Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Ugh went back to dr and got signed off til monday. On sofa resting again. Hate feeling incapacitated. Flat is a mess but have no energy to do anything. Mum taken Owen and Dylan and Erin at school so at least a rest from being mum, though I feel bad about it.
Aww maybe hope your feeling better soon. I have had flu all week so Dave has had to take loads of time off work - I feel awful not being a proper mummy this week but I have been far to tired to do anything. Hoping to have a quiet weekend and hopefully feel better next week!

Hope everyone is ok x
We've all had the flu too its been horrible! Now Roh and F both have ear infections and I'm having to have steroids for my asthma. I've had to have all week off work. Terrible really as I've only been back for 3 weeks :dohh: Can't be helped though, I've felt dreadful!!

Get well soon everyone! Xx
Owen brought back a stomach bug from nursery so I caught that on top of normal ms. Vomiting and diahroea. Yesterday I was wiped out running to the loo all day plus looking after Owen who was vomiting all the time. My washing machine is running non stop, every blanket has been puked on and he's still not able to keep anything down poor thing :( thankfully I'm better and as I have been signed off work til Thursday I can look after him. Waiting for the on call dr to come out and see Owen. Erin had just started with diahroea too. My washing machine and tumble drier are in overdrive!
Oh Maybe! Big hugs to you, how rubbish! :hugs: Get well soon all of you! xxx
Just updated my avatar to a less depressing pic of Lily. She is a little chunka now lol so proud of the two of us. I am still breastfeeding as well despite the fact that she bites me almost every day :(

Bobby is doing well. His nursery is very supportive. We have a speech therapist that see him once a week in nursery and council funded speech therapist as well. His keyworker in nursery is fab and he rally likes her. He is starting to demonstrate that he understands more now and will respond to basic requests when he feel like it.

I was wondering if you could tell me how speech develops in babies? I obviously have no idea what to look out for.
Muddles - I am the same with Amy but pllease try not to worry. The only person I leave Amy with is my mum and she watches her like a hawk because te responsibility is so large she has to. I really worried about leaving her but when Eva was ill we had no choice she had to go to my mums for almost a week and it broke my heart her going but in the end it was a relief to not have to 'worry' about her with everything else thats going on. Sorry that probably isnt much help but just remeber you will be back with him before you know it.
Muddles - Big :hugs: I'm sure that O will be just fine. Its a bit nerve wracking when you're not used to leaving them, i've been the same when my mum has been watching Roh for the day. I'm not used to it! But he's always been good, as has my mum! :hugs: I hope the funeral gives you the chance to say goodbye and celebrate your Granny's life and how much she meant to you and your family. :hugs:

Modo - Glad to hear that Bobby is getting support and is coming on well :) I always love seeing pictures of him, he has such a shining personality, it comes through very well in photographs! :) Lily is gorgeous too, although naughty if she's biting!! I'd say if she's biting alot, then perhaps she's comfort feeding if her gums are a bit sore? It might be worth cutting the feeds off when she starts biting, or does she do it at the start of the feed?
As far as speech development, i'm assuming that you mean for Lily's development? They are all different! Roh just did lots so screaming and shrieking, and then the only noise he made was "ahhgoo" for months. He was sort of late to start making sounds, but then i guess by about 18 months, he was saying some meaningful words. After that it sort of exploded.
With Freyja, she's developing more typically, she's started with classic babble about 2 months ago, so about 9 months (ish) So the stereotypical "mamamama" "babababa" "dadadada" sounds. She now sort of says a couple of words, "hiya" and"awooawoo" (Roh Roh), but they are still occasional, and not that clear. I guess over the next 6 months i'd expect her to move towards maybe saying "daddy" or "mummy" or similar, and making more sentence-like babble, but who knows, she could do something completely different!
Interestingly, i've been noticing in the last few months that Roh's speech has become less clear, more mumbled than it used to be, and he's been ignoring us alot, which i put down to him being 2 :haha: But the mumbling i wasn't sure about, i put it down to him using more complex words and talking to himself more. He's also been whispering alot. Anyway, with the recent illness he's had, i took him to the doctor as he was shaking his head alot and i thought he had an ear infection. He has quite bad cases of glue ear in both ears! I felt a bit bad, because i've been telling him off for ignoring us and actually i think part of the time, its because he couldn't hear us! :blush: We have to keep a close eye on his speech development now, in case it starts going backwards. They are hoping that the glue ear will clear up as he grows, and he should be ok with his speech, but we'll see i guess.
Muddles I'm sure Oliver will be ok! It's normal to worry, part and parcel of being a good mum :hugs:

Emera hope roh's ears clear up soon :hugs:

Modo glad L is doing so well now :) and that Bobby's speech is coming on :) I found these links re speech development:

Owen is still vomiting. Took him to dr yesterday and he has some signs of dehydration and was prescribed meds to make the vomiting stop. It hasn't tho :( dr said that if it didn't stop I gave to take him to hospital as he may need the drip :( I'm hoping he will not. The vomiting episodes seem to be further apart now so hope he is slowly on the mend. It's a good thing I have been ill and signed off work so I can look after him. He is so weak tho just lying on the sofa watching cbeebies :(
Danny's cousin has just been killed in a bike accident :cry: she has 3 kids and was just 34 :cry: her boyfriend was also killed in the accident and has kids of his own too. It's so sad. I feel so awful especially for her kids. Please pray for her family :cry:
Oh maybe, that's awful, i'm so sorry for you all and especially for her children :( xxxx
Hope Owen's on the mend and you are feeling better.
Muddles - thinking of you xx
Modo - good to hear from you!
Didnt mean to ignore everyone else - just couldnt remember more than my above post - I have been up every hour for the past few nights with E cutting teeth :( (any advice gratefully appreciated!) xxx
Mork ugh the dreaded teething. I like anbesol liquid, it's easy to apply. And nurofen if you have to! Good luck xxx
Thanks Maybe, I have been using calpol and teething powder - will crack the anbesol out next - is there a difference in strength/use between calpol and nurofen? I do have some nurofen in the cupboard! xx
Mork calpol is paracetamol based and neurofen if ibuprofen, you can give them together or staggered if you have to :thumbup:

Modo it sounds like Bobby is really coming on! They are both super cute :)

Maybe I hope Owen is better soon!

:hugs: for Muddles xx

I'm sure I forgot most of what I wanted to say there :dohh:
Mork, I always found that neurofen works better for teething, as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Might just be on my two, but its been good. Other tip would be earplugs and get OH to take a night, so that you can have a rest! I never did that with Roh, but I have done a few times wth F. There is only so knackered I can cope with being really! :hugs:

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