Sarah, Roh occasionally does stuff that is really painful / naughty when he's tired, i tend not to tell him off, its not really worth it i think. I'd say you did the right thing, either what you did or just ignoring it is probably the best in that situation
Amy, Roh does that to his books too, it drives me mad
I do the same as Sarah and keep sticking things back together until they totally disintegrate
Your girls are so sweet
Modo, fab bump lady, you look so slim and well!
Mork, its lovely when they actually play nicely together and don't beat eachother round the head and scream over snatched toys, isn't it!
Well, i know i should be resting, but i've just spent hours going through all the kitchen cupboards
Seriously my nesting this time is stronger than the food cravings, i literally have to clear out!!!
It looks great though, very pleased with the results