Oliver loads of clothes for the summer and next winter, all lovely bargains in the sale :) And then a quick shop in Sainsburys, we didn't need much. Its actually easier to go without Steve, he confuses me and gets Oliver all excited, its much easier to go alone :haha:
Glad you had a good day and got some bargains. I went nuts in the July sales and bought Bobby loads of stuff at bargain prices from Green Baby. I always get stuff big for him so they should fit him well when it gets warmer. I have been buying the baby some clothes in unisex colours in the January sales. When I was pregnant with B I didn't get anything this early but this time round it seems nuts not get stuff in sales if I need it.

I have booked my private 20 week scan for Monday and I will get my NHS one on the 18th. I really can't believe that I am going to be 20 weeks on Saturday! This pregnancy is going so so quickly, it's just nuts :haha:

My sister is coming to London on 7th and she will be in the country till 10th then she is going back to NYC where she lives. So she will be coming to the scan as well as our younger sister but they will have to watch Bobby as he might decide to leave the room and wander so some one will have to follow him.
I found having Roh at the scans quite challenging Modo, he got bored so fast, OH spent most the time trying to occupy him :dohh: not looking forwards to the 34 week one as OH can't make it! :wacko:
I always buy clothes I think will be big on Roh and then I put them on him and they just about fit, some of his stuf is 3-4 years now :shock:

Supermarket shopping is hit or miss for use but I usually bribe him with food, something I swore I'd never do lol

Your sales shopping sounds very successful, I have no money left, although I did treat us to new sheets in the sales, which will be my treat for when the baby comes, clean sheets and going to bed at 7 pm again!

Modo your NHS scan is miles off! Good luck on Monday I can't wait to hear are you going to find out? Did you have a good nub shot in your 12 wk scan?? I looked into it loads and would love to have another look xxx

Our washing machine is fixed and I am almost up to date with the washing and ironing - yay!! After two years of using the top mini oven, my main oven works, we've just had crispy oven chips wahoooo. I am very easily pleased. Managed a full Christmas dinner in the small one though, feel like I need a badge or something.
Wow you sound like you all got bargains in the sales - I usually manage to get the next lot of winter stuff in but this year with feeling ill and everything I havent managed to get much at all! I saw a gorgeous pink baby all in one fluffy suit thing and it was half price but I wont know what we are having for another 12 weeks there is no point in buying it!

I have booked a holiday for the end of March at a haven site for us to enjoy before baby arrives and I should be in the nice 2nd tri by then ... and my mother surprised me today as her and dad want to go on holiday with us - and have offered to pay for a cottage so it will be lovely to have a break with them as well. - Has anyone got any holiday plans this year?

One very horrible thing that i cant really talk to anyone about is dave's dad - he has been diagnosed with a brain tumour and is going in for a major op on the 2nd of March. he wont talk to most of the family about it but keeps cornering me and wanting to talk through all his worries - I probably sound like an awful person but with everything my dad has been through its just too much to cope with for me and i wish he would talk to dave or someone else aswell.

Sorry for going on. x x x hope everyone is ok x x x
You ladies are lucky re your scans and people being allowed in with you - we werent even allowed to take T :( Just me and one adult.
Cant believe how quickly these pregnancies are going! xx
Emera: my sisters will be responsible for chasing Bobby, so Ben can stay with me :happydance: his clothes should hopefully fit but thy are mostly shorts and t-shirts so can be put away for next baby if need be. Bobby is also in some 3-4 :shock: he is on the 98% percentile for height so I guess that is to be expected. Is Roh as well?

Lc: yay for the new sheets! Glad to hear your washing machine and oven have been repaired :D I am glad that the NHS scan is further away as I can see him/her a bit bigger then :D I didn't see boy nub in the scan but it might have been in the angle. I'll find you the link in my journal with the scan pic.

H&f: I am so sorry to hear about your fil :( I don't know what to advise but maybe you should ask Dave to see if your Dad wants to talk to him about it. Maybe he feels you are asker to talk to and are more understanding after what your father went through?

Mork: they are going so fast! I am not allowed to take Bobby into the NHS scan (no children under 5) but I have been taking him to the private ones because we are paying for it!

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