Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

well izzy has slept in her nappy with no sheet on last night and will tonight as the room has hit 30 degrees, the fan is so so loud and i wake up so often and check on her that i know i can cover her up if the temperature drops. it has rained tonight so i'm hoping it will get better.

so sorry to hear about your friend maybe... she is the one missing out. i'm a godmother (despite not being religious :S) and it's fab!!

i too am living on crap. in fact i seem to be living on banana sandwiches, coco pops and rich tea biscuits!! i had gone up to a size 18 pre-pregnancy and headed into a size 20 in early pregnancy. so i'm not crossing my fingers. am going to go back to slimming world once i've had my six week check though. so hopefully that will help :) although i am going to have to find convenience meals. last time i did it all i did was cook and the thought of it now wipes me out, ha.

i am off to bed now. trying to work out whether i should wake izzy for a top-up feed or just let her sleep on and hope she doesn't wake up soon :S

abz xx
Evening ladies!

Maybebaby... I am so sorry to hear about your friend letting you down :hugs:

Sarah... your posts about your shoes made me chuckle! Very jealous about your chickens though!!

Well I finally weighed myself today and will also be heading back to WW after my six week check (which is tomorrow) "sigh" so I am off to eat everything bad in the cupboard before 9.30am :haha:
Bobby woke me up for his feed and now that he is finished I can't get back to sleep :( Its crazy because he has gone back down really quickly.

Maria, my fan is permanantly on, mainly because it stops me from listening to Daisy breathing and freaking out if I can't hear her...

Oh I take it another level by putting my hand on Bobby's chest every once in a while to check that he is breathing :wacko:

I have been on a diet for about a week now and I am starting an exercise class for new mothers on the 20th July twice a week. Its for new mothers and babies are welcome and two of the girls from my NCT group will be taking part on one of the days (you can choose to take part either once or twice a week). Shockingly I lost all my pregnancy weight after having Bobby (I couldn't believe it) but my size had crept up to an 18/20 pre-pregnancy so I really want to got back down.
i hate dieting. i keep using bf as an excuse not to but i'm sure you are not supposed to get the extra bf calories from chocolate, biscuits and icecream :blush: i keep trying to cut down but seem to fail by 11am :blush::blush::blush: i darent step on the scales for fear of what i'm going to find out. i am about a size 14 now and i want to get back down to a size 10/12. i have never been a size 8 so i dont aspire to that. i need to lose about 10kg or 2stone :shocked: it's going to take a long time. by christmas i want to be back to a size 12 and then i want to get to a 10/12 by next summer so i can wear a bikini again, albeit with a wobbly belly :dohh:

have some errands to run so am off to get erin and owen ready to go out and get things done before i have to collect dylan from school. hope you all have a nice day. it's going to be another scorcher so will probably head to the beach after lunch xxx
I was supposed to start Slimming World last night :blush: I've been dieting for weeks though and nothings really come of it I don't think, urgh.
I'm going back to sleep, Daisy had a bad night and she's just fallen asleep on me so in going to take full advantage of it.. Ciao!
Also, chickens freak me out, and Maria, I do that too. I've been known to wake her up by checking she's not too hot aswell :blush:
katie - happy :sleep:

just took owen to dr as he's really bunged up and when i got him up he vomited clear vomit with white bits in it. dr was really crap and just interested in getting us out of there. he told me to supplement feeds with water and glucose and to bring him back in 24hrs if he wasnt better. he didnt ask how old owen was or anything. looked at his ears, throat tummy and chest and all ok. just tried o feed him now bu he's not interesed. hope he's ok.
maybebaby that's good your new godmother was happy to be asked. I have 2 stone to loose aswell, lost 2 stone since having Oliver. I am a size 14 now too and want to be back to my large size 10/small size 12 depending on where I shop! I keep using BF as an excuse not to diet and am eating similar things to you. :lol:

Hope Owen feels better soon. The nurse yesterday (when O had his injections) said I only needed to give Oliver water if he was refusing breastmilk, no chance of that with my hungry boy! Mind you he wasn't being sick so not sure what is advised there. If you are worried or not getting enough wet/dirty nappies then I'd go back and see the docs again.

Katie look forward to seeing pictures of your new house. So exciting, not the packing and actually moving but the blank canvas to decorate to your taste is. We moved when i was 16 weeks pregnant so our house looks lovely now but it was disgusting when we moved in. I wouldn't be surprised if bleach is a familiar smell to Oliver as I used so much of it when we first moved in. This is how bad it was- we thought the shower tray was a cream colour but after using lots of cleaning products to get the stains off it turned out to be white! :shock: I have heard those Dr Browns bottles are good and are worth the money. Nothing wrong with Asda clothes, I bought a couple of summer dresses from there too, they were £10 each.

Sarah Oliver had a feed whilst we were waiting to go in, then he was smiling and smiling at the doctor when he was doing his checks, especially when he put the stethoscope on his chest :lol: I almost cried at that point as poor boy had no idea what was about to happen. He was fine with the first injection but screamed for about a minute after the second one, but a good cuddle from mummy and a boob in his mouth (in the waiting room) soon sorted him out. He then slept for a little while and has seemed fine since. His temperature went up slightly but only from high 36 to low 37. He is far more bothered by the heat, it was 12:30am before he settled to sleep and that was only because I changed his nappy and whilst doing so noticed he stopped crying when he had his vest off and started again when I put it back on so I changed him into a t-shirt and he went straight to sleep and woke up at 8:30am and woke up smiling and babbling. :happydance: I share your love of shoes!

Janny how are things with you? Cute avatar picture. Jared looks like he is growing well.

Modo I do the hand on chest thing too. He does not appreciate it and makes this weird kind of grunting noise until I stop as if to say 'b****r off mummy I'm sleeping' :lol:

PG I need to start dieting too. I did WW when at uni and lost just over a stone, though I'm not sure the class leader was amused when I said I used all my points on a Friday night for alcohol and just ate no points soup all day. I was a student though so what did she expect. Ha ha. Good luck with it.

Abz Slimming World is the diet I intend on doing, I was a target member there for just over a year before getting pregnant. I am going to go back just haven't motivated myself to actually go yet. Think it will be good for doing with the bfeeding as you aren't restricted on food you are just making healthy choices. Good luck to you! I am hoping to become a SW consultant instead of going back to my job at the end of maternity leave as it will mean lots of time at home with Oliver, no nursery fees, I will still be using my brain and getting out of the house and earning some money and when i am out running a couple of classes it will give my OH time with Oliver. You can earn between £100 and £400 a week for 15-20 hours work a week (a lot of which is done at home). Sure SW will take a small percentage of that though.

I just got a parcel, it was this t-shirt which i wasn't expecting until next week as only ordered it on Sunday. It is a short sleeved cream version of the t-shirt I got.

If we co-slept I'd have got the one that says 'I let my parents sleep in the big bed with me' :lol:

Ooooh just noticed my ticker my baby is 2 months old today. Time is flying! His most recent pic is in my avatar. Can't believe he has grown so much already.

Hopefully I didn't miss anyone. Sorry if I did. Hope you all have a lovely day. :flower:
hey guys, hows all going?

so i think i defo have pnd :( im just constanly sad depressed feeling lonely and alot of the time i dont even feel the love i should feel for jared ... i hate it buti know talking to them idiots wont help.... had all that b4 and i felt stupid
Afternoon All!

Janny :hugs::hugs::hugs: Is there anyone you can talk to, maybe your family or OH? Dont be hard on yourself sweetie, its still early days and there is so much to get used to . . . . do you have a health visitor you could mention it to? Are you getting much sleep? If not can someone else take the baby while you catch up on some sleep time? Things seem so much better when you're not stupidly tired. Sleep, and fresh air, and a chat with someone, might help honey. And you can always 'talk' to us on here :hugs:

Steve is at work so Oliver and I are just chilling. We were having a lovely day and then one of the women I used to work with came over and pissed me right off lol! She;s also on mat leave but due to go back soon, we don't have much in common apart from work and babies but shes been really keen to keep in touch. So she called today and said she was passing so could she call in, she hasn't seen Oliver yet so i said sure and had a really quick tidy up - like you do lol! Well when she got here her husband was with her, and their little boy. As they came into the house her husband said 'Mmmm, these are big houses arent they' in a really sarcastic tone. I said 'I'm sorry?' and my friend looked really embarrased and said oh, ignore him, just ignore him. Now our house isn't massive but its not tiny, its a three story Victorian town house. The rooms are fairly big and have lovely high ceilings and stuff. Okay so its not a mansion but bloody hell, its still nice!!! What really annoys me is that this guy doesn't work - he claims benefits and takes 'unofficial' cash work doing gardens and decorating!! Their house is rented and its all paid for by housing benefit! We've lived here for 6 years, it was our first house and yes, we could afford something much bigger, but we pay next to nothing on our mortgage and decided to stay here so that while I was on mat leave etc we wouldn't have to worry about money. I couldn't believe the nerve of the guy! I felt like saying well it might be smaller than yours but at least we've paid for it!! I have no problem with people who claim benefits but when they work 'unofficially' as well - they have three kids, she works part time, he does his 'unofficial' stuff and they have a new car, holidays abroad etc. We choose to live here with a small mortgage for now - but even if it was all we could afford a)it is a nice house in a nice area and b) how rude to walk into someones house and say that anyway!! Grrrrrrr!! Then my friend was holding Oliver and her husband took him, Oliver was crying because he was hungry which I told him, he kept on bouncing him about and then said 'well your a cheerful baby arent you' - err yes actually, normally he's a delight but HES HUNGRY! So a took Oliver back and I think my friend realised that I wasn't too impressed as they didn't stay long. Oh, except the husband then decided that their son wanted his juice, my friend kept saying wait until they get in the car but he went ahead and have him his juice, which the kid they threw up all over my sofa. Luckily I had a throw on it so I chucked it all in the washer, and had to lend the husband a muslin to clean himself up as he was covered too. Serves him right lol! My friend looked so embarrassed by everything and kept saying we should meet up for walks etc, but I'm not sure I'll bother tbh, her husband is horrible - I don't really need me or Oliver to be around people like that.

Ahhh, I feel a bit better having got that rant out lol!!!

I'm been driven mad by hayfever at the moment, does anyone else suffer? I asked my GP if I could take anything while I'm breastfeeding and she said no . . . . argh!!!!!

Right well I'm off for a cuppa and a biscuit or two, I think I deserve em today lol!

Oh Sarah he sounds like a nightmare! I'd be sooo embarassed if I went to visit someone and my partner behaved like that- although I couldn't put up with someone like that anyway :lol: I dread to think what he'd have to say about the house we're hopefully moving to, it's tiny :lol:
Janny, I can relate :hugs: I don't talk about it much on here, but I spoke to my hv this afternoon and I'll be telling my doctor at my 6 week check.
Afternoon ladies!

:hugs: Janny and Katie

I'm also a size 14 now but usually a 10/12 and have two stone to lose :(

Perhaps we can all offer moral support for each other?

I am off on a short run now (mad in this heat) but this will be my first exercise in 12 months having being so active pre pregnancy with hockey! Wish me luck!
Thanks Katie, I didn't think it was just me been touchy! Gosh if Steve behaved like that I wouldn't take him anywhere lol! But like you say, I wouldn't be with such a prick anyway :)

Hope you're okay BTW Katie . . . .:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Feel free to PM me if you ever need a 'chat'.

Muddles I'm glad Oliver was okay with his jabs . . . I hope Friday goes as well for us!

Oliver is playing with his Play Gym, he's never really bothered with it before but I got it out again today and I think he likes it! Well he's layed under it kicking his legs and waving his arms around and making lots of noise lol! I'm having a cuppa and eating a Lindt bunny that I found from Easter, hmmm, so much for not eating crap :haha:
Thanks :) :kiss:
I wonder if Daisy will like her playmat yet? I hope so, it bloody cost enough :lol:
I've reeeeally wanted chocolate today, I've been quite good though..
There was something else.. Hmm!
Oh! Daisy now weighs 13lbs 5oz. What on earth is that all about?! She's 5 weeks old :rofl: I noticed that the hv has been plotting her height wrong though, so she's in the 98th percentile for weight and height!
Janny and Katie :hugs: :hugs: It really is so tough isn't it :hugs: please do talk about it if you can as you need support.

Sarah: That guy sounds like a total nightmare how does your colleague put up with him?
PG Thats a great idea about offering weight loss moral support . . . . I need someone to shout at me when I want to eat bad stuff lol!! Step away from the chocolate bunny lol!!!

Katie Daisy is such a fab weight!!! Hope she likes her play mat lol! Which one have you got?
The M&P Lotty Ladybird one :) I love it, it's a shame Daisy doesn't! When she stops moaning I might put her on it again to see if she's interested yet! Which one have you got?
Ahhhh I love that one!! But after spending way too much on the Graco Sweetpeace Steve said it was too expensive. I've just got a Marks & Spencers one, its quite nice and it packs away quite nicely. I've had all his toys out today to see what he likes, the lounge looks like a baby paradise! better tidy up before Steve gets home or he'll think I spend all my time having fun! Just looking for a cheap bouncy chair, do you have one for Daisy?

I bought Oliver a ride-on Lotty Ladybird for Christmas lol, talk about forward planning, I've has the bloody thing since January!! :haha:
I might get this one

Oliver hates the vibration setting on the Sweetpeace, so it seems silly to pay more to get it. I quite like the look of this one and its a good price too. What do you girls think?
janny and katie. massive hugs to you both. maybe tell your hv janny? mine told me that they don't inform anyone without consent but it may really help to let someone know?

sarah. i would have thrown a fit!!

am shattered again today. izzy may be getting sleepy so might doze soon. OH is asleep having come home from work tired. i think he's had too much sun. he's a gardener. am so jealous of him right now!!

think i may watch some glee while izzy finishes feeding...

abz xx

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