Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Thanks for the advice Sarah! Bobby's rash is much better today and it looks like the weather is cooling down from tomorrow.
No probs hon :) I'm glad Bobbys rash is a bit bette today!

The forcast here is for it to cool down a bit too, I hope so!!

Love the piccy by the way, Bobby is gorgeous!
hey ladies,

im sooo tired of this muggy weather! lol it gives me headaches it soo annoying, ahh well! least its not raining and cold.

harrison is continuing to sleep from around 8:30ish on wards till 7 yay!! he has been fine with the weather *touch wood*

had a lovely surprise from my sister yesterday, she took harrison and sophie to have their photo's taken for my birthday, its not till friday but she wanted to see me open them, apparently harrison decided to have his niggly day so couldnt really get him to do his lovely smile but still the photo's are lovely!
Thank you Sarah your Oliver is also gorgeous :)

Jolou that's really nice of your sister and I am sure the pics are lovely!

I have been swaddling Bobby for his daytime naps and he sleeps so quickly! I feel really dense for not having tried this before as I asked my sister to buy me the swaddling blankets when I was pregnant but have only recently got round to trying them. I have a fan on in the room and the window open so I am hoping he doesn't get too warm (I have been checking the back of his neck and he seems fine). I have ordered some muslin blankets from which should be cooler.
We're back from our trip. China was so beautiful and EXPO was awesome.

You have written too much for me to read everything through but from now on I will jump back into your conversations.
marta - glad you enjoyed your holiday! china sounds amazing! we cant affort a holiday this year.

jo - glad that harrisonis still sleeping well :yipee:

well we had a great day in aquapark yesterday. dylan and erin were in the water all day long! owen was really good and slept all day surprisingly! he only woke for feeds. he didnt sleep too well last night though :dohh: the night before last he fell asleep at about 11pm in his rainforest bouncer so i just moved the bouncer to the bedroom and thought he'd wake up soon for a feed but he ended up sleeping til 5.45am :shock: he's never slept that long before! i'm sure it's not really good for him to sleep in there for so long though. i kept waking loads anyway as i was worried he wasnt ok! so i didnt really make the most of his long stretch :haha:

today i havent done much, just a trip to morrisons. the football is on later and OH was considering going into spain to watch it but i think he's decided against it and is just going to stay here to see it.
Hey Marta, I wondered where you had got to! Glad your trip went well, nice to see you back! :flower:

MaybeBaby Oliver fell asleep before I'd got him ready for bed the other day, I took him to bed thinking he'd wake up but he didn't, so he ended up sleeping in his little shorts and tshirt, I felt awful lol!!

We are just having a bbq, Steves son is here so its been a nice family day :) We'll be watching the football later, not sure who I want to win though!
Wow Marta sounds like you had a great holiday!

Bobby has only been waking up once in the night at around 3am for the last 5 days. I can't believe it! I hope it continues :)
modo - that's great! fingers crossed it'll continue! wish owen was like that.

sarah - that's happened to me before too! is so hot now that he gets really sticky so cant get away with top and tailing once in a while any more, have to bath him every day. he likes it though. on that note am off to run the bath!
Evening guys!

I am another one cursing the hot weather... Chloe has been really unsettled and has a heat rash on her face and neck :(

I remember a few months back thinking about how lucky we all were to be having babies in May and hoping for a lovely summer and yet here I am, wishing for the days to be cooler!!

I am so jealous of those of you who seem to finally getting some sleep at night!

We have turned a corner with Chloe... she does now sleep in her cot in her own room! She is also sleeping from about 11pm until 4.30am which is progress on the two hourly night feeds! However from the hours of 7pm until 10pm she is a little terror and we cannot get her to settle at all... any tips or advice?

We went out an bought the rainforest swing this wknd and it has been a god send during the day though... so thanks to all of you suggesting a swing :)

Right.. football has finished and hubby is doing the last feed now, so I am having an early night! :sleep:
PG- So great that you've got Chloe in her own room and bed :)
We had the same thing, with Rohan being a nightmare from about 7pm -10pm. We started a bedtime routine of bath, a little massage and a bottle of EBM at about 6 or 7 weeks old. At first we were starting the bath at about 9.30pm to get him sleeping by about 10.30pm, about the time you said Chloe sleeps. Well we just started moving the bath forwards by a little bit each day, like 20 minutes earlier or so.
Now Rohan is having his bath around 7-7.30pm and then finishing his bottle and settling down by 9pm at the latest. He still sleeps until 3am-6am, which is the same as when we were putting him down at 11pm. I think he was grumpy in the evening because he was overtired, maybe Chloe is the same? Its great now because he gets a good big block of sleep in the night (and so do I!) so he's more cheerful in the day. It took a while to get there and we still have off nights, but overall bedtime works well now.
Now its just the daytime naps i have to sort out! :wacko:

Hope that helps? :)
does anyone else have a baby who wakes more than 1-2 times a night? :shrug: it seems like everyone seems to have a good night sleep thing going! owen didnt settle til way after midnight and even then he woke 3 times between then and 7am :dohh:
MaybeBaby Oliver wakes one to three times in the night, at the moment I take him up to bed when I go at ten, sometimes he's already asleep, but I would like to get him going to bed earlier so I can stay up and get some stuff done!
PG - how odd they delayed Chloe's jabs!? Joni was 5lb 9 when she was born and about 9lb-9.5lb when she was 8 weeks (so about the same level of gain as Chloe) and they gave her the jabs. And she was pre-term :shrug: Well done on getting Chloe in her own room :thumbup: Joni won't sleep for more than an hour (hour and half if you are lucky) at night if she is put down in her moses basket which is how I ended up co-sleeping with her. I have been trying to put her down in her cot in her own room in the day to get her used to it with a view to trying to get her in there at night in the next month or so as she likes to spread out alot in bed now and there just is not enough room for us all in our bed!

Modo - Bobby is so cute in yous avatar pic :) Thanks for the link on the big muslins - they look great!

Abz - cor what a shock your Mum's accident must have been, :hugs: to you all

Maybebaby - that is a heck of a difference in size :shock: :winkwink: though if you are still able to wer the smaller bras they must have got it a bit wrong surely?

CG - Che looks absolutely gorgeous. How did his first meeting with his Nana go?

Emera - sorry things have been rubbish with your OH, hopefully the night out together will be the turning point for you. Hubby just saw your avatar oic and went totally gooey over it :mrgreen: he is such a softie!!

Jo - 7-9 :shock: wowee I feel blessed if Joni gives me 3 hours straight sleep! Poor Sophie with herskin - it must be even worse in this heat too :sad1:

L-C - sounds like Will is coming along eaps and bounds with his sleeping :thumbup: It gives me hope it will happen for Joni one of these days. Good news on th bee front!

Sarah - Sorry to hear you lost your friend, so young aswell. Sending you :hugs: It sounds like Steves Mum's telling off did the trick!

Joni moved up nappy sizes today and is now in size 2's. She still fits size 1's nicely as she is so long and leggy but they just cannot cope with the amount of wee she does :haha: The size 2's are massive on her and the front off the nappy goes all around her sides and tucks around her back and we have to overlap the tabs by about an inch and a half! At least I do not have to change her every hour in these though :thumbup:

We have suffered really badly on the heat rash front too, I have just tried to keep her cool and made sure I wipe the affected areas with damp cotton wool before bed at night and in the morning to clean sweat off as this seems to make it worse. My doctor also advised to only bath her in water while she had it too. For those of you BF, I found putting breast milk on the worst affected areas really helped clear it up faster.

Joni is a really colicy baby :sad1: which, along with hubby being so unwell after his op, is one of the reasons I have rarely posted on here recently. Her colic crying fits pretty much start at 4.30-5.30 when hubby gets home and go on as late as 11.30 - she even kept goin until 2am on saturday night :( I use infacol at the moment but I don't think it actually helps. I think I might give the dentinox or colief a try in the hope it might help to soothe our poorly lady. My doctor keeps saying to try a baby swing as Joni is best soothed when being rocked and you all seem to have had good results so I think I am going to bit the bullet and get one.

I can't decide between the fisher price rainforest swing or the spacesaver swing/seat combo - what do you all think?

Rainforest swing:>BABY+SWING.htm
Spacesaver combo:>BABY+SWING.htm

As for me I am back to my weekly yoga class now which is great. I am still about 2st heavier than pre-pregnancy but no sign of the magical BF weight loss yet :rolleyes:

Righto, I am off to get dressed as I am meeting a couple of ladies with babies in the city for a chat. Love to you all and hoping you have a good day :hugs:
I have just realised there are loads of type-o's in my post above :dohh: however as I have been trying to write it since 3pm yesterday afternoon I am not going to try and correct otherwise I will be here all day :winkwink:
FruFru Oliver has the rainforest swing, he's as happy as anything to start with and then he looks at the frog likes its going to eat him and starts crying! But its a lovely swing :) I tend to rock it myself though because the speeds are all quite quick, but I've found that on a lot of swings.

I'm still waiting for the breastfeeding weightloss too....seems to have passed me by! I'd like to loose a stone but even half a stone would be nice.
sarah - i will get to the post office tomorrow and post you the money i owe you! sorry it's taking me so long :blush:

has anyone heard from katie? i hope she is ok!

i'm the same with the elusive bf weight loss :haha: but maybe it's partly my fault as i cant seem to keep my hands off cake, chocolate and other such rubbish :rofl::blush::rofl:

i am sooooooooo happy as erin seems to have taken to potty training so well. until yesterday she refused to poo in the potty/toilet and used to go to the cupboard, get a nappy out, put it on and poo in it. yesterday i hid the nappies and she eventually went on the potty, though she insisted on bringing it to the kitchen where i was cooking :haha: today she went straight to the potty :yipee: so it looks like we have cracked it and will only need nappies at night just in case :dance::happydance: i dont even need to remind her to go to the toilet, she goes when she needs it! so much easier than dylan was but then they do say that girls are quicker at grasping it. i'm glad i left it til summer though as she's old enough to really understand!

am off to my friend's house later on for tea. we havent met up in ages so that'll be nice. our eldest boys are 10 days apart in age, our girls are 2 months apart in age and she's pregnant with a boy due in september so owen and her baby will be 4 months apart. so it works well for us and the kids as they entertain themselves and we can have a good chin wag! :haha:
Morning ladies!

I am another one that the BF weight loss has passed by.. so much so I went back to WW last week and have my first weigh in tomorrow. It's funny really that my weigh in is Tuesday morning and I am anxious to have lost an lb or two and then Chloe's is Thursday am and I am chuffed with a weight gain!!

Frufru.. what a long post!! We seem to have been lucky with Chloe sleeping in her own cot but we bought a cot that is quite small to start with and then you change the sides, base and mattress and have a normal size cot. Consequently it is not a huge transition for her from the moses basket! She also loves to stretch out in her new cot and certainly migrates during the night!!

A friend of mine is having issues getting her LO to sleep in the cot so they have put the moses basket in the cot in an effort to get her used to it. I think this seems like a good idea!?

Chloe is also now in size 2 nappies!!

Emera.. thank you so much for your suggestion about moving the bath and last feed time. Common sense really but I still never thought of it! I blame the tiredness!! :wacko: So hubby is all set to do the last feed and bath at 10pm tonight and we will gradually make it earlier and see if that works!

Maybebaby.. we found that changing Chloe's last feed to a formula feed (or a bit of both) has helped her to sleep longer through the night.

The formula feed does seem very filling and we have no problems getting her to sleep at 10.30pm and at the mo she sleeps through until about 4.30am.

I accept that this won't suit everyone though, especially those who prefer to exclusively breast feed.

Frufru... we also bought the rainforest swing and Chloe loves it, but like Sarah I tend to swing it myself. My sister has the same swing and was told to put a heavy blanket in the swing first which slows it down!

And finally hooray for the cooler weather!!! :happydance:
We have been v lucky as i am exclusively bf and for past three and a bit weeks Oliver has slept 11pm ish until at least 5am (before this it was 11pm ish until 3am or 4am). He sleeps on and off in his pram and feeds lots in between from bath time (some point between 6 and 7pm) and will go back to sleep for a couple of hours after a feed and nappy change when he wakes around 5am. After that he doesn't sleep much until the evening-no more than half an hour at a time, tho occassionally a bit longer. Not sure why he has decided 11pm is the time to go to sleep properly for the night but works well for me and H sleep wise so not complaining.

We put the moses basket in the cot and last night just put O in his cot as he was looking really cramped in the moses basket. For the past week whenever I have been in the bedroom I have put him in the cot awake so he could get used to it with me there speaking to him and pottering about. The first thing he did last night was remove his sheet all three times I tried to cover him by kicking and grunting until they were gone, the third time he put his feet on top of them so I couldn't get to them :lol: he then banged his arms and legs and babbled loudly-he really seemed to like the fact that the mattress is kind of bouncy as its a spring one. After all that he cried, had a cuddle and went to sleep from 10:30pm-7:05am!!!!!! He was so hungry when he woke up and my boobs were enormous and so sore. He was also sideways across his cot with his legs dnagling out the side when he woke me up and grinned at me when I leaned across my bed and looked in.

I bought a t-shirt from lactivist website and the lady has put Oliver's picture on there as I emailed and said how happy i was with the t-shirt and how it has had lots of positive comments too :happydance: Here's the link if you want a look:

Have a good day everyone.
just a quicky as i feed mr chunky (how cruel am i lol)

harrison kicks his sheets off muddles so we are now using his gro bag we got bought by marks sister, its a god send!

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