Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Has anyone got their tax credits yet? Just wondering how long I should expect towait! And do you have to write to them to ask for back pay? :shrug:
Not sure how long it takes Katie, we don't get tax credits. I would have thought they would automatically pay the back pay though, thats what happened with my Child Benefit?
You get 12 weeks back dated hunnie-I applied April when H was born and got 2 weeks later get onto them again.
i got my letter confirming how much and when il be paid about a week or 2 after applying and it was also backdated for me, id get onto them.
we are off on hols next weeks and the pram takes up the whole boot so we have bought a maclaren XT techno buggy. Luckily a friend sold it to us for £30 and its nearly new :happydance:

Modo - glad bobby is back to himself, sorry the exp didnt work - maybe if you try again it will?

Katie and Jolou and PG :thumbup: well done for the weight loss! :hugs:

PG saw some fb pics of you at the wedding, you look lovely and you definately dont look 37 :winkwink::hugs:

emera - 6 years of ttc means Rohan is extra special, he must have been well worth the wait :hugs:

when do we get the £500 for the baby?

well Alex had his first jabs today, I felt so mean! The practice nurse talked to me like I was a complete idiot too and i wanted to punch her after she stabbed Alex :blush::growlmad: I hope he doesnt react badly to them. I gave him calpol and he's been ok so far :shrug:
Thanks ladies :flower:
Oh I'm skint, I hate having no money but I'm moving next week so I've paid deposit and first month rent, put money down on a couch, bought paint and bits like lamps and stuff.. Still got to get curtains, a rug, a new toilet seat, shower curtain, blind and tiles and stuff.. It's going to have to wait until I get paid on Friday!
If/when I get tax credit back pay I'm going to get an intensive course of driving lessons and pay car insurance and get a car on finance! I'm excited!
Amy I'm glad Alex seems okay :flower: I took Daisy for her injections today but the stupid woman wouldn't listen to me- she asked if D was on any antibiotics and I explained she's been on trimethoprim since she was born, but she totally misunderstood and thought I meant she had a water infection :wacko: and felt her head and said she had a temperature so wouldn't do the jabs.. I got all worried so when I got home I took her temp and it wasn't even slightly raised :shrug: Bint. So I'm taking her next Tuesday !
Awww Amy that sounds a bit rubbish! Hope Alex is okay :hugs: The £500, is that the child trust fund voucher? I got £250 if it is, they sent a voucher shortly after my child benefit got sorted, I opened and account and sent the voucher off.

Katie thats rubbish that they wouldn't do Daisy's injections - silly woman! Whats your new place like? How exciting!!

If anyone is wanting to get a good 'toy' for playing with baby I 100% recommend foot finders! I bought Oliver some from ELC, they are like little slippers with rattles on them and he absolutely loves them! I pop them on it when he's laid on his mat or sat in his bouncer and he goes mad, kicking his legs and laughing away, its great! They are pretty cheap too, well worth the money IMP :) I'm going to try to get some wrist rattles tomorrow :)

Oliver did his first roll today, we were having tummy time and he rolled onto his back :) I was taking photos so got pics of him doing it lol! Heres a pic of him enjoying his tummy time :cloud9:


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what £500 amy??

sarah i have foot finders too!! i bought a pack with the socks and some wrist rattles in, he kicks about that much and pushes his feet down to turn over they slip off but he does hold them lol odd child! he has the wrist ones on most the time and likes trying to get them in his mouth lol

well ive tried and tried to get him to like tummy time but nadda! lol
Olivers come off a lot too, I'm forever putting them back on :haha: He gets excited as soon as he sees them now, it's very cute.

Oliver has only recently started enjoying tummy time, does any one know how long they are soposed to do?

Well its raining like mad here and the bloomin chickens wont go back in their coop! I've just chased them around the garden in the pissing down rain so sod em. They are sheltering under the patio table lol!
if im totally honest i dont think i ever did tummy time with sophie lol so i dont know why im sooo obsessed with harrison liking it or not, she mainly laid on her back and rolled from there lol
lol katie and sarah you sound like me about pushchairs! :haha: OH says i am obsessed as i recognise them all like if they were makes of cars :rofl: oh sarah with the pram we bought for dylan and also used for erin the pram bit was supposed to be up to 6 months and then the pushchair bit was supposed to be from 6months (but it went right flat back) and they both grew out of the pram bit by 3months and were fine in the pushchair seat.

modo - glad bobby is better!

i havent done any tummy time really other than when owen is lying on me and when he sleeps on his tummy for some naps. I am scared that if i put him on the floor dylan and erin will run him over with their ride on car/motorbike etc!

went to the beach today. was v hot. put owen in a teeny paddling pool (that came with erin's doll:haha: ) and he loved it. had to take water from home in a bottle as i didnt really want to use sea water yet. will post some pics when i get them downloaded.
sarah - :dance: well done oliver on his first roll

amy - we had a techno XT with dylan, loved it!

katie - :grr: stupid woman about daisy's vaccines!
owen loves to nap lying on his tummy. like for example he's been napping for over an hour now which is a time he'd usually be whinging. i'm scared to put him to sleep for the night in that position coz of cot death though. in the day i'm monitorng him constantly though. thing is when he no longer fits in the pram (1 month more i reckon at most) he wont be able to sleep on his tummy anyway in his pushchair. what do you ladies think?
I have had a few pages to catch up on as you girls have been busy!

Nice new avatar pictures Katie and Sarah.

Marta- how did you get on with the two babies? How much did Kristan weigh? Oliver weighed 14lb 10oz when I had him weighed last week (he was 11 weeks).

Sarah- I love my pram it's a Mothercare My3 but the Icandy is lovely. I think you should buy one on Ebay and tell Steve how much they normally cost and that you have saved so much by buying it on Ebay so in fact it is a bargain that you just couldn't pass up :winkwink: That's great Oliver rolled bet he wont be able to stop now he has started! You may be chasing him across the room to put a nappy back on. :lol:

Katie- well done on the weight loss. I love SW it's such a good plan to follow as you don't feel like you are on a diet. I think you should pretend it said 12st 10lb then you can say you had a huge weight loss in your first week! :thumbup: That's great about the house, you will get sorted and hopefully the tax credits wont take long to come through for you.

hope&faith- what is this TTC you speak off? :rofl: We are going to enjoy Oliver for a year or so then see how we feel and maybe leave it another year before trying again. Want to enjoy Oliver whilst he is little.

modo- what did the dermatologist say about your rash? How annoying for you that it hasn't gone yet!

PG- that's great Chloe was good at the wedding. Did you enjoy it too?

emera- how is the expressing going? Hope your back is getting better.

bexxie- nice to see you. How are things going for you?

A3my- mean nurse, it's bad enough having to sit there whilst they stab your little baby with a sharp needles without her making it worse for you! Hope Alex was ok afterwards.

maybebaby- the beach sounds lovely. Can't believe your MIL suggested your baby needed formula! Sounds like he is doing perfectly well without. At our antenatal classes the midwife said you would get lots of people saying an assortment of reasons why you needed to supplement and she said the real reason is that they want to be able to give your baby a bottle. This does seem to ring true with some people in my life.

Jolou- Oliver has been similar sticking his hands and fingers in his mouth. I bought him one of the top ones on this website as it is light and easy for Oliver to pick up and move about. He mainly licks it but has chewed it a little:

and this one for when he is a bit better at holding things:

I do tummy time at each nappy change at home during the day (so much easier to clean his bottom if he has done a pooh!) and he has a toy he talks to/shouts at in the corner of his mat. He usually has around 5minutes (or less if he gets bored and starts to do what we have called 'angry legs' which if you don't sort out what ever it is that he wants changed into angry legs and crying). After he has had a feed he lies on his tummy on my chest and either sleeps or starts trying to launch himself off me. He has certainly found his legs over the past week and keeps bending and straightening them and pushes himself off or up everything-his change mat, me, across his cot.....

We moved Oliver to his cot and he loves it! He was looking a bit squashed in his moses basket because he likes to lie in a funny position. We had the moses basket in the cot from when he was born so that he got used to being in that place and being able to see the same things so that when we changed to the cot he could still see the same things from bed. I also put him in it during the day awake when I was in there pottering about so he could get used to it. He loves kicking his legs and banging his hands on the mattress as it bounces. He wriggles about and lies diagonally across it. Whether awake or asleep he always likes to be touching something with one of his hands or his feet. I often wake up and find him holding onto one of the bars of his cot or one of the toys on his spiral cot toy. It's so cute.

Only downside is that because he wants to push his legs against things all the time that he keeps pushing a leg through the bars and getting it stuck and he wakes us up as we can hear him getting making very annoyed noises. Don't want to put a cot bumper on there as he gets really hot so don't want to close in his sleeping area and he hates grobags. He also kicks his blankets off most nights. Any ideas how to stop him from sticking his legs through the bars?

Thank you to those of you who replied to my other thread about Oliver being out of sorts he has a snotty nose and a cough so sure he has the bad cold i had. I am pretty sure it coincided with a growth spurt as he is back to his 'normal' feeding pattern and isn't wanting to be held all the time. Have been giving him calpol and he is much happier, though going to the docs today just to get him checked as he sounds like an 80 a day smoker sleeping in his cot with all the snot that is there. Doesn't seem to bother him though-anyone seen the Little Britain, where David Walliam's character says 'computer says no' then coughs well that's what Oliver keeps doing, he even lifts his head up when he is on my chest and coughs in my face! Little monkey.

Now I have written that essay I am off to make another coffee as Oliver is having a lie in today. The past week he has slept 10:30pm until some point between 5am and 7am then after a feed and nappy change he sleeps for another 3 hours. I am so hoping that this is a permanent thing. :happydance:

Look it's my baby (the one with all the hair!):

In my new avatar picture he is lifting his head up of my chest and has lovely wide and alert eyes, but unfortunately he is doing it to watch the tv! :rofl:

For anyone who is interested here are a couple of recent pictures. The last one shows why we had to move him to his cot!


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muddles thanks for that link! i might have to purchase one of the lighter ones as we had a heavier one bought for us and he just cant get his hand around it properly to get a good grip. I certainly know what you mean about finding legs! harrison has always had very strong legs but its getting daft now lol when we try tummy time he actually looks like he is trying to crawl, i know he's not at all but its soo funny, ive said he looks a bit like a sky diver, and he has always kicked against my tummy when being changed and he has now worked out if he places his feet on the floor when laying on his back he can lift his bum up and move about... it seems i have another odd bod of a child lol last night he shot himself across the blanket a couple of inches from kicking against my leg too hard lol

well today is jab time again for harrison :( weight day for me eeeeeekkkkk im dreading that after last weekends celebrations lol, altho on the wii fit i have apparently lost 5llb.. doubt its that much tho! if anything.. i also need to try and get sophie into the docs again with this bloomin psoriasis, i was in tears last night listening to her having her cream on (mark was doing it) after her bath, the inside of her ear was itching and starting to hurt so she was in tears, i couldnt stand not being able to help like i normally can if she is in pain, then she got all upset in bed saying how she was fed up of having these spots now and that she gets left out in school because one of her best friends tells her she cant play until her spots are gone and they better be gone by the time she comes back to school.... i know the little girl is only 5 and doesnt realise what she was saying but arghhh why do kids have to be soo nasty, plus any kind of stress or worry makes it worse! so anyway i dont know what the doc can do, we still waiting for the specialist to contact us with an appointment, been over 5 weeks now and apparently it was sent off as urgent.. im tempted to ask about going private!
I bought the lighter one in Boots if you have one near you. It was either £3.99 or £4.99 there.

Glad it isn't just me that has an acrobatic baby! :lol:
Hi all well H gone down for nap altho in morning will only go off if he can go on boob for 5 mins first-not complaining as he loves it!

Muddles: Love Olivers legs in third pic they are all sqeezy and lush lol,love it when babies legs get gorgeous and chubby.

H is now 17lbs and in blinkin 6-9 months,he is going in cot this week as he is in the snug I bought from Mothercare and that is a tad bit bigger than convential moses baskets. I am wrapping it up and putting away for when my DD has babies as it is so nice it is all wicker and looks like a peanut.

Just bought a Maclaren XT in the Black and white so lovely was £165 but after using code got it for £150 and then went through topcashback and got £10 back so £140 with free delivery,werent going to mind that! It was off Mothercare

Glad all you ladies doing well but hugs to those who have been poorly and babes sniffly,I have horrendous sore throat and frightened to kiss H too much as is dangerous to pass on the throat virus.

Well what a week I had-thought I would lose weight so started the Cmabridge diet,well never ever again! It was three shakes a day,you basically get your body in to Ketosis (fat burning state) so it eats its own carbs therefore burning fat at rate of 7lbs a weel,well ill.........OMG was dreadful,I felt faint,dizzy and the taste in my mouth yuck....would rather look on the big side,was so miserable and then when I read that you can pass Ketones through breast milk I stopped it immediately and had something to eat.

I am going to start with Slimming World,I hate Weightwatchers so maybe give this ago but I never want to feel like I did this week.

Well H is now snoring so I am going to start my ironing before it gets too hot!

Love to you all
Bexxie OMG that diet sounds awful! Slimming World is a good way to go as you can eat so much food and it's really healthy too as you have lots of fruit and vegetables. Good luck!

Yeah Oliver has little chubby legs, I love them!
Daisy loves being on her tummy, she looks like she's trying to swim away :lol:
I neeeed to sort out this co sleeping thing, she's started waking up at midnight EVERY night and then 1, 2 etc etc. It gets to 4ish and I get so sick of it that I put her on my bed and she sleeps til 9ish then :wacko: I think she's just too big for her Moses basket.. I hope that's it anyway :shrug:
I want to do the Cambridge diet, I've heard really good things but it doesn't sound much fun! SW is good, I feel like I'm eating too much :lol:
Good luck for your weigh in and Harrison's jabs Jo :kiss:
Muddles, Oliver is just gorgeous :cloud9:
For anyone who isn't on my FB, I have to share- Daisy is 15lbs 3oz!!!

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