Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Hi Girls,

Sorry I haven't been around much been really busy with my Mother. I hope you are all going well.

Katie: Really good to hear that things are improving. I really hope that Vinny continues doing well and treats you and Daisy like gold.

Muddles: Congratulations on Oliver's Christening.

Emera: Roh is beautiful!

Bobby shocked me by sleeping through the night on Sunday but he hasn't done it again since.

Harrison had is 12 week injections today! thank god because i didnt fancy having to take him again next week, id quite like a wednesday where there is no rushing around lol that surgery must think im some sort of hypochondriac with my kids, i was there again this morning with sophie and her psoriasis and again this afternoon with mr moo for his jabs lol the same thing last week! harrison was weighed again and is now 13llb 14oz, he has put on 11oz in 1 week! thats with him spitting up milk with every feed too which i told the HV about, she said she isnt overly concerned because he has gained all that weight, she is putting the spitting up down to his teeth coming through, i have to keep an eye out tho because of marks crohns, dairy and wheat allergy and with my IBS which is brought on by too much dairy.. poor kid lol harrison is now snoring in his car seat, i feel bad leaving him in it but i think he is probably needing the sleep since he hasnt slept much today.

as for sophie, the dr was amazed by her face, he said he was really distressed last week after seeing how bad it was and expects me to have a appointment through from the specialist this week after he has pushed them (been waiting 2 months and it was down as urgent..imagine what non-urgent is) i told him i didnt use the cream he gave us on her face as she was crying it itched and hurt, he asked what do i think helped with her face and i mentioned the milk and how i swapped her to soya last tuesday and since then its been getting better, he doubts it was the milk but he said it may have been... i have to take her back in 2 weeks so might mention refering us to the dietician just incase, i dont want her missing out on milk etc if she doesnt need to.

as for me! it was my weight in and only lost 1/2 llb but hey its half a pound off and not on, im putting it down to the weekend before last when it was birthday celebrations lol.. 1 1/2llb to go and its a stone!
sarah glad oliver is still sleeping well, every night I have everything crossed Will will go back to how he was!

The dream bags are lush, I only have one 0.5 tog, I have been washing it and he has been wearing it every night, with just a vest, he seems to like them. I put him in it for his last feed and leave the bottom zip undone until he goes to bed.

jolou hope the milk is the problem for you so you know it can be easily treated xx
Awww you guys are so much better at keeping in touch than me :rofl:

Will go through the last few pages but first a brief update:

OH is working as an extra on a TV series (good fun)
I am on Mat leave
Little Miss L (Insomnibaby) is 2 mos old as of yesterday and has a huge amount of dark brown hair that sticks straight up, brown skin and blue eyes
Insomnitoddler has had an ear infection and we didn't even know it. The only clue was that he started to lose certain consonant sounds. So he's on antibiotics and will be watched carefully from now on. Also: no more bottle. He DOES NOT LIKE. eh well.
Insomnikid is doing well with numbers and reading, and I'm hopeful he'll go into second grade further ahead than when he left first grade.

Anyway, off to see what you've all been up to. :hugs:

harrison has a cold :( he has obviously caught it from me and sophie the poor thing! he struggled last night breathing at one point he was breathing through his mouth but he never does usually, he tends to sleep with mouth tight shut, he is currently sleeping again after waking up around 6ish i think, (i was dosing at that point!), he fell asleep last night around 7:30, i had to change his nappy and feed him whilst he was just dosing, never had to do that before, felt so bad for him as he just didnt look himself, i guess thats part the injections too, il be giving him some calpol when he wakes i think
jo - hope harrison is on the mend soon!

insomnimama - erin had fluid on her left lung earlier this week but we didnt realise she was that poorly as all she had was a runny nose and a bit of a cough! she was still running around like a mad thing. kids are resilient! hope insomnitoddler is better soon!

sarah - glad that oliver is still sleeping well :yipee:

the kids seem to be better from the virus but i seem to be worse. have an awful cough and my throat is no better. will leave it till after the weekend and if there is no improvement i will go back to see the dr next week when i take erin to make sure that her lungs are clear. i also have an appointment to take dylan to the dr to check on his foreskin as it was pretty tight and he was getting infections. it seems better now but need the ok form the dr that he doesnt need a circumcision.

completely off topic. i need a new mbile phone. any ideas on a good one?
L-C - we have 2 welsh springer spaniels. One is 10 and one is 2. The 2 year old is still giddy as a kipper but the 10 yr old is really slowing down now.

Sorry to hear so many of your LOs are under the weather at the mo. Hope they are all better soon.

Took Che to be weighed yesterday and he is now a whopping 15lb 15oz!! 98th percentile. My arms are more toned than they have ever been - who needs a gym!

Off to see my god son today to take him out for his 10th birthday.

We are having 2 bbqs at the weekend - the first is for the NCT class as all their babies - so 7couples and their babies! And then afterwards we are having another to kind of wet Che's head. Think there are about 35 coming to that one plus kids!

Here is a little collage of Che faces my MIL put together!


  • Faces of Che 28 July 2010.jpg
    Faces of Che 28 July 2010.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 5
che is so cute! and what a good weight! owen was on 91st centile at 8wks. cant wait to see how much he weighs now but have to wait til his12wk appointment to find out so still a couple of weeks to go!
im also needing a new phone soon, im hoping for the htc desire, mark has the htc hero and i like that one but i hear the desire is better ;)

how cute is che!!
Daisy has completely lost her ability to sleep at night. I put her down at 10.30, she wakes us at 3.30 and then 4.30, 5.30, 6.30 and at 7.30 I get bored and take her downstairs. It's killing me, she wasn't even like this as a newborn- she's always gone 5 hours, and 7/8 since she was about 4 weeks old. She doesn't have a night feed and doesn't cry for one and I really don't want to offer it unless she needs it, which she doesn't seem to.. It's been nearly 2 weeks now! Any ideas ladies? :(
im also needing a new phone soon, im hoping for the htc desire, mark has the htc hero and i like that one but i hear the desire is better ;) QUOTE]

have been thinking about that one too!
Daisy has completely lost her ability to sleep at night. I put her down at 10.30, she wakes us at 3.30 and then 4.30, 5.30, 6.30 and at 7.30 I get bored and take her downstairs. It's killing me, she wasn't even like this as a newborn- she's always gone 5 hours, and 7/8 since she was about 4 weeks old. She doesn't have a night feed and doesn't cry for one and I really don't want to offer it unless she needs it, which she doesn't seem to.. It's been nearly 2 weeks now! Any ideas ladies? :(

teething maybe?
Wow ladies have you seen the new April sweetpea thread in first tri!! cant believe that was some of us last year!

Maybebaby3 - Get well soon! :hugs:

Sarah - Glad Oliver is sleeping well :)

Jo - Poor Harrison, hope he's feeling better soon! :hugs:

Insomnimama - Glad you're well, hope insomnitoddler is on the mend! :hugs:

CG - Great weight Che, and how adorable is he! :flower:

Katie - Do you swaddle Daisy? Roh wakes up alot less when i swaddle him (so all the time now) these days i use a sleeping bag and just pin a muslin round his arms, possibly that could help if she's waking herself up, i know my SIL only started swaddling my neice at about 2-3 months when she suddenly started doing the same as Daisy. Maybe you could up her last feed, or do 2 feeds closer together before bedtime, that might keep her settled longer? Also does she sleep with a dummy? I find if Roh wakes in the night i can put his dummy back in and he goes straight back off. Has she had a growth spurt, it could be that she had one and didn't go back to her normal pattern yet? I can't really think of anything else with my limited experience of one baby.. :hugs:

Hope i haven't missed anything :blush:

We had an eventful day, Roh has suddenly started rolling, he rolled from tummy to back about 10 times, and once from his back onto his tummy! Both ways in one day :wacko: Seems tummy time is no more, as each time i put him back he just rolled over again :haha: he seemed to find it pretty amusing, and did his first proper chuckle too :flower: He's now sleeping soundly, and i'm not suprised with all that progress all at once, he must be knackered :haha: Oh and also he has a little sharp bit on his gum, i think its the edge of a tooth coming through! Phew, he's changing so quick i can barely keep up :D

:hugs: to you all

katie - will does the same, with him it'ws wind, he's really loud from down below!

Swimming was a huge success, Will loved it. We were in there about 20 minutes and his face went in and he didn't mind at all... phew

The night before last we had a better night but back to his new unsettled pattern last night uh. everything crossed for tonight.

Have a nice day x
ooh swimming sounds nice LC! i should find out if they do any sessions at the pool here. owen likes his paddling pool at the beach but i dont fill it with sea water as he's still young, i lug bottles of tap water with me!

dylan went to the dr's today and he has an infection in his nose going down to his throat so he has some special ointment to stick up his nose 4 times a day! no beach for us this weekend! i think all these infections come from the pools at the beach (they are filled with sea water) as the kids are in there all the time. now i have to think of something to do over the weekend. OH is away on a selection weekend for the police force. fingers crossed he'll get in and then our job stress will be a thing of the past!
Emera - great about Rohan rolling, they are all growing up fast! Che can get himself onto his side now so don't think he will be long till he can flip onto his front!

Maybebaby - hope Dylan is better soon poor love!

L-C - the swimming sounds fab. I am going to try and take Che next week if I can get up the nerve!

Katie - sorry to her Daisy is not sleeping well. It must be very frustrating after she was doing so well. Maybe it is teething? Or maybe she needs a slightly larger feed before bed?? When Che wakes after the main bulk of sleep in the night he tend to then wake every hour after that till we get back and it is knackering.

Well DH is back to playing silly beggars again (have been trying to give you ladies a rest from my moaning!) He did quite well on holiday, I had to ask him to cover 2 night shifts (I was hoping he would volunteer but no such luck) and by then Che was sleeping much better so that was not such the chore it could have been.
However last night I put Che in his rocker whilst we had dinner. DH finished his dinner and was messing on the laptop and Che started grizzling so I asked if he could pick him up. A couple of minutes later Che started proper screaming and if DH cannot calm him after literally 2 minutes he gives up and says he can't do it.

I tried to give him some advice ie see if nappy needs changing, try holding him close with dummy etc. But Che was not having it and DH was saying my advice was crap as it was not working - it is only what I go through when he is crying as sometimes you just don't know what it is do you?! And DH told me to 'just hurry up and finish your dinner so you can take him' he put Che down on his change mat and left him there which when he is really upset will not help. I ended up leaving the rest of my dinner as could not bear to leave him crying basically Che was overtired so I held him close shushing him and he fell straight asleep for 2hours!!

When Che is giddy my DH adores him and loves trying to make him smile etc but when Che is upset he just has no tolerance at all. I mean obviously it is all much easier when LOs are in a good mood but they are just not happy 24hours a day and we have to take the good with the bad.

When I used to come on here and moan about DH I used to be so angry about it all but now I am just terribly disappointed about it all. It is not just the not helping me out anymore it is about his relationship with Che and how he only wants to be around him when he is happy and that is not realistic.

I know I need to talk to him again about it all but it all just results in an argument about who does the most work etc for some reason and I can't be bothered going through it all again. It's not even that I feel I can't do all the work with Che it is more than my dream of 'my family' is non existent :cry:
CG - :hugs: men just dont get it! my DH cant deal with owen crying either and just hands him to me. have given up! he has far more interaction with the older two. i dont think he likes the baby stage. maybe your DH will be more hands on as che grows up. i know it is annoying but just try to enjoy che and hopefully all this will pass. my DH just says that owen wants me but i really believe if he tried the things i do (like you described in your post) then he'd get results too. men are too impatient. maybe looking after young babies is just something we women do better :shrug: sorry i cant give very good advice!
Katie: Sorry Daisy is keeping you up :( I can't think of anything else that has not been suggested already but :hugs: anyway.

LC: The swimming sounds great! We are hoping to go to Malta in September so I am def going to look into baby swimming classes. Is it Water Babies you are going to?

CG: :hugs: I do 90 percent of looking after Bobby and DH seems to do the fun parts. I dpn't get annoyed with him though as he more than pulls his weight with other things around the house. Does your OH do other things that make life easier? Maybe you can ask him to do that?

Emera: that great that Roh rolled over. Bobby has no interest and just hates tummy time :( Maybe I need a batter mat? What do you do to make tummy time enjoyable?

Baybebel: I know how you feel! Last year around this time we were about to start TTC!

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