Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Ooohhh Katie I can't wait to gey a Jumperoo too! Mum has that rainforest take along swing, I'm going to try Oliver in it next time we are at their house!
Just to let you know the Fisherprice rainforest bouncer is in Boots for £40 or £45 you get your points and free delivery at the moment
Hi all!

Thanks so much for all your thoughts, its so good to know i'm not alone with any problems i'm having, not that i would wish them on anyone else, but, well you know what i mean. Its so lovely that you are all so supportive!


Things are a bit better here, i had my Mum stay for a few days, which has been lovely. Things sort of came to a head with my OH when he didn't talk to me for 3 days, and kept coming home from work late and going in early, he was being such a dick :growlmad: Anyway, we had a huge arguement yesterday, and my Mum ended up stepping in, kind of awkward, but she did referee, and ended up being quite helpful. So me and OH had a long talk and things seem alot more back in balance between us. Who knows how long it will last, but at least OH is talking to me again. My Mum babysat last night so we went out for a meal, it was my first time out on my own, and we both really enjoyed ourselves, just what we needed :)

Blew loads of money in Mothercare the other day too, that cheered me up. I was thinking of getting a jumperoo, but we don't really have alot of floor space, so i went for a doorway bouncer and this sit up cosy thing. Rohan just dangled about in the door bouncer it looked soo funny :haha: i don't think he really figured out what he's meant to do in it, but i think he'll love it when he works it out :) He absolutely loves the cosy thing though! He sat in it for 1 1/2 hours chatting to the monkey and swiping at the little toys, soo cute! :D He had his second set of jabs yesterday too, he was so brave! Only cried for about 20 seconds and then went back to smiling away, such a little trooper :) He's been a bit off his food and sleepy today, but cheerful when he's awake :)

Here is a picture of him in his cosy :)

Big :hugs: to you all :)
its so hot!

Katie :hugs:

emera - glad things are better. What a cute little man Rohan is!

Alex was 11lb 7oz on Monday, dead on the 50th centile.

I have such a headache! too much sun. managed to find some clothes I dont feel completely rancid in so thats good.

i'm rambling now, night all xx
LM: Great to hear from you and I am also very jealous of your daily trips to the pool!

Cactus Girl: I also agree with you about the NCT breastfeeding class not being too great. There were things we were told that were just totally wrong ie bf doesn't hurt if it does you are doing it wrong (one girl from our group spent 24 hours latching and unlatching her baby only to find out later her baby was latched on correctly) and you should not express for the first month (another girl from my group could not get her baby to latch on and expressed milk for the first 3 weeks - - her baby is now breastfeeding). I really think that had I started expressing from the beginning Bobby would now be breastfeeding.

CG I also noticed that Bobby has the same Rainforest Mat (lovely pic!) but he doesn't seem to be that interested in it yet :(

Sarah: :hugs: your OH sounds like he is being totally unreasonable :growlmad:you should be able to get a shower ffs!

LC: I am glad that you found a solution to Will wanting to be carried all the time. We have a Fisher price vibrating chair and its a total savior for us! He is not that into his swing though. I hope you manage to get rid of the bees :hugs:

jolou: I am glad you had a fun day and sorry about your OH moaning at you :hugs:

abz: OMG hon I hope your Mom is doing ok, that sounded so scary :(

PG: I am sorry that Chloe jabs were delayed :hugs:

Katie I will read your thread now. Hope you are ok :hugs:


I haven't been on for a few days as we have been pretty busy! Bobby is now only waking up once a night (this is now the 4th day in a row!) which I am very happy about. Unfortunately I am unable to get back to sleep after feeding him his bottle at 3am. I don't know why! Its so frustrating as I now should be getting extra sleep :(

I am applying for both Bobby's first passport and mine (first British passport anyway) as I was nauralised in March (had a neat ceremony and everything!). As I was quite pregnant at the time and about to go on maternity leave I only just got round to applying :)

Bobby is due his vaccine in exactly one week and I have already bought the calpol. An American friend of mine recommended that I give him some an hour before we go in so that they hurt him less and he is more relaxed. What do you ladies think?
katie - :hugs: i think that is the right decision

emera - lovely pic of roh and i 'm glad things are back on an even keel with DH

CG - lovely pic of che!

i want a playmat but i dont trust the other two as the wizz round the flat on their ride on motorbikes/cars and am worried that they'll run over owen! same goes for the doorway bouncer as they will knock him out of the way (well maybe not but i'd feel like i'd always have to be there watching and then that means i cant do any other stuff whilst he's entertained!) i would love a jumperoo but i cant think that OH would agree with me! i dont have much floor space left! my flat is such a mess! i have begged OH to take the kids to his mums later or the beach for a couple o hours so i can have a bit of a clean and tidy!!! we are off to aquapark (waterpark on the costa del sol) tomorrow. i hope it's not too hot for owen. i'm considering taking his take along swing with me so that he can have some place to be other than lying flat in the pram all day. going to attempt to find a new swimsuit today as the tankini i bought from primark is not as good as i thought for bf.
Katie: I read your whole thread and I really think you are making the best decision for you and baby Daisy. You gave him a chance last time and he blew it.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.
morning ladies

modo about the calpol im not sure to be honest, with both Sophie and harrison the doctor prescribed it for afterwards but i didnt use it, the doc said use it if i want when i get home just incase his temp goes up but if i do that he can only have 1 more dose 6 hrs later, so i figured it was best to just see if he got a temp and give him some then, at least then he can have 2 doses 6hrs apart when he actually needs it, turns out his temp didnt go up and he was fine, just a little sleepy, sophie was the exact same.

emera glad things are a little better with OH!

amy glad you got some clothes!!

well harrison is getting to be a little trooper at bed time theres only been 2 nights so far this week where he has gone to bed around 11ish, that was tuesday and wednesday, all the other nights he is in bed by 9 and stays asleep till 7!!! it only works tho if he gets all his 5 feeds in. Sophie's psoriasis doesnt seem to be easing either, if anything theres more coming up on her legs, arms, stomach and on her scalp, luckily no more is coming up on her face but its not easing, she has these huge red patches over both cheeks going right to her hairline from her nose, it is starting to bother her at night now when she wakes up itching and i keep noticing people staring! is there any need??? i just wish the specialist would hurry up with an appointment for her, i asked the doc last week how long it takes and she did the usual response "hard to say".. mums thinking of taking her to a herbalist we have in the family if its not easing by next week as that will be a month since it flared up this bad.
abz how is your mum doing? :hugs:

PG that's crazy that she couldn't have her jabs 10lbs isn't that small!

CG Well done Che for gaining weight so well. Is he in his 3-6 month clothes? Oliver is, last time he was weighed he was 12lb 8oz at 8weeks old.

Katie :hugs: Not read your update about your situation but know you were having trouble last week. You sound like a strong person so I am sure you will be absolutely fine just you and Daisy.

Emera How funny i bought the exact same toy as you! Oliver loves his and smiles and laughs when he is in it. He really likes the little lion toy that is attached to it, think its because it has a bell in it. I really like that it folds back on itself to make a supportive back cushion when they are too big for the ring.

A3my that's a fab weight for Alex.

maybebaby good luck on the swimsuit hunt.

Jolou that's fab about Harrison's sleeping.

Sorry if i have missed anyone. Off to get Oliver out of bed as he has just woken up and is crying.

Modo I didn't bother with the calpol but had it just incase. I fed him just before we went in then straight after and although he cried for a couple of minutes he then went to sleep and was fine afterwards.
Morning ladies!

Modo my doctor friend always said to give the Calpol before they go for injections too, I was going to do that but got my appointment time wrong and only realised at the last min, so I didn't get chance. He did get a temp later on and the calpol did the trick very fast. I found it impossiblr to get Oliver to take it from the spoon so I used the neurofen for children thing that was in all the bounty packs etc.

MaybeBaby I hope you get your cleaning done and have a lovely time tomorrow!

I'm sure I had more to say!

Well I had a bad day yesterday. I think I was just so tired but because its built up gradually I don't think I realised how tired I was. I was a bit snappy with Steve and he ended up having a bit of a go at me in front of his mum. To my suprise she stepped him and gave him a telling off lol, then made me a cuppa and had a chat about how hard it is etc. I was really grateful and most shocked! I went to bed at ten with Oliver and was just getting him settled when a friend from work text me to tell me that one of the other girls had passed away the day before. I'd worked closely with her a few times, it was such a shock, and she was only a bit older than me. It was all very sudden too. So, so sad.

This morning when Oliver woke up at seven Steve took him so I could sleep in, which was lovely. When I got up at ten to my suprise Steve had tidied up a bit, and they had walked to the shop and bought lots of lovely things for breakfast. So I got a sleep in, a lovely shower and. Yummy breakfast. I feel much better, just still very sad about my friend :(

Emera - Rohan is so cute! Glad you managed to talk to your OH. We are going on holiday in a week and hoping that will bring us closer together with some time away and him with no excuse of work!

Katie - have seen your other thread. I am so sorry but it sounds like you have made the right choice for you and you have Daisy to consider now. Big hugs

Muddles - Che is still in 0-3 (just) he is so long he fits the length but not so chubby so they fit length but not width!!

Modo - Che's passport arrived last week - it is so weird having a baby pic in the passport!

Well my mum finally comes back from her 3months volunteering in Romania today. Me and my dad are picking her up from airport and it will be the first time she meets Che!! I can't wait!!

Well we had a fab night last night - it started out badly as the chair seemed to be broken - is a bit temperamental and so going back. Will went to sleep at about 10 pm, I went to bed at 1030 and he slept until 0330!!! then fed and went straight back off until half six, he then had an hour in with me - what a break through. Not that I'm holding my breath.

Well done for Harrison for doing the same, it makes such a difference!

I don't really know many people and one of the wives, of the blokes my DH works with came for lunch today and Will slept the whole time (IN HIS BED!), she brought lunch and sat outside in the sunshine, with a very cheeky and tiny, gin and tonic!. I felt a bit mean as think she had come to see him too, he woke about 5 mins before she left and gave her a massive smile!

He has just fed and played and now is back in HIS BED!! please let this be a sign of things to come and not a fluke!

CG What a brilliant weight gain for Che - Will was 12lb 2 oz yesterday. A3my that's a geat weight for Alex.

Katie sometimes the hardest decisions are the best ones, which I know is easy for me to say, but huge hugs, things happen for a reason and it will work out for you whatever happens.

maybebaby good luck on the swimsuit hunt, I'm dreading that!

Modo I have my calpol in already and Will has had some is helping with griping windy pains in the evening. I think I'll give Will some before xx

Sarah your lay in and breakfast sounds lovely....

Oh and finally the bees have departed!

I'm a bit concerned about the heated forecast this weekend, it's a such a shame as I love the sunshine, but it's 26 in our bedroom already!
LC - glad will is sleeping better! :dance: and that the bees are gone :yipee:

jo - hope sophie's psoriasis gets better soon. my sis had really bad eczema as a baby and had to be bandaged up and i remember her scratching all the time, not nice.

sarah - glad you got pampered, you deserve it!!! so sorry to hear about your friend :hugs:

CG - how exciting that your mum is coming home at last!

well i got a swimsuit. have been wearing size 36B bras and i got measured in the swimsuit place and she says i am a 34E :wacko::shock: no way! i need some new bras i guess :dohh: but no money!

OH finally took kids out at 5pm. i did manager to do a few bits with them here (i let them do some painting to keep them occupied but maybe that wasnt the best thought out plan as i then had to clean up that mess and them too as erin especially had managed to get paint everywhere. have mopped myself into a corner hence i am on here whilst the floor dries. it is almost dry so going to make a cuppa and then continue if owen lets me as he's starting to complain :dohh:
Logansmama it is me who bought the rainforest bouncer. it is from birth to about 6 months or 20lbs (so the packaging says)

maybe - I'm brain dead. I WAS thinking of a jumperoo not a bouncer! Duh. I want to get a new one for Dillon - but I think I need to wait another month or so until he is big enough for it.

Katie - I didn't read your other post - but I hope things are okay for you. I have the general idea of whats up by some of the other replies... Good Luck to you. I'm sure you will be fine!
Argh, its too hot today already! I've got the air con on and Oliver and I are just going to stay in.

Had quote a good night last night, Oliver only woke once! I think it was a fluke but hey, I'll take what I can get!

We tried Oliver in the takealong swing yesterday at my mums and he loved it, so we have borrowed it :) I tired Oliver in it again when we got home and typically he cried lol, but I think he was tired. The sweetpeace is back upstairs so Steve is happy cos he hates it, it is quite big lol!

Well I could.really do with getting some cleaning done today, Steve is in and out of the garden like never before with the chickens so my floors are constantly dirty, argh!!!

I hope everyone stays cool and has a good day! X
Its so horribly hot here poor Bobby has a heat rash :( (I did the glass test they faded). Do you girls know what I should do?
Modo just try to keep him cool I think, maybe a nice cool bath? Or a refreshing wipe over with a cool damp sponge? Is he feeding lots? Oliver is feeding loads, he always seems to when the weather is so warm. And everytime he falls asleep I think he gets warm and wakes up. He was a bit like this yesterday though and slept really well last night so fingers crossed :)

We've stayed in for most of the day, but even with the air con on its so humid! I popped into town just to go to Boots at about 4pm, it had cooled down but Oliver was still unhappy. I've managed to get him to take a nap now, its cooled down a little. Apparently tomorrow will be better, lets hope so! It feels like we need a really good storm.
I had a quick look on NHS Direct for you re Heat Rash . . . here you go:

This can occur when your baby sweats a lot in hot or humid weather.

Babies and children are more likely to be affected than adults, because of their under developed sweat glands. This means the rash is commonly found in the nappy area and in the skin folds or on the neck. The rash usually lasts for a few days and then disappears on its own. However, it may last longer if the hot and humid conditions continue.

You may find the following self care advice for heat rash helpful:

* It’s important that your baby gets enough fluids. You should continue to offer your baby their breast or bottle-feeds as normal. If your baby refuses to feed, try giving them small, frequent amounts of water – about 1 teaspoonful every 2 minutes at first. Make sure you boil and then cool any water (including bottled water) you give your baby.
* Avoid excessive heat and humidity, and keep your baby as cool as possible. If you are outside, keep your baby in the shade.
* Dress your baby in loose cotton clothing to encourage the evaporation of sweat and prevent further skin irritation.
* Keep rooms cool and well ventilated.
* Keep baths cool.
* Leave your baby's nappy off as often as possible so that fresh air can get to the skin.
* If you are using disposable nappies, choose ones that are made with materials that lock wetness inside the nappy and away from the skin. Absorbent gel nappies are the most effective.
* Natural oatmeal-based creams can be soothing, speak to your local pharmacist for advice.

For further help and advice, contact your health visitor (if your baby is older than 10 days) or midwife (if your baby is up to 10 days old), or call NHS Direct on 0845 4647.

You should call NHS Direct on 0845 4647 if:

* your baby has a fever (a high temperature that is over 38C or 100.4F), or is flushed, hot and sweaty,
* your baby has not been feeding normally for more than 8 hours,
* your baby is vomiting (being sick),
* your baby has diarrhoea,
* your baby develops any other symptoms, or
* this self help guide does not address your baby’s symptoms.

Nobody knows your baby better than you. If you are still concerned, or you need further help or advice, call NHS Direct on 0845 4647.
Hey Janny!! How are you doing? Hope things have been lokking up for you :hugs:

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