Just popping on quickly as my H is about to kick me off the computer.
for team pink. That is rubbish about your washing machine and oven, hope they are both fixed now. Hope you can also get some relief from the thrush.
Emera that's some serious nesting you have going on there! You are making me tired reading about it!
Hope Roh is feeling better and your baby is having an active day today.
Modo do you have a feeling either way about the sex of your baby?
H&F I hope you start feeling better very soon. It is supposedly a sign of a good strong pregnancy, not that that will make you feel any less sick!
Mork I hope you are feeling better too. Pregnancy sickness/nausea really sucks. Was saying to my H that he has no idea how bad it is, I told him to imagine he had the worst hangover he has ever had and then imagine waking up and feeling like that all day every day for weeks on end.
It's funny though as he now seems to be going out of his way to do nice things and help a bit more when he is home from work.
insomnimama It's a nice feeling taking all the decorations down, and making your house all tidy again isn't it?
sarah hope you are well.
maybe I started waitressing there a year after graduating as a way to pay off my student loan a bit quicker and still do shifts here and there 8 years later! I really like the woman who has been my boss since I started there so anytime she asks if I can work I always say yes. Oooh Monsoon have lovely stuff, you know it's good quality too. Sounds like you had a lovely day.
As for us well day 3 of operation toddler bed is starting to go well. The first time we put him in it he stood up and was leaning over the headboard trying to make himself fall out!
So we decided against bed guards and have just put two pillows on each side so he has a soft landing if he does fall out.
I think its safe to assume that I do not own one of those toddlers who wait nicely in bed for mummy to come and get them
I felt like Supernanny and I am not joking he must have been returned to bed well over 100 times the first three times we used the bed (day nap Sun, night time Sun and day nap Mon) but last night he only got up 7 times before staying in bed and asking for a cuddle, one get up at lunch time today before asking for a cuddle and he just asked for a cuddle when I put him in bed tonight and didn't get up at all!
When he wakes he gets down from his bed and you hear his feet running across the floor. So far he likes to wake my H by shouting 'smack' and smacking him then he comes to me and say 'hi' and gives me my big snuggly blanket thing so I can give him a cuddle. H is not impressed with his wake up call. 

Emera that's some serious nesting you have going on there! You are making me tired reading about it!

Modo do you have a feeling either way about the sex of your baby?
H&F I hope you start feeling better very soon. It is supposedly a sign of a good strong pregnancy, not that that will make you feel any less sick!

Mork I hope you are feeling better too. Pregnancy sickness/nausea really sucks. Was saying to my H that he has no idea how bad it is, I told him to imagine he had the worst hangover he has ever had and then imagine waking up and feeling like that all day every day for weeks on end.

insomnimama It's a nice feeling taking all the decorations down, and making your house all tidy again isn't it?
sarah hope you are well.
maybe I started waitressing there a year after graduating as a way to pay off my student loan a bit quicker and still do shifts here and there 8 years later! I really like the woman who has been my boss since I started there so anytime she asks if I can work I always say yes. Oooh Monsoon have lovely stuff, you know it's good quality too. Sounds like you had a lovely day.
As for us well day 3 of operation toddler bed is starting to go well. The first time we put him in it he stood up and was leaning over the headboard trying to make himself fall out!

I think its safe to assume that I do not own one of those toddlers who wait nicely in bed for mummy to come and get them