Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

LC must be something on the air because Roh is like a devil child at the moment. Whining and winging constantly, except when he's throwing a tantrum :dohh: its doing my nut! I keep trying to do nice engaging thinghs, follow his lead and make it so things are less frustrating etc, but nothing really works, and its wining me up to the point I just want to strangle him!! Gaah, I love him to bits, but really, I hope this phase passes soon! :wacko:
At least having F around is a bit of a distraction! :). Can't believe she's 8 weeks old! She's so sweet and smiley, its a lovely contrast to Mr. Grumblebum!
Awwwww L-C :hugs: Days like that are really tough :hugs: You'll be fine with two though!! Don't worry about that :hugs: Is he tired? These molars seem to be having an effect on Oliver's quality of sleep some nights, so even though he's been asleep for the normal amount of time he's still tired and is grumpy. He rarely has a nap these days either so those days can be tough! I get through the day with calpol for Oliver and too many cups of tea for me :haha:

I can't believe Oliver is two today! In some ways its gone so fast, but in others I find it hard to remember what it was like before he was here! He's loving been the birthday boy :haha: Unfortunately Steve isn't very well so our plans to get out and about had to be cancelled :( but we've still had a lovely day - my parents came up at about 11am and stayed until about half an hour ago. Steve got up at about nine (got to bed at about four as he worked last night) but was obviously not feeling well and was really rather grumpy so I suggested he went back to bed. He said he'd just have an hour but it's been almost five now, so I think he needed it. So we've just stayed at home and had a day playing with all Oliver's new toys which he's absolutely loved :cloud9: Its a shame we haven't been out, but hopefully we'll go and do something fun tomorrow.
Aww Happy Birthday to Oliver! :cake: Hope Steve feels better soon. With lots of new toys to play with I'm sure Oliver doesn't mind staying in too much ;)
Thanks ladies!! He's sat about 3 inches from Fireman Sam now and seems to be happy, finally. I just thought some outside one on one time would be nice as it's going to rain tomorrow and I don't know how long he'll have me to himself.

It must be a phase Emera, it's really not helped by teeth and the fact that his speech really isn't great, he can't tell me what he wants. Just puts me off doing things with him. We had the bubbles out and he was trying to drink it! Gets so shirty when I say no we don't drink bubbles. Had to come in for fear of the neighbours think I'm actually being cruel to him lol!! Wow 8 weeks, that has flown by!

My Mum is up tomorrow for four days, which will be quite helpful but also quite intrusive. She will help but she doesn't half fuss with it and although we have rubbish days, we do generally have quite a nice routine.

F sounds gorgeous Emera!! You still thinking of coming to Exeter, that would be so funny to be so close!

Glad you've had a nice day Sarah, beautiful pic on FB of your Brithday Boy!

I had planned a homemade cake for Will for Sunday but, have reconisdered and think I'll buy one just incase, number two decides to scupper my plans. We've not planned anything for the same reason, would typically be born on Will's brithday x
L-C we bought a cake, it's yummy :haha: it was £20 from Sainsburys. It's flipping huge! It's pretty fab though :)
Bobby had his hearing test today. There def is liquid in his ears and he couldn't hear the lower frequency sounds. We have an appointment with an ent on the 24th do we will see from there.

LC: bobby has also been tough about nappy changes esp taking off his trousers. He also hates having his clothes changed and wants his way when it comes to clothes. I don't usually have a problem with that but he wanted to wear two pairs of shorts the other day (one over the other) I gave up in the end and let him :dohh:
Have been really ill again back on anti-biotics :( hopefully will get better soon now!
Modo I hope you're feeling better soon!! Fingers crossed everything with bobby's hearing is sorted soon :hugs:

I have found a sneaky way of getting Oliver to do things he doesn't want to do.....I get his toys to ask him :haha: obviously I do the voice but he absolutely lives it and it works a treat. The only downside is that he's always brings me toys saying 'talk talk' :rofl:

Oliver also now tells me that's things hurt - but I do wonder sometimes if his teeth actually hurt or if he just likes calpol too much :rofl:
Sarah, Roh loves Calpol too! He came to me the other day and said "mummy having medcine?" I asked why he needs medicine, what hurt and he said "mmm owie,owie" I asked what was owie and he had a think and then said "hmmm, owie hair?" :haha: nice try!!

Modo hope you feel better soon! Xxx
Haha! Emera that's so funny! This is such a fun age, I just love the things they come out with!!

Last night Oliver had his story in bed and then Steve asked him what the story was about. He said Toby, Thomas, James and Percy, then added in tigers, dinosaurs and daddy :rofl: Steve asked what they were doing and he said singing - what a picture :rofl:
Sarah, its true, they are so funny this age! I must try to remember that when he's behaving so badly whilst we are out that i actually want to strangle him! He tried to run off towards the road this morning which nearly gave me a heart attack! My automatic reaction was to smack his bottom! :saywhat: I really don't know why?? I guess to get his attention maybe? I don't know, anyway i did, but given that he wears pretty bulky cloth nappies, i don't think he even noticed! :haha: I shouted at him and told him it was very bad to run off and that it was dangerous and made Mummy sad! Its so hard though to explain how things are dangerous like that. I mean if something is hot you can sort of demonstrate why touching hot things is bad.... gaah, i don't feel ready for this sort of parenting, it feels like its suddenly taken a leap from looking after a baby, to actual personality forming decisions.... :wacko:

Oh, also, Roh seems to have discovered the concept of getting scared. I'm not sure what to do about it really. He was watching some programme and the character got scared and cried. Then he watched the rest of the story and after can to me and was quite worried about it. He wasn't crying, but looked really freaked out and kept going on about the story, something about a monster or wolf or something, and kept talking about it over and over and getting more and more worked up. I managed to calm him down, but he woke up in the night and was crying and talking about scary monsters. Now any programme that talks about being scared he demands to watch it over and over again. He was cuddling his teddy and saying teddy was scared today too. Hoping he just processes it eventually. Not sure really what to do to help except let him explore the idea?
Emera I think you're doing the right think re the whole been scared thing. There's an episode of Thomas where Thomas is scared and Oliver doesn't really like to watch it - we'll he wants to watch it but he'll come and sit on my knee. He hasn't talked about it yet though. I wonder if there are any books about it?

The whole road safety thing is hard too, like you say it's hard to really explain that kind of danger. I might look for a book about that too.

Well I have a poorly boy! He woke up at 2am and was absolutely roasting hot, so I spent about three hours trying to cool him down and get him settled. He's a bit snuffly, still warm, and generally a bit poorly. Poor baby :(
Hey all - sorry I have been reading and running the last few days ... now we can safely leave the house again we can go and see my family and we just havent stopped! Although we have got a day planned at home tomorrow so I can make the cakes for Amys party!

Amy has been saying she is scared recently - we went to the park at the weekend and she met Big Chris off Roary of course he was huge and she just kept saying ' Big Chris scare Amy' I am guessing she will just work through things and come to us with any problems.

We have only seen my niece twice so far but she is a horror ... she has always been tantrumy but my sister lets her boss her around and do everything she wants to do whenever she wants ... like yesterday my niece was moaning about being hungry about 20 mins before we were going to a cafe to eat - with Amy I refuse her anything this close to lunch apart from some fruit or something ... well she went and bought her a huge slice of cake which of course ende din her having a hissy over lunch as she didnt want to eat. My mum said every day is like it - I have no idea how she is going to cope with another baby. But it has made me realise how good Amy is!

Argh sorry for the rant. Hope everyone is ok x x x
Modo get well soon. That's great you are getting somewhere with Bobby's speech and hearing.

Sarah Hope Oliver had a lovely birthday. The cake looked great in your fb picture.

Emera Oliver had a similar thing when he was round at my Mum's one day. They had taken a radiator off the wall for decorating and Oliver ran over to touch the tap bit (the bit that controls the temperature) and of course I said no don't touch that and my Mum who was right beside him said it's ok and let him turn it and loads of water came gushing out! He was terrified for days and woke crying in the night a few times about 'grandma's tap pssshhhh' accompanied by gesturing arms like water pouring out. I couldn't believe she would be so stupid, as he would have been burnt if the heating had been on at the time. We kept saying 'grandma's tap is broken' but look mummy, daddy and Oliver's tap isn't broken and got him to look at and examine our radiator. He now mentions it from time to time but more in a matter of fact way than in sheer terror. I think just talking about the thing that scares him and explaining things over and over will help.

H&F glad you can get out of the house again. I was so angry with my friend as her son came out with cp on Thursday and by Friday all the spots were out. I then texted my friend on the Sunday to ask how her son was doing and if she needed anything and she said everything was good and said that they were enjoying a day out at a local farm! :shock: After two days (when she had said he was covered in spots) there is no way he could have been scabbed over. He is also back at school already. I can't believe people would be so irresponsible as to take their clearly still contagious child out in public when for some cp isn't just a 'mild' illness. Your niece sounds like hard work! It's nice when you realise how well behaved your LO is.

Sorry to those of you who have grumpy toddlers! I don't think all this rain helps at all, least when it's nice and sunny you can have them run madly around the park all day and tire them out!
Hey everyone! I hope you are all okay!

We've had a lovely weekend, we went to Scarborough for the day yesterday and it was so nice, Oliver loved it too and we were lucky with the weather :) today we went to the car boot sale (of course lol!) and someone was selling all their take and play Thomas trains! They are usually quite expensive so we ended up buying about 50 trains / trucks - Oliver was so happy lol! We also got the diesel works and some extra track so it was a Thomas day today!

Now we're just having coffee and watching the grand prix so a lovely day again :)

Hope you're all having a good weekend!

Watching the F1 too. Roh thinks the vodafone logo is a pock-pock off of Abney and Teal. He keeps getting excited about it haha!
Lovely day! We sat in the sun this morning and did sticking with some really nice stickers I got for Roh. He likes sticking! :haha:
Sarah sounds like Oliver must have everything Thomas by now!! We have 4 trains and the helicopter which is Roh's favourite! Think we'll make a dragon ths afternoon as Roh has a complete obsession going on. He keeps asking to go out and see the dragon, then when we go out he's always dragging me round in circles looking for dragons! :shrug:

Both kids went for a lie in this morning and I actually woke up naturally at 8.40am!!! Amazing! I feel great :)
F currently asleep on my lap. She dislikes swaddling and dummies and tends not to comfort suck much so I have no way to help her sleep, she either goes off or she doesn't. :shrug: its a pain when she doesn't! Going to move her into a cot next week as she's hanging out of the basket. Her 3-6 month clothes are getting snug too! :wacko: Giant baby!

Speaking of babies, starting to check here for news now! Exciting! :dance:

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