Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

yep i agree with the grobags! godsend! tho is too hot for them now but will be using them as soon as i can!!! owen is in my bed most of the night anyway now!
we will need another for the winter time, the one we have now is the equivalent of having just one layer on i think!
Hey Girls, I don't know if any of you are interested but I am selling two breast pumps and a bunch of bottles on eBay. The bottles are Avent, Tommee Tippee and Medela and they include all their bits and some extra teats.

I have a thread with the links in Buy Sell Exchange if anyone is interested :flower:
Hi everyone, phew just caught up with your last few PAGES of posts :p I've had a busy few days so havent managed to post.

Martami - welcome back - China sounds wonderful!

Maybebaby - yey to Erin with potty training :thumbup: as for boobs mine are a very poor old saggy 32 G! I cant find a decent nursing bra :cry:

PG - thats great you've got Chloe in her own room. I'm a chicken, I'm too scared to leave Alex in his cot all night (even though he loves stretching out in there) becasue I cant hear him as well as I can when he's in the moses basket next to my bed :blush::dohh:

Sarah - hope you had a lovely BBQ :) we had a few friends over to ours for one too and it was really nice. Sorry Steve has been messing up your nice clean floor with chicken poop :winkwink::haha:

Jolou - sorry to hear about Sophie's psoriasis :hugs: she looks so cute with Harrison in your avatar! :)

Muddles - lucky you with Oliver's sleeping pattern! :thumbup:

Well Alex has been terrible at night, last night was the worst. He only slept 5.30 - 7am. I spent most of the night in tears with exhaustion. Then today I saw a consultant and he said Alex's tongue tie needed cutting (becasue he kept choking during feeds becasue he couldn't latch on properly and inhaled air and then kept vomiting after which made him feed constantly and not settle). He asked me to leave the room. When I came back in I could see he'd been hysterical. His little eyes were all watery and red. there was blood in his mouth. I felt awful, especially as he smiled at me. He's been really sleepy since but when he has fed it really has made a difference. I just feel bad that I've changed the way he was when he was born (DH thinks I am a loon for saying that but I do). Well enough from me. I'm going to find something chocolate to eat x
Big hugs Amy, that must have been horrible! But its for the best, and he won't remember anything. I'm sure all the cuddles and yummy milk mean he's forgotten already :hugs:

Well I was trying to get Oliver to go to bed a bit earlier tonight, so I was super organosed and did everything like normal but half an hour early. For some reason Oliver has decided to not even follow his normal timings, and is still wide awake! Argh! He's in his cosleeeper, I'm hoping he'll just fall asleep but at the moment he's talking to himself and wrioggling like a worm lol, so that's my plan out the window, never mind :) I guess you just keep going with these things?
Thanks Sarah!

Hehe, babies just know dont they :haha: thats what happened to me last night. I was super organised and got to bed early. Come 5.30am I realised my plan was severely foiled by the little tinker. On the plus side tonight Alex went to sleep at 9.30 and has been snoozing in his cot ever since. Normally he'd never settle this long! I love listening to them talk to themselves, I wonder what Oliver is chatting to himself about! :D
Hi ladies, just a quick one, hope you're all okay and I'm still alive! I'll have a proper catch up tomorrow :)
Also Amy :hugs: :hugs: I sort of know how you feel! It must of been awful, hope he's feeling ok tonight xxx
Roh is a really good sleeper, at night that is, daytime is another matter! :haha: Even he has weird off days and bad patches though. He went through all last week taking over 2 hours to settle properly for no apparent reason, and then this last few days he's back to normal, going off like a dream :shrug: I just keep on doing exactly the same thing every night. I figure if i change anything now i'll likely just confuse him. It took him quite some time to get into his routine in the first place, i'm not going to mess with him now!

I have a few grobags, but still can't use them at night as Roh won't sleep without being swaddled still.... maybe i'll try them in the daytime when its cooler :shrug:

As for daytime, i have made some progress, i managed to get him to take a proper nap (2 sleep cycles, so i guess about 1.5 hours) on my bed, without going nuts about it. If i put him in his moses basket in the day he just looks up at me and does the sad face, his little eyes fill up and he starts sobbing :cry: I'm experimenting with different places for him to nap, i'm happy if its anywhere but on me! Having him sleep on me is lovely, but its no good if thats the only place he'll nap, so yeah, a bit of training going on, hopefully i'll see some more progress soon, only been at it 4 days so far :)

He made me giggle today, we went to a meet up with some other mums and babies and there was a pregnant lady there. As her hands were free i passed her Roh to hold whilst i got a drink. When i got back he was being a massive flirt, pulling out all his best smiles for her, she was very taken with him, the little lady's man that he is :D I looked at him on her lap and realised he was just staring at her boobs! I said about it and she just laughed and said that he'd been sitting there checking her out and just smiling at her chest and not her face! :haha: Why do i think he's going to be a handful when he's older, typical man already! :haha:
I have been putting Bobby down for a nap after each bottle and it seems to have really improved his mood. I have swaddled him in the big muslin and it gets him to sleep pretty quickly.

I am so pleased :happydance:
Nice one Modo! :)

I'm sitting here with a cup of tea celebrating a successful nap! Roh is snoozing away in his moses basket and has just gone into his second sleep cycle! :happydance: its working i think :D

Oh and he slept from 9pm to 7.30am last night, he woke up at 5am but i gave him his dummy and he went right back to sleep :) He had a little kip from 8.30-9.30am too, so we are on track today.

Don't you just love the good days? :D ... hope i don't jinx it with typing this, fingers crossed it lasts!

I do love the good days :hugs: Glad Roh is getting more sleep too :hugs:
hey girls!

amy how is bubs doing today after his little snip? hope he is ok!

yay for a good nights sleep emera! harrison does similar, wakes around 5 but once u give him his dummy he will go back off again, our little routine then once he has woke is, mark takes him down and gives his bottle and a change, he then sits in his bouncer so we all can get ready have brekkie etc, then its off to school where he tends to fall asleep in the carseat either on the way there or on the way back so i just leave him in it and carry the seat in, he then naps till about 10ish, can set your clock by it lol he then feeds around half an hr later which always makes him nod off a little, you know when you have had a big sunday lunch? just liek that its soo funny! he is like my grandad lol

is it just harrison that doesnt seem to like having to lift his head up off the floor if he is on his tummy, i never really bothered doing it with sophie so not sure if its normal but he will lay there and moan with his nose in his blanket lol he lifts it a bit but goes mad untill i turn him around.. i think he is just nosey cos when i carry him on my shoulder he tries to turn around then to see whats going on infront of him lol
just a quicky as i feed mr chunky (how cruel am i lol)

harrison kicks his sheets off muddles so we are now using his gro bag we got bought by marks sister, its a god send!

Thanks for the tip tried a gro bag last night and he got so stroppy because he couldn't kick it off! In the end i took it off and he went straight to sleep until he banged his head on the side of his cot at 4am as he had spun himself around so he was lying sideways!
Emera that's so funny about Roh staring at her boobs! :lol:

Nice to see you Katie. Hope you are doing ok. Have been wondering about you and Daisy and if things were ok after the events of the past few weeks.

:hugs: A3my he will feed so much better without the tongue tie, and if he smiled at you straight after then he has already forgiven you so don't worry!

Jolou Oliver likes being on his tummy and will lift his head high if he is trying to look at something but most of the time he just turns his head to the side and babbles at me or his toy.

Sarah wonder what he was telling you. What time did he nod off in the end? I don't know how they know what time it is, as my Oliver goes to sleep properly at the same time every night (11pm give or take 30 mins) before that he sleeps and feeds on and off from 7pm.

modo that's fab about the sleeping.

Had Oliver weighed this morning and he is now 14lb 10oz!!!!!!!!!! :shocked: He is only 11 weeks old. That means he has gained almost 7lbs since he was born. Madness. He is babbling at me a lot, and when he is on my chest after feeding on one boob he will make lots of noises at me and then soon as he stops he launches himself to the side and tries to latch on to his preferred boob! Little monkey. He also giggles if I make an 'o' shaped mouth and blow gently on his hair. It's so cute.

On the not so cute side we got back from a meeting about Oliver's christening last night and thought as it was a bit late we would skip bath time. I gave Oliver a bit of nappy off time (he did a wee on the mat) then I picked him up to take his clothes off and change him into a babygrow for bed. I discovered he had soaking wet hair but hadn't been sick so assumed it must be wee then I look down to see him doing another wee on me! We ended up in the shower together as it was just easier :lol: Oliver was trying to lauch himself under the stream of water with his eyes wide open and kept sticking his hand in too. As we got out I wrapped myself in my towel and he promptly did a wee on that too! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh.
muddles -:rofl: what a lot of pee!

emera - the boob thing :rofl: such a typical man already!!!

amy - glad that the snip of the tongue tie has helped alex.

jo - what a great routine. cant set my watch by owen, he's all over the place and sometimes naps a lot in the day and other times is awake most of the day. have given up and hoping he will find his own routine soon!

katie - glad to hear that you are alright!

sarah - babies dont seem to want to fit into our plans sometimes :dohh: hope you have more success tonight!

owen had his 8wk check and vaccines today. he did not enjoy them at all and screamed th place down! It's so awful to see them in pain :cry: he is snoozing in the pram now, though i can already hear noises again coming from the pram :dohh: i have just come in from town and have poured myself a quick cup of tea before getting on with the 101 things that i need to do round here. OH taken dylan and erin to the beach with his mum so at least i dont have them under my feet whilst i am trying to clean :thumbup: though i dont think OH really wanted to go anywhere today! oh well hopefully they wont drive him crazy and he'll be in a better mood when they get back - fingers crossed! well i'm going to drink my tea and get on with things before owen demands a feed. xxx

oh and owen now weighs 13lbs 8oz at the grand old age of 8 weeks :shock: i think we have a lot of chunky babies on this thread :haha: owen is on the 91st centile for height and weight. definately doesnt take after his 5ft2 mum! his dad isnt that tall either! my uncle was tall and so are my cousins so he must come from that gene pool!
owen's been sleeping for over 2 hours now, not like him!!! i hope he's ok! he's missed a feed and looks like he's missing this one unless he wakes up. my boobs hurt! bloody vaccines! hope he's not going to get ill!
Maybebaby: I hope Owen feels better hon! Bobby is getting vaccinated this Friday.

I am pretty sure that Bobby is going to outgrow his moses basket in the next month or two. I am worried because he will not sleep in his cotbed/crib and I think all moses baskets are a standard size so its not like I can buy him a larger one. The crib is a boori sleigh and their is no way it will fit in our bedroom. In fact, I don't think we would be able to get it out his nursery door!

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