Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Well I don't know if Oliver is tired, hungry or bored. He keeps falling asleep, but he'll sleep for about 10 minutes and then wake up, and as soon as hes awake he starts crying. If I try to feed him, he just crys, or he'll take a bit and then cry. If I get up and walk about, he stops crying, as soon as I sit on the sofa he starts crying again!!!! Argh!!! I put him under his play gym, he plays for 10 mins and then crys, or starts grumping. I'm sure he hasn't got wind. I'm just steralising a bottle, I'm going to try him with some formula. He seems so angry when he feeds that hes gulping it down and then bringing it back up. He is yawning like mad though so maybe he is tired.

What a ramble lol!!!! A crying Oliver has scrambled my brain!!!!!
definitely posted a reply about the bouncer?! Where did it gooo?
I've got a Mothercare Please Look After Me one, it's good but my sister bought a cheaper Fisherprice one and it seems quite good!
daisy gets like that sometimes too Sarah, I just stand up with her and rock her and she eventually goes to sleep!
hello, quick post as I am having the same problem as Sarah today! ALex has fed or cired constantly since lunch. My back aches, my boobs ache and I want a break :hissy:I'm thinking its the heat or a growth spurt but I could hear his stomach really growling as though he was starving even though he's fed non stop :wacko: He's so sweet though I'll let him off. sarah - hope Oliver settles down for the night soon xx

Janny and Katie - really sorry to hear how you are feeling. it takes guts to admit it. I had PND after Holly and I really isolated myself with it. you can talk to us anytime - we may be spread out all over the world but none of us are completely alone thanks to our buddies on here :hugs:

Maria - I'm the same - I check Alex is still breathing when he's asleep. He's so precious I cant help being a bit neurotic! :hugs:

PG - :haha: I've been telling myself I am going to diet tomorrow every day for the last 2 weeks and every night I clear the cupboards in preparation :haha:consequently I have put on even more weight :haha:

abz - your hubby has a fab job for summer! hope you get a good sleep tonight x

Well Alex has fallen asleep on the boob again :haha: I'll see if I can get anything done before he wakes up and boo's again :)

big hugs to janny and katie, it's the hardest thing ever and you are both doing a fab job!!

sarah i really like that chair and that's such a good price. will is like that most days he is really windy, he burps after feeds but doesn't bring it all up and so struggles to settle - a dummy is doing the trick.. i didn't think i'd go down that route but he just likes to suck. i then bounce on my birthing ball - that had no use before but lots for rocking will now!!

what are your babies sleeping in?? will was in his moses basket but kept, until last night kicking himself right to the top and i also thought it would be cooler in the crib, (air circulating more) which someone gave us. don't think we would have bothered otherwise. so we put him in it last night, after realising i've bought and now washed the wrong size sheets - gutted. he woke up twice in the night for feeds and both times he had shifted over to the side and his arm was hanging out. i'm not so sure i like it now, don't want him to hurt himself and so wondering about trying the cot. It's just so big and he's so small, but he might not make it all the way to the sides in it??

OH didn't look very impressed by my suggestion and thinks i'm being neurotic, think it's more that he can't be bothered to dismantle it to get it in our room - typical!

will has his 6-8 week check tomorrow, he will be 7 weeks is this when they do his first jabs?

Maria - will had just gone down the other night when our sensor alarm went off, i immediately got up and gently shook him, waking him up, to find it was because the room temperature had gone up. i nearly had a heart attack!

hope you all have a good day and i'd love to start weight loss on here together - i'm rubbish and have absolutely no restraint at all. have been starting for a week now. have a stone to go to get to pre pregnancy weight but another half a stone i gained between the miscarriage and falling pregnant with will xx
Daisy is still in her Moses basket, although I think quite soon after we move she'll be going in her cot as she's just getting soo big!
Did I mention in here that my hv is stupid? She plotted Daisy's length at 4 months rather than 4 weeks. She's not a midget after all, she's on the 98th centile :)
L-C I thought it was a good price too, I'm going to order it today :)
Oliver has a cot set up as a co-sleeper, he doesn't wriggle in his sleep so tends to stay where I put him lol!

Oliver, after all his grumping, had a great night! Her fell asleep at about 10, took him up to bed at 11. He slept until 3, then until half five, then just before 8! I got up then and now he's asleep on my knee! So I had lots of sleep which was lovely :)

As a was getting out of bed with Oliver I'd got his blanket, mussy, dummy, and Oiiver in my arms and I caught the sheet as I got up and pulled it a tiny bit off hubby. He was half asleep and said oh, thanks for that. I said werll I hardly did it on bloomin purpose! Grrrrr! he probably won't even remember when he wakes up. I mightremind him though the grumpy sod! I hate it when I do something by accident and he acts like I did it on purpose. I would have done it properly if it was intentional! A cup once almost fell out of the cupboard when he was making tea and he said to me are you trying to kill me oR something? It was so stupid I just said honey, if I wanted that I wouldn't do it with a mug falling out of a cupboard, I'd do it properly. That shut him up lol! Silly grumpy sod.
sarah, that is such a bloke thing to say!! i never understand why they say stuff like that...

well i have had one shower attempt this morning almost made it, have a friend popping in at 11 and need to look in control, my mum is due to arrive any minute wish would hurry up. will need to get a feed in in that time to!

katie - i'm not keen on hv's ours is rubbish, i cancelled our second apt and wouldn't go to her for anything! she swung him around so hard he was really sick and grabbed him from mark who was doihng a really good job of a nappy change and said you've missed a bit!! he was so new to it all, i was fuming..
LC tell me about it, if I said something like that I'd never hear the end of it!!

I'm not keen on our HV either, I can't think I'd go for them for anything either.
Janny is there anyone you can talk to? A good friend or medical type person. We are always here if you want to talk too. I'm usually here every morning as Oliver has a long nap in the morning then doesn't sleep for long for the rest of the day. Becoming a Mum is a huge change and it takes a lot of getting used to, no matter how prepared you think you are it is still a shock. Be kind to yourself, give yourself time to readjust Jared is still new and make sure you talk to someone, and not bottle things up. :hugs: things will get better.

Sarah :grr: to your 'friend's' husband! Cheeky sod. I'd be tempted to go to her house and make little comments about her house, and try to ensure that Oliver just happens to have a leaky nappy all over her husband! :lol: Good luck to Oliver for his jabs, sure he will be fine. We didn't need Calpol at all, but still bought some of the sugar free one just incase and a digital thermometer so we could keep an eye on his temp. I don't have hayfever but remember reading antihistamines can affect milk supply so that's probably why you can't take them. My Mum swears by local honey, she says having some of that each day really helps her, but it has to be local stuff from somewhere like a farm shop and not the stuff you buy in Tesco, something to do with the local stuff being made by local bees I think! The pattern on the bouncy chair is nice. Could Oliver be hot? If he is happy when you are up and walking about then it may be that is cooling him off and the fussing could mean he is overtired. My Oliver gets very grumpy if he is tired and can't get to sleep, he hasn't been very happy in the heat-yesterday I fed and winded him and he just wouldn't settle so we got in the shower together, as we don't have a bath. I then put him in a t-shirt and nappy and he went straight to sleep for 3 hours!

Pussy Galore I joined a thread in another section on this forum but that was as far as I got with weight loss :lol: I need some motivation so think that's a great idea that we all motivate each other. How was your run? I'm jealous as I loved running pre-preg but my boobs are enormous (gone from 34C pre-preg to 38F now so not going running until I finish breastfeeding and can strap them down in a sports bra!)

Katie we are always here if you need/want to talk. That's a great weight, she is doing so well. Is she in her 3-6 month clothes now? Oliver is around the same weight as that and moved him into 3-6 month clothes at the start of this week as they are much bigger and looser which is good in this heat. Ooh just googled your play mat it's lovely. Oliver hated his bouncy chair at first but has always loved his playmat, so keep trying if she doesn't like it at first. Oliver has this one which my friend bought for him:

We have this bouncy chair, he isn't a big fan of the vibrate setting as it sends him to sleep everytime which really annoys him as he will fight sleep during the day:

Abz I love Glee but not seen them all as I was a bit late getting into it. Have you got them all recorded? Does Izzy like the music? Oliver seems to love music, though unfortunately he seems to really love that awful James Corden and Dizee Rascal football song, is it called Shout? He smiles all the way through it the three times he has heard it on the music channel....Nooooooooo :rofl:

A3my Did Alex settle in the end after his day of feeding non stop?

L-C Oliver is still sleeping in his moses basket but he kind of curls up, easiest way to describe it is he does frogs legs so his knees are touching each side of the moses basket. He then puts one hand on each side of the moses basket too above his head. He does this in his pram too so guess he feels secure doing that, as he tries to do it when sleeping on people too. Oliver had his jabs when he had his 8 week check, hope Will gets on well with them. Grrrr to the HV, sure that was the last thing your H needed when he is still new to this parenting lark!

We had a lovely day yesterday as Oliver and I went for lunch with two mummies we met at the breastfeeding drop in we go to. We had a good chat but the babies weren't that interested in each other but all seemed to be in sync as all wanted feeding and needed changing at the same times which was pretty funny. :lol:
She's not in 3-6 yet, she's still got a bit of room in 0-3, they go up to 15lbs/62cm I think so hopefully we've still got a couple of weeks.. I'm scared that she's going to get too heavy for ride ons and stuff when she's bigger!!
She's not in 3-6 yet, she's still got a bit of room in 0-3, they go up to 15lbs/62cm I think so hopefully we've still got a couple of weeks.. I'm scared that she's going to get too heavy for ride ons and stuff when she's bigger!!

Sure the weight gain slows down at some point, well I hope it does because if O keeps gaining weight like he has done the past few weeks then he will be in his 6-9 months clothes well before he gets to 6 months!
Muddles - such a cute pic!! I know what you mean about buying clothes. I went to the Trafford Centre yesterday and I look such a frump in everything I try on. My boobs just look heeeuge!

Sarahwoo - think we are supposed to have 500 more calories a day which is not much really! Very exciting re the chickens - I would love to have some!

Katie- Daisy is a great size!! I too am hoping the weight gain slows down soon as Che is growing so quickly. We measured him last night and he is off the scale for length and in the 90th percentile for weight. Very exciting re the move.

Thanks for all the support re DH guys I really appreciate it. I think I am finding it extra hard as before I got pregnant we were really close and I never whinged about him believe it or not!! Was probably a bit smug about him - well that has bit me on the arse good and proper!

Well I am off to have a coil fitted this afternoon - not looking forward to that - the last time anyone messed about down there was just after the labour!
Um, someone just told me it's 'physically impossible to give birth to a 9lb baby without forceps or ventouse, and most people end up with a section'
Why do people tell you things they don't actually know much about? I was made up when I could say well ACTUALLY Daisy was 9lbs 9oz and I did it naturally! :lol:
Katie I love that, haha!! What did they say?

I hope the weight gain does slow down, Oliver is outgrowing his clothes faster than he can wear them!! I'm going to get his 3-6 vests washed today hopefully as he might be better with them been a bit loose in the heat.

LC I hope you got your shower :) You actually inspired me to try to get a shower while looking after Oliver and it worked!! I've had to rely of Steve looking after him until today and when he's on the wrong shifts I just dont get chance. I've been getting my nightly bath with Oliver but i cant wash my hair and stuff. So I popped him in his car seat in the door way of the bathroom, were I could see him, and he was fine! Yay! I cant normally do that in the day because if Steve is asleep I cant risk Oliver crying, but gosh I feel soooooo much better for having had that shower! And quite pleased with myself too :)

CG I hope things get sorted with your OH. Men just dont think sometimes. Steve and I never really argued either - well he would sulk and I would ignore him sometimes lol! I find I have much less patience with him now, and little things annoy me a bit more than they did before. Which isnt really a good thing. Maybe its because I dont have that escape of going to work anymore, I don't know. I only really see him and my parents, so maybe thats starting to get to me more than I realised. Who knows!! He is lovely most of the time BTW :) and I don't think he has a clue that he's doing these things most of the time, let alone realising that they annoy me!

I sometimes think that he thinks I'm stupid. And I'm really, really not!! I'm educated, I'm up to date on my current afairs, I make an effort at the moment to keep my brain ticking over and keep up with the news and stuff. I might be at home looking after Oliver but I still have a brain in my head. He doesn't do it in a nasty way, I dont even think he knows hes doing it tbh. I sometimes wonder if thats the age gap showing (he's 12 years older than me).

Ahhhhhhh, so on a better note my parents are coming up later on to look after Oliver while I get my housework done, and then we might go for a picnic or something, depending on how hot it is. I've got the air con thing going so its lovely and cool in here, Oliver is fast asleep. Our chicken house came this morning so tomorrow we (read Steve while I look after Oliver lol!) is going to build it tomorrow and then hopefully we can get some chickens over the weekend! I'm quite excited, my friend had chickens when I was younger and we used to love fetching the eggs.

I feel bad for moaning now, sorry ladies!!!!! He really is a lovely hubby - I think that where I would normally go to work and tell a friend, have a laugh about it and then forget it, I just keep it all to myself and then it bugs me more.

Time for a cuppa I think!!
helllooo ladies!! ive not been on here since friday... i feel so guilty lol but im currently hooked on all those farmville type games on facebook so spending any time i get on there lol geek i know!

katie how is daisy doing now u have moved her to hungry baby? fancy someone saying u cant give birth to a 9llb baby... a friend of mine did too, the day before i had harrison.

CG i know exactly how you feel, i found loads of porn on sophies dads comp when we were together (actually it was the family comp the dumb ass) i knew he would need to do something to relieve himself but i didnt need to see it on the comp because then i just had the image of him doing that whilst im upstairs sleeping..

on the diet front, today was my 3rd weigh in at weight watchers, since joining ive had weekends where im eating out or going to someones house for a meal or bbq so its been rather tricky! i have lost 6llb in 3 weeks which aint bad considering i couldnt point my food at all over the weekend!

as for clothes... i was a 12/14 in clothes which is the smallest i had ever been, i was rather happy with my figure for the first time ever.. now im a 16/18 and i hate it, its been 5 yrs since i was this size and i feel sooo horrible and frumpy, not the yummy mummy i want to me!! i was trying to resist buying anything untill i had lost at least a stone and a half but i had to get some shorts.. hated getting the size 18.

we went to knowsley safari on saturday and had sooo much fun ...mmm as im typing this i thnk i may have already posted this lol im going demented!

sunday we had a bbq to watch the footie.. bad bad result! lol

have not done much this week really, just been pottering about the house, i felt soo drained after the weekend.
The girl who said it was like 'well you'll be stretched forever, it'll never go back to how it used to be!' :dohh: I just said 'it's a good job I never ever wish to have sex again then isn't it :)' which shut her up :lol:
Daisy isn't liking the HB milk :( she keeps waking up screaming like she's in pain. I'm going to try Aptamil HB and hope she's better on that!
Sarah, I often think that Vinny thinks I'm stupid and won't understand things.. I went through a phase where I would try and read the papers, watch the news, find stuff out online etc- and then I thought f*ck it, why should I bother? :lol: it frustrates me because he often tells my mum stuff that he wouldn't tell me, and the only reason I can think of is my age. But he knew my age when I met him, and I know I'm only 20 but I'm not a child :shrug: I think frustrates was the wrong word- it actually really upsets me.
Well done on the weight loss Jo :kiss: I love Knowsley Safari Park, it's just fab! Did you go through the monkey bit? I hatee Farmville, I used to spend ages on it and got really bored :blush:
Ooh my sister just got in and I'm still not dressed, I hate when people catch me being a scruff!
Hey girls - ho are you all doing with your LO's? I can't believe Isla is already coming up to 4 weeks old this Sunday - crazy!!

Windmills - what a stupid comment to make about giving birth to a 9lb baby. :nope: - some people honestly don't engage their brain before speaking. good on you for your snappy answer. :thumbup:

Katie: your friend is obviously talking rubbish! Also don't worry about looking a little scruffy you have a newborn baby :hugs:

Does anyone know how Logan'smamma is doing? I haven't seen her in ages.

Hey girls. We went to the baby clinic today and Bobby decided to scream the whole time we were there. The other mummies just gave me these looks and I felt so annoyed at them. My DH went with me and he was the only man there which made him annoyed at me and we got into a fight when we got home. We have since had a talk about it and everything is fine. He was just frustrated about being the only guy there and that people were looking at us. I explained that Bobby was still young and would cry like this sometimes and the other babies there were older than him. He is quite long for his age which makes him look older but he is only 6 weeks on Friday.

Bobby now weighs 11lbs 3oz and is 56cm which is on the 75th percentile. They told us he was doing really well :)

Anyway I fed Bobby his bottle when we got home and put him in his moses basket for a nap in our bedroom. I tuned on the baby monitor and he slept for 2 hours on his own!
Katie, maybe it is the age gap showing itself then. I was 21 when Steve and I got together, I'd just finished uni and I had good prospects infront of me. When I made it to management it was just too much, both of us having stressful jobs, so I quit and took my current job, which I dont mind saying doesn't challenge me in any way - but has fantastic benefits, great childcare on site etc. So it was best for us as a couple, and now as a family. I have my own small company too which does really well, and which I set up from scratch and have done everything myself, which I'm really proud of, and I know that one day I could really make something of it. In some ways I'm more educated than Steve but I think he forgets that, and I probably dont help in that if he tells me something that I already know, instead of saying yeah, I know, I just say oh right, okay . . . .

If we disagree about something and I turn out to be wrong, he makes something of it. If he turns out to be wrong, its made into a joke and forgotten about. I really dont think that he realises hes doing it.

He does it with Oliver too. I know he's had a kid before but I'm 29, and more than capable of looking after my baby. Oliver had quite bad milk spots and the HV said if they get dry pop some oilaitum junior on them, so I did. Steve saw and said you know you really shouldnt put anything on them, and started going on and on until I said well, actually I'm just doing what the HV said to do, and do you really think I'd put something on his skin that I wasnt sure wouldnt make them worse? Or if he's dressing Oliver and I get him some clothes out that fitted last time but are now too small Steve will go on about how they are too small and how I shouldn't put him in things that dont fit, which I don't, but thats normally how I find out they dont fit!!! I'd just think nothing of it and dress him in something else! It just makes me feel like I dont know what I'm doing, even though I'm sure that I do. I'm sure its not intentional, but it is hurtful. And yet he also makes a point of saying how well I'm doing and what a good mum I am. I dont get it.

I'm beginning to wonder if he's so used to bossing people around at work, he just forgets not to do it at home.
which HB is daisy on? harrison didnt get on with C&G HB at all so we swapped to aptimal HB and it suits him fine, yea its more expensive but so what! :)

katie and sarah i have an OH that also forgets i have a brain.. granted i didnt goto uni but i did goto college, i think he thinks because it was health and beauty it doesnt count.. if only he knew what we had to learn! i also worked from the age of 16 part time then full time after leaving college where to be honest i probably learnt more than what he did at that age. he tries to explain things to me and i feel like smacking him, he talks like he is dumbing things down for me and god forbid i actually have an opinion on something thats not the same as him he will argue and argue until he thinks im thinking the same way.. im not i just let him think it lol altho now i have started arguing my opinion back. the worst is when we are "discussing" something and when im not seeing his way of thinking he ends each sentence with hun... and it sounds sooooo condescending! the best is when im asking about his work stuff, he is an HR officer and he HATES unions with a passion, so to annoy him i will argue the unions side of things ;) only sometimes tho lol i just love winding him up.

i too try to keep upto date with the news etc just because i feel lately im going insane plus i need something else to talk about when i do see other people, i only see mark, my mum and sophie on a regular basis, now and then i see marks mum but to be honest i cant talk to her like i would my mum who i view as a friend if not my best one (does that sound odd).

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