Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

how about getting a travel cot as an interim between moses basket and big cot?
Hey ladies, just trying to catch up but I'm on my phone so no doubt I will miss lots out!

Modo how about getting just a basic normal cot that will fit in your room? Oliver has a lovely cot bed in his room that would have been fab as a cosleeper but would have taken up soooo much space in our room! So we just got a normal drop sided cot and its great. Ikea do normal sized basic cots soooo cheap, you might only use it for a few months but they cost less than most moses baskets lol!

Talking of moses baskets, I think overall Oliver has spent about an hour in his. Its lovely too, but never mind, I love cosleeping now :)

MaybeBaby I hope Owen is feeling better soon, Oliver slept lots aftee his injections but the next day he was fine :)

Muddles your wee story gave me a good giggle :)

Well we are off to London tomorrow, we are staying with my sister and her husband and they are looking after Oliver for us while we go to see Penn and Teller. I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm not looking forward to leaving Oliver. My parents are in London at the same time so they are going to call in - Oliver knows then so if he's upset I'm sure mum will calm him down. I missed him so much last time though! And I have no idea what to wear again, and I still have to finish packing and clean the house before we leave. Argh!

Once again I couldn't get back to sleep after feeding Bobby. So I have been up since 4 am.

Thanks for the suggestions girls! I don't think we would even be able to fit a standard size crib in our room as the moses basket barely fits :( We have a super king sized bed which takes up a lot of space. I do hope that Bobby will accept his cotbed one day as my Mom paid a lot of money for it!
modo - we have a glider crib that will last til about 6/7months. they are more expensive than a moses basket but if a cot wont fit in your room and you really want him still in your room then that is an option.

sarah - have a fab day! i love london!!!

it's really starting to piss me off that OH sleeps til midday every day and then complains that i fall asleep on the sofa or go to bed at 11pm or midnight! :grr: maybe if i got a lie in then i wouldnt!
Sarahwoo - I'm sure Oliver will be okey with your sister. It usually is that he's okey but you are the one who misses and worries :hugs:

We have spent our days in water. In th morning when OH goes to work he takes us with him to city and we'll go to the beach. Today I decided to take a break from beaches although being in a water is only way to get through of these hot days.
For all of you who want to lose some weight I have to recommend trip to China. I didn't have anything to lose but still it went. OH and older kids also lost some weight. Hot days, a lot of walking, loss of appetite just did their work.
I'm so pleased I could make you all laugh with my pee story! Ha ha ha I find it funny
now, though not so funny at the time.

I have some questions for you all.

Those of you who don't use grobags what do you use on your baby in their cot?

Oliver wont settle in his grobag and unless the temp is 21 or under he seems to kick his covers off as soon as I have put them on. I have tried waiting until he is asleep then putting a thin sheet/ cellular blanket over him but a few minutes later he will have kicked it off. I am guessing he doesn't like the feel of the covers or perhaps he gets too hot but i feel mean that my little boy is lying there in his cot with just a babygrow (or when it was hot just a t-shirt or a vest) and I am tucked up with my duvet.

What do you all do with your baby during an average week?

I mean clubs/groups/going out and about. We go to a breastfeeding group once a week, baby massage once a week, one mum and baby group and swimming once a week (though will increase this as he gets older and more interested in the water). I make sure if we have nothing on then we go for a little walk just so Oliver gets some fresh air each day.

How do you entertain your baby?
Oliver has lots of toys but the majority are in a toy basket thing until he becomes a bit older and more interested. He likes his playgym, his bouncy chair and his play ring thing but other than that the only other thing he shows an interest in at the moment is this weird looking thing that we were given as a present It is on his changing mat and when I put him on his tummy he will smile and talk loudly to it for ages! I tried swapping the toy for some different ones and he doesn't do anything unless it is that one on there.

Oh and he has spotted the tv up on the wall, he will be happily smiling and babbling to us then soon as he notices the tv he turns to it and gets most annoyed if you block his view! He gets particularly annoyed when I get up to feed him in the night and he wriggles to look towards it and realises it isn't on! :rofl: If he is on my chest he pushes himself right up and turns his head to look towards it. Suppose I can look on the bright side, it is encouraging him to lift his head high up off my chest and he is able to control his head and neck to turn it.
thanks for sharing Muddles, it's funny you should mention it: Isla doesn't like grobags either. She got really mad and started crying when I put her in one. I just use a blanket, but more often than not she will kick that off too, I think the heat hasn't helped though.

Well, so far we haven't gone to any playgroups etc. but I want to start going to baby massage and a baby playgroup once a week. I take her for a walk at least once a day - even just around the block, or to the shops.

In terms of entertaining her: I sing to her, make faces and tickle her - she then usually responds with a huge gummy smile. She doesn't like toys yet. I often carry her and talk to her - hold her in front of the mirror. I tried putting her on her tummy time playmat, but she ends up crying. tummy time happens on mummy and daddy's belly now :)

with harrison i dont tend to plan anything in at all, usually at least once a week we go and see my mum, we are out near enough every day doing something or walking to school, i admit i dont do any clubs with him or anything but then i didnt with sophie either, i have a friend i go see now and then who has a 1 yr old, most of our outing are at the weekend if im honest so then mark comes along too, i tend to get all lost with the time if i go out on my own and end up rushing about late to get sophie lol.

to entertain him he has his bouncer chair with his arch over and the toys velcro on and off so i have found his little giraffe he got given velcro's on and he will try and punch it and laughs at it, he likes to have a move about on the floor, he has figured he can kick his legs enough to shuffle himself along the floor slightly.. he too has found the tv and certain things catch his attention, especially when sophie is home and has kids stuff on, it was quite nice the other evening, sophie was on the floor playing with her lego and harrison was laying next to her babbling away to her and watchign her with the lego, id catch her now and then talking to him and showing the lego, he seemed very content like that and was there for an hr and a half lol

I'm so rubbish and haven't been on for ages.... I really hope you are all ok. I have read all of your posts and send lost of love and hugs to those that need it following injections, having tongue tie remedied (lots of love). I have a couple of spare seconds and wanted to say hi.

I have bought some growbags, awaiting delivery and will let you know how we get on! Moving to the cot as soon as the airwrap bumber arrives after Will's legs were hanging out of the side of the crib. Fingers crossed they come tomorrow as he is a little cramped in there.

Will has his injections next week finally at nearly 10 weeks!! He has gained another 8 oz this week - what a whopper.

muddles we don't do very much, odd trip to the shops and playing on the play mat I was having the same concerns as you! we get out most days though.

Will has been sleeping really well - only up once in the night, which makes a huge difference. Still not great in the day but it's getting better xxxx

Won't get so far behind again!

Speak soon xxx
Hi all!

I havent been on in ages so just cathcing up! My Amy is is 2 months old today and i am so so happy!

Cant wait to catch up with everyone hope you are all well. x x x
Those of you who don't use grobags what do you use on your baby in their cot?

I have been swaddling Bobby as it makes him sleep really well. Due to the hot weather he does not wear anything but a nappy underneath.

What do you all do with your baby during an average week?

We usually meet up once a week with the girls and babies from my NCT group which is really nice. Otherwise we see my mother who is here on holiday about three days a week.

Bobby is getting vaccinated tomorrow so I think I will feel a lot more confident about taking him out after that.

How do you entertain your baby?

Bobby likes his bouncy vibrating chair and his gym mat. I also try and make him smile but putting on a silly voice, stroking his cheek and chin. We play a game where I imitate his sounds and facial expressions which he seems to like.
Hi all, hope you are well! :hugs: all round! x

Well, to answer your questions Muddles....

- Rohan still won't sleep unless he is fully swaddled, we've tried it a few times and he always wakes himself up after the first sleep cycle (and the next and the next if we manage to get him off again). He basically just attacks his head with his hands and then wakes himself up trying to move his head away from whatever is attacking it! It looks like he's trying to pull his head right off half the time. So we can't use the growbags sadly. We just use a light cotton swaddling cloth and add a thin blanket if its cooler (its never been above 23 degrees in our bedroom so happily the swaddle hasn't been an issue yet). The happy part of this is that he still fits fine into his moses basket being that he's swaddled up like a little worm :)

- In an average week we go to a baby massage class, a postnatal play class, and then meet up with the girls and babies from our NCT group one day, and the same with the nhs postnatal group another day. On the 3 days we have nothing planned we'll go for a walk, and usually one day sit in the park for a while, as he likes to watch the trees :) We'll go swimming soon, but for now the swim nappy and wetsuit i bought don't quite fit, so just waiting for him to grow a bit more! :haha:

- At the moment i literally can't take Roh out from under his playgym! He screams if i take him out before he tells me he's done :wacko: He loves that, and also his play ring/ cozy thing too. He'll usually sit in that and watch some cbeebies for 20 minutes a day, he loves anything with singing in! :) If i'm watching tv, he'll usually look at it for a few minutes at a time, but still seems to prefer looking out of the window to grown up tv...happily! Other than that, we sing songs together (well i sing to him and he laughs at me :haha:) or we'll squwish his book about, as its really crinkly and he seems to like that. Or spend a few minutes looking at the black and white flash cards i made, or the happy baby, sad baby pictures i have. I've also managed to get him to stick his tongue out on cue by spending a few minutes each day saying "show us your tongue" and then sticking my tongue out at him. Now when i say it, he sticks his tongue out then smiles, possibly not that constructive, but i find it cute :blush: Maybe i do too much with him, but its all for very short periods, and he seems generally happy :)

Huh, sounds like we do loads really, but i do make sure we have at least one quiet day a week, and i make time for him to nap, although he doesn't often appriciate my doing that... think he's shaping up to be pretty hyper like his dad...oh great :dohh:

Hi Everyone!
Hope you are all doing well! We got back from London yesterday, we had such a good time! Oliver was an absolute star, I was soooo pleased with him! He slept all the way in the car, just waking up for a feed when we stopped half way, and was the same on the way home! He was also really, really good for my sister even though he'd only met her once when he was about five hours old lol! We had such a good time at Penn & Teller, it was just a really fab couple of days! We had been thinking about taking Oliver on holiday in September but I was a bit nervous about travelling etc but now I'm not worried at all, so I think I might start looking for a nice cottage in Devon or Cornwall or something :)

So, to answer Muddles questions (very good ones by the way!):
Those of you who don't use grobags what do you use on your baby in their cot?
Its a bit different for us with co-sleeping, when its really warm I just have Oliver in a vest or vest and baby grow, and then I have a cellular blanket handy so if it gets chilly in the night I can pop that on him. He does have growbags and my plan was to use them, esp when he's in his own room, I've used them a few times and he was fine but I'm worried about it getting too warm - they are only 1tog but when he's warm he kicks his blanket off if I put it on him, but he cant get away from a grow bag. I'd rather he was cold than hot.
Muddles I'd say if Oliver is sleeping okay then let him kick his covers off, if he was cold he would let you know!
What do you all do with your baby during an average week?
We don't go to any clubs or anything yet, though their is a 6 week course starting soon that I hope to go to - its baby massage, baby signing and baby yoga! With Steve working nights and always having different days off its kind of hard for me to get into any habit of doing certain activities on certain days. I think if he worked Monday - Friday 9-5 I'd love to have a routine with clubs to go to etc, but as it is its hard for me to do that because I like to be home when Steve gets up so we can all spend some time together. So the things we do, most days we go out for a walk, maybe into town or just for a wonder lol! Or I meet friends, or my parents come up and take Oliver & I out if Steve is working a day shift. On Steves days off we tend to go out and about quite a bit. I dont have any friends or anything around here so its a bit lonely, I think when Oliver gets a bit older I'll make the effort to go to some baby groups etc.

How do you entertain your baby?
Oliver has his bouncy chair and his swing, or he goes on his play gym thing, or he likes to lay on his changing mat watching tv! Or he sits on the sofa (in my 'V' cushion) and we have a chat and play with little noisy toys that squeek etc. We go for a walk around the garden, or if I'm cleaning or anything upstairs he has a bouncy chair up there to sit in. Or we have cuddles and do some knee bouncing lol!

Can any of you guys recommend a post-natal fitness DVD type thing? I'm getting so depressed about my weight / shape. Its hard for me to get to the gym, and I think I'd probably just cry if I had to work out in front of mirrors!!! So I was thinking I could do a DVD at home while Oliver naps, and I really wanted one to focus on the baby belly etc. Does anyone else do anything like that?

Well Oliver is just napping, so I'm going to try to get a bit of housework done. Hope everyone has a good day! x
sarah have you thought about the davina DVD'S? i have the first one she did and tis a really good work out! right now i just use the wii fit and just dance, im going to brave the gym soon with a friend who also wants to tone up after having her baby a yr ago.

glad oliver was good for you!

well today is my birthday, not doing much as all my family is busy, mark is at work and sophie is at school, so im just chilling hoping my new GHD's arrive, i ordered them wednesday night with next day delivery so i was expecting them to arrive today since i ordered at night time.. hope they do arrive as i have a night out tomorrow night and my old ones are bust! Tomorrow is the first night out im having with mark since harrison was born, im a bit nervous, marks parents are babysitting at our house for us, mark thought he would be staying over there but im not ready for that yet! plus we dont havea travel cot yet lol ive been and bought a new dress from dorothy perkins but at the mo its a little short for me to wear as a dress so im going to get some leggings for underneath and i also bought a new pair of heels, in a creamy colour to break up the black! ive never gone for lighter coloured shoes so im still a bit unsure and have kept the receipt and labels on lol.

going out for tea tonight and marks mum has offered to have harrison again so we can have a nice quiet meal together.

i best get on with something! i need a shower but i know as soon as i go up there the door will go..

hope your all ok!
Bobby had his vaccinations at 10.20 this morning. I took your advice and fed him a bottle as soon as we got in the car (really didn't want to stay in the waiting room) and we drive around the park for a while. He is now swaddled in bed (hopefully) falling asleep.

DH had him in his lap and I had to turn around because I couldn't watch :(
Happy Birthday Jolou!!! The dress is beautiful :) I hope you have a great time :hugs:
Thanks for all the replies to my nosey questions! Interesting reading about what we all do. You have given me some new ideas too. I forgot on the entertainment side to put talking to Oliver-I do it a lot, and he babbles back to me so he has my love of talking I think!

Lovely dress jolou. I bought a dress from Uttam at DP a couple of weeks ago and it's lovely too. Happy Birthday too!

Modo glad the injection have been done and that Bobby seems fine after them.

Sarah that's great that Oliver was good for your sister. I have heard good things about the Davina DVD but am far to lazy to have tried it. I have a wii fit but haven't switched that on either. :blush: That is true that he would let me know if he is cold so I will stop worrying as there are some nights he keeps them on so guess on those occassions he has been cold.

:wave: hi hopeandfaith.

Emera that's cute about the tongue sticking out and quite funny too.

fluffpuffin I am thinking I will try the grobags again when it is winter as he may be happy in one when it is colder. Are you going to try again?

L-C that's great about all the sleep!

Sorry if i missed anyone.
Those of you who don't use grobags what do you use on your baby in their cot?
Kristan is only wearing diapers due to hot weather. During cooler days he was wearing suit but I won't give him a blanket during sleep.

What do you all do with your baby during an average week?
We do long walks but that's it. No groups or anything. If autumn comes I want to take him to swim with me but no group, just me and him and pool. At the moment I'm swimming him in the sea.

How do you entertain your baby?
He likes when I put my arms under his armpits and then bounce him up and down in the air. He also likes to lie on his stomach on my belly facing me. If I'll do funny faces/voices etc he'll be as happy as could be.

Kristan doesn't watch TV, he likes to sleep. When I put him on his blanket he never turns to TV, he falls asleep. When I put him into stroller, he falls asleep. When I put him into his crib, he falls asleep. When I put him into car, he falls asleep. When I take him on my hands and swing a bit, he falls asleep.
That's amazing how much that boy sleeps. All I can hear from mothers about this hot weather is that it won't let kids to sleep. Mine isn't bothered at all. I even don't know if to be happy or sad about it.
Wow Marta Kristan has grown so much! You must be doing a great job! That's great about him sleeping so well and anywhere too. Does he like swimming in the sea?

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