Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

me too. massive hug hon.

well i just managed to get 1.5 to 2 hours sleep. oh is just sterilising breast pump and i'll try and express some little cup fulls tonight. izzy is still asleep so part of me wants to be still trying to sleep but once i woke up i wasn't getting anywhere and i don't think she'll sleep for much longer. and i want to watch some of the tennis :D ha.

abz xx
thanks girls. i told OH how pissed off i was and at least he agrees with me:thumbup: i went to morissons and bought 2 little tins of southern comfort lemonade and lime ready mixed. going to have one now when owen finishes feeding so it's out my system for his next feed. it's been a stressful day. i feel i deserve/need a drink!
enjoy the tennis abz! i'm being inflicted with the footie all day long!
ha. got there in time to see the very end... never mind :)

am considering expressing. she hasn't slept this long in quite some time. we're getting on for four hours now and my boobs are hurting!! ha. will feed her first though. and i feel really bored!! all i've been able to do is feed her for days and now i can do something i don't know what to do... might read my book for a bit...
sounds good. so typical that they sleep when we are waiting for them to wake. why dont they sleep like that at 3am???
here are some pics i took of owen having a nap on my lap on the bf pillow.


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Owen is adorable hon! He is so cute :kiss:

I can't believe your MIL spoke to you like that :growlmad: how manipulative :growlmad:

I met up with the girls from my NCT group and we were joined by the course coordinator. We all talked about our births and I got a bit teary talking about the night I couldn't find Bobby's heartbeat on the doppler. Everyone was so nice.

Anyway I am going to bed now! Night ladies :hugs:

hhe maybebaby harrison seems to love napping on my maternity pillow! owen looks sooo peaceful and in a really deep sleep!

i bathed harrison with sophie tonight and he was all smiles! soo cute, got him out and in his pj's and placed him in his cot so i could go finish sophies hair, go to check on him just before getting madam out and he was fast asleep! that was at 8pm.. he has been asleep since, im not sure if i should wake him for feed or not...

oo and harrison had his first night last night in his proper cot, not the moses basket, he didnt wake at all, my little baby is growing up!

well i best go finish getting things ready for tomorrow, we are off to Knowlesly safari park (sp?) we need to leave around 8:30 am, wihch is fine, thats the time we leave for school but mark has gone to the pub... ive told him what time i want to leave and dont drink much but we shall see.. we had a bit of a row before a=over how he speaks to sophie and how i am apprently too leaniant with her at the mo, ive told him before i feel like she is always being nagged and told off by him, especially since harrison has been born and i think its contributing to her psoriasis flare up.. he then said it only flared when she been at her dads and how i criticise him all the time. he winds me up sooo much when we argue, he always ends up making me feel like im a horrid girlfriend by saying things that dont even add to his arguement, apparently i hardly ever say sorry when we row (maybe because i shouldnt be the one saying sorry??) and he can count on one hand how many times ive said sorry in the 3 yrs we been together.. sad act!

oookkk rant over lol
hello :)

OMG Maybe - you definately deserve that little tin of juice :wine:! I'm lucky my MIL has been OK this time round. Owen is such a cherub xx

Modo - I get the eebie jeebies when I lok at my doppler because of the memories of the night when I couldnt find Alex's HB :hugs::hugs: we are so lucky that it wasnt real :hugs:

Abz - hope the 4 hour sleep is a new trend with izzy :thumbup:

i'm eating chocolate - diet starts tomorrow :dohh::haha:
I wish I was eating chocolate, my diet started 2 weeks ago! :( I don't think I've lost weight though.. But I don't weigh myself :lol:
Well I went to a 21st last night.. Got there at 10 and left just before 12 because I was missing the baby :blush:
Jo :hugs: Vinny always has a moan about how I criticise him.. He's just touchy, not my fault he does stupid stuff :shrug: have fun at the safari park.. If you shout really loud I might be able to hear you :lol: I want to go to the zoo but something tells me Daisy won't appreciate it.. I would though!
MaybeBaby your MIL sounds like a nightmare!! I dont think I would have had so much patience!! I hope your OH is going to have a word with her!! Owen is so cute!!

Abz how did the cup feeding go?

Jolou enjoy the safari park!! It'll be so fun when Oliver is old enough to appreciate things like that!!

Katie we are going out for dinner tonight, Im looking forward to it but I'm going to miss Oliver sooo much, I left him with my mum for an hour and a half the other week and I could have cried lol!! Plus I have noooo idea what I'm going to wear.

Well today Steve is putting up a new fence in the garden, so Oliver and I are sat out under the parasol - its not too hat so its lovely!!
Scampie - glad you could join us!!

Emera - wow about your hb resigning - does he have a job to go to?

Maybebaby - goodness you MIL sounds like a right one - you did well to stay calm!

Jolou - enjoy Knowsley! I love the monkey part!

Well DH has gone out to have his haircut and is then out all afternoon and evening with his mates. I would love a couple of hours to get my hair done. Tomorrow he will be hungover and then the match so won't do anything with us then.

Luckily my friend is having a bbq so me and Che are off to that later.

well, that four hour sleep was a one-off. woke at 4 again and no sleep for mummy!!

we decided to try the bottle again before using a cup and she dd it :D only an oz as that's all i expressed given we had to throw it away last time but progress!! :D

i don't blame you for going home early katie. i haven't been anywhere without izzy yet!!
Hi everyone :wave:

Maybebaby how you didn't snap I don't know! How cute is Owen, love the sleeping pictures.

modo hope you got a great sleep!

Jolou enjoy the safari park.

Amy diet, what's that? :lol: How long can i use the 'i've just had a baby' excuse for none of my prepregnancy clothes fitting me?!

abz well done on the expressing!

CG I took O in his pram to the hairdressers. I fed him and changed his nappy just before we left the house. The manager said if he woke up she would happily hold him until I was done. She was quite miffed that he stayed asleep :lol:

Katie I haven't left O yet, so don't blame you for not staying out long. Bet it was nice to catch up with your friend though.

Sarah enjoy your dinner out. What type of food are you having? Make me jealous!

Can i ask your opinion ladies? I cannot stand people other than my husband or I getting right in Oliver's face, it makes me cringe. He is our baby, not theirs and as he is still so little and is only just building up his immune system we don't want other people's germs all over him, especially if they are someone who gets coldsores. Am I being unreasonable or is this fair enough? It has to be said it is pretty much just my mum who keeps putting her face right in his- rubbing her nose on his cheek, kissing him.... As a result I am on edge the whole time I am with her that she is going to do it. I did mention it to her in a nice way about how 'someone' at my old work did it (they didn't but thought it nicer not to just say it was her doing it that bugged me) and it makes me cringe. She said 'oh but that doesn't apply to me does it?' so i said 'yes, everyone that isn't my husband or I.' She said she would 'try' not to do it. Now what she does instead is hold Oliver up on her shoulder so his back is towards me and I can't see exactly what she is doing, it is driving me insane and I am totally on edge the whole time as clearly she is going to do whatever she likes regardless. For instance he was asleep in his pram with the hood of it up and a sun parasol up too when i was out with her and I needed the toilet so left the pram with her and when I came back the hood was down as was the parasol and he was wide awake! She also holds out her hands and says 'come to granny' literally as soon as I have put my boob away from feeding him and then refers to him as 'her little man' erm no he is MY little boy, I don't see you at 3am! I know some exposure to germs is good for him and I am not a clean freak always wiping his hands and face and I am happy for people to hold him, this includes children holding him, it's just the in his face thing that drives me insane. When he is bigger and chooses to give people kisses that's fair enough but whilst he is little I don't want other people in his face! The same applies to people calling him Ollie, no his name is Oliver but if he chooses to refer to himself as Ollie when older then fair enough. Grrrrrrrrr I don't know whether you remember me posting about how she was telling me what I needed to do near the end of my pregnancy with regard to seeing people and we fell out over it as she was trying emotional blackmail, telling me how immature I was (when i said I didn't want to see anyone at 39 weeks pregnant as I felt enormous and was knackered)..... I thought things would be better now. Ok and breathe rant over!

On a plus I am off shopping in a little while to look for some nice new clothes as I have some Next vouchers and M&S vouchers that I got at Christmas time. :happydance:
Hi everyone

Maybebaby I thought my MIL was being a bit over the top, but that would have madec my bllod boil! Owen is such a cutie x

Hope you have fun at the safari park jolou - i'm jealous!

Diets i keep saying i'll start tomorrow which never comes always seems like a nice
excuse to pop out with the pram, getting something nice...

Katie I have only left Will a couple of times and it was awful was really nervous and so desperate to get back - still long for a couple of hours and begrudge oh when he just pops out sometimes....but then probably wouldn't if i got the opportunity.

Sarah i can't believe your sling fiasco - glad you got a refund - sorry bit behind.

muddles i know exactly what you mean - i'm really struggling with that too. luckily my mum is fine and worse than me! i keep thinking of the babies that are fine whose parents don't bother at all, still the principal though!!

i have been reading the posts but don't seem to get five minutes to post myself - now doing one handed attempt.

we had a nightmare night last night and ended up on a family outing to tesco at 6:30 this morning was cool and quiet - still can't believe we did it!!

for those who are breast feeding - how long do your babies drink each time? obviously i want him to sleep longer and so guessed that this would equal more drinking? well will seems to be taking less time to drink and i have made my nipples sore keeping him there trying to encourage him to take this right or do they get better at getting what they need? he used to have about 20 mins each feed and now only has about 15 mins, is gaining weight ok. just panicking as i thought we had it sussed.

i had four hours sleep IN ONE GO the night before last yippee!! not impressed by thosev who think that makes up for six weeks of very little sleep though xxx

had my 6 week check this week and despite 10 days worth of antibiotics my episiotomy scar is still infected - gutted!

hope you're all keeping cool, enjoy your meal sarah xx
hi l-c. can't really say how long izzy drinks for as she messes about. falling off, going to sleep. so generally it takes me about an hour to feed her. but i would say she takes about 15 minutes in between all the sleeping and me waking her up again etc :) i'm sure it's fine. he's probably just getting better at getting what he needs :)

izzy is kind of asleep. am considering having a lie down. although she's chuntering so probably about to wake up and demand boob again. every hour or less since 4am... i'm zonked...
L-C thanks for the reply. I think with regard to bfeeding once the baby has built up your supply and he/she becomes more effective at feeding they will take less time to feed. They will also remove themselves from the boob when done. As long as you are getting plenty of wet/dirty nappies and your little one is gaining weight well I wouldn't worry. Also if your baby isn't satisfied then they wont be either awake and settled or they wont go to sleep and will most likely cry and fuss until more milk is given. I feed Oliver on one side then change his nappy then I offer the other boob. If he wants more milk he will take it and if he doesn't he wont. hope your scar heals soon!
thansks muddles and abz - did you manage to get a lie down, I tried and it backfired! will generally goes between 3 and 4 hours between the start of the first feed and the next, more often four and has done a few longer stretches (not nearly enough though) so I really hope he's just get better at getting what he needs. It's such a mine field and everyones babies are different and all Mum's feed slightly differently.

I normally give him the first, for about 5-10 mins (all he'll take, before chomping and making me sore), then change him and then he does the same on the other side. Wish there was a manual that says exactly what you should do!
Muddles we're going to 'Jamies Italian', Jamie Olivers new resturant in Leeds . . . so its Italian :) Yummy!!! I know what you mean about people getting in babies face - I'm okay with my and Steve, and my mum, but no one else!

LC as the others said babies get better at feeding so they dont take so long. Muddles advice was spot on :)

Well our new fence is up and looks fab :) We also ended up chopping down a tree so the whole garden just seems so much bigger and brighter, its great!

Steve is just getting ready to go out, I'm still not sure what I'm going to wear. I hate been this shape, I used to be unhappy with my figure but looking back it really was't so bad. I think I need to go on a diet and get some of those big hold-it-all-in pants lol!!

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