I do think he'd enjoy it, we don't go to that many groups but do go to a lot of places - to see friends / national trust playgrounds etc. But I can see that it would be better to ease him (and me lol!) into it rather than just jump into the five mornings a week. He really seemed to love it today, he just ran off and was playing with the other children. But he's just always been with me ..... I know it's only 6 hours a week but I feel awful just thinking about it. Which I know is silly really.
I guess I need to have a really good think. I def want him to go to that school when he gets to his five mornings a week. And I def want him to do at least one term of two mornings first. Steve is happy either way. They have said we can go down for a morning and see how he gets on, so maybe I should do that? September just seems soooooo close!!!
Gah still so ill. Had the runs since monday and Roh has the same thing. Yuck. I've lost 2 stone in 4 days. Can see all of Roh's ribs, its awful. just so bored of having to rush to the loo. trying to drink enough fluids to keep my milk supply going is a mission in itself.
Dylan and Erin had sports day today I could only watch part as we are short staffed at the mo so being out most of the morning was no go. Was sooooooo hot! Supposedly 31 degrees
LC: I am ok Squeaky (Lily's nickname ) has been bfing since 4.30am which was intense to say the least I am looking forward to when she is 6 weeks as its meant to ease up. Right? RIGHT?!!!! Still I am proud that I have breastfed for over 4 weeks We are having some colic episodes every night at around 8/8.30pm which are not fun but not as bad as Bobby's used to be. I am hoping again for the magic 6 weeks which is around when B stopped getting colicky nights.
How are you doing hon?
Sorry I have been crap about typing posts. My arm just get's so tired for one armed typing
Off to morissons for breakfast with my friend and her 2, then park, then town to see the soldiers marching (with dan as police escort!) and then beach this afternoon! Busy busy day!
Maybe - I wish I had a day like yours planned ... mine just involves doing some more stuff around the house - moaning at Dave till he gets a load of stuff done is Amys room to get it ready for the carpet coming and a trip to the shops! Its obviously all very exciting in our house this weekend!
We were supposed to be taking madam to Thomas Land today with some of her friends but I looked at the price and its just far too expensive for us at the moment.
We are finally feeling better here!!! argh, thank goodness for that!
F has also finally started taking a dummy, which is helping hugely when she's struggling to settle.
Yay for feeling better emera! Glad all is going well and how did F get to be 3 months already????!!!!
Maybe - your day sounds lovely
H&F boo to expensive days out, but how exciting to new carpet!! lol
Modo-well done on your bf'ing and yes feeling like you are doing it constantly is normal!! you are almost at the stage where there is more time between growth spurts and so a pattern will begin to develop sooner rather than later - hang on in there xxxx
Everyone else - hope you are all having a good weekend. Out of interest are any of our babies fully potty trained now? (we haven't started yet!)
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