Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Maybe yay for size 8! I bought two pairs of size 8 jeans from monsoon last week - one pair fits like a glove, the other are too small! I will get into them though lol! I love monsoon, there sizes are always generous lol!

Emera I hope you get some sleep soon! The craft session sounds great! I love doing things like that with Oliver :)

Gosh we are going to have lots more babies here soon aren't we!! I hope your bumps are all behaving ladies!

I had a wedding today, and another tomorrow, so keeping busy! Today was for 150 and I was a bit nervous because Oliver has been a bit clingy lately, but he was as good as gold :) hopefully tomorrow will go as well!

I started wrapping pressies tonight and ran out of paper! So I need to buy more tomorrow and also buy a cake etc. I'm so excited!
Oh meant to say, i took Roh to playgroup and back without the pushchair for the first time ever. We went on the bus and Roh was sooo cute, he was really well behaved and very excited about sitting on a proper bus seat. On the way back we sat right at the back of the bus, he had a massive grin on his face the whole journey. :) He loves ringing the bell a bit too much though, i have to make sure he can;t reach it! :haha: We also got rid of the highchair in favour of a booster seat yesterday. He seems to love being able to sit at the table with us for meals. Really nice :) He seems soo grown up :shock:

I'm all excited about all the incoming babies here!! :)

Maybe - I have been either sitting on the birthing ball or lolling over it. I struggle to sit for very long any other way. I really hope it turns around, I really want not to have an epidural this time.

Mork - how exciting about your class, it's not really that long now. I found the past few weeks have flown. My Mum's up for a few days at the end of this week as Mark is away for the day and then Will's birthday on Sunday it'll soon be due day.

Wow to all the size 8 ers, I've done it maybe once in a fluke baggy top. I'm going to be a 14 when I done I think, so I'd like to get to a 10 ideally. WW it will most definitely be. My face and my arms are enormous!

Emera - your craft time sounds great, we aren't really able to do that because Wilbo eats it all, seriously I think I'm raising a caveman. He's picky with normal food but then eats everything else!!

Hope you all have a great weekend xx
LC roh used to eat it all too, in the last month or so he's stopped though.
Fingers crossed that he'll suddenly grow out of it then. I had to sign an accident form from nursery yesterday, when he'd launched himself onto the wall having been asked not to eat the playdough.
LC - owen used to eat playdoh but seems to have realised it's not for consumption! at least i've not seen him sneaking any in his mouth lately! :haha:

Sarah - glad your big wedding went well :)

Emera - well done to Roh for being so grown up! :) Owen won't sit still.

Mork - Hope your VBAC classes help!

Well we went to the dr today (all 3 kids and I) and we've all been given antibiotics. mine are 2 times a day, Owen's 3, and Dylan and Erin's 4. so i have had to make a chart to make sure everyone gets the right dosage at the right time :rofl:

Dan should be home soon and is picking up a chinese takeaway on his way :) i should be writing reports but i just got the kids to bed 30mins ago and i can't face it right now :blush:
mmm chinese - enjoy!! I'd have to do a chart to remember too. Will has a slight fungal infection and I'm supposed to put cream on three times a day but keep forgetting that duh.

Enjoy your dinner x
Roh threw the biggest tantrum today in the middle of the village. It had to be right in the pedestrian bit where there was like 4 cafes all with loads of people sat out enjoying their morning coffee/breakfast :dohh: He was lay on the floor screaming and wailing for about 5 minutes, felt like half an hour though. All because he wanted to get on the bus, which obviously we weren't doing as we were 2 minutes from home! Next time i might just sacrifice the £1.50 to save the hassle! :haha: Some snotty cow tutted at him as she walked past, and everyone was staring at me. I just felt like shouting "What??? Never been frustrated in your life before eh??!" I wish there was an easy way to calm them down when they get like that :( I feel sorry for Roh when he throws a wobbler, because i know he just doesn't know what to do with his feelings and is all angry and frustrated. Ah well, guess he'll get past this stage, right as F hits it i imagine!

He kicked F quite hard in the tummy in the bath tonight and of course she started screaming, then i think he suddenly realised he'd hurt her, and he was soo upset. Bless, but then i had both of them bawling and had to try and get them out of the bath! :dohh: One thing i'm finding is,... i really want some earplugs these days!!! :rofl:
Awwwww poor Roh, like you say when they get like that they are just frustrated, it's so hard to explain / reason with them. Oliver threw a wobbler in the hair dressers the other day - he's usually great at having his hair cut but he got all stressed out and then got hair on his face (and his lollipop) and ended up ins right state. I was doing okay calming him down when some old woman who was waiting for her hair doing started shouting 'helpful' advice. I was so temped to whip out a boob and feed him - which calms him right down - just to see what they said lol!

We were in frankie and bennies having lunch the other day and Oliver was been a bit noisy / excited and there was a youngish woman giving us such dirty looks! So flipping rude! He was only laughing at his balloon! Stupid woman.

We're getting wrapped up for a wonder around the car boot this morning, it looks freezing outside!
Amy had a huge tantrum in toys r us yesterday ... now you would think that as the majority of people in that shop have children / grandchildren etc that they would understand but no we got tutted at and some horrible looks as my madam was lay on the floor kicking and screaming all because she was over tired and a bit grumpy.
People are so rude :nope: tutting; how very supportive of them :roll: there is nothing more constructive :roll:

Bobby spilt his orange juice on my mothers Persian carpet this morning. Had to call her overseas to get advice on how to clean it.

Saw the speach therapist and she really thinks that B has glue ear and might need an operation to insert grommets (little tubes) in his ears to drain them. I seriously could cry thinking about how our little boy cant hear us properly. It does however explain a lot of things. We have a hearing test on Tuesday at 10.30am.
Modo, its great that they think they know what's causing the delay with Bobby's speech. My cousin had to have grommets too and my aunt said it made such a difference with her speech afterwards. :)
My brother couldn't talk in an understandable way until he had speech therapy at the age of four. Funny really as now talking is his job really and he definitely has the gift of the gab!!

I swear its like someone has flicked a switch in Roh's head that's told him he's 2!! Where is my sweet little boy??? I have a whingy monster instead!! :wacko:
Oh no emera don't say that! I only have one more day of Oliver been one - eek!!!!

Modo did you get the carpet sorted? My nephew has grommets and it made a huge difference :)

We've had a lovely day :) Car boot this morning - Oliver got lots of brio trains and the wooden thomas trains that run of brio track so he was happy :) also bought more book, some waybuloo bits and pieces, and a nice Summer top for me that was brand new. We spent nine pounds altogether :) Then this afternoon we went for lunch with my parents and my sister and brother in law. It's mums birthday tomorrow so it was nice to all get together :)
Sarah, you make me wish I had a car to drive out to the car boot! Good haul!!

I'm being a bit mean to Roh really. He's still just adorable a lot of the time. Plus I'm sure having F that up all my time must get really annoying for him, so he might well be acting up more because of that. I just wish he wouldn't keep whining all the time, its driving me up the wall! He's definitely pushing his boundaries and attention seeking. For example, I was feeding F earlier and Roh was going over to the tv unit and then intentionally banging his head on it then, lookng at me and saying "owie, owie" and crying and coming asking for a cuddle.:dohh: He just wants my attention I know. I keep doing things like reading with him and crafts etc as much as I can, and as soon as I don't have to hold F I offer him lots of cuddles etc. Its hard though, I'm not sure what else I can do? :shrug:
I think it will be a bit better when F isn't so little and they can play together a bit more. Hopefully anyway ;)
Yes apparently the cure is to pour salt on the stained area and over with a towel for 24 hours. Then vacume off. Will have to go back tom.

Thanks for the support girls :hugs:
Aw Modo, hope thats the answer to Roh's difficulties :) hugs xx
Emera, sorry to hear the terrible 2's have arrived :( We are having tantrums too - this morning it was about what colour hairbands she wanted to wear!!! We went through 3 colours before she calmed down! I think you are doing a great job with the activities for Roh whilst you are feeding (so much so I am making a list of what you do!!!)
Sarah- I hope Oliver has a fab birthday tomorrow!
H&F - hope your first da-y of freedom was good!!
Maybe - you make me feel so fat - size 8! I have no chance of that!!
Everyone else - hope you have a fab bank holiday!
Emera I love my car boots, Steve thinks I'm crazy lol! But I do have a particularly good one to go to where there is always lovely stuff, plus it's in a lovely setting etc. so it's an all round nice thing to do on a Sunday morning :) I think even if I'd won the lottery I'd want to have a wonder around the car boot :rofl:

Modo fingers crossed that the salt works! Why do kids always do things like that to other peoples stuff? :haha:

Emera it must be hard for Roh getting used to not having you to himself. I've heard that getting them to help out is quite useful? So they have set helpful jobs? My cousin has her little boy doing alsorts lol, fetching clean nappies, fetching a muslin for feeds etc, its very cute and he loves been helpful!
Yeah Sarah, Roh likes getting me a muslin, and he likes to hold the baby cream tube after the bath and then hand it to me to use, then he squeezes tiny bits out and dabs it on F's nose! :haha: He also likes when i change her nappy as his job is to entertain her, so he gets too grab all her bunnies and waggle them over her face! :haha: He's very fond of F really, its me he gets pissy at! :lol:

Mork, yeah Roh is suddenly throwing wobblers about everything. He gets upset if you take his trousers off to change his nappy, whines loads, calms down, and then throws another wobbler about putting them back on again! :dohh: What can you do. I really want some ear plugs! :haha: Its not actually the tantrums that bother me, its the whinging for hours on end about everything that does my head in!
Emera I think it must be the age rather than F because we have the exact same thing. I have to catch him off guard to do nappies and it's like tip toeing around a hormonal teenager!! Everything seems to attract that sort of behaviour.

Sarah - the car boot sounds great!

Modo - glad you've got a solution for the oj, how are you feeling? My stretchies are agony and are massive red ridges, I poo'ing it about going over and what I'll be left with.

Typical, we've planned a day out with the inlaws and it's hacking it down. Hope you all have a lovely day xx
OMG I have the most hideous toddler today. I'm pretty sure he's teething but there really is only so much you can do, he's just tantruming non stop. He has his sandpit out, the tent and his garage in the garden as it's nice and his toy house and cars. I've tried being nice and letting it go, but that's not working. Getting mad feels wrong but I can't help it. Really begining to think I've made a huge mistake having a second when I can't even control the first!! How on earth am I going to cope.

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